It was a

Chatterbox: Inkwell

It was a

It was a quiet night in the city of Museia, until shouts rang out from the guards of the Golden Palace.

"Hey, you! Stop right there!" They shouted, as they chased a figure across the streets.

Samuel Brown--AKA SB-- ran as fast as he could, occasionally looking over his shoulder to see how close the guards were.

"Must... keep... running! Ahh!" He shouted, as he ducked into an alleyway.

He stayed hidden, until the footsteps faded. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, and reached into his bag, and started to pull out a mysterious object, when a voice from behind startled him.

"Ok, what'd SB do now?" A female voice questioned.

"AHH! Oh, my-- you need to knock that off. I literally got chased by a dozen angry guards, and you now tried to give me a heart attack! Vivi..." SB gasped, as his childhood friend walked into view.

"So, you got the thing, eh?"

"Yeah, but I'm not ready to actually see what's inside it yet."

"Makes sence..."

Suddently, they heard two guards heading their way. SB grabbed Vivi's hand, and together they ran to the end of the alleyway. But as soon as they turned the corner, the two of them knew they were trapped. With the guards behind them, and a dead end in front of them, SB and Vivi knew they were trapped....


So, yeah, this is my first RP in my second CB name. It takes place in the current year, and here is the charrie sheet:









Guard or friend of SB and Vivi:

Powers (Agility, enhanced fighting, nothing too OP:)

Shipping (Girls with guys only, please):

Preferred Weapons:



Name: Samuel Brown

Nickname: SB

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Personality: Easily excited, active, likes friends, kind of a hothead, but very mildly. Quiet when thinking, and very clever.

Appearance: Short black hair, dark brown eyes, a beard, tan skin, not too pale, not too dark, always wears a white T-shirt, black jeans, and black shoes. He also carries a satchel with him at all times.

Likes: Video games, hanging out with Vivi, talking about life.

Dislikes: Being caught, trouble, being inturrupted.

Guard or Friend of SB and Vivi: He's known Vivi since childhood, and they've been close ever since.

Powers: Agility, mostly.

Shipping: Vivi. He has a little bit of a crush on her.

Preferred Weapons: His dagger he was given by his dad before he died.

Other: He has a secret about his past that will be revealed through the RP.


Name: Vivian Roberts

Nickname: Vivi

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Personality: She's outgoing, likes friends, is calm and levelheaded, and friendly. That's not to say she doesn't have a moody side, though.

Appearance: Long bright red hair, light tan skin, green eyes, always wears a black bodysuit, with black lace-up boots.

Likes: Video games, dogs, hanging out with SB.

Dislikes: Commercials, loud noises, and guards.

Guard or friend of SB and Vivi: She's been SB's BFF since they were kids.

Powers: Enhanced fighting.

Shipping: SB. Don't tell him, but she likes him.

Preferred weapons: A retractable staff she carries around with her in her back pocket.

Other: Not really, she's the only one who knows SB's secret, because he told her 2 years ago.


So, yeah, I hope you enjoy! Limit is 3 charries per CBer.


submitted by Diamond Swordheart, Gemstone Palace
(May 25, 2023 - 1:52 pm)

please! do whatever you want with Inanna in this story. I'm sure she would love to continue living ;D

submitted by Hawkstar
(August 12, 2023 - 3:52 pm)


