Hillside High School

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Hillside High School

Hillside High School for the Gifted 

So I had some weird dreams about school and decided to write them down and turn them into a story. I'm going to be trying to post a new chapter a least once a week. 

- This story is based on dreams that I had about my school and real people I know. I changed all the names, however. 

-I am definitely open to constructive cristism. 

Ok, I don't know what else to say o.0 Anyway, I hope that you enjoy these story!


The high school on Sunshine Acres stood tall and average. The classic bricks and tinted windows, the sloping rust and creaky roof blurred when you stared at them for too long. The flower beds were a little too bright, a little too sharp and shiny. There was a flashing sign by the doors, displaying announcements that seemed normal enough. Yet there was something off, perhaps the pixels were too crisp, or the words were too shaky. 

A truck pulled up in the parking lot. Its metal sides were dented in the strangest patterns. A janitor in white coveralls stepped out of the driver’s seat. He pulled three large black bags out of the back. The bags were nearly as big as he was and they bounced against the pavement as he walked up to the school's entrance. The doors were locked but the janitor stepped right through them as though they were not even there. 

The flashing sigh blinked. For a single moment, it displayed a beautiful landscape with the words DELIVERED standing like red trees in the background. Then the screen went black and did not turn on until the next morning when children ran through the doors. 

There was something strange about Hillside High School for the Gifted.


submitted by Leo, she/they
(April 20, 2021 - 9:40 pm)

I'm already intrigued!

submitted by Jaybells, age Obscure, Lost in the Universe
(April 21, 2021 - 2:24 pm)

Thank you, Jaybells! I'll probably get the next chapter out tomorrow. 

submitted by Top, it's Leo
(April 21, 2021 - 5:23 pm)

This seems really cool! I love your writing style.

submitted by Quill
(April 22, 2021 - 1:14 pm)

Here is Chapter 1! Hopefully I was actually able to proofread it correctly, unlike last time. :>


Chapter 1: Plastered Smiles

My alarm rang out into the morning of silence. The noise snaked its way into my ears and pushed me up and awake. I slammed it off but I could have sworn that there was a high-pitched buzzing noise that I’d never heard before in between the alarm’s beep, beep, beeps

It was my first day of high school. The next hour was a rush, nerves slowly bubbling up in my stomach and forcing my mouth closed. I promised my mother that I would eat on the bus ride and ran out the door. 

The sunlight dipped through the tree branches and painted a swaying mural onto my street. The wind eased my feet into a merry skip that contrasted with the dread weighing down my heart. I turned the corner and the bus raced by me, a blur of yellow machinery. 

I froze, tears prickling at my eyes. I had missed the bus. I was just a cracking teenager standing at the crossroads, ashamed to turn back to tell my mother that I hadn’t been quick enough and afraid of showing up late and messy. 

If I ran as fast as I could, there was a chance that I could run through the school’s doors just before the clock ticked them close. I ran. I ran down the road. There were ferns stretching out onto the sidewalk and they slapped my face as I ran. 

In hindsight, that was a foolish idea but I still ran with it. My heart was too heavy and I tripped over my breath. After a few minutes, I was a foot away from sprawling on the warming pavement, my hands on my knees as I begged the air back into my lungs. 

And then there was a whoosh behind me, sounding like a winter’s wind. I turned, and gasped with newfound breath. It was the bus and its doors were opening to me. It looked different than I remembered, though it could just be a different paint job.

The bus driver’s face was covered in shadows but they gave me a toothy grin when I climbed aboard. The seats were upholstered with grey leather that shined brighter than normal. There were a number of people in the seats but none of them looked up at me. They were all huddled in the corners staring at their hands. It was as if they weren’t even there at all. I chose a seat by the back and watched the greenery fade in the window. 

A sign flashed Hillside High School for the Gifted in floaty letters, dragging me out of the oddest daydream. I was the first one out of the bus, even though I told my feet to move as slow as possible. 

Students strolled through the doors, exchanging greetings and gossip. I blended in with the crowd, nodding my head to people I could name and sharing smiles with those I could not. My nerves peaked as I stepped over the threshold, but they were mixed with a tang of rebellious excitement. 

The doors opened up to a hallway leading to an open cafeteria with round tables and stools circled around them. There were several classrooms with decorated doors surrounding the cafeteria. On the opposite wall from where I stood, two hallways raced parallel into the back parts of the school. 

I stood frozen, taking it all in when I felt a clammy hand on my shoulders. A snaking arm pulled me into a small office, the door slamming shut. 

