the terminal
Chatterbox: Inkwell
the terminal
the terminal
okay introductions first off. this is like a text adventure kind of. if you dont know what that is celineburningbright explains it here:
sidenote: celine im so sorry i promise im not stealing your idea please ive had this idea for a while im begging you i plan to contribute to your thing youre a good writer im not a plagarist officer please.
other sidenote: everybody please do celines thing too
anyway ive always wanted to do something thats kind of like a text adventure because there was a game i played when i was knee high to a grasshopper. (please assist me in bringing that saying back into common usage) and anyway the game was a text adventure and it was real cool. ive tried making text adventure type things before but they all failed. failed ideas freak me out, i feel personally guilty about their demise.
okay im getting off topic, which is a skill of mine. this is set in the same universe as everything i write, because thats the kind of perso i am. it will include: supernatural stuff. weird bit characters. elements of mystery. nightmare sequences. distinct stylistic choices by yours truly.
and most of all, it will involve you, reader. for through the terminal, you will be able to support the character you have been given control of. dont let the power get to your head. possible suggestions for actions will be provided, if you ask for them.
ill post the first turn after this post shows up. feel free to ask questions, ill answer them if i decide that i want to.
(August 24, 2023 - 9:47 pm)
YES WE'RE BACK!!! Also NOO SAMM!! Also NOO (again) CHP 2 OF ACT 2 END!! Also srsly this whole story is AMAZING it's so well thought out and I love all the characters and the humor and it's like idk spitting in the face of like typical hero stories or whatever... I just love this so much this is amazing. I cannot say this enough this is... amazing.
And Emerald Springs too I remember there was like some weird storm some time ago...? Wonder what that was about...
(June 22, 2024 - 12:17 am)
i guess i am a little prone to hyperbolic language, so you probably have a point in that ive said stuff that could be interpreted as wanting to spit in the face of the chosen one narrative, but it's honestly just affectionate mockery. there's something compelling about the idea of the chosen one, that's why it's a cliche. but... it's honestly fun to write. making fun of the things you love is half the fun of writing! that's the Lord Entropy way.
(June 22, 2024 - 9:49 am)
Mm, got it! Yeah, I think you said something about like messing around with tropes or smth or other. And it's fun to read, so yes please keep doing what you're doing!! Thank you for correcting me!
Feiya says MRCHN. Mr. Chen? Hmm...
(June 22, 2024 - 2:05 pm)
sorry if it came off as me trying to correct you, it was really just me trying to make clear that all my wrath toward these tropes is mostly a bit i do. my brain is rotting, so i have trouble making things sound right.
(June 22, 2024 - 4:52 pm)
Oh, yeah, it's fine. It wasn't you, I just tend to assume ppl are correcting me all the time idk... :) but yeah
(June 22, 2024 - 7:25 pm)
Your name is Tracy Peixoto, and you can't move.
You're awake, and something inside tells you you've done it, somehow. Awakened, that is. You're an ASCENDANT HERMIT now. Great. Peachy keen, really. Only you can't move. You're laying on the tile laden floor of the altar room in which this foolishness began. You stare through bleary eyes at the room. The Oracle is nowhere to be found, but Sketch is there, sitting in a chair, so still he almost looks like some bitter faced gargoyle. Alice is in the corner, along with Antimony and Sam. The first two seem to be nervously fussing over him. Bandaging his left eye, it seems. You cannot turn your head.
Your head is at an angle, and you cannot look at your left arm, yet even in this vague, transitory state, you are aware of the fact that it hurts, and that this pain is the worst you've yet to experience. You remember the cold hands that gripped it, and what you were told. "There will be a price." You wish you could turn to look at your arm.
You close your eyes, and stay that way for a while.
When you open them, Sam has placed you upright, in a chair. He starts yapping, and you nod along without really listening. You look down at your left arm and find that it's been inexpertly bandaged. Sam hugs you, and you hug back with your right arm. He leans back awkwardly, and you notice he's wearing an eyepatch under his shades. He's still talking, now about how happy he feels, how completely changed he's been, how Awakening has made him feel whole, and he had always been missing something before. You agree, because he's so happy.
And you don't know how to tell him that all you feel is empty and tired. In ways you haven't felt since freshman year, back when you still answered to Trevor and felt like a gross sack of shambling meat. But this isn't dysphoria, it's Creation Itself, groaning. It's you, harmonizing with that agony-filled sound. And what you're really scared of is that this is your ultimate self. That this is what you deserve.
And now Antimony is rolling up to the two of you, saying she's glad you woke up, because Wren has been calling pretty frequently, and they're apparently in trouble. And you say you're happy to help.
The car is driving now, at high speed toward Dogman High, where a school dance has apparently gone wrong in unexpected ways. It's getting dark, and the windows are down. It's only the beginning of October, but it feels like this school year has stretched on for, like, eleven months. Which is ridiculous. You have the feeling that it's going to be a long night.
