So. I don't
Chatterbox: Inkwell
So. I don't
So. I don't know what to call this. It's just an idea I had. Maybe it's already a CB thing, I dunno.
So what (I hope) will happen on this thread is that I will give a setting; that is, I'll describe a place, any place, not neccasarily a real place, and then another person will make something happen in this place; a character enters, the place explodes, etc. Then another person will make something else happen, and so on. The idea is that a story will start to take place (and it's all right if the story moves somewhere else, it doesn't have to stay in the setting I describe), but there's a catch:
No discussion.
You can't discuss your character, or the setting, or what you want to happen.
Examples of what NOT to do:
"And then she found herself face-to-face with the bad guy"........... please don't make him kill her, OK, guys?
*Person Introduces a new character*
*Someone Else does something which Person think's doesn't fit how she wanted the character to be*
Person: @Someone Else, the character isn't the kind of person to say that..........."
The point? Just to see how a story will work out with NO DISCUSSION WHATSOEVER.
But...........It can be discussed at the end, when the story is deemed "finished" (Anyone who likes can finish it at any time. That should be obvious).
Sorry if this is confusing.
And remember: NO telling someone that's not how you wanted the story should go!
The sun was setting over the purple hills.
The grass rustled with the scamperings of animals as they hurried to bed, which for some of them was under the old stone bench on the bluff. Others slept between the roots of the tall, graceful, old cherry tree above the bench. Soft, sweet petals fell to the bench, some slipping past its ornate carvings to the slightly damp dirt below. The tree above the bench was the only cherry tree in the forest; though it was about a hundred yards away from the forest, a dark place where bigger, more dangerous animals resided. And beyond that was a town. Even more dangerous, to some.
It was best to contemplate the west, where the sun always set over the foreign hills that seemed to mark the edge of the world.
(February 2, 2019 - 3:37 pm)
We normally call this kind of thing a Round Robin (RR), but the no discussion rule is new. I really like your intro!
Standing on these hills was a girl. She wore a layer of leather armor under her clothes, causing them to lump in unexpected places, but the most interesting thing about her was her hair.
Oh, her hair. It was brown and gold and blonde and black and blue and green and white.
(February 2, 2019 - 8:32 pm)
Viri says crow!! Her ninth (?) word!
(February 3, 2019 - 11:28 am)
(February 5, 2019 - 5:40 pm)
Her hair was as colourful as a baudy joke, as beautiful as the seasons themselves. It weaved itself into different patterns, always moving, always flowing in the wind. The setting sun brought new colours to life in the hair, the rosy fingers of light carressing it as fondly as the wind's breath. A duet of light and air.
This girl's hair is the subject of many legends. She may be a legend, to some.
But for now she is watching the sun set over the pruple hills, her back to the dark, dark forest full of many things, many adventures, many friends. She has already journeyed through it. The Forest Of Many Tears holds no fear for her.
She is not afraid of the dark. It once held her, safe, under an old, graceful, cherry tree, as their lips met.
The golden light of sunset touches everything with beauty. Even tears, about to drop onto the grass, poised in sorrow, are as beautiful as the one who sheds them.
(February 7, 2019 - 1:47 pm)
She clutched a tear-spotted letter, the parchment wrinkled from many readings. However beautiful she was, and she was quite beautiful, she would never feel happy again. For she had failed in her task. She had failed in the one thing she needed to accomplish.
(February 11, 2019 - 3:36 pm)