Chatterbox: Inkwell

@Peregrine! look please! remember in the get-to-now-me thread i posted? well, you said yo were interestid in my books. (sorry for any bad spelling)well, if you would like, i can post clips of them! i already did it in the thread for posting book clips, but if you didn't so it, here it is:


Amber Toling

and the 

Rebel’s War


Written By Amanda Carson and Jessica Zaid

(i'm writing it with Sky or HeroesOfOlympus, and those are the fake names we made.)



The small hut was packed with vikings, all craning their hairy necks to see Hiknokbo, creator and leader of the Rebels standing to give a speech.

“My viking friends, the Rulers have gone too far. That killing was the last straw! We must rise and fight back! Forever, we shall be fighting against those vikings. Today, I declare everlasting war! May my descendants be strong and continue the battle!” Hiknokbo pumped his hairy fist in the air and shouted, “The Rebels!!!” All the other vikings joined in, and the hut rang with the sound of vikings. Hikokbo glowered at the crowd and they fell silent.

“We shall take this seriously. Today, we attack! In fact, we attack now! Gather your weapons!” Hiknokbo grabbed a long, steel-ended spear and charged outside the hut, followed by a mob of viking carrying spears and bows, axes, and several long, heavy swords. 

“ATTACK!!!” Hiknokbo screamed. And attack they did.

200 Years Later


Amber pressed her face against the cold bars of her jail cell and wondered again why she was still here. She had been in the holding cell for a week, and they still hadn't gotten to her trial. She frowned at the concrete walls.

“Oh, the good old days when I wasn't stuck in a jail cell…” Amber muttered, and she closed her eyes and remembered the day this had all started. 

It had been a cold November morning, and she had been returning from the bakery by her apartment, clutching a bag of chocolate chip muffins still warm from the oven. She took another step and stopped suddenly, for something had whizzed by her face. She turned and saw an arrow quivering in the ground between her toes. Amber had grabbed it and pulled off the small cylinder of paper attached to the arrow shaft. She unfurled the note and read,why aren't you with the army? I thought a great commander wouldn't go on coffee breaks. Do you even know you're a commander? I bet not, haha. Go see Gregory Pailer. He’ll tell you what you need to know.  

  • Pauline Somondo, lieutenant’

Amber wondered who Gregory Pailer was, and who Pauline Somo-something thought she was, talking like that and shooting arrows at her. Amber hurried home. Later that evening, she opened her computer and searched for ‘Gregory Pailer’. The only result was a link to G. Pailer’s Garage. Amber clicked the link and got directions. The next morning she was on her way to this mysterious G. Pailer man. Once she arrived at the address, Amber had looked up to see a tiny building with overgrown weeds out front and a rusted sign saying 

                             G. P il r’  G  rag 

Amber sighed and pushed open the creaky door. Inside, it was dark, dusty, and obviously abandoned. Suddenly amber heard a shuffling sound, and out of the gloom stepped a giant of a man, G. Pailer himself. 

“Why you here, missy? The shops been closed for a while now. Did Pauline send you?” 

Amber mumbled an insult about jumping out of the shadows and nodded.

“Hmph. I told Pauline I was on vacation but nooo. Always sending new recruits HERE, when i'm trying to relax! Come on, Pauline. I need to have a talk with that-”

“Uhm, mister Pailer, Pauline actually called me a commander? What's that about? And new recruits?”

“Co-co-commander? Is this a- no, it can't be. Can't be a joke. Why, Pauline, why?”

“MISTER PAILER! Pauline said you could EXPLAIN. Well please DO! I want to know what's happening!”

“Hmph. Fine then, missy. So, if you're actually the commander… Well, long ago, there was a clan of vikings. Some of the vikings were of royal blood, and one day they declared they were the rulers. A group of vikings stood up to them, and they were killed. But in the shadows, another group of vikings formed the Rebels. They were led by a viking named Hiknokbo, who declared everlasting war. And if you're the commander, you're his descendant. Hooray, more young people trying to lead. How old are you, 15?”

“I'm not THAT short! Im 16. 16 and a half, actually.” 

Amber was surprisingly calm, given the fact she was now leading an army. All she wanted to do was find Pauline and strangle him for being so vague. But first, she had to lead an army. And finish an everlasting war, apparently. Amber sighed. She had just wanted muffins!

Amber  wanted muffins now. The only food she had gotten in jail was stale bread and lukewarm water in a tin bowl. She started to hum, and dug a bracelet out of her sweatshirt pocket. The bracelet, the one her mom had given her the day she and Dad had left for good. “Keep it close, Amber. I’ll always be with you if you keep that bracelet,” Her mother had said. She studied the intricate pattern of purple and grey thread, interwoven with small lavender beads that formed designs of flowers blooming. 

“Holding cell eight! What's that you're hiding? Come over here and give it to me.” 

A passing guard stopped in front of her cell.

