Circus Solo Write

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Circus Solo Write

Circus Solo Write

"What is this?" you may be thinking. This is no normal circus solo write. I read The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern months ago, and I loved the drama and magic hidden behind the patrons' views. So I made my own twist.

Welcome to the Circus of Dust! It's a circus filled with talents that range from magic to feats of human strength and skill. The people within travel throughout the world, but what people don't know is that they battle supernatural and mysterious dark forces, so people who can join the circus are chosen very carefully. Recently, there have been uncanny connections between the supernatural attacks (though no one knows what it is yet). The Circus typically battles things such as a magical troublemaker wreaking havoc on the streets or a crime group planning some scheme to boringly take over the world. 

I want you to make characters! It's my first solo write and I know Crowd Sorcery was amazing to see and be a part of (although I wasn't part of it myself)


- Everyone must be human, no vampires something similar exist

- If you have magic, you must have a limiter such as tiring out or, risk burning alive

- If you have magic, I would prefer for it to be a specific ability such as waterbending or illusions

- I want to limit the amount of magic users to four

- Try to answer as many of the questions on the charrie sheet I will comment soon 

Mia says "ordi". No, this is not ordinary. 

I'm excited to see where this will turn! 

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(January 30, 2019 - 1:13 am)

aww, thanks!

submitted by Ella Starburst
(February 1, 2019 - 9:01 am)

Sounds cool! I reserve a magic user. 

submitted by Cassandra the First
(January 30, 2019 - 7:19 pm)

I reserve a non-magic user!

submitted by Applejaguar, Wisteria
(January 30, 2019 - 7:30 pm)


I think there would be no limit to how many people can make charries, it's just that I may not include everyone, though I will try! 

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(January 30, 2019 - 8:20 pm)

Ahhh I also just finished The Night Circus! It was amazing! That ending though! Ah!

Name: Elaidene Fannon (ee-LAY-deen fan-on) (Eli for short)

Age: 19

Personality: contemplative, a little odd; she's friends with most of the others in the circus and they come to her for help, since she doesn't like to say no. She's funny and laughs a lot; she reminds me of Nina from Six of Crows.

Skills (non-magical): baking, botany, cooking

Magic (if you have any): she's an illusionist for sure! I've always been fascinated with the idea of what illusionists can do. She can fool not only the eyes, but the heart and mind as well. However, with each performance she does, she loses weight. The more magic she performs, the more she loses. So she's incredibly thin, and she bakes and eats lots of carbs to make up for it. She eats pretty much all the time, actually; her losing is so dangerous for her. (Writing that out, that... doesn't sound like a great detriment. But imagine how weak you'd feel if you lost weight and basically felt like you hadn't eaten for days every time you performed an illusion. Still, she's pretty powerful and pretty good at hiding it-- most people just think that she's on a good diet, since she can't hide the fact that she eats all the time.)

What performance you do (do you run a maze, magic tricks, etc.): magic tricks-- in her own tent. Her stage name is Gilded Glory.

Background (the more detailed the better!): She was raised in a foreign country. Her parents were poor but loved her all the same. They loved her enough to send her here, to the circus, for a better life. She was recognized by the circus master and given a performance tent of her own after a short time. She has a brother that she doesn't mention much-- he's older than her and possibly dead. 

Other:  she has tanned skin, striking gold eyes, golden freckles, and thick dark brown hair with golden strands running through it. She won't tell anyone if they're an illusion or real, though. When she's on stage, she uses a white dress with gold accents and gold lipstick. Good luck with your solo write!


submitted by Starseeker, age 168 moons, Enterprise
(January 30, 2019 - 9:44 pm)

Name: Alnidsti (Alni) Crostervex

Age: 11

Personality: He is very quiet and rarely shows what he's thinking. He's very fidgety and can't sit still. He is always extrenely kind and likes to do kind things without saying who does them. The others at the circus have realized this, though they make a point of keeping his secret. Nevertheless, he knows this, just as he knows pretty much everything that goes on. He's extremely good at keeping secrets: he thinks and doesn't speak.

