Stuffed animal stories

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Stuffed animal stories

Stuffed animal stories

So, I was going through Inkwell's history (as I often do), and on p40-something, I found this: and thought it might be fun if ppl wrote stories about their stuffed animals (and yes, I still love my stuffies)? Which, even if you guys don't want to, I'm gonna use this thread, so I would also appreciate any feedback (or constructive criticism) pls! Anyways, I've been wanting to develop my stuffed animals more, and plus I have So. Many. So yeah. Ig I'll introduce a few rn (and maybe stuffed animals/just toys in general could interact?? Or be introduced? Idk):

Libby: a giant penguin with peppered feathers and a blue and yellow scarf. Intelligent, lively, and motherly, always very cheery, tho I may change that.

Gemma: German shepherd puppy. Shy, trusting, rly sweet, in awe.

Izzy/Isabella: tiger cub with very messy/unruly fur. Playful, energetic, gets tired easily.

And I'll be back! 

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age As Needed, The FireMist Sea
(August 19, 2023 - 4:11 pm)

I guess I should introduce a little adventure with them~


Whitney (she/her)

Butter (he/him)

Storm (she/her)

Soup (he/him)

Potato (he/him)

Pingu (she/her)

Luna (she/her)

Creampuff (he/him)


Whitney: Hey, Butter, why are you always reading a book whenever I see you?

Butter: (smiling) Well, it's calming, and it's a hobby. Just like you love exploring the outdoors.

Storm: (tilts her head) Sounds interesting, I guess. I just prefer going outdoors as well. I don't know how you can stay cramped inside.

Butter: And I don't get how you guys don't want to stay inside during the rain. I mean, you're just getting wet outside!

Creampuff: What do you mean? What's wrong with the rain? They create puddles!

Butter: (slightly disgusted) Puddles?

Storm: (nods in agreement) Course. It's the fun part about the rain.

Luna: (excited) And that means water! I love water!

Pingu: (irritated) That's like the only thing you get excited about.

Whitney: What's wrong with that, anyways? Everyone likes certain things.

Pingu: (shrugs) Whatever, Whitney.

Soup: (looking interested) What's going on here? Some drama, eh?

Potato: I'm not that bothered to know, by the way. Just Soup.

Soup: Come on, I know you do. So tell us, what's going on?

Pingu: (defensively) Nothing. None of your business. Just some petty squabbles about rain.

Soup: Rain! Rain means water, and water's awesome!

Luna: Exactly!

Pingu: Ugh, Soup, you're just like Luna.

Storm: Stop. We should settle this once and for all with a vote: Is rain good or bad?

Creampuff: (nods) How smart. Let's each say our vote. I say good.

Luna: Good.

Soup: Good.

Whitney: Good.

Pingu: Bad.

Butter: Bad.

(This goes on until it's quite clear that most of them voted good.)

Pingu: Ugh. Of course.

Soup: Ha! Looks like majority has spoken: Rain is good.

Storm: (reasonably) Let's just say that we have our differences, and that rain can be both good and bad.

Luna: Hm-m. I guess so.

Creampuff: We can settle on that.

Butter: Yep, I agree.

(Everyone says that they agree, and after that, they all go out to play together, whether they like rain or not.) 


Twilight says <teiwn>. Taiwan? 

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunaryears, A Celestial Sky
(August 24, 2023 - 7:22 pm)

Woohoo! I love this! The dialogue flows and seems so natural, the dialogue is why I took a break from my book, but you do it amazingly! And, I'm going to Tai Wan soon! So excited!! Maybe Twilight knows?

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age As Needed, The FireMist Sea
(August 24, 2023 - 9:27 pm)

:D thanks! 

And it does seem like Twilight knows about it somehow...maybe through some secret communication between the CAPTCHAs? Twilight replies with <ifofv>...

Also, hope you have fun in Taiwan! Very awesome place, just a bit hot in the summer.

