The cloak. The
Chatterbox: Inkwell
The cloak. The
The cloak. The cape, or whatever she wished to call it--it didn't really matter, for it carried no name other than the name of it's hood, which served as it's crown, it's namegiver.
Her hands ran over it. She was only a child, but she could still see things. When she touched it's fabric, she, for an instant, could see a red-checkered tablecloth tucked into a picnic basket. She could see the curve of trees, which became the curve of a flower's stem held in a child's--or was it a wolf's?--hand.
Then the flower disappeared, leaving the hand holding an axe. Her eyes travelled up it's handle, all the way to it's gleaming head. The gleam of steel became the gleam of light on fangs. Her gaze travelled into the beast's mouth, where there was only darkness.
And the memories ended.
Her cloak remained her protector, her caregiver--but it also held a reminder now. It held memories of open jaws and waiting in the dark. It carried her when she was scared, but it also threw the truth at her.
"Thiiirty?" The story dissolved. Narrator Thirty-Three scowled. She could already see Icy in the mirror. Lovely. "Yes?" Thirty asked, fighting to maintain her attitude. With others, she could snap and inform them how horrified they should be after ruining her narration. But with Icy? She had to live with Icy, and making Icy feel the horror that she deserved wouldn't be fair.
"Watcha reading?" Icy asked. Thirty inhaled and closed her eyes before turning away from her mirror to meet Icy's blue-eyed gaze. Thirty smiled--just barely. "Oh. It's a classic, really, but not many know of it." Thirty began. "...What is it?" Icy asked. "The chatterboxer wished to know the title of a classic book, which was a favorite among narrators--" Thirty began.
"Aaand the name of the book was?" Icy prompted. "After the Ball." Thirty muttered.
"Right! Thanks, Thirty. It sounds interesting...and old. I'll be sure to check it out." Icy chattered. "Also, have you seen the hairbrush?" Icy asked. Thirty sighed. "Did you check the bathroom?" "Ye--nope, actually. I'll go look."
Thirty watched Icy leave, then sighed, yet again. "The interruption of the classic story was uncalled for--a crime against every book that was written from the soul. The chatterboxer would, however, be treated with mercy for her crimes, as kindness must be shown on occasion." Thirty narrated as she turned toward her mirror again, becoming a captive of her own narration once more.
Hey! If you've read this far, uh, congrats? I know that this is a really random post, but I felt the need to write, as well as post it on here. I'm getting to know N33, as my AE, even more through writing, but there hasn't really been a purpose for me to write in story form at the AE ball, and I didn't feel like it would fit on the Let's Play House thread too well (though I may post there in the future). The result is this--and I'm also going to be posting more writing involving me & Thirty on this thread in the future.
Thanks for reading!
A disclamer, specifically for the Admins: After the Ball isn't a real story--I would never actually post things from a real story on the Chatterbox, other than small quotes.
(August 24, 2018 - 9:55 pm)
WAIT I HAVE AN AWESOME IDEA!!! What if this was an RP thread for AEs? For instance something happens to their CBers and they have to... Sorry. I'm getting ahead of myself.
Actually, that sounds like a brilliant idea to me, Ocean. It's new!
(August 24, 2018 - 11:48 pm)
(August 25, 2018 - 10:06 am)
That sounds like a great idea! We haven't had any AE rps other than balls for a good while now. I'd want to make a separate thread for it, though, and use some sort of cool pseudonym.
(August 26, 2018 - 4:08 pm)
I love AE RPs! They are so much fun! We should totally have another one.
(August 29, 2018 - 4:28 pm)
Lez do it.
(August 26, 2018 - 10:39 pm)
(August 27, 2018 - 11:01 am)
The Let's Play House thread doesn't have particularly strong definitions. I think I had some in mind when I made it, but I don't remember what they are anymore. This would fit in just fine as far as I'm concerned. I know you didn't ask... I guess I saw a question anyway. Also, this is incredible and I love it. Thank you for posting . O
(August 28, 2018 - 9:51 pm)
Nah. Let's make an actual RP where RPs should go.
(August 29, 2018 - 4:59 pm)
@Viola Thanks! I'll definitely be posting on the Let's Play House thread later. I'm really glad you love this post.
@Rogue, Cockleburr, & Catsclaw: If you want the thread so much...want to talk plot? I like the idea of something happening to the Chatterboxers, Rogue. How can that be expanded on, and would there be non-chatterboxer/AE characters involved? I'm pretty excited about this :p
And a random fact to end this post: the beginning of this writing, where Thirty is narrating in italics, is talking about Little Red Riding Hood.
(August 29, 2018 - 7:05 pm)
Yeah, I think there should be others. NPCs though. Not charries. Unless you can handle that sort of thing. I can't. Only one charrie per RP for me, thank you! :P
(August 30, 2018 - 3:21 pm)
Oh, yeah. I meant NPCs, but... I ramble too much. I might have a few main ones to guide the I'm definitely gonna have to work on developing this idea.
(August 30, 2018 - 7:04 pm)