Chatterbox: Inkwell




Pretty self-explanatory. Just post any random things that you've written here. 

submitted by Firelily
(February 23, 2021 - 2:51 pm)

Horray! I keep on wanting to share this w/ people but none of my friends give criticism! This is part of a fan-fic, here you go...

“You know nothing of me!” hissed Sombra Oscura, her voice emitting from all of the shadows, creating a haunting, layered sound. It sent chills down Bird’s spine.

“And you know nothing of me!” shreaked Bird, her hands growing white hot, “I am more powerful than you, tenfold.” she aimed her hands at Sombra Oscura.

She blasted a hot beam of pure light. Sombra Oscura transformed into her shadow and floated just above the light. She flew off, the shadow army following her and her cackles.

Bird kicked the ground in frustration and let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. Suddenly, she heard a groan from where Sombra Oscura had been standing.

It was Izzy.

“Izzy!” Olly cried, running towards his twin. He dropped to his knees and cradled Izzy’s head in his lap, whispering into her ear, “It’s going to be okay. It’s going to be okay, Izzy. I’m right here.”

Bird, Carter, Leila, Theo and Ridley circled the twins. “I-I’m sorry,” Bird said, barely choking out the words, “I’m sorry.”

Olly turned his head, tears like rivers down his red cheeks, “Sorry doesn’t fix this.” he said, his voice only just audible, “You almost killed her.”

Bird felt her own tears stinging her eyes. She nodded, “Sorry doesn’t fix this,” she agreed.

The Misfits stared at Izzy, her chest hardly moving. Olly brushed Izzy’s curls out of her face, and let out a light gasp when he discovered a small cut.

Ridley offered a cloth she kept in her wheelchair. Olly muttered his thanks and used it to wipe the blood from Izzy’s forehead.

Seconds past by.

Izzy’s eyes slowly fluttered open after a minute or two, dust like little fireflies jumping off her eyelashes. She coughed, then smiled at Olly. He smiled back sadly and held her hand. Olly leaned down and hugged her with a love only siblings could share.

No, not just siblings.

With a love only twins could share.



submitted by Writing_in_the_dark, age 11, NY but not NYC
(February 23, 2021 - 4:55 pm)
submitted by toip
(February 23, 2021 - 9:18 pm)

Toppi-toppity TOP!

submitted by I'd rather not tell, topping
(February 24, 2021 - 2:04 pm)