I doubt it. There's a theme here somewhere... Something tells me this is no ordinary Hunt. There's a meaning. Castle Builder said that A question caught on, which I applaud them for, seeing that there was nothing much to go off of... UNLESS THEY'RE IN CAHOOTS...!
submitted by Rogue Wildling (February 8, 2019 - 6:06 pm)
Maybe try looking for the oldest post by A Cure or by Manuscripts, maybe they mean the oldest post on the CB? I have no clue.
(February 8, 2019 - 4:54 pm)
I doubt it. There's a theme here somewhere... Something tells me this is no ordinary Hunt. There's a meaning. Castle Builder said that A question caught on, which I applaud them for, seeing that there was nothing much to go off of... UNLESS THEY'RE IN CAHOOTS...!
(February 8, 2019 - 6:06 pm)
Will you save my home...?
(February 8, 2019 - 6:07 pm)
Wait, this is from Castle Builder's thread. Does that have anything to do with this?
(February 9, 2019 - 10:48 pm)
Will you save my home...?
(February 10, 2019 - 2:04 am)