Skills (non-magical): Sleight of hand 

Magic (if you have any): None

What performance you do (do you run a maze, magic tricks, etc.): He does magic tricks. He's good at reading the audience and doing whatever will amaze them most.

Background (the more detailed the better!): His mother worked for the circus. He doesn't know who his father is. He grew up immersed in magic and pseudo-magic, and he was able to perform sleight of hand from a very young age (in fact, he's still quite young). This was lucky for him, because his mother died when he was six years old and he's had to fend for himself since then. The circus has adopted him and become his family.

Sad backstories! Yay!

Other: None

submitted by Kitten
(January 30, 2019 - 11:25 pm)

Hey, do you think that our characters could perform together sometimes? Dunno, it just seems like Eli would take Alni under her wing. And of course, this is also if Storm agrees, since it's their story.


submitted by Starseeker@Kitten, age 168 moons, Enterprise
(January 30, 2019 - 11:53 pm)

Definitely! It's probably just a bit difficult for character creators to do that since everyone has not made their characters yet.

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(January 31, 2019 - 5:45 pm)

ooh, cool! I'll reserve a magic user.

submitted by Gracia
(January 31, 2019 - 8:20 am)

Name: Elanor Black, goes by Elle

Age: 20

Personality: Elle is fiece, protective, noble, and loyal. She stands up an fights for what she thinks is right and won't say 'no' to a challenge. She has always desired to do good for the world and is a deep thinker. She doesn't back away from her problems, but she does get stressed often. Athletic, ambiverted, somehwat secretive and not very outgoing around others. She will put others' lives before hers.

Skills (non-magical): good at combat, science wiz

Magic (if you have any):

What performance you do (do you run a maze, magic tricks, etc.): Elle hrows flaming knives (cause she's cool like that). Her stage name is Steel Inferno

Background (the more detailed the better!): Elle grew up with no father (he died because he was a firefighter and gave his life to save his companion) and the oldest of 5. She has always wanted to protect them and do something to make their lives better, so instead of attending collage, she came here to see if she could protect others from harm.

Other: Elle is tall, lean, and muscular, with fair skin, blonde hair falling midway down her back with side bangs dyed red and light blue eyes. On stage, she wears tight, sleevless black and red jumpsuits with her hair in a high ponytail. Otherwise, she wears jeans, v-necks, and converse with her hair down. She's not open to shipping. 

submitted by Soren Infinity, age 27 eons, BeaconTown
(January 31, 2019 - 9:54 am)

I was wondering, what time period is this? I know that the Night Circus is in London and around the Victorian age. I’ll soon post my sheet! 

submitted by Tuxedo Kitten
(January 31, 2019 - 5:57 pm)

This is going to take place in modern day. Thanks for asking!

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(January 31, 2019 - 9:25 pm)

Allow me to introduce you! 

Name: Thomas Rivers, codename Fox

Age: ~36

Personality: Friendly, smart

Skills (non-magical): knife throwing, sleight of hand, running through city streets

Magic (if you have any): None

What performance you do (do you run a maze, magic tricks, etc.): He's the circus master, yet he started off as a performer so he often does tricks or help people around in the opening in the center of the circus grounds.

Background (the more detailed the better!): He was an abandoned kid forced to live in the harsh streets of a unnamed city. He learned to steal to survive, but became a street performer using his learned sleight of hand and the library. One day the circus came and he eagerly joined when invited. After performing for many years, the sixth circus master retired and declared him the seventh circus master.

Other: Always has a knife in one of his boots.

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(January 31, 2019 - 6:39 pm)

Ok, here’s my character! 

Name: Frank T. Wolfe

Age: Recently turned 30

Personality: Well, Frank has a quick wit, and tends to be jovial. He’s a laid back person, although highly responsible while still being a nice person to be around. He tends to keep his thoughts to himself, is a bit untrusting and doesn’t open up to people... but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like to talk. Actually, he’s quite friendly. He just doesn’t trust any Joe that comes around. Franks not afraid to speak his mind and will if it’s the correct time. He’s a good teacher but would much rather work team than be the leader.