Select a character! Your options are:
(June 22, 2024 - 1:15 pm)
okay, since i cannot proceed without a character being selected, i will yap at you for a second. between the first and the fifteenth, ill be with my grandparents again. starting on the first, we will do something new. a character AMA (Ask Me Anything) will be open, you can send in questions to the characters and they'll respond! it could be fun, and it'll give lil ol me something to do beyond crying about how weird things have gotten! start thinking about questions, parts will continue as normal until then.
select a character o_o
(June 23, 2024 - 8:56 pm)
Wren :)
Question, if each character were stranded on the Beach, what would they do?
(June 23, 2024 - 11:47 pm)
You try to be Wren, but first the narrative has to be in a place where that can happen!
Begrudgingly, the Wheel of time turns in a direction it is less suited to. Hours pass in reverse. You are hours in the past, but not many. Of course , a certain running gag forces us to acknowledge that Wren is not aware of this, and that from her perspective, she has always been her, tethered to the moment in which she is existing.
Your name is Wren Hawthorne, and at the current moment, you are in the parking lot outside your school. You can hear the obnoxious wubbing of a radio edit of the club remix of some top 40s pop song coming from the gymnasium. You are wearing a blue dress, a light blue, like those weird blue eggs. Alex has a loose, saggy brown overcoat, and he's slouching in the corner. Diana has a bright green suit, and it looks terrible, and she's wearing it without a hint of irony. She is the most beautiful girl in the world.
You've sent a picture and text to Sam (poor guy) saying you're at the dance, and that you're glad Tracy came by to hang out with him. You've also texted Antimony, to apologize for, y'know, kinda ditching her. Out of necessity, yes, since it could be difficult to explain the clone of your girlfriend, who is also your second girlfriend, and given the allegiances of Sam's dad, and that Janitor, there could very well be a cult or something after you, but it still sucks eggs to have to ditch her. You're glad she's so friggin understanding.
Alice: You kids ready for the overbearing mom to leave?
You forgot Alice was here. She drove you.
YOU: Thank you for driving us, Aunt Alice.
Diana: Yes, thank you , Ms Hawthorne.
Alice: ... Please stop calling me that, Diana.
Diana: I am trying, but it goes against everything I have ever known.
Alice laughs a little, before realizing Diana wasn't really joking.
Alice: It's alright, Diana. I'm just messing around. Look you kids have a fun time. Do the stuff teenagers do, minus anything illegal. I'll be back around ten-thirty.
She heads back into the car, and drives away.
You know for a fact that about twice as many kids will be at this party than the amount that actually goes to school. They have their priorities in order, you guess. You also know for a fact that a lot of the partying is probably going to happen in the woods behind the school.
Do you head:
>To the gymnasium
>To the woods
(June 24, 2024 - 2:11 pm)
Gymnasium why would you go into the woods again? :D
(June 24, 2024 - 3:26 pm)
You decide to head into the gymnasium. The music is grating, but the woods are full of Eldritch Beings, and also the kind of people who hang out back there kind of freak you out. Like Cameron. Or Chris. Bad idea in general, probably.
YOU: You guys ready for a fun school formal adventure, I guess?
Diana: You know I am!
Alex: Yeah, okay. One question. I saw a flyer, and it said the theme was "The slow decay of fragile summer into the spiraling cold of the autumnal season," and, um, what?
Diana: It is October, Alex.
Alex: Okay.
YOU: I think Margaret was on the events committee with student council this year. Probably her idea.
Alex: ... Dude, you say that like I should know who that is.
YOU: She's kinda goth, I don't know.
You walk into the school, right into the commons. The music is even louder in here. Someone else with student council is taking tickets at the front. A freshman with glasses. Simon...? Maybe? You don't know. Mercifully, he barely acknowledges you. He take the three tickets, punches holes in them, and throws them away.
You enter the gym. Staff and parent chaperones hang around awkwardly. They have the same DJ as always, and some kids are awkwardly thrashing around, or dancing, you guess. You scan the room for people who you're friendly with. There are a few, but not to many. You haven't had that many friends since the eighth grade, which, spoiler, corresponded pretty neatly with a certain important development in your life. You don't care that much. Anyone who would ditch you over you being your actual self doesn't feel like a friend worth having. You know who your real friends are, and they've know you were a chick since you were about ten.
Nonetheless, You see Margaret, Kevin Lee, and also that kid in the bunny ear hat. That last one isn't a guy you really know, but he seems cool. There's also that kid Casey, and their friend Cudgel. They usually hang out with Zeppo and Maccabee, but something tells you the other two are in the woods. Casey seems cool, but they're a senior, and they intimidate you the way everyone you think is cool intimidates you.
Over by the line to get pizza, you see Will and Bill. Will looks absolutely disheveled, pale, and like maybe he hasn't slept in a while. Bill looks fine. You cringe a little, realizing that them both being here means...
Yep Ryan's here. He totally sees you.
He's totally getting out of line to come talk to you.
What do you do?