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunaryears, A Celestial Sky
(August 25, 2023 - 9:43 pm)
submitted by top
(August 31, 2023 - 9:00 pm)
submitted by CelineTopping Bright, age Top pls!, UnsTOPpable TOPctapus
(September 1, 2023 - 1:18 am)

All right, now actually:


(And with no edits so it's hopefully actually kinda improv)

The lights are dimmed and the atmosphere in the theater is anticipatory. There is a stage at the center with red curtains drawn. Slowly, the curtains open. Patricia steps onto the stage. She begins speaking with a script in her paws.
Ahem. Today, we, the Amazingly-Stupendous-Awesomest-Ever Theater (yes, that is the real name), brings to you our very first.... STUFFED ANIMAL IMPROV!!! *thunderous applause* First,  a word from our director, who is, umm, me. *shuffles papers around* Our actors have put in lots of time and effort, have worked hard throughout 2 whole weeks, have studied the art and methods of improv, just so we can put on a good show for you all. We ask you to please remain respectful during the show. Silence all your devices, and remain silent. Direct your full attention to the cast on stage. Remember, this is improv, if someone makes a fool out of themselves, that’s what we’re here for! We don’t tolerate any booing or negative comments, if you do, you will be thrown out of the theater immediately. Snacks are to the left and bathrooms are to the right. So now, sit back and enjoy the show, folks, you’re in for a treat!
Patricia exits to stage left. The audience waits. Frantic whispers can be heard from stage right. Gemma is pushed out onto the stage. She looks at the audience nervously. 

Uhh. Hello. Everyone. I am, uhh… 
She looks back to stage right.
What am I doing again?
The audience shifts nervously. Faint whispers can be heard.
Oh. That’s right. Improv. All right.
Gemma turns to the audience again. She appears to have assumed a more confident pose, with her head held high and eyes straight.
What a beautiful summer day today is! Surely nothing can go wrong on such a day like this!
Izzy runs onto the stage frantically, making pah pah pah pah sounds.
Oh no! It’s raining suddenly! The sky just opened up and started POURING!!
Gemma appears distraught.
What do we DO?!
There is a moment of silence. Stephanie suddenly emerges from backstage. She is wearing some sort of towel on her back.
Stand back, citizens! It is I, Super Pig! I will protect you guys from the rain!
She takes the towel off her back and drapes it over the two shivering animals.
My Cape of Invincibility will protect you! 
Izzy and Gemma are now happy.
Silence… someone coughs. Stephanie looks at the audience, then the cape, back at the audience.
Well, now that the problem has been solved, I shall fly away to stop some more evil! Super Pig, out!!
She makes a hasty retreat off the stage. Izzy and Gemma are left underneath the towel. No one appears to know what to do now. Izzy suddenly throws the towel off of her.
I am climbing a tree!!
Makes what seems to be tree climbing motions.
Gemma, looking at her
You are weird.
Izzy smiles. 
Yes, I am!! YEEhaWWW!!!
She runs across the stage, making twirling motions with her paw.

Gemma, enthusiastically.
Go get ‘em, cowtiger!!
Someone in the audience can be heard saying “wait… so is she a cow or a tiger?” The response, “didn’t you hear? A cowtiger!” First person: “ohhh”
Welp, this is horrible and incomplete but I’m just gonna post! Feiya says FIZZN...
submitted by CelineDoingImprov, age Butlikeit, IveActalyNverRlyDoneImpro
(September 1, 2023 - 1:21 am)

Let me tell you my stuffed animals too:

Oatmeal~ White teddy bear. I have had her since I was 2 (I named her after my favorite breakfast) Is the leader of my stuffed animal empire.

Nico and Miko~ AXOLOTLS. I won Miko at the afir, and Nico I just.... have. (Nico might be a demon overlord.)

Peppermint~ A pink-camo dog that originally had floppy ears till I broke the strings. (ALL HAIL THE POINTY GIANT EARS!!!!!)

