Empty Seas RP!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Empty Seas RP!

Empty Seas RP!

I know. *sigh* Another RP . . . more responsibility for me and others. But hey, they're super fun right? 


The ocean is everlastingly empty.

No gently waving anenomes, no flamboyant fish with all the rainbow trapped beneath their scales --

Perhaps it was here once; it's gone now. And they, that is, the children, have never known it. All they know is straight blue and dark rock under their scaly feet. That and the white-stuff, the only living thing besides them, that clings to the rocks. On this they and their families feed.

When the serpents come, as they know they will . . . . . There will be no hope for any of the tribes, not Kolet, not Brayza, not Taxad, not Jae.

Some of their children, their finned, sclay, but still humanoid children (not merrows! Akwin knows not merrows!) must depart, go far to the east, and seek the serpents' lair -- ask them not to come.

Or seek the shore. But which of the Ocean Ones would dare do that?


Heh yeah whatever I came up with all that just now . . . hope it's OK.

First of all, THE RULES (yeah this RP has rules, yo!)

1) No swearing, of course, even in small ways (but you can make up pretend swear words especially for Ocean Ones to use; "sharkscale!" "fishbite!", etc.)

2) A maximum of 2 characters from each tribe, and they must be between the ages of 10 and 18. 

The sheet is as follows:





Appearance (I hope what I gave above is enough for how they're supposed to look):



And here's my charrie:

Name: Ashva Orll

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Tribe: Taxad (which means only one more charrie for Taxad!!)

Appearnce: Light green/white scales, in fact almost minty. Long red wavy hair (it's hard to see he's a boy at first). Deep blue eyes, pointed chin, thin, large fins.

Personality: He doesn't like to let his feelings show. He can be pretty sharp, even among friends, and at other times he's really nice. He is quite proud and considers Taxad the best tribe of the Empty Seas.  

Other: He would rather search for the shores of didtant lands than beg for help "from wretched sea stalkers!" 


So long. See you in the Empty Seas. 


submitted by Jithkeeper, age OY, We'll see
(February 25, 2019 - 7:07 pm)

The Wanyoru tribe was a mainly nocturnal tribe that was friendly with the rest of the tribes, if a bit distant. They were known as the tribe that distanced itself from the others with their strange religious habits and their mystery-shrouded past. 

Nobody knows how they came to be, and the Wanyoru tribe does not talk about how they came to join the tribes under the king's rule. The truth about their tribe, that is told only to those who have "the mark", which we'll get back to later, is that they were once a branch of the merrows who were outcasts of their society thrown out because of their soft tendencies. They joined the tribes after they saved the king's life from a merrow attack by disguising his scent with their own.

The "mark" is a simple swirl on the right palm of the bearer, Kaifu is the only known remaining bearer of the mark and member of the tribe.

The Wanyoru tribe disappeared a bit after the sea creatures did, leaving many mysteries unsolved and questions unanswered


Woooooo spoopy, feel free to add on if you want!

submitted by Darkking, age Who knows?, A dimension.
(March 15, 2019 - 8:39 pm)

DARKKING I SEE YOU *Flying tackle hug off a cliff*

submitted by Rogue Wildling
(March 15, 2019 - 8:48 pm)

HeLlO mY fRiEnD *pterodactyl screech as is tackled off cliff* *suddenly pterodactyl suit* *screech as flies around*

submitted by Darkking, age Who knows?, A dimension.
(March 16, 2019 - 3:17 pm)

Ah YeS oLd TiMeY tImEs *Also in pterodacytl suit* Lez do this

submitted by Rogue Wildling
(March 16, 2019 - 8:34 pm)


Name: Vicky Erren


Gender: F


Appearance: blue skin, emerald eyes,  black and white hair, 5 feet tall, thin.

Personality: happy go lucky, carefree, and energetic, but can be super tough when she needs!


submitted by Ella Starburst
(March 16, 2019 - 4:34 pm)

yaY!!! Thx Ella.

submitted by Jithkeeper
(March 16, 2019 - 8:21 pm)

Let's begin yo!


"It must be done." Martuz' blue eyes stared at me coldly.

"But why us? Why we children?"

"The serpents are more likely to favor children. And you are a child."

"But - why do I have to go withs kids from other tribes?"

Martus sighed, clenching his fist. "Unity. I know that we are divided, but we must come together. I have been to the Surface - I saw the stars - they're coming soon. The stars never lie, Ashva. All of us must go, together, or otherwise the Serpents will never agree not to come. I have contacted the cheifs of the other tribes, and they agree. The Serpents are moral . . . slightly."


