Title/Plot game!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Title/Plot game!

Title/Plot game!

Okay, so, I forget what this was called before and who made it *heh* so... I'll (try) to explain!

Someone will give a fake book title. Then, someone else will give a synopsis of that book (no limit to how long) and another title. And so on and so fourth.

If I find (or someone else finds) the thread, I'll post it here!

Here's the first title: 47 Lies

submitted by Writing_in_the_dark, age 11, NY but not NYC
(August 26, 2021 - 4:51 pm)


submitted by 25 Dragons, age Unknown, Hrr..
(October 17, 2021 - 2:12 pm)

This is so cool.  These book titles sound exactly like actual books (which I would love to read!)  "When You Loved Me?" "47 Lies?" "Under the Bridge?" Woah!

I don't have a synopsis right now but I hope to think of one later! 

submitted by Tsuki the Skywolf, age many moons
(September 27, 2021 - 6:53 pm)

Yeah, if anyone wants them written I'm available! Like, we should TOTALLY write these!!!!!!!!

-Shining Star 

submitted by Shining Star, age 12 eons, The Milky Way
(September 29, 2021 - 11:37 pm)

10/10 would collaborate if you're serious about this??

submitted by Jaybells@ShiningStar, Lost in the Universe
(December 4, 2022 - 8:20 am)

Seven Birthdays-- A group of seven children go missing on their birthdays. Jay, who was a close friend of one of the missing children, decides to investigate their disappearance herself. She soon learns that her friend was keeping several secrets from her--including the fact that she was magical.

Title: Wintertime Lullaby  

submitted by Sybill, He/they/xe
(September 28, 2021 - 11:03 am)

Wintertime Lullaby - Serene, a young pioneer girl, loves the summer.  She loves the sunshine on her skin, the soft green grass and the abundance of life.  Autumn is harvest season, and Serene can pick apples and dance in fallen leaves and whisper into the night's cool breeze.  The cool breeze becomes chillier as time passes, though, and one day she wakes up and finds the cabin has been snowed in.  Serene hates the cold seeping in through the cracks.  She hates that there's no food to be grown in the winter.  And most of all, she hates how ill her mother has fallen. 

Yet how sparkling is fresh fallen snow!  How cozy it is to snuggle by the fire! And how delightful it is when her mother's rasping voice tells Serene wonderful stories of winters past.  Can Serene learn to love even this, as she hopes her wonderful mother will get well again?

Next title: Oftentimes 

submitted by Tsuki the Skywolf, age many moons
(September 28, 2021 - 3:54 pm)


is everyone getting tired of me? I keep showing up!! Haha, just kidding--hope you read my intro post...anyways, this is one of the threads  I've been longing to join since I first scrolled through chatterbox so...here goes. 

Oftentimes--Allie, a young orphan living on the dismal streets of a city far away from any other civilization, has grown up stealing her food and hiding in dark corners. When she turns twelve, two little bumps appear on her back. Terrified that she has a strange disease, she runs to the farthest corner of the city, where she meets a boy called Arctus. He says she's growing wings and shows his own, then explains that she's from another race of creatures called OftenTimes who can skip through time and 'edit' past events. She was hidden in this city to keep her away from the otehr group of OftenTimes who are trying to remove important events from the timeline and altering the outcomes of well-known wars. She's the most powerful OftenTime ever known, and that she must come with him. Now Allie has a choice to make--if she goes with him, the city she's grown up in will burn to the ground when the evil OftenTimes arrive. But if she doesn't...so will she. 

submitted by Shining Star, age 12 eons, The Milky Way
(September 29, 2021 - 11:36 pm)

Oops sorry next title: 

Two Letters and a Postcard 

submitted by Shining Star, age 12 Eons, The Milky Way
(September 30, 2021 - 12:27 pm)

Two Letters and a Postcard

Want to make it big? The key is right in your hands.  Just follow these simple instructions...

it just wasn't fair! Why did all Mina's friends get to go to New York City and ride planes to Spain for the summer and get enrolled into fancy shmancy summer camps and she got to sit right here in front of the TV rewatching The Wizard of Oz seven more times.  Mina's only ten years old and already she wants to be rich more than anything else in the world.  Just when she's about to melt from boredom and jealousy, she gets a letter in the mail that just might win her money and fame! The letter instructs: "Head to the bus stop nearest to you and wait for the purple bus.  It will arrive no later than six hours, two minutes, and thirty-five seconds into the morning of the second Tuesday of the month.  Get off when the bus stops, but make haste.  Our driver does not like to wait. Another letter will be waiting there for you."

