Hello everyone! I'm

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Hello everyone! I'm

Hello everyone! I'm going to post some of my books that I'm writing. I hope you like it!

~Chapter One~

"One for all, used to be divided, one for all, now we're all united, one for all..." My sister, Ariana sang. She really likes that song from Zombies 2. "Ok, ok, I get it, sis." I said, looking at my phone. "Oh, come on, Bradley, sing it!" Ariana said, looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

"No way. No one needs to know about my voice, ever since I fainted at that talent show when I was seven." I said, remembering the time where I almost performed at the school talent show. 

"Fine. I guess you don't want some pizza." Ariana said, looking at me from the corner of her eye. 

"Ok, ok, I'll do it." I said. I played the song until I got the notes right. I quickly wrote it down and started to sing. 

"One for all, used to be divded, one for all now we're all united, one for all, this party ain't private, one for all, everyone's invited, one for all, no wristband required, one for all, get hype, get excited, one for all, one for all, one for all, one for all." Ari sang with me. 

I smiled as the song ended and Fluffy, our, well, fluffy cat, walked up to us and meowed. "Did you feed him?" I asked Ari.

"I forgot. Be right back!" Ari said, runninginto the house. I rolled my eyes and smiled. I put a cat treat in my hand and held it up to him.

"C'mon, Fluffy. High Five me." I said, while Fluffy looked at my hand. He out his paw into my hand and I gave him the treat. Fluffy purred, which I haven't heard him do since I found him when he ran off. But that was when I was fifteen.

"I have the food!" Ari said, running with the food bowl in her hand. 

"WATCH OUT, BRADLEY!!!" Someone screamed as I turned around. Something hit me in the head and I blacked out. I woke up to an IV needle in my arm, and I tried to turn my head. "Ow, ow, ow,ow. OwowowoowowowowowowowOW!" I said, as I failed in turning my head. 


CLIFFHANGER TO THIS CHAPTER!!!!!!! Mostly because I JUST started working on it and I am running out of ideas on what to write in this chapter. 


submitted by Emekittycon Kitten, age 11, Kitten Kingdom
(June 17, 2020 - 11:33 am)

Not bad. I particularly like how you used the Zombies 2 song to establish the sibling's relationship and character. That was really well done. 

One thing that bothered me: why exactly did Fluffy, who is so retinicent about purring, purr over so small a thing as a treat? 

As for the actual writing process, have you planned ahead what you're going to do? Myself, I need to know where I'm going to write a good story- I need the beginning, the end and a few things in between. The rest I figure out as I go along. But a lot of writers do better starting at the beginning and going on to the end without really knowing what the end's going to be. Still, if you're stuck, figuring out where your story is going, or at least what happens next, seems to me a pretty good idea. And, if you're running out of ideas for a chapter, maybe that chapter doesn't need to be as long as you thought it did.

I hope this was helpful. 


submitted by Xaopve, age 17, Idea Farm
(June 18, 2020 - 11:39 am)

I agree with Xaopve on pretty much everything they said; the story is very interesting, but I'd make sure you know where you're going with it. Also, I might end the chapter at "Something hit me in the head and I blacked out". Then the next chapter could start with Bradley waking up with the IV needle in his arm, and you could write from there. If you're still stuck, some questions you could ask yourself are: 

Where is Bradley waking up?

Who screamed "WATCH OUT, BRADLEY!" (If it was Ariana, you might say that it was her just for clarity's sake) 

Who hit him in the head, and how did they get into his house without him noticing? Do they have some sort of stealth technology?

Why does he have an IV needle in his arm? Is he being experimented on somewhere? 

Why did the person who hit him in the head specifically target him? Are they gathering a particular selection of people for an experiment? Is this a dystopic world where he's secretly in a rebellion, and the person who hit him in the head is part of the controlling government? Okay, so that last one was pretty far-fetched. But still, sometimes randomly brainstorming can lead you to some pretty cool ideas. I hope this helps! Oh, and one more tip-- try reading it out loud to yourself or someone else. You might spot some things that don't sound quite right, or you might think of a new idea for your story!


submitted by Agent Winter, age Classified, Enceladus
(June 18, 2020 - 12:56 pm)

I'm using all of those ideas!! Here goes!

~Chapter Two~

"Ohhhhhh... Where am I? Why am I even here?" I said, as I woke up. I looked at my arm, and there was an IV needle in it. "Bradley! Oh, man, I thought you were dead! That thing, whatever it was, hit you in the head so hard, you instantly concked out. I'm so glad you're ok!" Ari said, hugging me. "Back off, girl. He's dangerous. He needs to be alone, until we can figure out what kind of powers he posseses." A guard said. I instantly recognized him as Officer Ryder, my hero! "Officer Ryder, I'm not dangerous. I'm just a plain, normal, ordinary guy who just got knocked out be a Frizbee...thing. So, can I be let go?" I said. "No. You posses powers that could end the world. It only is in about 19% of the population. We're trying to extract the powers from you. Ariana, you need to get out of here NOW." Officer Ryder said, pushing Ari out of the room. "But--But--But he's my brother!! Ok, maybe we can compromise here. I will give you...Hmmm, I will give you... $55 and a cookie! I was saving it for a snack later, but you might need it. To let me see my brother!" Ari said, digging in her purse. I felt a little dizzy, so I fell alseep. I woke up a couple days later in my house in my bedroom. "Ohhhh... It's the same thing over, and over again. Ok, first thing to do: Take down those Office Ryder posters down, and throw them in the trash." I said. As soon as those words came out of my mouth, the posters suddently vanished and appeared in the trash can. "Wow. Just...wow. That's just crazy. Eh, maybe Officer Ryder was right. What else can I do?" I said, getting off my bed. I walked to the yard, and saw Ari out in the yard, dancing with some of the most popular girls in town. "Ari, what are you doing?" I asked her, walking towards them. "Dance. Off. Let's GO!!" Lizzy, the leader of the group, said. "Yeah, let's go. The song: 'The New Kid In Town!' " Ari said, her bright red hair flowing in the wind.


Well, sorry about the cliffhanger, but that's all I have written down so far. I hope you liked it!  


submitted by Emekittycon Kitten, age 12, Kitten Kingdom
(June 25, 2020 - 12:12 pm)

I love it! Very interesting. I can't wait till you write more!

submitted by MEOWrulestheworld3
(June 27, 2020 - 9:00 am)