A woman stood behind the desk, grinning at me with milky teeth. “Hello, Leo.” she said in a sickly sweet voice, “I’m your school counselor, Ms. Parker.” 

I took a hesitant seat in the red-stained chair in front of me. “Nice to meet you.” 

Ms. Parker’s eyes flashed bright as she pulled a stack of papers from a desk drawer. I got a glimpse of a sheet with what looked like photos of students with red X’s scribbled over their eyes. I inched back in my chair. 

Ms. Parker handed me a piece of paper. “Here’s your schedule. Do you need help finding your classes?” She tilted her head at me, “I’d be happy to show you around.” 

There was something off about her. “No, thank you. I’m sure I can find my way around.” I shuddered. I would wander the right way somehow. 

Ms. Parker frowned, then slapped another fake smile on. “All right, then. See you around!” She laughed. 

 Just as I was stepping back in the hallway, she called out to me. “Leo,” she looked at me sincerely as her voice wavered. “Don’t go into the water.” 

I gave a forced smile, shaking my head as I walked away. What on earth did that mean? My mind was a chorus of competing chorus, all yelling to have their say. I clenched my wrists, my fingers denting my skin as I anxiously stood still in the bustling hallway. 


submitted by Leo, Chapter 1
(April 22, 2021 - 5:01 pm)

This is so intriguing! :D

submitted by peppermint, lost in a book
(April 23, 2021 - 5:40 pm)

Somebody in a dream: *very gravely* "Don't go into the water."

You: What??? What the heck is she talking about?

Me: *goes along with it*  Yep, yep, totally understandable.


Legit, though, this always happens in my dreams (just with slightly different circumstances,  obviously) and I just sort of accept it; like, for some reason it always makes sense until I wake up. XD

As a sidenote, recently my dreams have been way more vivid than usual... I wonder if it's because I was thinking about this so I'm just more aware of it, though.


Also, also, your writing feels so visceral and... I don't know if creative is strong enough of a word? Either way, it just feels very unique, and the whole dream logic makes everything so much more interesting? Terrifying? Thrilling? All of the above, probably. :P

submitted by Jaybells, age Obscure, Lost in the Universe
(April 25, 2021 - 2:07 am)

Yeah, dream logic is pretty crazy! I feel like I've also been having more vivid dreams recently though I'm not sure why. Thanks for reading! I feel like my writing style is kind of too weird sometimes but I think it works for this story at least. 

submitted by Leo
(April 30, 2021 - 12:51 pm)

Ooh, I really like this! Creepy!

submitted by Honeybee
(April 22, 2021 - 9:52 pm)

Thank you to everyone who has read this! I'm glad that it's intriguing and spooky so far, because that's definitely what I was going for. Honestly the dreams that I had were pretty weird and a little creepy. That's probably why I still remember them because I feel like I usually forget my dreams.


It's been pretty interesting to figure out how I want the story to go. I had two dreams that were sort of like two different days and at first I thought that I was going to tell the story by just like writing about the events in the order that I dreamed of. I realized that I wanted to mix different events from both dreams together. So the first chapter is based on the first part of my first dream and the next chapter will be able the first part of my second dream. I also definitely want to make it a more established story that has like a climax, plot, developed characters, villian since there wasn't really much of that in my dreams. 

Anyway that was a lot of rambling. I'll post the next chapter in a few days!  

submitted by Leo
(April 24, 2021 - 10:15 pm)

I'll probably get the next chapter out tomorrow!

submitted by Top, it's Leo
(April 27, 2021 - 6:05 pm)

I'm going to post Chapter 2 in two parts because it's sort of long. So here's the first part!

Chapter 2: Good Enough 

The people around me were talking so loud. Their voices were washing over me, pushing and pulling me out to sea. 

There was a man in a suit climbing on a table. “Attention, new students! Listen!” he yelled and the crowd hushed, though there was not silence. 

“Settle down.” The man surveyed the room before continuing. “I am Mr. Rain and I’m your principal. Welcome to your first day of school!” He waved his hands as he spoke but his voice was monotone. 

“As you all know this is Highside High School for the Gifted. You are all here because you have done exceptionally well at your previous schools and because you all have exceptional gifts.” He gave a big, wide, tilted smile. “It’s essential that you keep up your studies here. It’s imperative that you are good enough. ” 

Several students were having their own conversations. A peal of laughter broke out a few feet away from me and Mr. Rain’s head snapped. He glared at the crowd. “Get to your homerooms.” He said harshly, climbing off the table and pushing past people to close off his office. 

