SNISA!TNO, this ones
Chatterbox: Inkwell
SNISA!TNO, this ones
SNISA!TNO, this ones for you
Shiny New Idea Syndrom Anonymous
We've all had those days. You are just sitting there writing your novel/short story/poem/love note/ e-mail/ cricket post when you get a Shiny New Idea leavinig your perfectaly good Old Idea unfinished. Then it turns out that your new idea is not all that you thought it would be and you get a new SNI and leave your Old SNI to rot. Here is where you can rant/vent/talk about your problems/ get (hopefully) solutions for your problems/ and all this for FREE
submitted by Adina , age 12, Mostly in fanta
(July 31, 2009 - 9:23 am)
(July 31, 2009 - 9:23 am)
Plus the Cuckoo Cloudlander robot and the woobie wannabe paranormal investigator Dib. *nodnod*
(August 6, 2009 - 12:31 pm)
I'm sorry?
(August 6, 2009 - 1:22 pm)
Well, I've never seen Sweeney Todd or Invader Zim (nor read JtHM, for that matter), and therefore probably should not be talking...
(August 6, 2009 - 5:08 pm)
Exactly What It Says on the Tin.
Sorry. Too much TVTropes.
A Cuckoo Cloudlander is a deranged/spacey/wacko character, GIR in this case ("I'm gonna sing the doom song now!")
A woobie is a pathetic, pitiable character who has absolutely nothing going for them and who is generally hated/disliked/picked on by the other characters- in this case, Dib. And Squee, in JtHM.
(August 6, 2009 - 5:41 pm)
What? I am incredibly confused. Also I have realized that JtHM is too much dark humour since I can only handle no more then the amount in The Addams Family. Oh yeah, I have abandoned my Idea about the kid who wants to take over the world but gets sent to the school for the socially challanged and then her cyber friend takes over the world instead but he's a nut. Yeah sounds boring and bad doesn't it? If you want to hear my new idea (probobly worse but still), just ask. Also you can offer kind condolences and it's okays and awwwsss and it couldnt have been that bads.
(August 6, 2009 - 7:54 pm)
@ TNO (umlaut): Thanks, that clears it all up. First sentence excluded, I mean...
@ Adina: No, really, I'm sure that it couldn't have been that bad. The first idea doesn't sound too awful... but anyway, what's the second?
(August 7, 2009 - 8:36 am)
Trolling much?
(August 7, 2009 - 7:32 am)
@ Annie: Who's trolling? me?
@ Mary : Here, I'll post an excerpt and let you decide whats it about since I have virtually no idea wher it's going either:
It was raining. A lone figure was
walking along the road. He did not like the rain. He told it to go
away. It did not work. Maybe, thought the man, the rain was a little
hard of hearing, deafened by the thunder, and blinded by the
lightning. Maybe that is why the rain did not listen to his pleas the
night before. Maybe. Or maybe the rain was out to spite him. Why,
though he did not know. Pondering like this, the man continued on his
He stopped when he got to a wet piece of cardboard and sat on it.
To all around him, it seemed as though he was a hobo. But who would
be stupid do be outside during a thunderstorm, in the rain, and watch
some strange man sit on a wet piece of cardboard? Which is why nobody
noticed when the strange lone man who looked like a hobo thinking
while sitting on a wet piece of cardboard flew away. There was a
flash of lightning as if for emphasis. As if it was all some special
effects for a movie.
“ And so, Gianna and her beloved Gerome were forced to roam the
world for all eternity, never to meet, never to rest” finished the
royal reader with a tear in his eye. He always got so emotional when
he read stories. The king was not teary, but his eyebrows and
forehead were scrunched up in distaste, disappointment, and anger
rolled into one. All the makings of a tantrum.
“Thats not right.” He said. “ Well I think it was perfect.”
Said the Royal Reader “ The perfect mix of love, humor, and
The king still had his tantrum look on “ Why did it not end
with “ And they all lived happily ever after!” It was not a
“ It's the new age! Not all stories end with those famous last
words. It's the age of artistic freedom!”
“Artistic freedom, shmartistic shreedom. We have to rewrite it.
Call the royal writer!!!!”
“ But sir, you fired the Royal Writer for writing a story were
the queen's ferret dies. Besides this is all based on a true story.
To rewrite things would not change Gerome and Gianna's fate.” The
Royal Reader sighed and took off his reading glasses. Even though his
nose was long, it was not sharp, and still had a red mark from his
glasses. He did not notice though.
(August 7, 2009 - 11:30 am)
(Is it possible to troll on your own thread...? Hm... No, I think she was talking about the tangent we went off on regarding Invader Zim and JtHM and Sweeney Todd and all. :/ )
@ Adina: Oh, I thought that was great. I liked the first part slightly better than the second part, which is probably bad judgment on my part because it's an entirely different story. ;) If you don't know where it's going (it does happen often with SNISA), I would try writing three different continuations of the story, and then go with the one you like best. If none seem right, write three more. Just keep writing until you find what seems right, and then go with that... (I ended that rather lamely, didn't I.)
The only thing I'd change about the above is, "!!!!" It's just that quadruple exclamation points tend to make people not take you seriously, or any kind of multiple exclamation points for that matter, if you know what I mean.
In my opinion, that was a great story. (Get other opinions too, of course.) I don't blame you for not knowing where it's going, that happens to me *all* the time. :)
(August 7, 2009 - 12:46 pm)
Thank you Mary W! I wrote the first part at one time and when I realized it was going nowhere I decided to make it a subplot or something. So far my idea is that there is a tiny person in the man's jacket and the man is in some sort of way going to go on the quest with the king and there is a crazy dude called storm who really is deaf and blind because he controls the rain and he and the king become good friends and also they meet the characters from Ima's dream and i have no idea where this is going. The !!!! was an accident
(August 7, 2009 - 2:13 pm)
Interesting. I really enjoyed it.
Hey... I have an idea! Maybe, whenever we're about to abandon an idea, we post an exerpt and see what the other Chatterboxers think! If they like it, they can say so! If not, maybe a SNI would be good.
I'm trying to write a story based on one of my other dreams, but it takes place in an alternate universe and I've never done that before. How do I mention that casually? How do I describe it? Any ideas?
(August 8, 2009 - 2:00 am)
Good idea Ima! That we should do. It will be like a writers support group! How to mention an alternate universe casually... you are talking about your frog dream, right? Well you could start off with the birth of your main charector so people woud see how different the world is. Also reactions are KEY. If someone walked up to you and started to talk about when they were a frog, you would freak. If someone on your planet said that, the people would ask about something relevant or tell him no one cares. You could also start with the blue eye thing, either when she was born or she walked into the house, to the sound of jeering and worrying that someone would kill her since it was legal to kill non bue eyed people.
(August 8, 2009 - 12:23 pm)
Come back!
(August 10, 2009 - 11:07 pm)
I'm back! Thanks for asking me too, 'come back Ima!' And thanks for the ideas, Adina, they were very good. I'll use one of them!
(August 11, 2009 - 10:39 pm)