Ok, this is

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Ok, this is

Ok, this is the beginning of a story I'm trying to write. I don't really know where it's going to go next but if you could tell me what you think of it, that would be great. 

Once upon a time there was a dragon that lived high in the mountains where snow fell regularly and the air was thin and cold, too cold even for any creature to call the mountain home except for the dragon.

The dragon had thick silver scales that kept the freezing winds out, a fiery breath that could melt even the strongest of metals, massive silvery wings that shook the ground when they were spread and deadly black claws that could cut the largest boulders in half. But most importantly the dragon was rumored to have a treasure hoard so big ,that the treasures of the richest king in the whole land would be nothing but a single gold coin in the dragon’s entire hoard though no one knew for sure.

But even with the biggest hoard, the thickest scales, the most fiery breath, the longest wings, and the deadliest claws, the dragon was not content. He was sad, so sad, so heartbroken that he sobbed every night, and his sobs shook the kingdom so much that no one in the kingdom could ever sleep.

One day however the king arranged a quest, a quest that anyone could participate in. The quest was to kill the dragon and the person who succeeded would get a great reward. No one knew what the reward would be, -except for the king of course, and a few individuals of high ranking- but they did know it was great all the same.

So posters were put out and eager young men and women came to the castle boasting of how they would be the one to suceed and be swamped with riches. But no suceeded. No one ever did find out what the reward really was.

Many froze climbing the treacherous mountain or went mad from the cold. Some starved but most just chickened out and trudged back to the castle, and handed over any shred of diginity they had.

And even when the king told his son all of his kingly secrets and then passed on to the afterlife, and the prince became the new king, still no one had succeeded. Decades passed, soon it was fifty years after the proposal of the task, then seventy, eighty, ninety, and finally one hundred years had passed, and still every night the dragon wept and the kingdom lay awake.

submitted by Leo
(January 20, 2019 - 1:04 pm)

1) Why is the dragon sad? Or will you explain that later?

2) Where did he get all his treasure?

3) What does he eat?

4) Who will go up for the treasure? How will the dragon react?

5) What is the dragon's history? (Does this question tie in to 1?)

6) What is the dragon's name? What is the kingdom's name?

I hope this doesn't sound too critical. It's a really nice beginning! :)  :) 

submitted by Jithkeeper , age 12, JithStudio
(January 20, 2019 - 7:07 pm)

Thanks, Jithkeeper! I'll try my best to answer your questions.

1) I don't really know yet but I'm going to explain why later in the story so I'll have time to figure it out. 

2) I think I'm gonna to explain it in the part where the main character finally makes it up to the dragon and the dragon tells her why he's sad. 

3) Goats. Every afternoon he puts on his robes of invisiblity (part of his treasure) and flies over the kingdom and sneaks from farm to farm stealing the farmer's goats.

4) The main character Princess Lela the Third and her friend she gains along the way, commoner Savanna, of course.

5) Don't worry. It will all be explained later. 

6) I have no idea. I really need to think of some names. 

And it doesn't sound too critical. I'm glad you asked questions. 

submitted by Leo
(January 21, 2019 - 8:02 am)

GOATS????? Awwww, that's sad. But such is the way of dragons.

submitted by Jithkeeper, age 12, Oregon
(January 21, 2019 - 10:29 am)


Maybe I could make him a vegaterian. It would fit with his character so....

Update! The dragon eats these mountain berries that grow all over the mountains. They're poisonous to humans though, so don't try them.  

submitted by Leo
(January 21, 2019 - 10:52 am)

Hey, does anyone have a good names for a kingdom that I can use?

My CAPTCHA says miza. Hey, maybe that's her name!!! She said her name!!

Maybe that should be the name of your kingdom!


submitted by Leo
(January 21, 2019 - 12:46 pm)

Omigosh, that's an awesome idea! I'm totally going to use that! The Kingdom of Miza! Thanks Admins!!

You're welcome. Thanks to your captcha, too!


submitted by Leo
(January 21, 2019 - 1:06 pm)




Kingdom of the Shuddering (or sobbing, if you want to be more literal) Dragon




Sorry if these arn't very good, I'm just writing them as they come into my head. 

submitted by Jithkeeper , age 12, Oregon
(January 21, 2019 - 2:19 pm)