Chatterbox: Inkwell




Because; *Looks directly into camera* I'm unoriginalllll!

Also, I miss the old Boarding School RPs. They were a lotta fun! 

ANYWAY! Here's everything you need to know!

1) The name of the school is "The Staibadourian Prodigy Academy". It's in a country called Staibadour!

2) It's a high school for kids that excel at one thing in particular, and the kids are called "Ultimates", who come from all around the world! (Basically, there would be the "Ultimate Chef", the "Ultimate Fashonista", etc, etc, etc.)

3) The teachers are also Ultimates, like the "Ultimate English Teacher" or the "Ultimate Janitor". You can submit charries for them too!

4) You can have up to... Actually, no limit on characters, go crazy!

5) Starts on Wednesday, but you can join anytime! 


Character Sheets




Student, Extra, or The School's Staff?:

Ultimate Talent? (Can Ignore If Character Is An Extra):






Well, I don't want to overload the Admin, so I'll post my charrie(s?) later!

Sincerely, Samantha "Sammy" Everlast 

submitted by Sammy E, age Immortal, The Everlasting Mansion
(December 7, 2020 - 5:12 pm)


submitted by LazerTOP
(February 3, 2021 - 4:53 pm)

A/N: S a n d !

Alexander's POV:

"Sh-shouldn't we be heading back?" I said nervously, watching as Yves continued to be... Yves.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. What's the worst thing that could happen?" Beck asked as he started to look around for something to use as a lock pick.

He finally found a shard of glass, and gave it to Yves. 

"Er- Being suspended, being expelled, getting sued, going to jail, dying an untimely death…" I paled, "Or worse… Our legal guardians find out."

Yves cursed under his breath as he almost stabbed himself with his 'lock pick'.

"...How's that worse than death?" Beck asked, as he watched Yves.

"You don't know how scary Ydris can get when I pull something as easy as this off… and fail to get away with it. His brother on the other hand," Yves responded, as he pointed to me, "Would probably just cry- ACK!"


Five minutes later, I finally got the shoe I threw at the theatre kid back.

Well, kind of.

Beck confiscated my shoe privileges until we have access to medical supplies, so my poor shoes were tragically in my book bag.

Oh, woe is me. Until we meet again, dear ammo. 

"AHAH! Got it!" Yves exclaimed, as he successfully opened the chest, "BEHOLD... Golden, diamond encrusted… Vases?"

I blinked slowly.

"I think they're containers actually. Since they have lids." Beck corrected, as he picked one up.

"Erm... Guys. Those are-"

"I wonder if you can sell this stuff online?" Yves mused.

"N-no. You might want to leave that alone…"

Beck handed the 'container' to Yves. 

"Let's open it!" He exclaimed to Beck, grinning.

"Please don't-"

"He opened it!"  

This time it was my turn to say interesting things under my breath, whilst facepalming.

"Wow! Look! A 100% totally illegal dangerous unhealthy powder substance, which should most definitely not be in my small child hands!" Yves exclaimed in a (concerningly over-excited) animated voice.


"Eh- Yeah, let's go with that."

"That's... That's not what you think it is." I said, sighing.

"Hm? What is it then?" Beck asked, half paying attention.

"This 'container' is in fact..." I started, as I took the object from Yves, "An urn. If I had to guess, it probably holds one of the original founders of the school."

They stared at me blankly, as I started a mental countdown.

3... 2… 1…



I hid my smile as they continued to freak out.

"I am 100% done with these tunnels today! I'm going to class!" Yves exclaimed as he ran away.

"I- I'm going to go... I'll- I'll see you at lunch." Beck muttered, speechless, before he also walked away.

I laughed, and started heading for class. 

submitted by Sammy E, age Immortal, The Everlasting Mansion
(February 3, 2021 - 10:21 pm)


I think I'm going to be sick. Who even puts an urn in a chest though? A bit suspicous. I checked my map and ran to what I thought was my correct class. I peeked inside and saw a chubby but stern looking teacher with round glasses, a green sweatervest and a bushy moustache talking to the students. I knocked on the door and awkawrdly walk in. "U-um... Is this my class?" I ask. The teacher looks down at a sheet of paper. In an angry voice, he says "Beck jordan? Is that you?" I nodd. He glares at me. "My name is Mr. Jim, and you're five minutes late. Detention." I couldn't believe my ears. "Wha- B-but this is my first day here!" He shook his head. "I don't want excuses. Now go sit down." He pointed at a desk in the back of the class. Not wanting to attract anymore attention I hung my head and walked to my desk. I really don't like this Mr. Jim. Almost every kid was looking at me until Mr. Jim snapped his fingers. "Stop looking at him and open your quarter 1 books to page 5."  Mr. Jim started to read about antartica or something. Every time he asked a question, only one kid raised their hand. He seemed to really like her. Every question you heard her squeal "OOH! CALL ON ME!" And then Mr. Jim would call on her and she would answer the question in a voice that sounded like a pig singing opera. When she was passing out the papers for us to write on, she kicked my shin when she walked by me. "Ow! What was that for?' I asked. Now that she was up close I could see she had short brown hair and purple glasses."You interrupted our class. But luckily he'll send you to detetion, and kick you out." I stared her down. "And if he doesn't kick me out?" She laughed. "You'll fail anyways." She strolled away, humming. Ugh. She is really annoying. Mr. Jim started to read and I took the oppurtunity to get some sleep. I already new everything about antartica anyways.