I had to roll my eyes. I’d never held much respect towards my previous principals and I doubt that it would change now. Mr. Rain seemed to be out of touch, just another leader who was only concerned with how well the school looked on paper and couldn’t care less about what the students felt. 

I pulled the now crumpled schedule out of my pocket and examined it in the fluorescent lighting. It read: Homeroom Mrs. Goodenough Room 105   I had no idea where Room 105 was. I asked the first person I saw. 

“Room 105? With Mrs. Goodenough?” the girl with long hair exclaimed. She turned to her friend and snickered. I stared at her shoes, trying not to look as annoyed as I felt. 

“Mrs. Goodenough? She’s a little insane, isn’t she?” Her friend screamed with laughter. “Her room is over there. Good luck!” 

I nodded a half thank you and headed to the door that she had pointed to. It was covered in grassy plants and snaking vines. They were fake of course, but they looked incredibly realistic. The words Room 105 were spray painted in pale, tiny letters near the upper right corner. I reached for the doorknob but it wasn’t there. Looking around in disbelief, I saw that there were no doorknobs on the entire door. How on earth was I going to get inside? 

I must have examined that door for five minutes straight, when I noticed something strange at the bottom. I pushed hard on the bottom part of the door and a flap swung open. It looked large enough for me to fit through so I crawled through. 

I climbed out into a small dark classroom. The floor and the walls were covered in plants, their leaves stretching and their vines twisting and turning. The air was damp and fragrant. It was amazing. 


submitted by Leo
(April 28, 2021 - 1:01 pm)

Here's the rest of Chapter 2!

Chapter 2: Good Enough (Part 2)

There was a worn-down table in the center with a few chairs placed around. A woman was seated in one, her back to me. 

“Hello, Mrs. Goodenough?” I asked. The words hung in the air. 

The woman turned around slowly. Her eyes were wide and sunken, her hair was matted dirty blond. It hung over her wrinkled face. 

“Hello.” she said. Her voice was clear and soft. She inched closer to me, her white flowy dress swaying. I tried to back away but the wall was right there and a vine’s thorns digging into my back. 

“You’re Leo, aren’t you?” Mrs. Goodenough held up a shriveled hand and pressed a clammy finger to my forehead. I felt a warm power spreading through my veins and sneaking into the cracks in my mind. 

Mrs. Goodenough’s eyes glowed. She was floating inches off the floor and I couldn’t move, transfixed as her appearance changed. Her body shriveled up and her head turned into a giant eyeball with green veins creeping up the sides. Her finger was no longer on my forehead - I’m not sure that she had hands anymore - but she still held me in place with her stare. I could feel her single pupil flicking through the folds of my brain. 

Mrs. Goodenough spoke without a mouth. A haunting layered voice rang in my ears. “You. You. Let go, Leo.” The eye screamed. “You’re falling, you’re afraid. Let go.” The eye whispered. “Don’t you see it too? Your future is approaching, full of aching. Let go, or you will never be free.” 

She let go and I fell to the floor, with my fingernails as thorns in my palm. I gasped for breath as she faded back into a person, her shoulders slumping in her dress. She looked at me with a frown between her eyebrows. 

“What on earth are you doing on the floor?” 

“I - I - what did you do to me? What, what,...why!?” I screamed with tears peeking through my eyes. 

Mrs. Goodenough looked concerned as she pulled me to my feet. “Child, are you alright? Would you like some tea?” 

“Tea? Where would you make-” The vines and the plants were gone. I was standing in a normal classroom with several desks and a small kitchen in the back. “I have to go…” The door was a normal door, the doorknob intact without a little flap. 

“Where are you going?” Mrs. Goodenough yelled as I wrenched the door open and ran out. According to my schedule, I was heading to Room 112 next. I spotted the room quickly, it was only a few doors down. As I jogged over, I turned once to look back. Room 105 was covered in vines, I blinked and they disappeared. 


submitted by Leo
(April 30, 2021 - 8:53 am)

I definitely haven't given up on this, I just have a lot of other stuff going on! Hopefully I will be able to get back to posting regularly next week. 

submitted by Leo
(May 9, 2021 - 9:29 pm)
submitted by TOPbells, age Obscure, Lost in the Universe
(May 13, 2021 - 6:25 pm)

Oooh... I'm very intrigued! I love the descriptions and eeriness of it all. Keep on writing! I'll be following along!

submitted by Majestic Mary, age 1 eternity, Majestopia
(May 15, 2021 - 7:59 pm)