Custer stays in his apartment for a very long time--nearly forty minutes. Me and Nyxie simply wait in the hall. No one comes past us, though, until Custer does. He is carrying a satchel of some sort and is wearing his fancy guard uniform, the one used for parades, not the normal one. He turns the corner to the stairs and goes down. 
"Let's follow him," Nyxie suggests in a whisper.
"Actually--" I start to protest, but I can't think of anything better to do. "Let's." 
I wait until Custer is done with the stairs to go down. By the time me and Nyxie are in the lobby, Custer is walking out the door, but I don't mind. I cross the lobby, Nyxie following, and open the door. Once outside, I can see Custer's fancy guard hat bobbing above the crowds. We keep walking, maintaining a distance, following him down Avenue Street and onto Main Street, past the Palace, and to the...
Police station. 
"Wonder what he's trying to do," I whisper to Nyxie. 
"Yeah," she says. "We probably shouldn't go in." 
I nod and walk over to a nearby window on the side of the building, which has been propped open. 
"We shouldn't look," I say, "but we can listen." 
The window is very long and wide, just high enough that we can sit below it without being seen. Me and Nyxie sit down on the ground, facing each other, with our legs tucked up. I strain my ears to hear what's being said.
"Morning, Peter," says someone's voice, sounding old and deep. 
"Good morning, Sergeant Fish," says Peter Custer. "Is Dune Greyson here today?" 
"He--no, he is not," says the first person. 
"You sure?" Custer asks. "I'm looking for him." 
"Can I take a message?" asks Sergeant Fish. 
"Sure," says Custer. "Where is the box?" 
I hear the scratching of a pen on paper.
"Greyson isn't allowed to give you classified intel," says Fish. 
"The box was entrusted to me." 
I look at Nyxie. This box is the curebox--now we just need to find out where it is. I carefully crawl past Nyxie, away from the street, and stand up. The next window peers into a dim room where a young man sits doing paperwork. I saw him the night we procured the cursebox. 
Dune Greyson. 
I try to piece together what I know: Fish was lying to Custer, which means that Fish and Greyson have a secret that Custer is not in on. And the secret is the location of the curebox, which we need.
I crawl back to the window. Now Custer and Fish are arguing pretty angrily, and I cannot help but think that Custer wants that box almost as badly as we do. 

submitted by Seadragon
(August 14, 2023 - 7:56 pm)

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I'm back!



"Inanna..." I said, sighing.

"What's up?" She replied.

"I'm just... I'm worried about SB. He's in so much pain, and he looks so different... I wonder how he's doing." I said, as Inanna and I satrted walking back to the warehouse.

On our way there, we ran into Solasta and Nyxie, who told us that Peter had gone to the police station to find the box. I noticed that Nyxie's eyes were teal and yellow, which wasn't a good sign. Not only that, but Solasta's Flaming Cheeto-red skin was starting to crack!

"Is SB ok?" I asked, as Nyxie and Solasta looked at each other.

"We... don't know. We haven't gone inside." Nyxie explained slowly, as Solasta nodded.

"Yeah. We heard some growling noises, which is why we didn't go in." Solasta said.

"Oh, no. We-- we gotta go in there!" I said, as Inanna started to open the door.

We didn't see anything unusual, except a red glow from SB's corner, where he was sleeping. I ran over to him, and gasped, as I saw him. He was shaking, and I could see dried-up tears on his face and shirt.

"SB? You--you ok?" I shakily asked him.

He didn't say anything; he just kept shaking, and I could see he was still crying in pain. I wished I could put a hand on him, tell him it was ok.

"Vivi... I know what you wanna do. Please, don't. We already have three infected people. Not to mention that we don't know where the box is." Inanna said to me, as she came close to SB and I.

"Inanna, he needs me! I have to tell him it's gonna be ok."

My three friends watched, as I leaned down, and wrapped my arms around SB's cold, shaking body, gently hugging him. I started crying, which isn't something I normally do. I felt him move slightly, exclaiming quietly in pain every move he made.

"Vi... I gotta tell you something." He whispered.

"What is it? And don't you DARE say that you're gonna die!"

"I... I love you. I know it sounds crazy, but ever since I gave you that stone... whenever I see you wearing it... I love you even more."

"Ohh, SB... I love you too."

He smiled, as he slowly wrapped him arms around me, and hugged me as well. I didn't care if I got the curse; all I knew was that SB needed comforting, because he just can't STAND pain.

submitted by Diamond Swordheart, Gemstone Palace
(August 15, 2023 - 10:19 am)

Has everyone started back to school? :( 

submitted by Nyxie
(August 21, 2023 - 7:54 am)

Ahh! This is dying!


Also, @Nyxie, I haven't started school yet, but next Wednesday I'm gonna start school. And that's just sad...

submitted by Diamond Swordheart, Gemstone Palace
(August 22, 2023 - 9:43 am)

@Diamond *gasps* We start on the same day!!!!!!!!! 

Here's some ideas to get this RP back on its feet:

-The people who are cursed some gain the ability to shapeshift or travel between to dimensions.

-Custer finds the box and does something suddden and unexpected, like a total transformation or something.

-There is a person, (or a new charrie of some sort), that comes and takes the whole group to a new area and on a mission to special place, like a cave or something.

-Someone dissapears mysteriously and we see what's happening to them.

-Strange things (like something moving to another place on its own, random floating things, etc.) begin to happen.


And yeah, I have more, but for now, let's see if this is enough. 

submitted by Nyxie
(August 23, 2023 - 7:54 am)

I am SO SORRY about abandoning this RP for a while; I've been busy and having writer's block, but I am now back and will try to commit to this.

