Set a timer

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Set a timer

Set a timer for 5 minutes. Continue the story. You don't get more than that but if you have a few grammatical errors or typos you can fix those after allthough I preferred you did that in time. I recommend taking the last 1-2 minutes looking at what you did and editing it. Conntribute to the story but loook at what the people before where trying to suggest, don't just twist it to how you want it, think about there vision and don't set up the next person's part so taht they can basicly only go where you wanted the story to go. I want to try to keep this same story going for as long as we can. It will be in first persin and in the point of veiw of the same person (whom you can make stuff up about) throughout the story. I'll start.

I ran my hand along the orange's peel, somehow both smooth and bumpy at the same time. Looking around tentatively, I plucked it off of the tree and dropped it into my hand-woven basket. Almost full. I would have to go back home once it was full so my mom could us  there magic for her potions. This was my early morning routine. So far, I hadn't gotten caught,, stealing the, but I still had to be careful.

I gathered three more oranges, then tiptoed out to the edge of the orchard, making sure I wasn't being whathced. 

"Abby? what are you doing here?" My eyes widened, and I turned around. Cole was in front of me, his smirk plastered onto his face and dark eyes pinning me down. I turned and ran.

"Hey, wait up!" he shouted. Oh no. You see, being spotted by anyone would have been bad enough, but my history with Cole was . . . complicated. I fled, past small houses and

Continue the story. Make sure you read all of the parts first so you know what's going on. 

submitted by Feline Fantasy
(October 19, 2020 - 4:45 pm)
. . .filthy alleyways. I duck behind an abandoned market stall. Please, I beg silently, don't make Cole find me stealing.
It's bad enough that the son of the mayor is my stepmother's son. It's bad enough that he was my best friend until last year, when our parents got married. At least we don't live in the same house. But he and his family have ruined my life quite enough for one year. He doesn't get to hurt me any more.
"Abby?" he says again. No. He's walking right past the stall. He's going to bend down. He's going to see me. Please, no. Please.
"Abidell?"  My full first name. I hate that name, and he knows it. Who names their kid Abidell? You would think that someone who. . .
submitted by PygmyOwl
(October 19, 2020 - 7:00 pm)
submitted by TOP
(October 19, 2020 - 7:30 pm)
submitted by TOP
(October 19, 2020 - 7:30 pm)

...lives and breaths on spells and incantations would think of something a little more poetic.

Right, my mother. I had to get back to the house before she started worrying. Cole couldn't stand in my way. Probably. 

"What on earth are you doing?" Cole's dark face peers suspiciously down at me. 

"None of your business, that's what," I snap back, standing up and glaring at him defiantly. 

"I'm the mayor's son. Everything's my business." Cole used to be different before his mother--and my stepmother--became the mayor. He didn't used to be so braggy and conceited. I pause for a moment, almost sad, wishing that he hadn't changed. Then I shake my head. There's no use in dwelling on that.

"Is your mother using those in her spells?" Cole asks suddenly. 

No. He can't. It's impossible--

"W-what?" I ask, fully aware that my voice is trembling. 

"Her spells. I know she's a witch," Cole says.

"My mother is not a witch!" I say, flaring up. "She's an enchantress." I cover my mouth, realizing what I've just said. 

"So it is true," says Cole quietly. "I knew it."

I turn and run before I can let anything else slip. 

submitted by Lupine, Platform 9 and 3/4
(October 20, 2020 - 9:25 pm)
submitted by Top!
(October 21, 2020 - 3:05 pm)

My heart is pounding. Stupid! I curse myself. He can't know. No one can know. So how does he? 

Ducking through the maze of alleyways and houses that is my hometown, I puzzle this over. We're always so careful, even someone spying shouldn't know the truth.

A chill runs up my spine. If Cole knows about the potions, does he know my secret? Surely, sooner or later, he'll wonder why we make potions at all.

And then there'll be no way to hide my true self any longer.


Sorry this is so short, I'm not used to writing with a time limit. Regardless, this is looking great so far! Keep up the good work! 

submitted by Snazzycakes, Eternalia
(October 21, 2020 - 4:52 pm)

Let's not let this die, I was hoping it would be a lot longer than this.

submitted by TOP
(October 29, 2020 - 7:25 pm)

Let's not let this die, I was hoping it would be a lot longer than this.

submitted by TOP
(October 29, 2020 - 7:25 pm)