Virtual World RP>>&

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Virtual World RP>>&

Virtual World RP>>>


I saw that Shining Star created a reboot of a RP, so i decided to. I will just quote what they posted:


"So let's say all the CBers suddenly got whisked off into a virtual world, where you pick out an avatar to be anything or anyone! In the virtual world, there are quests, mini games to earn weird currency, and stuff to buy. Every time you want to speak, the words that come from your mouth will be in speech bubbles! :o You can show emoticons. To be a formal friend of someone, you send 'em a friend request.

Okay! Charrie sheet!

USERNAME (please do not use actual ones!):







So yeah. Have fun with this, I'll watch where it goes. 

submitted by , age ,
(November 26, 2021 - 6:54 pm)

Also, changing Hoshi and Kami from kaminohoshi & kaminosora to hoshinokami and soranokami.

submitted by Tsuki the Skywolf, age many moons, she/her
(December 1, 2021 - 2:58 pm)

Hey! I wanted to add just a little bit of info to how this works... If you don't like it, say so. I will change/remove it. Now, here is how something's work:


Offline/Online- If you go Offline, you can do solo challenges. Online, you play in a world full of others.

Menu- you can "exit", which is how you sleep/buy cosmetics/switch to Offline.

Necessities- Sleep is not needed. Hunger/thirst does not exist, but food and water do. Food will help you heal faster. water can clean you.  

chat- there is party chat (PC), Friend chat (FC), Team chat (TC) and World/All chat (WAC).

Parties- You can join a party without being friends. the party can do challenges together.

friends- Friends are like a party, but you don't have to join to use a special chat and check progess.

Teams- similar to parties, but when you "exit", you don't leave. teams are like friends, but not formal.

Progess- You can check whether your friends/teammates are online. It can also show your/their levels, powers, skills, etc.

Thank you! 

submitted by , age ,
(December 1, 2021 - 9:18 pm)



I rejoin me and Viola's private server. I had left and gone to USFE. USFE stands for Ultimate Server For everyone. It is just a giant server that anyone can join. I check to see if Viola is online. A screen appears:





Viola- Offline, Level 53, 27/30 skills unlocked.

( Interupption:If you are fine with the level I gave you, I'll keep it. otherwise, I will change it.)


It gives me an option to look at Viola's skills. I don't and open my screen instead.


Sunglasses- Online, Level 52, 27/30 skills unlocked.


I close it and open FC. No new messages. I decide to work on our house. I make some decorations and put them up. then I work on our garden. Then I feed the animals, water the plants, do a bit of mining, and head to town.


End of Sunglasses POV.


Yeah, so if you don't like the level I gave you, I'll change it. Or I'll ask the admins to. 

submitted by Pancake, age Open24hour, Pizza Place
(December 2, 2021 - 1:02 pm)








My eyes blink open.


She did it.  She actually did it.

"Sora?" I shout.

Except I can't.

Instead of shouting, it just enters it in the chat.

kaminohoshi: Sora?

I breathe heavily.

After a moment, a reply comes.

kaminosora:  Please.  Call me Kami.

I snort.  

kaminohoshi: I see.  You think you're oh-so-special.

kaminosora: It's rather accurate, is it not?  I put you here.  I have the key to letting you out.  I designed your avatar, picked your name.  I am, for all intents and purposes, a god.

kaminohoshi: Arrogant much?

kaminosora: Perhaps. What are you going to do about it?

kaminohoshi:  Look, I'm tired of this already.  Can you just let me out and be done with that?

kaminosora: Y'know what, I'm done with this conversation.  Go into the main server.  Socialize a little.  It's good to make friends, especially if they'll be your only company for awhile.

I feel a strange tingling sensation, and the world around me goes dark.  When it reappears again, I'm in the middle of a field, a few others walking around and chatting idly. 

submitted by Tsuki the Skywolf
(December 3, 2021 - 1:02 pm)





I walk into my shop and look around. It's messy, it needs sweeping. It's always messy in the mornings, I have to do the "Sweeping and Mopping" mini game before I can open it.





I sigh, press the "PLAY MINIGAME" button under my task board, and magically, there's a broom in my hands. I sweep back in forth a few times and the mess magically goes away. Then I walk back to the door and flip the sign to "OPEN! COME ON IN!"






My store's got all kinds of stuff. Surf boards for the surfing mini-game, boats for the boating mini-game, even fishing rods for the fishing mini-game. Yup, if you wanna have fun at the beach, Song's Stuff Shop is the place to go. Song's Stuff Shop. That's what Kaleidoscope called it. I remember laughing and painting that on the big sign in the front.  





