Name Help.Hi
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Name Help.Hi
Name Help.
Hi! I need some help with something. I have this imaginary world, Jith, as many of you know, and there's this country called Jetal there. I'm writing a story taking place in Jetal, and, well, there's this FOREST in Jetal, and I do have a name for it but I can't figure out how I should spell it!!!!!!!!!!!
It's pronounced gray-lehn-tayr. At first it was spelled Graeilenter. But, that's obviously not the best choice, and I don't want to use too many "ae"s cuz there's a city IN the forest called Faerlyte. So. Help with spelling please?
In case you're wondering what the forest is like .. . . . . it's coastal, and the trees there have the trunks of birches, the leaves of maples, (but they're always red or pink or scarlet) and the graceful drooping branches of weeping willows. The trees are set pretty far apart and between them are many small low-grwoing flowers. A lot of plant dragons like to live in the Forest. There are also many lynxes there. The name means, "as beautiful as a dream" in Old Clinzoplenian, though I doubt the name of the language matters to you.
So I want it to look graceful and cool, but easy to read and figure out how to say. Help me please???????
(May 23, 2019 - 10:04 am)
I love figuring out spellings like that. I’ll go ahead and just list all the options I can think of.
Graylehntayr (just like how you wrote the pronunciation, but it looks maybe a little messy and overdone to me), Greylehntayr, Greylentare, Graylentare, Greylentair, Graylentair, Greylentaire, Graylentaire, Graelentere, Graelentaire, Grailintaire, Grailyntere, Greylyntare. I could go on but you get the picture.
Basically what I’m doing is breaking the word into three syllables and thinking of all the possible ways to spell those. So for the first one I’ve got grey, gray, grae, and grai. For the second one I’ve got len, lehn, lin, and lyn. And for the third, ter, tere, tar, tare, tair, taire, tayr, and tayre. Those are all the possible spellings I can think of. And I just mix those up in a bunch of different combinations. You can continue likevthis if you’re still stuck for a name, since I obviously didn’t list all the possible combinations.
Hope this helps!
(May 23, 2019 - 11:01 am)
(May 24, 2019 - 8:12 am)
Hmm... Greylentaire, Greylentair, Greylientayre, Greylientayr, Greylenntare, Greylenntare, and variations of the above with 'gray' intead of 'grey'.
(May 24, 2019 - 4:05 pm)
How about Graelentaire? Or you could break it up into separate words: Graelen Taire? Or maybe Graylentayr? Grailentar? Grailentair? Grailnteyr? Graylnteyr? Graelnteyr? Graelyntair?
(May 24, 2019 - 7:43 pm)
Are you dead set on changing the name of the forest, or might you consider changing the name of the city?
(May 27, 2019 - 7:48 pm)
I don't want to change the name of the forest, just the spelling. And I certainly don't want to give up "Faerlyte". It's just too pretty.
(May 29, 2019 - 9:47 am)
Maybe Graylentahre? More... sweepy? Whoosh> Whatever the word is, I have no idea?
(May 28, 2019 - 3:17 pm)
Ooh, that ^^ is nice. Thank you . . . . (maybe Greylentahre?)
(May 30, 2019 - 9:59 am)
Gralynterhe? Grailehntirye? Greiylaihntirye? Grislaihntairye? Greecelyhntiare? You could also just spell it different ways every time for the maximum "variations with no one spelling" effect.
(May 28, 2019 - 7:24 pm)
I had a random idea about that - could you have a sort of custom in the Faerlyte area that an "ae" is at the relative beginning of the name of a place? Or does that mess with the rest of the world/area?
(May 29, 2019 - 2:17 am)
Not unless you think "Faentaslír" (fahn-tahz-leer) and "Caentefier" (kahn-tuh-feer) look good, which I don't. SUPER good idea though, thank you!
(May 30, 2019 - 9:32 am)
(May 30, 2019 - 9:32 am)
are there elves in the forest? Faerlyte sounds like an elven name. personally, i'd spell the name of the forest Gralintir. or Graliyntar or Graliyntayr.
(May 30, 2019 - 9:02 am)