GloWorm's Perfectly P

Chatterbox: Inkwell

GloWorm's Perfectly P

GloWorm's Perfectly Printed School.



Hello my dears, I am Principal Gloworm, also known as Miss GloWorm in english, Mrs. Gloworm in Science, Ms. Gloworm in Art, and Mr. Gloworm in Literature.

First of all, let my say, that I only have room for five students in each subject, making a total of 20 students.

So here's how we do this thing! You will choose a subject you wish to excel in (or two if we have enough room!) and then I will make seperate threads (Hmm...classrooms!) in that subject, and our teachers (Me..) will...teach you! Basically they will type up something on the subject, and then ask you to do an essay/ect on it.

Please read our requirments and such below..

1- You can be any age, (but let me warn you that somethings might be over/under your head, depending on the age. That is not an insult, but if you haven't learned's not your fault!)

2- You are not required to come to every class or anything..just please atleast come to 5 a month. If you don't take it seriously, or think you won't have time, please don't join at all!

3- Rude behavior will get you sent to the Principals office, were you will have to write a 20 sentence essay explaining your behavior.


Name/Username -

Age/Age range

Subject you wish to be in -

Something interesting about you





This will be closed when we get 20 students, or in three days.


submitted by GloWorm, age 12, USA
(September 26, 2009 - 8:25 pm)

((By the way, I'm in 7th grade.))

submitted by Lovley Lunegood
(October 9, 2009 - 9:13 pm)

Principle GloWorm? Are you there? Because nobody has even done anything school-related yet....

submitted by Mango
(October 10, 2009 - 10:41 am)
All of you are accepted, I will begin making classrooms immediatly.
Principal GloWorm
submitted by GloWorm, age 12, USA
(October 10, 2009 - 10:04 am)

Hello Mango!

submitted by Dawnpaw
(October 10, 2009 - 10:50 am)

Hi, Dawnpaw!

submitted by Mango
(October 10, 2009 - 4:21 pm)

I have made all the classrooms. I believe that Science was pushed to the back of the thread though, I apologize.

submitted by Principal Gloworm, age N/A, Your School.
(October 10, 2009 - 1:14 pm)


11, about 7th grade


I am at a college grade grammar level and a 9th grade reading comprehension level.

submitted by Charlotte, age 11, Colorado
(October 10, 2009 - 6:18 pm)

Name: Olive

Age/Age range: 12. Grade 6 or 7 in literature and English. 

Subject: Literature, English, or Art  

Something interesting about you: I am in Grade 6 piano. (RCM syllabus) and am taking my exam in the summer. So if art class is for "the arts" and not just painting, sketching, and stuff that I'm horrible at, then Art class would be good. I also like to blog and can type 60+ words per minute when I feel like it. :-P Maybe 70, I haven't checked for a long time. 

submitted by Olive
(April 22, 2010 - 7:32 pm)


submitted by Tip Top, age TOP, Toptown, T.O.P
(May 22, 2010 - 9:45 am)

Hi, I'm the new kid!!

My name=Sasha

my age= 12 and my grade=7th

could I be in english class?

something interesting bout me=this is the only school I go to. (and no, I will NOT tell u what that means) 

submitted by Sasha B., age 12, Berkeley, CA
(August 15, 2010 - 11:26 am)