Nameless tiger~ SHe is pink. I lost her when I was 5. Found her. She is suprisingly still soft and fluffy.

And finally:

Toothless and Brightness~ My own personal HTTYD plushies. 

submitted by Ayles C., age 12, Colorado
(September 2, 2023 - 2:33 pm)

I forgot a few things;

Brightness is not the original. The original got chewed up by our dog (R.I.P. Original)

Moonwatcher~ WALF. She is named after a WoF character. She is from South Dakota. (No I didn't choose were she was born. I bought her in South Dakota) 

submitted by Ayles C., age 12, Colorado
(September 2, 2023 - 2:38 pm)

Cool stuffies! Which reminds me, my history teacher was telling us about how when he was 10 years old he built a stuffed animal parliament and would line them all up in the basement and have them vote for who was to be leader (and of course Pammie won, he said, because Pammie was the best), and that just goes to show you what kind of a kid he was that now teaches politics and history! :)

Btw, everyone feel free to join in on the improv also! 

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age She/they(?, The FireMist Sea
(September 3, 2023 - 11:20 am)

Ok, let's do some more!

Owen- pure white seal with big black eyes and nose. He/him. Unsure, caring, loving, hopeful, playful, practical.

Matilda but I call her Mattie- gray white and black woven kinda bear, purple shirt, she/her, bookworm, inquisitive, open.

Isabelle- panda with fancy pink and gold embroidered shirt. She/her. Open adventurous caring fancy extravagant innocent gets amazed easily.

Anabelle- brown bear with white shirt. She/her. Homey practical calm patient a bit sad quiet.

Blackie- pure black bear with turquoise shirt. Idk.. they/them? I think so. Artistic caring gentle settles conflicts.

Mama bear and Baba bear- Isabelle's parents, pandas. Just Mama bear and Baba bear? Maybe she/her, he/him. Idk. Never really thought of it. Mama bear has a red heart necklace. Gentle patient always just kinda there in the background. 

Dot and Mika- a ladybug, she/her, adventurous awestruck playful, and a red sorgen fresser (worry monster), always willing to help open optimistic sees the bigger picture. Connected by a keychain.

Tweetie- red headed and breasted robin with brown beak, black eyes, and dark brown light brown striped everything else. She/her. I've had her since forever and she's still tweeting! When you press down on her back she goes twee-twee-twee-twee-twee-twee, twee-twee-twee-twee-twee-twee, I just did it. It's awesome. Kind simple inquisitive homey warm cheerful.

Strawberry Rasberry Cheesecake- cream yellow bear with pink bow tie and lettering on belly. Never really thought about pronouns. Genderfluid I think now that I'm thinking. Kind friendly nothing really special (not in an offensive way).

Bubbles- pink baby Sea turtle with big green eyes and light pink bubbles on back. She/her. Cheerful adventurous inquisitive innocent.

Sea Turtle Love- beautiful dark green sea turtle with white trim and ancient (in an experienced sense) dark eyes. She/her. Motherly warm gentle can hold grudges (no really, I've been calling her Sea Turtle Love since quite literally forever and it fits her and I never quite realized that it means, like, Sea Turtle Love, until like last year or the year before, it's always just been her name. At the time I realized I also realized that her name is actually Jocelyn as it said on the tag, and she much prefers that name, which I know as in she quite literally glared at me right then. Not my imagination. It was really uncomfortable. I'm sorry to say we still have not reached an agreement. Our relationship has really changed I'm not making this up she doesn't feel as warm to me anymore but it's getting better. Yeah. (If you guys could see her, you will know I really truly mean this.))

Haribo- bright yellow Haribo bear with red bow tie and lettering. He/him. Enthusiastic cheerful genuine is always advertising.

Stella- bright yellow star with wide golden eyes and mouth in an o. She/her. Wishful hopeful playful.

