My name is
Chatterbox: Inkwell
My name is
My name is Captain Theodore Hart, and I am pleased to inform you that your application to journey to Mirandus V has been accepted. You will be voyaging on my ship, the Omega 4. It is an expedition class ship with warping technologies. We will be traveling out to edge of the Solar System, then we will be warping to the Andromeda Galaxy. Once there, we will perform a smaller warp to the Mirandus Star System, and then we will land on the planet Mirandus V.
Mirandus V is a planet slightly smaller than Earth. It was the fifth planet to be discovered orbiting the star Mirandus. It is located in the Goldilocks Region, and we recently discovered it harbored life. This makes it, including Earth, the fourth known planet to have life.
We request xenologists, which are people who study aliens, and crew members to join us. We will not be bringing any passengers with us.
Here are the files of our current crew members. You will use the same sheet as them to fill out your information.
Name: Theodore Hart
Role: Capatain of the Omega Four
Gender: Male
Age: 45
Appearance: Tall, with light brown hair and fair skin. Blue eyes. Has some slight stuble on chin and the starts of a beard. Generally wears a blue and white uniform and carries some small laser pistols.
Personality: Strong and confident. Caring, acts like a father to everyone on board.
Background (Optional): Will be revealed in-story.
Name: Tabatha Miles
Role: Head Xenologist, Xenobotanist. She studies plants, primarily for medical purposes. Also acts like a nurse. If you're injured, go to her.
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Appearance: Average height. Dark skin. Black, coily short hair in an afro. Warm, hazel eyes. Typically wears a blue and white uniform. Carries medical equipment and a scanner on her.
Personality: Calm, and kind. Acts like a mother to everyone on the ship. Has a stern side.
Background (Optional): Will be revealed in-story.
Name: Edgar Hill
Role: Mechanic. Makes weapons and fixes equipment.
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Appearance: Young. Messy black hair and olive skin. Typically wears a rather beat-up white and blue uniform. Always carries a tool box. Dark eyes.
Personality: Charismatic, sometimes a little annoying. Willing to help. very smart.
Background (Optional): Will be revealed in-story.
Thank you for reading! This will be an extremely in-depth roleplay/solo write combo. You will create characters, according to the sheet above. As the story goes on, I will post updates. You will decide what you want your character to do.
1. Your role is to research the planet! Everyone has one laser pistol and one scanner. For every alien you kill, you will recieve some form of punishment. If you scan aliens, however, you will receive good things like new equipment.
2. You can only have one character each.
3. We will stop allowing new people as soon as I post the first part.
4. There is an underlying mystery and plot. Keep your eyes and ears open to clues!
(February 16, 2020 - 12:44 pm)
Please try to get in a charrie sheet soon!
(March 2, 2020 - 6:19 pm)
May I please reserve a spot? It's alright if I don't get a spot. Thank you for your time!
(March 4, 2020 - 8:36 pm)
Yes, but try to post your character sheet as soon as possible.
(March 7, 2020 - 12:20 pm)
Please save me a spot. This looks pretty cool. Here's my character: Name: Jenna Hollins Role:Language expert Gender: Female Age: 22 Appearance: Ash blode hair, creamy skin, blue eyes wears a very neat blue and white uniform Personality: Very outgoing, likes showing of sometimes, likes orginazation Backround:???
(March 5, 2020 - 12:40 pm)
(March 7, 2020 - 7:20 am)
Right, sorry! I kind of got a little carried away, but anyways!
Name: Phoebe Walker.
Role: A Telecommunication Engineer. Basically she designs and develops electronic systems, electronic circuits, and their components. The systems are then used for telecommunication (sending signals, massages, and all the such).
Gender: Female.
Age: Twenty.
Appearance: Phoebe has sunflower blonde hair with darker highlights, grey eyes, and pale skin. She has thin, circular, silver framed glasses on. She's pretty short for her age. Her head is a little more rounder, making her look a tad bit younger. She's very scrawny, and she's usually found in a lab coat and goggles. When you usually find her, her hair is usually in a pony-tail or probably a French braid. She wears a small sunflower pin in her hair, and when she doesn't have it on, it's always clipped onto her lab coat.
