AE Social Media
Chatterbox: Inkwell
AE Social Media
AE Social Media
This is pretty much Facebook or Instagram for AEs. Your AE can post about their daily life and make new friends!
Here's how it works: How to Join, pretty simple, just fill out the sheet below and submit! How to Post, when you post you want to make sure it's clear, and make it seem more like social media. You put your AE's name in the top corner, followed by their age and location. Then put your post below. Here's an example
LeAnn - 14 - her house
Today was super boring, I did some cleaning and organizing. Not very exciting!
Easy peasy! How to Post a Photo, people are always posting selfies and pictures on social media, so obviously AEs want to too! Draw photos so your AE can show everyone their favorite moments on camera! How to Comment, same as posting except it's a reply.
That's about it! If you have any questions or non-posts just don't put the name, age, and location at the top.
Here's the sheet!
Shipping Availability:
Here are my AE's sheets:
Name: LeAnn
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Shipping Availability: I'm open to shipping with male AEs!
Other: I'm a social girl, my interests include musical theatre, art, and hosting parties!!!
Name: Daniel
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Shipping Availability: Unsure, I think I'm shipped with Logan, Moonlight's AE.
Other: I'm normally pretty quiet. I like to read and run long distance.
(July 4, 2019 - 8:43 pm)
Name: Flux
Age: 14-ish, I guess?
Gender: Male
Shipping Availability: Open to female AEs!
Other: I'm geeky!
Name: Enigma
Age: Why does it matter? I will say, though, that just like my CBer, I look like I'm way older than I am.
Gender: Female
Shipping Availability: No one seems like they want to be shipped with me yet, but I'm open to shipping with guys.
Other: I like black and I love to sketch.
Age: I have NO IDEA! I think I'm 14-ish, but I thought AEs were ageless?
Gender: Female! GIRLS RULE
Name: Glass
Age: I-- I don't know? I can shapeshift, so I can appear to be whatever age I need to be.
Gender: I am female, most of the time.
Shipping Availability: I believe I'm shipped with Lux? *blushes* Or maybe we're just friends, but
*shushes WILD CARD, blushing furiously*
Other: I suppose I kind of draw sometimes? I mean, I'm not that good...
(July 5, 2019 - 2:20 pm)
(July 5, 2019 - 5:25 pm)
Logan! you should join!
why are you always way more enthusiastic about this than me?
Daniel joined!
oh gosh *blushes*
Name: Logan
Age: I apear about 14/15 but #AEsareageless
Gender: female
Shipping Availability: I think im shipped with Daniel OH YOU TOTALLY ARE thank you for that confermation
Other: I'm really creative!
SO @diamond Fox is the SHIP ON?
(July 5, 2019 - 7:16 pm)
(July 6, 2019 - 6:31 am)
This is brilliant.
Is it? Is it REALLY?
Looks cool to me.
Name: Lux
Age: 17ish
Gender: Male
Shipping Availability: Open, contrary to popular belief.
Other: I have a question. Are there 'followers' and likes on this?
Name: Nihil
Age: 17ish
Gender: Female
Shipping Availability: Open
Other: Rogue made me do this.
(July 5, 2019 - 7:48 pm)
Great idea!
I'm open to suggestions, if you have any ideas on how to do that. I will also be thinking up ideas on how to do followers and likes.
(July 6, 2019 - 6:30 am)
I'm glad you think it's a good idea!
(July 6, 2019 - 6:37 am)
Both of my AEs are joining!
Name: Breeze
Age: I look about 10 or 12.
Gender: Female.
Shipping Availability: Open to shipping with anyone!
Other: I'm very sensitive and don't like people making fun of me.
Name: Gale
Age: I look about 14.
Gender: Female.
Shipping Availability: I suppose I'm open to shipping with anyone. Yes. Yes, you are. But I don't want to! Too bad for you.
Other: Do not make a grammar mistake in front of me. Okay? Okay.
(July 5, 2019 - 8:00 pm)
Name: Amber
Age: 15
Gender: female
Shipping Availability: open to guys and gals
Other: I love books, starbucks, and musicals! and I'm pretty social but every so often I like to just relax at home with some good ol' netflix!
Name: Jax
Age: 15
Gender: male
Shipping Availability: open to shipping with girls
Other: I'm more into creating than simply reading, I like to make the worlds, to paint the skies, to meet the characters. other than that I find myself pretty hilarious, and and an all around amazing person.
(July 5, 2019 - 8:33 pm)
Do you think Jax wants to ship with LeAnn?
(July 6, 2019 - 6:36 am)
Sure sounds great!
(July 6, 2019 - 2:21 pm)
(July 6, 2019 - 4:58 pm)
Ooh, my AEs will join! This is a great idea, Diamond Fox
Name: Étoile
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Shipping Availability: I'm open to shipping with female AEs.
Other: I am very shy and timid and am often daydreaming. I am kind and thoughtful but can be very defensive at times.
Miza is my catchpa but she's kinda of turned into an AE. She's like an AE that sometimes spouts out the catchpa, like a catchpa Oracle, if that makes sense.
Name: Miza
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Shipping Availability: I'm open to shipping with male and female AEs!
Other: I'm part cat. Also I'm very outgoing and fun but I am very bossy and loud.
(July 7, 2019 - 4:15 pm)
so you guys should know that I'm reaaaaally bad at drawing, but I have this sorta realistic coloring app on my phone, so if I ever do pictures it will probably come from that!
(July 9, 2019 - 12:02 am)
Name: #Beverly! But you can call me BEV!#
Age: #i look about THIRTEEN!#
Gender: #I'M A GIRLY GIRL!#
Shipping Availability: #Open with any CUTE GUYS!#
Other: #HI!#
Name: Emerald Frost
Age: ageless . . . . .
Gender: fenale
Shipping Availability: Umm . . . .Yup, you definitely are! *sigh* Okay, males only though . . .
Other: Don't mind Beverly, she's a little crazy.
(July 9, 2019 - 12:28 pm)