@Sammy everlast- Are Beck, Yves and Alexander in the same class? 

submitted by Lazerbat
(February 4, 2021 - 10:37 am)


Yes, Alexander's in a few classes and Yves's in a couple other!

submitted by Sammy Everlast, age Immortal, The Everlasting Mansion
(February 4, 2021 - 2:10 pm)


The next day I strolled to breakfast and grabbed some waffles and bacon. I didn't see anyone I knew yet except for Alexander and his friends. I walked over to them and sat down.

"Hey Alexander!" I said. I noticed one of his friends, I think his name was Beck, pouting next to Alexander.

"Oh, h-hi Demaree! Nice to s-see y-ou ag-gain," Alexander greeted me. 

"Hey Allie's Girlfri-" Yves started, but Alexander jabbed him with his elbow. 

"I still can't believe I got detention!" Beck groaned. "I was only a mere five minutes late! Mr. Jim is super strict I guess."

"Oh! I had a class with him," I said. "He's actually not that bad, though he is in no way tolerable of tardiness." I lowered my voice. "You know, I heard some students were going to sneak into the Gardens. I sort of wish I could join them...I wonder if the Star Student knows about this."

Alexander glanced at Yves and Beck. "Y-yeah I heard t-too, b-but it sounds d-dangerous. I m-mean if the r-rules s-specifically say not to, I-I don't think s-students should."

"It certainly doesn't seem dangerous to me!" I said. "What's the worst that could be in there? This is a school after all, why hide something dangerous when kids are living like forty feet away from it?"

Students were beginning to file out of the Dining Hall. I hurriedly finished my food, grabbed my bag, and waved goodbye to Alexander to head to my first class of the day.

submitted by Cynthia M, age 12, USofA
(February 4, 2021 - 9:31 pm)
submitted by LazerTOP
(February 7, 2021 - 5:08 am)
submitted by TOPhat, age TOP, TOP
(February 9, 2021 - 7:38 am)


I finished up my mediocre spahgetti and threw away the remains. "Well, I'm off to class. See you guys later." Just as I was about to leave, Yves called out "Beck! Wait!" I turned around. "Yes?" "Me, Allie, Allie's girlfr-" Alexander shot him a dirty look. "Er, I mean Demaree. We all are planning to have a little dance party after school in our dorm. Want to join us?" I replied without thinking. "YES!" I practically yelled. "Seeyoualllaterbyebye!" I said at the speed of a bullet. Then I rushed out of the lunch room. Yeesh. I can't believe I yelled that. Suddenly, I tripped over something and fell onto the ground. I got up slowly, only to see who tripped me. It was that mean girl from Mr. Jim's class with a gang of giggling goblins. "So, you think you're so cool just because you hang out with *sigh* Yves?" She said. "Wait. Do YOU have a crush on him." I asked. "Of course I do, you dim-wit! He's so nice, and funny, and handsome, and handsome, and handsome, and-" I interrupted her. "Ok, ok! I get the message!" She gave me a smug look. "I have a little buisness proposition for us. You get Yves to go out with me, I don't annoy you for the rest of the year." We glared at each other for a couple minutes. I can't do this. Yves already llikes that one girl Blue. But, I that is a good proposition... I stand up straight. "Deal, um- what's your name?" "My name is Lucille." I attempt to smile. "Deal, Lucille." We shake hands. As I walk away though, I start to smile very maliciously. I'm not going to get her with Yves. No, no, no. I'm going to do something a lot more... evil to her. And I bet Yves, Allie, and Demaree will love to help. BWAHAHAH!

submitted by Lazerbat
(February 9, 2021 - 10:03 am)

Name: Stella Pearl

Age: 15

Gender: she/her

Student, Extra, or The School's Staff?: Student

Ultimate Talent? (Can Ignore If Character Is An Extra): Ultimate Seamstress

Appearance: Smooth, silvery hair down to the waist. Pale green eyes and smooth skin. She wears golden eyeshadow and makeup to balance out her hair. She usually wears clothes that she designed and made, so anything goes. She is very hygienic, and smells like oranges. Idk why I threw that in.

Personality: She is a little self-centered, but she's also very caring and compassionate. She's anxious and a perfectionist, but she is working on calming herself(breathing excersices etc.) She is very charismatic, and has many people who have crushes on her.

Shipping: Pan, so...anyone she feels a connection to!

Other: She loves rock music

submitted by Star Princess
(February 9, 2021 - 10:51 am)

So sorry, it was silly of me to realize it was over >///<

submitted by Star Princess
(February 10, 2021 - 2:46 pm)

Sorry I didn't realize that it had already started. 

submitted by Star Princess
(February 10, 2021 - 2:48 pm)

Don't worry about it! I let people join my RP's no matter if it's started or not! You can still join! :D

submitted by @Star Princess, age It’s, SammyEverlast
(February 10, 2021 - 4:45 pm)

It's fine! There will defintely be other RP you can join!

submitted by Lazerbat
(February 10, 2021 - 4:51 pm)

Well i forgot all bout this whole roleplay so you canborrow my character!

but give her back at the end. 

submitted by Lord Entropy, age 13, Who wants to know?
(February 11, 2021 - 9:43 am)
submitted by LazerTOP
(February 14, 2021 - 6:13 am)