Rihanna- pink and purple seahorse who's name has changed so many times cuz I kept on forgetting until a few years ago I just named her Rihanna, after Rihanna the seahorse fairy bc for years Rainbow Magic was my favorite series you can see lots of fairy names here I still like it a lot, cuz after it was my favorite for about forever it's hard to stop liking it even though it's so simple and also easter eggs and fairies so yeah. She/her. Boisterous forgettable (sorry but yeah) bold unapologetic excited.

Fawn- deer square pillow. She/her. Warm soft gentle young adventurous passionate.

Lily May- ladybug with bright green eyes. She/her. Childlike adorably scary cuz I don't know how to describe it good intentions honest truthful.

ok I'll stop here for now because woah! As I said, feel free to join in the improv but you don't have to!

submitted by CelineBurningWoahsry, age She/her(?), Stuffed Animal Empire
(September 3, 2023 - 3:26 pm)

*Climbs out of a pile of stuffed animals.*

Well, my stuffed animals all have extensive personalities and storylines, so I guess this is perfect for me. Let's meet my "main" characters, shall we? 

Nieve (@Admins, I hope this name is okay. It simply means snow in Spanish): A big white tiger with gray stripes. She has a very fluffy face and dark teal eyes. Nieve is basically the big sister of everyone. She's always looking out for others and is gentle and kind. If she needs to let it out, she has a bit of a wild side, like cat zoomies. Being a cat, she sleeps a lot, but will always be there for her friends. She tends to hyperfocus on certain friends, sometimes causing others to feel left out. She is introverted, but great at talking to people. She/her pronouns

Snowball: A huge white polar bear. He's probably my biggest stuffed animal and very huggable. He's very fluffy and soft, with soft black eyes. He and Nieve are basically dating, but are mostly just really close friends. He enjoys playful wrestling with his friends and is the light-hearted jokester. He'll never turns down the opportunity for a goofy prank and loves making his friends laugh. He is extroverted and loves talking to others. He/him pronouns

Glitch: A fluffy, gray bat with big ears and black eyes. Glitch is a whiz with technology and enjoys playing video games. She makes up nicknames for her friends and doesn't usually use their actual names, only if she's incredibly serious. She and Nieve have a bit of rocky relationship, with Glitch having FOMO problems, but mostly they are great friends. She/her pronouns

Lars: A tall, curly furred peachy-colored llama. Lars is very quiet and only speaks confidently to those he's close to. They can seem closed off and harsh, but is actually very kind and witty. Unfortunately, he's mainly kinda disliked, but those who truly know them understand that he's a great friend. They take things seriously and have a rather dark sense of humor. He/they pronouns

Fergus: A olive green frog with long limbs. Fergus is probably my most developed stuffed animal. He was incredibly closed off and depressed, seeming a lot older than he really was. He wasn't when I started his arc, but I think he's definitely trans and used to identify as a girl. Fergus was constantly in a state of discomfort, feeling like some part of him was off. Due to my two unicorns having to ability to cast spells, Fergus and Lars ultimately accidentally switched bodies and weren't able to switch back, with Lars being stuck as a frog and Fergus a llama. At first, Fergus was ecstatic, feeling more comfortable than he ever had and decided he never wanted to switch back. But as time went on, he realized it wasn't his body, but the way he viewed himself that made him uncomfortable. He tried out identifying as boy and Lars was incredibly supportive, the two growing closer and closer. The unicorns finally figured out a spell and switched the two of them back. Fergus, for the first time, felt comfortable and safe, finally being himself. He asked Lars if they could be more than just friends and they're boyfriends now. I love them both so much. He/him pronouns

submitted by OpalescentDragon, age Lost, Roaming the woods
(September 7, 2023 - 3:05 pm)