Now when I look at that sign, when I walk into this shop, all I feel... Is empty. 






I look at my friend box. It's not quite empty, actually. It has a username in it: Kaleidoscope_King. But under the username, it says this account has been deactivated. 

I frown and bite my lip. There isn't anything I can do about it now. I speak out into the chat, hoping to get some customers today. I'm trying to save up my money to buy some decor for my shop. 





Song_Sound: Hi, everyone! Come to Song's Stuff Shop for surf boards, boats, and more! Open from 9 AM-9 PM! 

Then I get behind the counter, where I'm supposed to stand until my lunch break, and wait.

submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(December 4, 2021 - 8:32 am)

===XerCane_The_Greatest A.K.A. XerCane===


#Welcome Xer!# says Ash, my specialized Menu assistant.

"Didn't I tell you not to call me that Ash?" I ask.

#Yes. I chose not to! A new update has been installed. Would you like to check the new stuff out?#

"Yeah," I say.



-New items will be randomly placed around the world. You can find them anywhere.

-There is a new world selection: Crystal Cavern (CC). The old selections: Solo-challenges (SC), Online World (OW). Crystal Cavern is a special adventure. however, it is only recommended after you are level 184.

-You will get daily messages from *BVR* Bloom Virtual Reality.


I close it and think back. BVR created this world, but never went in themselves, as far as we know. Oh well. I join OW and open ZerKoi's folder. She is online. I locate her and run to meet up.

submitted by Pancake, age Open24hour, Pizza Place
(December 4, 2021 - 4:30 pm)


Someone called Song_Sound enters something in the chat.  An advertisement for their shop, I guess.

Why not?  I might figure things out.

After a few tries, I realize I can open a menu.  It shows my friend list- kaminosora- and I snort.  My level, 1- which is to be expected. And a map of the world.  I locate Song_Sound's shop and walk there quickly.

Song_Sound: Hi, I'm Song:D What can I help you with?

kaminohoshi: Actually, I was wondering if you could help me escape.

Song_Sound: Escape?

kaminohoshi: Yeah.  Escape.  Y'know, back to the real world?

They look at me, pain in their eyes. 

Song_Sound: ...

Song_Sound: I tried once.  It didn't work. 

kaminohoshi: Has anyone ever escaped?

Song_Sound: ...if you want to call it that.  Someone... has rejoined the real world, yes.

kaminohoshi: How?

Song frowns.  I told you, I tried once.  It didn't work.

kaminohoshi: ...

kaminohoshi: Okay then.

I walk out of the shop.

I go back to the menu and study carefully every option, until one catches my eye.


Excitedly, I click on it.  Home, here I come...


I blink my eyes open.  A few people are staring at me.  

This is- but- this is the virtual world, right as I left it! 

I was supposed to have left it!

Exit made you sleep, I realize.

I pick up a stick and throw it as hard as I can.

I didn't want to be in the virtual world.  I wanted to go back home, to...


kaminohoshi:  Sora?

No reply, but I see she's online and saw it.

kaminohoshi: Sora, answer me.

kaminohoshi: Sora, please!

kaminosora: Kami.

kaminohoshi: Oh, hi there.  Listen, Sora, I need you to get me out of here.

Still no reply.

kaminohoshi: @kaminosora

kaminohoshi: Fine. kAmI. 

kaminosora: What is it.

kaminhoshi: I need to go home.  I'm- I'm forgetting things.  I remember we were orphans, but I can't- I can't remember anything else.  Not the other orphans, not the caretakers- I'm not even sure my name's really Hoshi.

kaminosora: Yeah, that's kinda standard in this world.

kaminohoshi: Take me home, Kami!  See, I said it! Now take me home before I forget everything!

kaminosora: Relax, Hoshi.  The forgetting is temporary.  You'll have your memories back when I choose to give them to you.

kaminohoshi: Why not now?!

kaminosora: You haven't yet done enough for me to forgive you.

kaminohoshi: I don't even remember why you put me here!

kaminosora: You will, in due time.

kaminohoshi: Sora, wait-

kaminosora: I'm exhausted.  I'm going to bed.

kaminohoshi: SORA!

This user has exited the game.  Please try again when they are online. 

submitted by Tsuki the Skywolf
(December 6, 2021 - 9:36 am)


I can finally defeat the Imyaplin Boss. XerCane is coming to help me! I get a message in a chat called PriC.