Personality: She could mostly be very paranoid and worried over different things, but she mostly never lets it get in the way from her work. She's usually found tinkering with wires and circuits. She can get really serious, but she enjoys giggling a few times during the day. She is very bubbly and happy when she has the time to be. She's not much of a talker, but she does enjoy being around her friends. She tends to not really speak out of her opinions, but she does her own thing at times. Her top priorities are always others first, then comes herself. She can tend to stand in place for a minute or two, randomly getting a flashback from her life. She can take a few negative words and ignore them. She always stands very formally, both of her feet together and one of her hands cuffed around the other. She can get distracted a little easily, but she gets back onto work instantly.
Background (Optional): Her background is told in flashbacks she has, the flashbacks getting triggered by something that has happened.
Thank you for your time!
(March 9, 2020 - 6:28 pm)
Part One: Arrival At Mirandus V
“Ah, there she is.”
Yasmin glanced up from the solar panels she was working on. They were going to be used to generate power at the on-planet base, and it was imperative they were finished before arrival. Needless to say, the interruption to her work was not necessarily welcome. But Yasmin was not someone to get angry at others for little reasons.
Besides, it was Captain Hart who had interrupted her, so it was probably in her best interest to listen to him.
“Who’s she?” Yasmin asked.
“Mirandus V. Look out the window, she’s right up ahead,” The captain gestured towards one of the reinforced glass windows.
Yasmin stood up to look at the planet she’d soon be landing on. It was gorgeous--large, breathtaking mountains covered in emerald forest took over much of the planet, suddenly dropping away to reveal massive sapphire blue oceans and rivers. It was rather like Earth, just with higher altitudes and more dangers.
"Hey, uh, Captain?" Both Yasmin and Hart turned at the sound of Phoebe's voice. "You're...gonna want to see this, sir."
Yasmin and the captain walked towards Phoebe. She sat at a small holoscreen desk, examining the holographic screen in front of her.
"What is it?" The captain asked.
"It appears we've picked up a strange signal, sir."
"Could it be aliens?" Jenna Hollins asked, having overheard their conversation.
"No, of course not, you fool. If it were an alien transmission, our ship wouldn’t have been able to pick up on it,” Lavinia Bates said, striding into the room. She held her head high, like a queen might.
“Oh,” Jenna replied, sounding deflated.
“But, wait, who could it be? It’s not like there’s other ships in the area, or even humans!” Phoebe exclaimed.
“I think I know,” Tabatha Miles said, striding into the room. “Twelve years ago, there was a ship sent to record findings in this section of the Andromeda Galaxy.”
“The Celestial,” Captain Hart breathed.
“The Celestial?” Phoebe asked. “I remember watching a news story on that on a holoscreen, when I was eight.”
“Yes, it vanished in this area. It was rather famous--it isn’t every day that an exploration-class, warping tech ship just vanishes. But the Celestial did, and it was probably because of that nearby asteroid belt,” Tabatha finishes.
“Listen to the transmission,” the captain said, almost feverishly, “If they’re still out there, still alive--we have to know.”
“It’s dated from twelve years ago…,” Phoebe said in an unsure voice.
“I don’t think we should bother,” Lavinia said. “There’s no way they could have survived twelve years. And if it caused an exploration-class ship to vanish, it must have been one heck of a crash. They likely didn’t even survive the initial impact.”
What do you choose to do?
Please note that this is not a roleplay. You will simply state what you wish for your character to do and how they react. Do not attempt to take control of the story. While your choices may alter how and if you discover things, they will not be changing any lore. Just the order of events.
(March 13, 2020 - 6:14 pm)
Hmm. Lavinia would insist that it's garbage, I suppose, because it's logical, but I bet she's also curious. It seems pointless not to listen to it, anyways.
(March 15, 2020 - 9:57 am)
I don't see any choice. We should try to find the Celestial. if we do, we'll be famous and earn the people's eternal gratitude. If there's nothing there, it won't have hurt us.
(March 16, 2020 - 3:00 pm)
Phoebe would most likely stay pretty quiet, but she would insist on going, it couldn't hurt, right? She would just go with the majority, probably.
(March 16, 2020 - 3:50 pm)
(March 14, 2020 - 1:56 pm)
What is your response to the post?
If you do not reply soon, I will have to begin writing the next part without you.
(March 20, 2020 - 2:56 pm)
Did you forget? Could you please do more soon?
regards, Jenna H.
(April 2, 2020 - 3:39 pm)
(April 4, 2020 - 2:25 pm)
Yes, I will do more, I was just giving time for Yasmin to answer. You can expect a new part to come out soon.
(April 4, 2020 - 5:45 pm)