"Enough buts. The other children have been or are in the process of being chosen to go on the journey. You shall start tomorrow."

"It would make more sense to just find -"

"Do not speak of the shore! Why do you have to be so inquisitive! By Akwin, I'm almost glad you'll be departing!"

I hissed and swept out of the cave. almost. He said almost glad. But the sting would not fade.

And he still wouldn't answer my other questions: what would make the Serpents grant our request? Why were the Serpents going to come anyway?

I stared out at the blue, eternal, dull, blue broken ony by occasional rock formations. The children play among them, laughing, but I know better.

There's more tension between the tribes than ever - the white-stuff might be dying out - and now we had to koin forces with the lesser tribes. And for some reason, I had been chosen to help do so.

It was hopeless. 


submitted by Jithkeeper, age 12, Empty Seas
(March 16, 2019 - 8:38 pm)


The bonegum is thin today. It's been thin for a while, but especially thin today.

And you know why, Serpent. The voice in my head whispers.

Yes, I do, and it's not good. I reply. Suddenly, a familiar white glow flashes before my eyes, blinding me entirely. Premonitions aren't great either, I think.

But they are part of you, the voice says before a ringing fills my ears.

It's very light here, wherever I am. The water is warmer, too. Is this the daylight zone? Hmm. Interesting. The bonegum is more plentiful here, but it's still patchy in places. I hear voices. Far off, but quickly drawing nearer.

"I think I see something up ahead!" A masculine voice. They've spotted me. Or, maybe the me that just ducked behind a sandbar. "Where'd it go?" That's right, I forgot that they can't see the me that's having the premonition. That me behind the sandbar is a future me. Glad to see I'm still alive by then.

I snap back to reality. Disappointed, I grumble to the voice. At least show me something useful.

Oh, but didn't I?

Not really.

But you know where you have to go now, right? I sigh.


Yep! Go slowly, though. The journey should take a couple of days.


You're a deep-sea creature, Serpent. You could literally explode if your mortal body doesn't have time to adjust to the different pressure levels. I cock an eyebrow.

Fascinating. But I'll be able to go down again just fine, right?

Yes. We Great Serpents have researched it thoroughly- I mock the voice by moving my hand like a mouth. It falls silent, probably planning a witty retort for my 'childish behaviour.'


So she calls the white stuff 'bonegum,' just FYI, and she has a Great Serpent in her head (See backstory). WOOT MY CHARRIE IS IN. SANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNE!!

submitted by Rogue Wildling
(March 16, 2019 - 11:03 pm)

usually, Vicky would be playing by the rocks, or hanging out with other Jae, maybe even daydreaming about the shore she so longed to see. But today, she was beyond cheering up. 

She had been chosen to go to the serpents lair. Ask if they would not come to destroy them. Fins of Pearl, how she despised everything about this! She wanted to go away, to flee back to her home that she had to abandon so long ago. She wanted to be anywhere but here, anywhere but where she was.

So she fled. 

As soon as they told her the news, she began to cry. She knew it was hopeless for herself, and she began to realize they would all die. She knew she had to get away from it all, so she fled. she swam away. Away from the knowledge that she would never get her people to shore. She didn't know where she would go, just away.


(two things:

1. Summer, could our charries be cousins possibly?  ours would seem to get along well!

2. I'm open to shipping! 

submitted by Ella Starburst
(March 17, 2019 - 7:42 pm)

You're open to shipping or your charrie is? XD XD XD

submitted by Rogue @Ella
(March 17, 2019 - 8:12 pm)





submitted by Ella Starburst
(March 18, 2019 - 7:38 am)

Can't tell if that sarcasm or an insult.

submitted by Rogue Wildling
(March 18, 2019 - 10:03 am)

OK --

1) hrm hrm hrm uh I think usually RPs are first person POV, present tense

2) do you htink maybe our charries could have a discussion next about how they both want to find the shores (I mean Ashva not Rilaf)

submitted by Jithyy @Ella
(March 18, 2019 - 9:25 am)

1. ok

2. YES 

submitted by Ella Starburst
(March 18, 2019 - 11:42 am)

1. ok

2. YES 


Zoo...knows? oh fishsticks, they know I took the turtle! RUN! 


The zoo's peeing! whoo, we got some time. 

submitted by Ella Starburst
(March 18, 2019 - 11:44 am)