Ohh I love these so much!! Lars and Fergus sound SO CUTE together!! Which, woah. Coincidence. You have an introverted white tiger with gray stripes and blue eyes named Nieve which means snow in Spanish? I have a (mostly) introverted white tiger with gray stripes and blue eyes named Snow which means snow in English!! Imagine if they were the same type of tigers (I don't think so though, Snow's blue is more of a light teal)! You have a fluffy and soft Polar bear with soft black eyes named Snowball? I have a fluffy and soft Polar bear with soft black eyes named Aurora. You have a bat with black eyes named Glitch (awesome name btw)? I have a bat with black eyes named Dogbat (no, really. If you could see him you'd agree. It just fits.). You have a pretty quiet curly-furred peach llama named Lars? I have a pretty quiet curly-furred light-brown-almost-peach llama named Nuzzle! You have a frog? I have a frog squishy! Notice how the similarities get lower and lower with the exception of the llamas as I go on... :)      So, here they are!

Snow- she/her, see above, adoptive mother to Izzy, very kind and caring, motherly, tired (I should probably give her a break sometime.. she was my mom's first actually though she looks brand-new and when I got her a few years ago I just kinda dumped my energetic ball of fur I had just gotten on her.. I feel kinda bad now... they both really do love each other though, really sweet :)) she's really still quite young but not social at all except for Izzy, she's very responsible and sensible, there's a light in her eyes though, she's a dreamer all right, big imagination but very content with life, very patient

Aurora- she/her, see above, kind caring quiet soulful melancholy young accepting content alone strong, I just realized Rora would be a good nickname for her I just thought "hmm.. Rora looks..." and I was like, hey!, so I asked her and she seemed pretty ok with it (she's just very like.. not easygoing exactly, a bit solemnly guarded, but like "yeah, sure, go on with it I don't care" in general :))

Dogbat- he/him, tiny brown bat with cute dog face and floppy ears, tiny but fierce very easygoing passionate friendly kind

Nuzzle- he/him, see above, wears a little blue bandanna that also serves as a kercheif, blindfold, quite a cute cap, bib, and other things. Very affectionate (how he earned his name) and bright, easygoing, likable, simple and enough.

Frog squishy whom I won't name here because of reasons- 

AND HOW I'M SO SORRY I WAS INTRODUCING ALL MY BEARS AND I FORGOT IVY!!! Cuz she lives in a different room, but no excuses (hmm also forgot Aurora sorry she also lives somewhere else):

Ivy- bright purple fuzzy bear with dark purple shirt, honey eyes, she/her, skeptical (you should see her look right now! Literally, her fur's covering one eye in the exact right way that it looks like she has one brow lowered and one raised in an absolutely perfect skeptical expression!!),  definitely the wildest of my bears, fearless, righteous, stubborn, spunky, ultimately very loving, takes her job as keeper of the cup/my piece of pottery from kindergarten that two years ago my brother broke VERY. SERIOUSLY. Does not enjoy being left out (sorry!!) but forgiving although grudges.

submitted by Celine@Opalescent
(September 7, 2023 - 8:28 pm)

So, summary for (my) reference:









Hei Bai







Mama bear

Baba bear




Strawberry Rasberry Cheesecake


Sea Turtle Love 





Lily May 





Frog squishy who I also didn't describe bc reasons sorry 


Welp, 34 and we're still only halfway or less to all my stuffies and my goal! :)

And, improv cont. because yesterday I had to do improv and... let's just say I need more practice :)

No edits:

SCENE ENDS (because it's easier for me to just start a new scene):

Patricia comes on stage again. "Ahem. At Improv Camp, our students had to learn the three rules of improv. What's rule number one?" 

Izzy and Gemma are still on stage

Izzy: who, where, what! 

Trisha: that's right! As soon as you get on stage, establish your who, where, and what! Who you are, where you are, and what you are doing! The second rule?

Gemma: yes, and!

Trisha: yes and!! Take whatever your partner or colleague is giving you and build on it! If someone asks you if you want an ice cream cone, don't say "no". That's no fun! Say, "yes, AND I would like a Popsicle please!" or "yes, AND what's up with all those fried spiders on it?" And, what's our final rule, the Golden Rule of Improv?!?

