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Chatterbox: Inkwell

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It’s ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lately I have been eating beavers and trees and drinking Coke and planning how to defeat the

BEAVERS!!!!!!!!!!! or trying to vanquish water and BEAVERS!!!!!  so one time I was walking through 

the woods and then a tiny stream was in my way! 




To Be Continued!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

submitted by ROAR!!!!!!!, age 999,999,00, It’s a secret!!:)
(November 15, 2018 - 5:56 pm)

Greetings sir ROAR!!!!!!! 

I am here to express my deepest regret of the factoid that you wish to eat, defeat, and/or vanquish beaverkind. This is most unfortunate.

We beavers are most friendly, unless someone does one of the following three things:

1) Eats us

2) Vanquishes us

3) Drinks Coke (pepsi is better) 

I am very dissapointed to make clear that you have broken all three Non-negotionable Beaver Rules of Preventing Natural Hostility Towards Other Beings, also known as the NBRPNHTOB. I ask you to reconsider your decisions or I will be forced to approach the Most Very Honored Head Beaver, also known as the MVHHB.

I really don't want to talk to the MVHHB :/

Somewhat cordially yours, 

B. Beaver- Head of TIIBBD 

submitted by B. Beaver, Walnut Falls
(November 15, 2018 - 10:39 pm)
submitted by top, the top of the world
(November 16, 2018 - 1:05 pm)

this means       WAR!!!!!!          








get it? it sort of sounds like ROAR

submitted by ROAR, age 999,999,00, It's a secret!
(November 16, 2018 - 3:25 pm)

Dear Mr ROAR WAR sir,

I am here to explain why you should not mess with us. We beavers are quite dangerous and should not be trifled with.

Here are three of the reasons why we are so dangerous:

1) We have big tails which we can use to both slap water at you and slap you directly.

2) We can chop down trees with our TEETH.

3) We have a lot of pepsi from the incident last year and we are not afraid to climb up into trees and dump it on the heads of invaders and perpetrators.

Now that you have officially declared war on us, we are currently preparing our offense, our defence, and our pepsi. Look out.


Not that sincerely,

B. Beaver- head of TIIBBD 

submitted by B. Beaver, Walnut Falls
(November 17, 2018 - 8:10 am)