(June 24, 2024 - 10:49 pm)
:DDD Casey and Cudgel and Zeppo and Maccabee!!! And on reread I think we know the kid with the bunny ears too... uh is that whoever rides around on a scooter?? Idk.
let him come, Ig. There's not much point in avoidance that I can see. I think we still have to talk to him... :/
(June 25, 2024 - 12:40 am)
You decide there probably isn't any way to avoid the imminent interaction. Alex and Diana notice him walking over too, and you let out a collective sigh, in solidarity. You take a closer look at Alex. He's seemed a little weird recently. Like he's distracted. Really, you can't blame him. This year has been insane, and it's only been, like, two months since you first went out into the woods. You're not sure you can handle things being like this all the time. Ryan's made his way over now. You wait expectantly. He doesn't say anything.
YOU: Well?!
Ryan: ... What?
Diana: Why did you come over here and make us have to look at you?
Ryan: Okay, harsh.
Alex: No, dude, you're a weirdo. You're, like, roleplaying an eighties movie bully. And you even have cronies. There names rhyme, and one of them communicates exclusively in grunts. You're playing cliche bingo, and winning.
Will: Hey, SCREW YOU, "MAN!"
You get a better look at Will, and he looks insane. He's pale, and sweating profusely. He looks really tired.
Will: We aren't cronies! We have personal lives! I'm an avid member of the Island County ttrpg Club! And Bill is nonverbal, you condescending FREAK!
Alex: Oh, sorry, man.
Will: Both our names happen to be William! I think a distinction was important! I... Guhhhh...
Ryan rolls his eyes.
Ryan: He's waiting for his medication. So he's a little high-strung.
Diana: That sucks, Will. Look, Wren, looking at Ryan makes me want to cry and throw up, so is it okay if I go with Will to get pizza? Food could help.
YOU: Nooo, don't leave me here...
Diana: Wren, I am literally going to bite him, I am sorry, it is the only way.
YOU: So sad. Okay, get me pepperoni.
She leaves, leading a shaking Will, and flanked by a nonplussed Bill.
YOU: Okay. What?
Ryan: ... Where are the other members of your social clump?
YOU: Quit stalling! And Sam got in a fight with his dad, so Tracy is with him.
Ryan: Oh, that's rough.
YOU: Stop pretending to be a human being and tell me what you want! We're not friends, we don't hang out or shoot the proverbial breeze! Act normal, punch me in the stomach or something!
Ryan: Dude, I only did that before I knew you were a chick! And it was... I dunno, I liked you, you know?
YOU: Okay, you're a real feminist ally, Ryan. I should have known when you were perpetually terrorizing me that you were repressing your secret love for me. "My bad."
Ryan: Look, okay, I was a crappy person, and I continue to be, yes, but I am going to try to make it up to you, okay?! Can I try to do that without being yelled at?
YOU: Nobody's yelling, Ryan. We are having a perfectly civil conversation.
Alex: It...uh... Really doesn't feel like I should be here, so?
YOU: Don't you dare ditch me, Alex.
Alex: Okay, I'll just... Put my earbuds in, I guess. :/
Ryan: Look. I've been thinking about the prophecy. And, even though I viscerally dislike everyone in your social circle...
YOU: You're doing a great job currying my favor. Keep that up, we'll be pals in no time.
Ryan: Look, I'll help you, and be part of your stupid adventuring party, okay? I owe that to you, I don't care about that other stuff, but I owe you some basic decency, I guess. Take it or leave it!
Wow. He's managed to turn asking for forgiveness into an aggressive action. Props to his dedication.
Do you take it or leave it?
(June 25, 2024 - 3:12 pm)
Take it :)
(June 26, 2024 - 12:53 am)
You decide to be the bigger person (which shouldn't be hard, you're pretty tall) and give Ryan the opportunity to change. You guess.
YOU: Okay, yeah, you're in. I mean, I'll see how everyone else feels, but I think it's mostly me and Diana who would care.
Ryan: Oh yeah... Diana... Uh...
YOU: You're not scared of her, are you?
Ryan: No.
YOU: Wow, you totally are. She's like, five feet tall, dude.
Ryan: She has actually bitten me before, so sue me if I happen to be a little wary!
YOU: Pfft, yeah, maybe in the sixth grade.
Ryan: I think it was more recent than that.
YOU: You probably deserved it.
Diana is returning to you, with Will, who is eating three slices of pizza stacked on top of each other, and Bill.
Ryan: So what exactly do we... Do?
YOU: Honestly it's a little embarrassing, but we haven't exactly been... Proactive? Things sort of happen to us, with or without our consent. But, uh, currently it turns out that there's, like, a cult of authority figures in cahoots with the evil god thing.
Alex: It's kind of hard to imagine Apophis being in cahoots with anyone, given his, ah, antisocial tendencies.
YOU: Yeahhh.... Look, just enjoy the dance, and we'll meet at the empty classroom hideout on Monday. Figure out our next steps.
Diana: I am going to be the bigger person and not bite you, Ryan. But if you put the proverbial moves on Wren, you are dead.
Ryan: Uhh... Okay?
Alex is looking intently at a person on the other end of the gymnasium.
Alex: Hey, guys, is that Sam's dad? As, like, a parent chaperone?
You take a look. It totally is.
What do you do?
(June 26, 2024 - 2:51 pm)