“I can’t you dummy. I’m behind bars, if you haven’t noticed. Oh, and you wanted to see what I’m holding? It’s a bracelet that my mom gave me. Before she DIED. so I bring it with me everywhere I go, and BLA BLA BLA.”

The guard rolled his eyes and took a long and thin key off a loop of metal and  unlocked her cell. 

“Come on already. It's time for your trial.”

Amber stumbled out of the cell, her legs weak from sitting in a cramped cell for seven days. The guard put handcuffs on her and led her down a long hall to a courtroom. He shoved her into a chair heavily guarded by several men in dark suits with tasers at their sides. They scowled behind tinted sunglasses and slicked down hair. Amber hated them instantly. She shivered in her ripped purple sweatshirt, her long gold-brown hair rippling down her back. Even though she hadnt brushed it, it still looked nice. She focused her hazel eyes on the legs of her faded blue jeans, which were ripped and torn from crawling under barbed wire to get to the enemy fort…-long story. A loud, jarring voice brought Amber back to reality, and she looked up at the judge.

“AMBER TOLING! You were put here under charges of blowing up a building for no apparent reason!”

Amber knew that wasn't true. The building had been an enemy base, and she had blown it up for a reason. But stupid police caught her and stuck her in this junk of a jail, just so she could get sentanced to more time here. 


Amber shook her head. She wouldn't stay here. The army needed her. The judge frowned down at her.


The judge held up a small black box. Amber realized with a groan that it was film from security cameras. She thought she had destroyed them all! The judge, meanwhile, was putting the film into a projector. Light flickered onto a screen and the clip began to play. It showed Amber, her face dirty and clothes ripped from sneaking into the Ruler’s base, creeping through the halls, sticking black boxes on the walls at different intervals. A guard passed, and before he could call out, Amber shot him in the leg with a tranquilizer dart. He fell to the floor and Amber continued on. Soon, she came outside and ran a short distance away. Then she took a small remote-control from her pocket and pressed a red button. She stood back and watched as the base rumbled, then a giant mushroom smoke cloud blossomed from the roof and the building exploded. The clip stopped and all eyes turned to Amber. 

“Uh… it's not what you think it is?” she squeaked, but the judge spoke over her.


Everyone in the room except Amber raised their hands. 

“ALRIGHT! THATS FINAL!” the judge shouted, slamming a mallet on his desk.

Amber found herself thrown into a different cell, this one just slightly bigger, and different layout. To her right was a cement slab sticking out from the wall that would serve as a bed, table, and bench. It had a couple thin sheets thrown on it, and they didn't look warm at ALL. On her left was a toilet and a sink. There was a tiny window on the far wall that was criss-crossed with iron bars, but still let a little sunlight in. The only other source of light was a dim light bulb in a chicken-wire cage on the ceiling. 

“Great. Hello, home for two years.” Amber muttered as the guards closed and locked the door behind her. She sighed and sank onto the ‘bed’. Amber ran her fingers through her tangled hair and felt something cold. 

“Huh? What's this?”


HUEHUEHUE! a clifferhanger!!!!!! to see more, just ask!!! 


submitted by NoOneKnows, age ???, Everywhere
(May 23, 2020 - 4:53 pm)

Wow, I like it a lot!  It’s really interesting.  Would you post more please?  I want to know what happens next!  Also, how do you and HeroesofOlympus know each other?  

submitted by Peregrine, age Many moons, The Aerie
(May 24, 2020 - 10:24 am)

We are friends, and shes my neighbor.

submitted by NoOneKnows, age ???, Everywhere
(May 27, 2020 - 3:26 pm)
submitted by TOPeregrine!
(May 24, 2020 - 10:25 am)
submitted by TOP please!!
(May 24, 2020 - 1:58 pm)

you asked for more? your getting more! hope you enjoy! boom! here it is!

Um.... Miley? that was WAY to dermatic with the boom! so, just giving advise to a clueless girl.

Hey! i'm not clueless Amanda. so, shut up!

Amber pulled the object out of her hair and looked at it. Joy of joys, it was a bobby pin. She hardly used them, but she had hastily pinned up her hair before sneaking into the fort, as one should do when your hair brushes your waist. She set aside the bobby pin and tried not to start dancing. Now she could escape, assuming she figured out how to unlock the door with a bobby pin. Right now, she was too tired. Amber pulled her hair into a braid and bound the end with a strip of the sheets, and then she pulled the rest over her and went to bed, making sure the bobby pin was hidden under the toilet. She slept badly, dreaming of her parents. This nightmare had kept her awake before, but never as bad as this. It always started the same. She was standing in front of the door to their apartment, and her parents were next to her. Her mom clutched Dream-Amber’s shoulder and whispered, “I'm so sorry, honey. We have to go… We have to go… We have to go… We have to go… We have to go… We have to go… We have to go…” her mother's face contorted into an inhuman smile. Her dad turned to face her, and where his sarcastic smile used to be, there was a mouth full of sharp pointed teeth dripping with green slime. Her mother's face turned stretched and harsh, her teeth also long and pointed, dripping with slime. Her dad lifted his hands that now had sharp, green claws splattered with red. Soon, her parents had turned into monsters with spiky tails, long forked tongues, and a coat of purple and green scales. Both of them dropped to all fours and the scene swirled, depositing Amber and the monsters on a snow covered street. The monster that used to be her dad opened his slimy mouth and gurgled,

“Yooooour parents are dead. They tasted wooo- ooonderful! Especially thooooose nice shiny wedding rings. Pure gooooold tastes like poooomegranets.”