Nyxie, your ideas seem great! I will attempt to use the first one in this post.



Nyxie and I leave the police station and go back to the abandoned warehouse.
"Have you seen SB?" Vivi asks us as soon as we arrive.
"No," says Nyxie. "Why?"
"He...disappeared," says Doyle. Doyle, Vivi, and Inanna are standing in the warehouse; Inanna is pacing and the others look really worried. "One moment he was sitting on his bed, then he went poof. Gone." 
"Does anyone know what happened?" I ask.
"Nope," says Vivi. "To be honest I'm worried..."
"Huh," I say. I sit on my bed and rest my hand on my chin, and then I am floating




into something. 
It is a room, brightly lit and painted white, with odd benches along the walls. The benches have fuzzy gray covers on them. There are no windows and no lights; some sort of ethereal music is playing but I can't distinguish what it is or where it's coming from. I sit down on a bench. There is a door in the opposite wall, although it is white and has no knob, so it blends in very well. The door opens and someone walks in. SB. 
"SB?" I ask. The sound comes out of my mouth, but it does not feel like I am saying it. 
"Solasta?" he says to me. 
"Where is this place?" I ask. 
"Nobody knows," he says. His mouth does not move. 
"What's beyond the door?" I ask him. 
"Find out," he says. 

I stand up, walk to the door, and pull it open. Inside is another white room containing a box on a white table painted exactly the same color as the walls and floor. At first I think it's the fake curebox that we found in Custer's apartment, but then I realize that it's slightly more metallic in the inlaid details. The other one must have been painted to look like metal. I lean across the table to touch it and then the entire scene changes. 
A small apartment's gray kitchen table with a bowl of fruit on it, with the box next to a fruit bowl. Out the window, a street; out another window, a brick wall. There are two chairs at the table; a galley kitchen is nearby with two barstools at it. Two people sit on the stools. 
Sahara, the guard, and Dune, the policeman. 
Suddenly, I get a gut feeling that this is very, very real, and then I am once again floating, except this time I am floating upwards, until I land, once again, on my bed. 
"Solasta!" says Vivi. "You...also went poof. Just, like, disappeared. And SB got back a few moments before you. He said he went somewhere but it's hard to explain what it was like, something about a white room?" 
"I was there," I say. "I saw him. And I know where the curebox is." 


submitted by Seadragon
(August 26, 2023 - 8:04 pm)

@Admins: I think I submitted a comment on August 31 but it has not yet been posted. Does anyone know what's happened to it? (Know that this comment is sort of replacing it, so please kindly stop the other one, if it hasn't gotten lost, from going through or delete this one, your choice.)


Peter Custer

Sergeant Fish is very, very unhelpful. As soon as I get out of his hearing range, I call Sahara. 
"Where do you live?" I ask her. 
"Who are you?" she asks. 
"Peter Custer," I say, mentally chastising myself for not introducing myself. Then again, Sahara has probably heard of Caller ID. 
"27 Sandwall Street," she says.  "Why?"
"Well," I say, coming up with a shaky lie, "the guards share things, and apparently there was this sale on cucumbers that I was not aware of. I paid for four and they gave me eight. So I'm going to bring some by." 
"Put them in the mailbox," she says. "Don't disturb us. I'm late for the shift you assigned me, and, if you're not at the palace, so are you. Bye." She hangs up; I can sense that she doesn't think the lie is true but might be trying to put me off. Who knows. Anyway, I go back to my house and tie up four of the cucumbers, then walk towards the palace. Sandwall Street is on the way, so I stick the cucumbers in the mailbox of #27, which is really more of a slot. The cucumbers get stuck. I shrug and walk away.

At the palace, Sahara and I are assigned to walking the perimeter together. She gives me an embarrasing talk. 
"Mr. C, I think the curebox has distracted you too much," she says, businesslike. "It's too distressing to you. You need to put it out of your mind and focus on something else." 
"Right," I tell her. In my mind, however, I am thinking, No, Sahara, that box belongs in my mind until it's in my house. Which will be soon. 


I was thinking about having Peter Custer and the outlaws try to steal the box from Sahara and Dune at the same time, so that they end up running into each other. What do you think?

submitted by Seadragon
(September 2, 2023 - 7:53 pm)
submitted by TOPdragon
(September 9, 2023 - 4:09 pm)