Leap of faith-

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Leap of faith-

Leap of faith-

will you

take a 

leap of 


take a hand

accept your 


six sides of a story

six possible crimes

choose one

you decide

the facts will be given

(but opinions are forever taken for something

perhaps what they are)

or not

i am the story-weaver

unknown to the wideworldwide

i am without a side

so soon you shall gaze upon the unfiltered facts: 

submitted by Hanging Crown Veil
(August 4, 2018 - 2:14 pm)

I mean, it would be preferred, because that makes everything more mysterious and serious...hey that rhymed! Buut...I guess you can just say stuff normally. Just when I do I sound like a normal person.

and i 

would not like

to be

that way

(it is just one

of my foolish



has so


submitted by Hanging Crown Veil
(September 26, 2018 - 5:54 pm)
submitted by Topping Crown Veil
(September 17, 2018 - 5:58 pm)
submitted by TopTopTopTopTop, The TopTopTopTopTop
(September 18, 2018 - 7:39 am)

captcha says kaem. came? 

submitted by popping topper, a bag of popcorn
(September 18, 2018 - 7:39 am)

*insert poetic TOP here*

(September 25, 2018 - 7:48 pm)

another one who doesn't belong here

(i'm begginning to wonder if

anyone does) her story

is strangeley incomplete,

her role in the previous ones is a mystery,

but don't we all come to life at

the word; Yet 

submitted by Stardust, Ubiquitous
(September 26, 2018 - 5:27 pm)

I gobble up the new facts.

And I'm hungry

for more. 

submitted by red tailed panda, nose twitching
(September 26, 2018 - 6:31 pm)

She seems innocent enough 

But her story isn't complete 

Is she as innocent as she seems

"Is this real, or 

Is it just 




*cringes* I'm terrible at poetry. The last part is in quotations because it's from an Imagine Dragons song. No, I'm not good enough to come up with my own poetry. XD

submitted by Agent Winter, Classified
(September 28, 2018 - 8:54 pm)
submitted by Top!
(October 12, 2018 - 11:08 am)
submitted by TopoTop
(October 14, 2018 - 3:48 pm)

floppypoppytoppy :P

submitted by ToppyToppyToppyToppy, PoppyPoppyPoppyPoppyPoppy
(October 14, 2018 - 3:50 pm)

Ahh! Guess who is a terrible person! Me.



I’m a salmon, small and lithe. Swimming upstream against a harshly flowing current. Memories threaten the corners of my eyes, trying to escape and spill out from their cage. Memories of sitting beside those rushing silver waters, trying to hook one of those salmon. They were just food to us. Faceless creatures with no hearts. No souls.

Well if I’m a salmon, I definitely took the bait. And now I’m sitting, waiting to be devoured by unknown creatures.

It bubbles up inside me, and I want to scream again. To cry again. To say all of the secrets tearing me apart. She sits in a corner, her face a plastic mask. My sister seems like ice. But I know she’s a fire.

Her fire is blazing red, like the cardigan covering her. Blazing red, like the blood she tries to hide.

I know. I know everything.

It feels cool in my hand, as my fingers hit the glowing screen. The familiar adrenaline rushes through me.

It’s just a game. And I’m winning. I’m winning as I search through everything, finding secrets meant to be hidden.

My sister’s eyes widen. She opens her mouth. And I can’t help it. I laugh, giggling playfully.

No one can hide. I’m the queen of this land, wearing my pride like armor over a broken shell.

I’m dead inside, yet I feel so alive.  

submitted by HCV- Part 7
(October 15, 2018 - 10:59 am)








salmon swim upstream,

their seething masses


by wickedly sharp,


hooks, covered

with juicy bait

to fool the fauna

fire burns bright,

ever in motion,

ever the same,

ever devouring

in a glowing blaze

a screen glows dimly

and something flickers under the surface;

i make note. 

submitted by Stardust, Ubiquitous
(October 15, 2018 - 7:22 pm)
submitted by Topping Crown Veil
(October 26, 2018 - 10:49 am)

the colors are gone

i am standing in a sun-washed out hole

is anyone still here?

the story remains unfinished,

will it stay that way?

the queation slowly changes to

who will be the last to leave?

(i still dont know who was the first)

there are so many unfinished mysteries

cut lines

unsaid words (are you Neko?)

hidden pages 

forever secrets

why not one more?

but i'm still here

grasping at straws,

hoping for a top. 


submitted by Stardust, Ubiquitous
(November 13, 2018 - 2:27 pm)