We are BVR. You recently got our new update. Everyone chosen wil get this update sometime this month. BVR created this and has never fully entered. We watched and would join, but not virtually. I would recommend not coming back to Earth anyways. Earth has become a testing zone. It is filled with experiments. We will offer knowledge of the world, but we will not let you out.

Then XerCane's personal chat format appears.

~Hey, did you get a new update?

ZerKoi: Yea, why?

~I got one a bit ago. Did it have a weird message?

ZerKoi: Yeah...

~Almost there


ZerKoi: Do you think they are telling the truth?

~BVR? About the game, yes. About earth, I have no idea.

ZerKoi: No! I mean the boss! Everyone says it's really hard and nearly immpossible to defeat.

~That, I believe. 

submitted by Pancake, age Open24hour, Pizza Place
(December 6, 2021 - 2:56 pm)



That girl--I think her username tag said kaminohoshi?--leaves. I wonder if I should've told her more. But then again, I haven't got much that really would've helped. I did try to go to the real world, once. That was after the many, many times I'd tried to get Kaleidoscope back here. 





I still have the machine I made to get back to the real world. But I don't use it anymore. Trying hurts too much. 





My shop is empty again, and it's my lunch break. I open the doors and lock them behind me. Behind the boardwalk, there's a little town. I head there. I'll get myself a nice lunch at Coco's Cafe, and then I'll just go back to work. The same thing will happen tomorrow. And then it'll be Saturday. I close my shop on the weekend. I just have to get through today and tomorrow, I promise myself, and then I'll get a break. 


submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(December 6, 2021 - 3:26 pm)



I sigh as I close up the shop. Today was a busy day and we're running low on quite a few supplies. Working in a store like this tends to be pretty hectic, since people always want to try out spells and practice magic. And since I'm the newest employee here, the task of collecting new items after hours usually falls to me.

I start running the "Clean" program, and check the register while I wait for it to complete. Most everyone has left here by now, but I don't mind. It's the moments of quiet I like best around here, and those are sometimes hard to get.

The program finishes, and I do a quick inventory check, which shows me that I'll need to gather 27 [Midnight Roses] and 13 [Amethyst Shards]. The latter of the two shouldn't be too hard to find, so I'll do that first. I open the "Teleport" menu and select a set of coordinates I've found the gems at before. I close my eyes and take a deep breath before teleporting.

I open my eyes, and I'm on the dry riverbed I intended to go to. Luckily. Teleportation is hard, and the risks if you don't do it quite right can be extreme. Still, I feel a bit nauseated, which is a common side effect of that form of travel. I sit on a log and begin to sift through the sandy dirt, feeling around for the identically shaped shards. I find tons without much effort, which makes me happy. Technically, whoever collects the supplies is reimbursed for them back at the shop, but the pay is relatively low per item. Finding more means I'll get paid more.

I stop gathering eventually, and add the [Amethyst Shards] to my Inventory. Then, I pull up another menu, this one a collective server chat dedicated to finding [Midnight Roses]. It sounds like there's supposed to be a relatively large meadow of them in the mountains, so I pin that location for later. Nightfall won't be for a few more hours, so all I can do is wait until then.

submitted by jinx, virtual world
(December 7, 2021 - 3:46 pm)

((Ah.  I just realized I've been putting my charries' wrong names in here.  It should have been soranokami and hoshinokami, but I kept putting kaminosora/hoshi.))

submitted by Tsuki the Skywolf
(December 9, 2021 - 1:42 pm)

It doesn't really matter to me. I get them mixed up sometimes, though.

submitted by Pancake
(December 9, 2021 - 3:20 pm)

Ah, why not, RIGHT?!

Name: Emekittycon Kitten

Appearance of Avatar: Thick, black hair with purple streaks, light purple eyes, and a black mini-skirt, a black tube top, and purple leggin's. With combat boots, and black fingerless gloves.

Current Friend List: Sunglases and Viola maybe? If it's ok...

Background: Got whisked into this world, and is VERY confused 'bout what on EARTH is goin' on here.

Gender: Female

Age: 13

submitted by Emekittycon Kitten, age 13, Kitten Kingdom
(December 10, 2021 - 2:11 pm)

It's fine with me for her to be friends with them!

submitted by Pancake
(December 11, 2021 - 5:58 am)



I join USFE and quickly type a request for a party to kill the Talisaymn Boss. Three people accept. ChanSan, Heyyyyyy, and Pancake (I'm making her later). 

submitted by Pancake, age Open24hour, Pizza Place
(December 11, 2021 - 7:47 am)