OK I know

Chatterbox: Inkwell

OK I know

OK I know I've been gone for a LONG time. But I just got an epic idea. Ok, first, if you haven't seen the first Jurassic Park movie WATCH IT! Then you can join this awesome RP. The Jurassic Park RP is made up of-I'm gonna do-me and 13 others. Wether, you live, or die is up to you. You can use made up characters, or real ones from the first movie. If other people want to join they can be dinosaurs. I'm going to be Timmy, the little boy actually from the movie. I will make my charrie sheet after I give the examples. Here we go with the introduction.

~~ You were invited to experience Jurassic Park as the first time ever guests. You go on the tour after you are shown around so if there is trouble you know where every thing is. On the tour every thing breaks down. The dinosaurs are running loose. You must do whatever you can to survive.~~

Alright so now to the charrie sheets:





Weapon of choice:





Type of Dino:

Main target:

Eats(Herbevor, Carnivore, Omnivore):



Name: Timmy



Weapon of choice: Rifle

Background:Went to boarding school, grandpa is owner of the park.

Friend:Billy (went to boarding school a.k.a my younger sibling)

Thats all for now 

submitted by pizzaboy, age 11, MA
(June 9, 2018 - 9:38 am)

what I meant is my actual sibling ine reality is playing Billy


submitted by pizzaboy, age 11, MA
(June 9, 2018 - 1:12 pm)
submitted by top
(June 15, 2018 - 4:54 pm)