How could Mina pass up a chance like that?  So of course she just had to board that bus.  But after just a few minutes of driving, the landscape starts to change...drastically.  She's never seen purple rabbits before, or sky-blue grass.  And things just get weirder.  Mina finds herself thinking, "Toto?  I don't think we're in Kansas anymore..."

Next title: Several Different Skies

submitted by Tsuki the Skywolf, age many moons, she/her
(October 1, 2021 - 8:05 am)

When Giselle was very young, her papa taught her to read the music in the sky- the arrangement of stars that when compared to a staff chart became musical composition, caused by the sensitive, harmony-loving sky godess, Tante Ciel. Her papa left home when Giselle was just 6, to share his beautiful songs with the world. Every night, at exactly midnight, Giselle and her papa read the music of the sky, no matter their separation, and play it on their worn, shabby guitars. Tante's songs are mostly playful, with hints of love and magic and hope. The one thing that remains consistent in all her compositions is her obvious gift for weaving a tale into a song. However, shortly before Giselle's seventeenth birthday, Tante's songs change drastically, switching from carefree romps to raging storms and cautious creeps. The fear and mistrust of the stars begins to seep into Giselle's world, putting the human species at serious risk. Giselle knows she must right celestial wrongs, and sets out on a magical, musical voyage into the ether to soothe Tante's soul and release her pain.

Erm yes I see Moana vibes...oh well.

Next Title:  The Prisoner at Door Number 32


submitted by Phoenix Tears, age 12, Revolutionary Grape Jelly
(October 4, 2021 - 1:24 pm)

All his life, a short 13 years, Evan has lived with his father in an abandoned apartment building. Every day his dad went to work at a factory so they could have enough to eat. One day, he doesn't come back, and Evan, terrified, tries to find out what happened to him. Finally someone tells him that his father was unjustly accused and taken to the city prison, so Evan goes there and, thanks to his small size, manages to get in through the air conditioning vents. But his father is nowhere to be found, and the hooded prisoner at Door Number 32 keeps saying he knows where Evan's dad is. But his help comes with a price--one which Evan may not be willing to pay.

Next title: The Girl from A Thousand Years Ago

submitted by Shining Star, age 13 eons, The Milky Way
(October 9, 2021 - 6:59 pm)
submitted by Top, age toptop, toptop
(October 9, 2021 - 9:00 pm)

The Girl from a Thousand Years Ago

This book is about a dystopian world in the year 3021. World hunger may have been solved, and world peace may have been achieved, but something is missing. Then a portal opens up in the middle of the largest city. A girl from the year 2021 tumbles out. To the current inhabitants, she seems strange. She smiles and cries and grimaces. She has emotions, and teaches the rest of the world how to feel again.


Next title: Weaver of Silver and Bronze 

submitted by Wildfire, age untold, Muspellheim
(October 10, 2021 - 9:23 am)

Erlie's apprenticed to her small town's blacksmith, who's the closest thing she's ever had to a parent. On the last day of summer, a man visits their town–one of the empress's magic collectors, who goes out scouting for magical talent. Erlie is planning to just take advantage of the day off, skip some rocks, and do whatever she wants–but it's suddenly turned upside down when the collector takes her to the capital. Suddenly, she ditches iron and farming plows for silver and jewelry, and becomes apprenticed to a magical silversmith–but even the jewelry doesn't last. It's not long before Erlie finds herself weaving weapons, as she attempts to uncover the undercurrents of lies and deception that surrounds the new war campaign.

Next title: The Ferris Wheel Lights 

submitted by Rainbow Riot
(October 11, 2021 - 5:13 pm)

!! Can you write that book???

submitted by Tsuki@Rainbow Riot
(October 11, 2021 - 5:36 pm)