Sooo... World help!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Sooo... World help!
Sooo... World help!
I have this one world/D&D campaign settng that i came up with about a year ago, and I never really did much with. Inspired by the "Give me life..." thread, however, I'd like you guys to help me out! (It is my birthday, after all...) So yeah.
Umbra was once a world called Lux, a place of beauty and goodness and yad yada before it was taken over by an evil emperor called Animus XIV (An evil clockwork folk- basically ultron except it's a wizard. And an alchemist. And an Oathbreaker Paladin.) The technology north of the equator is mostly medieval, augmented by magic, to the south its incredibly high tech.
submitted by Catsclaw
(June 15, 2019 - 8:33 am)
(June 15, 2019 - 8:33 am)
If you haven’t already, I suggest drawing a map of your world, because it forces you to actually think through what your world is like. Adding things like rivers, forests, cities, borders, and the climate of each area is good as well. (This is also helpful when it comes to planning monster encounters, because you can choose monsters that fit the theme of that area - for example, perhaps reptilian monsters for a jungle.) For each people group or city, try to come up with some sort of mythology or customs/traditions, and give each town particular sayings or accents to make them more unique.
I don’t know if that was what you were looking for as advice, but those are just my methods for thinking out a world!
P.S. - Happy belated birthday!
(June 20, 2019 - 9:40 pm)
(June 20, 2019 - 10:18 pm)