Dream-Amber screamed, throwing rocks at the beasts, tears splashing down her cheeks. Then a loud bugle sounded, and the monsters raced away, the scene dissolved, and Dream-Amber found herself in an underground chamber on the edge of a pool filled with lava. An old woman stood opposite from Dream-Amber, clutching a gnarled staff and staring into the lava. This didn't seem like a dream.. More like a vision.

“Amber. So good to have you here. I am your mother's mother, which makes me your grandmother, dear. I’ve come to warn you… no one can be trusted. No one, not even those closest to you, not even the one you love…”

Amber felt her cheeks warm. The lady’s voice wormed its way inside her brain and echoed around the dark cavern. Strangely, Amber wasn't surprised that this lady was her grandmother. She just hoped that Grandma would stop talking about trust, since that was the one thing she could actually rely on these days. Besides herself, of course. 

“Amber, darling, you know what you must do. Go forth. Find the enemies plans. And settle this once and for all. I know you have it in you, O dear one. I know it.”

The cavern dissolved, and Amber fell through space and time and landed back on the concrete slab in her jail cell. She opened her eyes and yawned. Why were dreams so weird? Why why why… but now she knew what she had been thinking was right. She must do it, even if it ended in death. So Amber got up and shook out her hair, then attempted to clean up, splashing freezing water from the sink on her face and hair. Once she felt clean enough, Amber found her purple sweatshirt and pulled it on over her plain white shirt that wasn't very white anymore, more like gray. She adjusted her bracelet and pulled on her socks and boots, both of which she had attempted to clean during her time in the holding cell. The boots were no longer covered in mud, luckily, and her socks had faded past pale pink and into the dirty-white spectrum. She looked good for a prisoner, Amber thought. She totally rocked the boots. She ripped apart the sheet and made a makeshift bandana that she pulled her hair back with, and used the rest of the sheet as a towel, drying off her face and hair. Finally, she was ready for a jailbreak. Amber picked up the bobby pin and sucked in her breath. 

“Now or never…” She mumbled, then stuck her arm through the bars of the cell door and wiggled the pin into the lock. Amber twisted it around a little, hoping it would click. She saw a guard in the distance. She panicked. The bobby pin was stuck in the lock, and she had to get it out before the guard came. The  guard, thankfully, turned a corner to the cells on her right. She started wiggling the bobby pin again, this time losing hope. She started to get frustrated, but kept on wiggling the bobby pin. She pushed it in deeper, wiggling all the way. She tried to squeeze through the bars, but it was impossible. She tugged on the lock, and suddenly the lock fell off the door. 

“YES!” She shout-whispered. Then, an alarm started blaring. “WEROP! WEROP! DOOR OPENED! WEROP! WEROP! DOOR OPENED! WEROP! WEROP! DOOR OPENED!” “Nooooo”, she moaned. She started to unwrap the chains that intertwined the little spaces in the door. Carefully, she opened the door and slipped out of the cell. She glanced at the peg drove deep into the wall, holding the chains that were now strewn on the floor. Glancing down the hall, she crept along. Several other prisoners started shouting out, alerting the police officers and asking her to take them with her. She ran until she reached the door marked EMERGENCY EXIT. Amber shoved open the door and ran for it as alarms wailed behind her. She ran over to the barbed wire fence and started to climb. When she got to the top, she carefully swung her foot over the barbed wire, putting her foot in the first hole in the fence on the other side. Then she swung her second foot over, swinging a little low. Her leg got tangled in the barbed wire. She tugged on her leg, breaking it free. The barbed wire had given her several new cuts and tears. “Great. Thanks for helping. Just what i needed” she mumbled, her brow feroing. Then she  jumped down from the top. Excellent. Amber ran and ran, but for no use, for she could hear the clomp of heavy police boots and the wail of police transports behind her. She stumbled and fell, bleeding on both knees. Amber saw no place for shelter, just barren ground stretching for miles, the only building the police station, the only people there herself and the unit of police nearing the spot where she lay. 

“Please,” Amber whispered, her eyes squeezed shut.

“Please, I just need a place to escape these police. I can't go back to jail. I can't! I need to hide.” She looked up and where there had been muddy ground a second earlier, there now stood an old-fashioned building with a sign creaking in the wind: The Travelers Pub

Amber gasped and crawled over to the door. She managed to stand and hurried inside, slamming the door behind her.

yet again, a cliff hanger! hope you like it! 


submitted by NoOneKnows, age ???, Everywhere
(May 28, 2020 - 9:34 pm)