Skills (Non-magical): Frank has always been very good with animals and is a very talented trainer. Also he throws a good punch ;)

Magic (if any): Well, I believe that there is one more spot for magic.. I’m taking it! Frank has the ability to teleport any object (mind you not a human or any living animal) anywhere as long as he’s touching it. Although when he uses this knack, it makes his limp worse. This is a pretty new talent for him, and he hasn’t had much practice especially cause it pains him. On the other hand, he has had the ability to move an object just by looking at it. He uses this in his act every once in awhile and its just enough to make the crowds wonder. 

What performance you do: Frank is the lion tamer. He’d grown up with them and both the animals and him have a mutual respect and love. He’s actually quite fond of them, considering he has been with those specific lions for 15 years.

Background: Frank was born in the US but moved to Scotland when he was about 2. His parents both worked, but Frank spent the most time with his father at the Zoo where he worked. Frank often spent a lot of time wondering around the zoo and was getting to know each animal by its name. Although Frank may not by the most book smart guy, he has a vast knowledge of animals. Later he worked at the zoo, but never really had a relationship with his dad, especially when he found he had a bizarre magical ability. His family kept him at a safe distance. So while working at the zoo, Frank befriended an eccentric older man who worked at a circus. He would tell magical tales and finally asked if Frank would like to join it. Frank did when he was around 15 and the rest is history. Although I should add that he imagined it quite different, and never expected that it had other darker qualities. 

Other: His Appearance! Frank has dirty blond short enough hair, and a bit of stubble. He’s got tan to light pinkish skin and a tallish build. Although he’s only 5’10”. Cloudy blue eyes. Casual clothes, he wears an old bomber jacket that his grandpa had and sometimes a tan colored button up and some kind of gloves (while he works) their usually fingerless. However his stage outfit is like a tuxedo, that is a velvet red on the inside. 



submitted by Tuxedo Kitten
(February 1, 2019 - 10:39 am)

This looks so cool, Storm!


Name: C.C. the "tigress"

Age: 24

Personality: They're literally crazy. They hate limitations, and labels of any kind. Laughs randomly at nothing. Some think they hallucinate, but that's never been proven. Spaces out a lot, stares at walls, will blank out in the middle of a sentence. Can be sarcastic, but usually just crazy ;) Always entertained, and always looking for funner ways to spice up their act. Creative. Impulsive, reckless, intrusive, won't take hints, lives in their own reality. Will do anything for anyone. Probably saved a few lives here and there. Has an escapist personality, lives in a different reality. Favorite saying, "I might be a bit crazy, but I'm free."

Skills (non-magical): Extremely flexible. Like, can fit in a small box and put their leg all the way past their head kinda flexible. Also has good aim with dagger-throwing and such, and has a really high pain tolerance. Also really good with a tattoo gun, and body painting. They can do everyone's makeup before the show.

Magic (if you have any): nooope

What performance you do (do you run a maze, magic tricks, etc.): Escapologist. Uses everything from water to straitjackets to tigers. Gets really creative with their acts. Usually paints their body for the act, to make the illusion more defined.

Background (the more detailed the better!): Been with the circus for as long as they could remember. They spent elementary school and middle school in and out of the kid asylum but kept escaping. Was recruited for the circus after they had been sent back after a rather impressive escape, and the circus claimed guardianship of them (or a person did). Its thought that they were homeless or was involved with something illegal as a kid, but who knows! They can't even remember being in the asylum, or what they ate last night.

Other: Has a pet tiger named Cheetah that they adore.

Appearance! They have milky brown skin and long, silky black hair that's always braided, just a little past their thighs. Likes interweaving feathers and beads in their hair as well. Has long, fake nails that they love changing up to exotic things, and very extravagant makeup. Has a bunch of ear, eyebrow, lip, and nose piercings. (and a tongue piercing thats really sharp.) A bunch of random scars that always have unique stories. They have amber eyes that are manipulated to look slitted like a cat's, and a bunch of body tattoos that all have their own stories. Sometimes wears mouthless masks with their acts. Wears clothing with a bunch of rips and braids and beads, very creative and adventurous in their tastes. Never wears anything tight, likes the freedom. Wears heavy jewelry because she likes the way they sound when the knock together and the weight of them.

submitted by Claaws, Class 2020
(February 2, 2019 - 11:14 pm)