Chill CB Rp 

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Chill CB Rp 

Chill CB Rp    

So, with all that's been happening, I think we all need a break. An oaisis of sorts. So here's a simple RP with no real plot, just us, our AEs, and our CAPTCHAs hanging out in Chatterbox City. No drama. No angst. Just fluff.

Maybe we'll all have a picnic together. Or some AEs might go on dates. Maybe we go to the Beach. Who knows? Whatever you'd like. If you want to invite people into your CB house, go ahead. Anything that's appropriate is a-okay.

Fill out the form before you join, but then you can start whenever!!



CBer or AE?:


Shipping (if AE):


Brief Personality:







Have fun, everybuggy! <3 

submitted by Writing_in_the_Dark, age 13, School, lol
(May 11, 2023 - 1:07 pm)
submitted by Poinsettia, top
(July 19, 2023 - 7:20 pm)

(aah don't worry about taking a while to respond!)


|Kaspar spoke about feeling self-conscious as well, and it makes me feel better, for some reason. He said he'd recently watched a movie called Uncharted, which sounds pretty cool. I'll have to check it out. He mentions being irritated that the villains of the movie were African-American and Latinx. "|Oh, I've noticed that,|" I say. "|It’s especially bad if the villains are the only people of color in the movie." I sigh, and shrug. Kaspar then says he wants to be a screenwriter when he's older. I'm not very interested in a career in the film industry myself, but Pangolin's mentioned wanting to become a screenwriter or something, and I've always thought it sounded pretty cool. "|Wow, that sounds awesome!|" I say. "|That's a really cool career. I guess you've done some writing, then?|” I have to think about his question for a moment; I’ve never really thought that far into the future. “I suppose I’ve always thought it’d be cool to be an archeologist, or something. Discovering some historical artifact no one knows anything about — I don’t know, that just sounds fascinating.|” I shrug, and fidget with the hem of my sleeve. “|So, um, do you have any plans for the rest of the summer?|”


“Wow, your Fourth of July sounds like it was really fun. And it’s so cool that you were able to meet some of your distant cousins! Soccer and badminton are fun! I don’t do many sports, but I’m currently doing a rock climbing summer day camp, which is really fun. I play softball in a league in my neighborhood in the spring and do snowboarding with my family in the winter — it’s really fun! Um, do you have a favorite subject?” I ask, even though it’s completely unrelated. “I know you’re homeschooled, but still.” 


(also! since Echo’s AE Dance Party is starting soon, do you want to kind of wrap up Arum and Kaspar’s conversation and then have them meet up again at the party? up to you :) )

submitted by pangolin + AEs, aaaaaaaaaaaaa
(July 20, 2023 - 6:18 am)

Parody's AE Dance Party


submitted by pangolin, age she/they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(July 20, 2023 - 7:53 pm)

Yeah, wrapping up the conversation and continuing it at the party sounds great! Also, do you want to move our conversation onto an ordinary chat thread? Continuing it here would also be fine, though; it's up to you :)


\"Wow, archaeology sounds like it would be an amazing career!" I say. "I do have a few summer plans, actually - Oriole and I are planning a trip to NYC, which we both love since it's such a huge and varied city.  And I'm thinking of taking swimming lessons later in the summer; I really want to take some trips on canoes and kayaks, but I should probably learn how to swim first in case I fall out of the canoe... and I think swimming seems like fun anyway."\

\I trail off, lying back on the picnic blanket and staring up at the leaves of the trees above our heads. It must be getting later than I'd thought, I realize, noticing the way the sunlight has suddenly deepened a little. I remember all the things I had to finish doing by tomorrow - I'm notorious for taking on more projects than I can handle - and groan inwardly. I don't want to leave, but it looks like I'd better.\

\"I guess I should be going," I say reluctantly, sitting up again. "But it was... um... really great getting to know you. I enjoyed it. Maybe we can talk some more at Parody's AE party?"\


"Well, of the school subjects I typically take, I like social studies and literature best," I say. "I especially like learning about different cultures and how people live in different parts of the world. It's amazing what a variety of lifestyles there are, even when more and more people shift toward a "mainstream" lifestyle. I've also been learning a little about linguistics recently, which is also pretty fun; it's interesting to learn about the differences between languages and how they shape people's cultures. What about you? And do you have a least favorite subject?"

submitted by Poinsettia, a sea of crystal waters
(July 21, 2023 - 10:00 am)

Yeah, moving our conversation to a chat thread would be okay! Do you want to make the thread, or should I?


|"Oh, your summer plans sound fun! I love NYC too — the diversity and energy of it all," I say. "And swimming lessons are cool."|

|We're both quiet for a moment, looking at the trees, outlined in gold in the late afternoon light. Kaspar says, "\I guess I should be going. But it was... um... really great getting to know you. I enjoyed it. Maybe we can talk some more at Parody's AE party?\"|

|"I'd love that!" I exclaim. "I, um, really enjoyed talking to you too. I guess I’ll see you at the dance then!"|


"I also like social studies," I say. "Learning about other cultures is always so fascinating. I haven't really had a chance to learn much about linguistics, but it sounds really interesting. I suppose history would be my favorite subject, or English, as long as we’re reading something interesting or doing creative writing. As for least favorite — math, probably. It’s not that I hate math, I just don’t like math class; I find it really repetitive and boring. What about you? Do you have a least favorite subject?”

submitted by pangolin + AEs
(July 21, 2023 - 5:42 pm)

I forgot to mention a starting date and noticed you were talking about the Æ party--it's started! :D Not to intrude on the RP, of course.

submitted by Endless_Parodies, age Eternities, Gazing at The Stars
(July 22, 2023 - 12:03 am)

Okay, sounds great! I can make the thread if you like - I'll post my reply there :) I'll put it in DtE.


\Arum says she enjoyed our conversation too, which makes me feel oddly elated. |"I guess I'll see you at the dance then!"| she says. I nod and wave. "Okay - I'll be looking forward to it! Bye for now!" I say as I pick up my things and head off. It's been a wonderful picnic. I didn't think my first social outing would be so enjoyable, but it was - and I'm really glad I let Ariella talk me into coming after all.\

submitted by Poinsettia
(July 24, 2023 - 7:49 pm)