Everyone (on stage and back): MAKE YOUR PARTNERS LOOK GOOD!!!

Trisha: exactly! Remember, improv is a team sport, not a one-man show! Making the others on stage with you look good makes yourself look good! Set others up to shine! And now, folks, onto... SOME MORE IMPROV!!!

Audience: politely clapping

Credits go to my amazing drama teacher whom I will not name and Five Things About Ava Andrews, who educated me on the art of improv. Also, I left out cheating I just realized, and other stuff, but those are the main things so oh well!

Blackie (with their hand shading their forehead, squinting into the distance): Ahoy mates! It's a perfect day to be out at Sea!

Bubbles: it certainly is! Ooh, look! There's a dolphin! (points)

Mattie (muttering): dolphin, o' dolphin...

Tweetie: feel the sun on your back! (flies around happily)

Bubbles: wait, what's that?! AHHHHHHH

Mattie (snapping out of daze): WHAT? WHAT IS IT? WHAT IS IT?

Blackie (peering closer): it's a giant wave of... GUMMY BEARS!!!

(a few seconds of incoherent screaming as everyone runs chaotically around)

Tweetie: what do we dooooo

Bubbles: grab hold to something!

Mattie: I'm eating ice cream!

(screaming stops for a second. Everyone looks at Mattie)

Tweetie: ...huh? 

Mattie (shifting nervously): because, you know. Ice cream's good. And... it's happy. And if we're gonna die I want to be eating ice cream.


Blackie: woah that's morbid. But, GOOD IDEA!!

(everyone sits in a circle and starts unwrapping imaginary ice cream bars)

Tweetie: ahh, this is the life!

Bubbles: I couldn't agree more!


submitted by CelineDoingImprov, age riencenow, Terribly,atleastIhaveexpe
(September 7, 2023 - 9:14 pm)









(For my reference)


Storm: Looks like the clouds are covering the sun this morning. Who knows, maybe there'll be rain?

Butter: (scoffs) Well, I'm definitely staying inside if that happens.

Creampuff: Unfortunately, I think it will probably clear up by the afternoon. That's what this weather forecast website thing says.

Luna: We can still hope for the best, you know. Maybe there will be actual rain! Sometimes the forecast is wrong.

Creampuff: (nods) True, true. But it usually isn't, and I like to trust my sources.

Potato: (enters the scene) Certainly a fine morning, isn't it?

Soup: (following behind, yawning) I' I wanna go back to sleep.

Storm: Why, what did you do last night?

Soup: I wasn't doing anything. I just couldn't sleep at night, with (coughs meaningfully) Potato snoring all night!

Potato: (embarrassed) Oh, I am so sorry. (pauses) But it was your decision to sleep next to me.

Butter: (laughs) Yeah, there's plenty'o room out here.

Whitney: (enters the scene, looking up at the clouds) Fine morning for some exercise, right?

Soup: Oh no, not exercise.

Whitney: (shrugs) You don't have to join me. But does anyone else want to, before the sun comes up?

Creampuff: (looking smug) See, I'm right! The sun will come up later!

Storm: I'll join you. I could do with some exercise.

Luna: Me too. I can go swimming still, right? If I do it later, I might get sunburned.

Pingu: (struts into the scene) Well, well, well. What do we have here?

Luna: We're just going to exercise, that's all. It's a nice, cloudy morning.

Pingu: Exercise!? I'd rather take advantage of this morning to relax.

Butter: Exactly! Relax and read!

Whitney: Whatever, y'all can do whatever you want. I'm gonna go exercise. Come on!


Twilight says <avuen>. Sounds like avenue. 

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunaryears, A Celestial Sky
(September 13, 2023 - 7:25 pm)
submitted by top
(January 6, 2024 - 10:57 pm)