Heeey everyone!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Heeey everyone!

Heeey everyone!

Would you like to be in my next novel, Le Magic? If so, please submit the form below. 

Name : 

Appearance : 

Personality : 

Power : 

Species : 

Gender : 

Other :  


Short synopsis of Le Magic

So, a bunch of people go to a magic school, something goes wrong,~

Detailed. Detailed, detailed, detailed. 

A group of magical beings attend a magic school, located in Mystic. They explore the forest nearby, until one disappears. They proceed to freak out, calm down, and search. Most of them think the aforementioned one disappeared of their own free will, but their best friend, *insert name here*, thinks different. 

Ahaaa magic is everywhere, secrets are hidden, etc. 

Done. There, detailed. Anyways! Proceed on!


submitted by Nightfall, age Hello, we meet again
(November 28, 2020 - 11:11 pm)

Name : moondemon

Appearance : 10 foot 2, pale skin, light green eyes and hair 

Personality : demonic and kinda silly

Power : tides and moon stuff

Species : demon

Gender : boy 

Other :  i wield a artifact called staff of magi

submitted by moondemon, age 10, limbo
(December 7, 2020 - 10:45 am)