I know it
Chatterbox: Inkwell
I know it
I know it might seem sort of weird of me to say this, but about the Sea Dragon Story thingymabobber I posted a while ago--
Just forget about it, OK? I've decided to post only short stories on here until further notice. It's nothing to do with you guys or privacy issues or anything, it's just that my long stories are really.......bad before they're finsihed and I just would prefer not to show my writing process as of yet. :) This is partly because.........no offense, guys, but I feel like people in general should say what they think of stories and poems on the CB more. Cuz we writers need a little feedback, ya know?
Anyway, I probably will post the entirety of that story eventually, but it'll have a different name and will be much better! :)
So all this to say plz give more advice and encouragement about stuff plz. Heh heh. Do I sound bossy? I hope I don't. Don't take offense by this, if it's offensive.....I mean, what? Sorry I'm confusing myself. Just DON'T BE OFFENDED BY ANYTHING I JUST SAID! (please)
Is there any point in posting this............whatever.
Empyreal says gfof.
Remember that. Keep it in your heart forever.......................GFOF GFOF GFOF
Wow I'm weirder than I ever could imagine......does that even make sense???
(February 16, 2019 - 9:34 pm)