Lord of the

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Lord of the

Lord of the Rings RP!! WARNING! There are spoilers in this, so GO AWAY UNTIL YOU HAVE FINISHED THE BOOK!!

This RP takes place during and eventually after the defeat of Sauron. You can be a hobbit, human, dwarf, elf, goblin, Uruk-Hai, Ringwraith (only nine allowed), Ent, spy for Sauron, or a wizard's apprentice (one per wizard [once Saruman reveals that he has given himself over to Sauron, his apprentice will run to Gandalf the Grey, who will soon become Gandalf the White.). There are two Blue Wizards, Alatar and Pallando, one Brown Wizard, Radagast, one Grey Wizard, Gandalf, and Saruman the White, who will defect to Sauron and become Sauman of the Many Colors. Alatar and Pallando have gone far to the East, past Sauron, so they wouldn't be affected by him much. Also, if and only if you have read Sillmarion, you can be a Valar, sent by Illuvitar to look after the Fellowship of the Ring. After Sauron is vanquished, your Valar charrie will return to Illuvitar, and it will not be able to take part in the events of Middle-Earth.



Master (optional):




Password: One ring to rule them all, One ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them!


And now my charrie:


Name: Eluvisim Morieti

Age: She looks like she is 14, but... You get the gist. 

Species: Wizard apprentice

Master (optional): Saruman (I thought I should take him because being his apprentice would be the most difficult.)

Appearance: Very beautiful. Long, rusty-brown hair that she dyes white to please Saruman, but she plans to cut it. Since she is a tomboy she secretly wears brown pants and boots under the tear-away skirt of her dress. Fair skin, grey-green eyes. Strong build, average height, hourglassish figure. She always wears a small, silver choker with a single black diamond set in it. Her staff is a smooth peice of wood made from the heart of a deceased Ent, grown in the waters of the Entwash. It was given to her by an Ent after driving off a mixed swarm of mountain pine beetles and emerald ash borers, two kinds of beetles that would've killed every tree in the area.

Personality: An introverted tomboy, demermined to be the greatest Wizard in all of time, idolizes Gandalf the Grey despite Saruman being her master. Doesn't tolerate her own failure, but is very compassionate unless the fail could cost someone their life, freedom, or mind. Very smart, often thinks in strategy. Loyal to her friends, who are all animals because no one else lives in Orthanc. She often wanders in the forest with the Ents, and they teach her many things, so she is wise beyond her years.

Other: Open to shipping, maybe to Gandalf's apprentice if it's a boy.

Password: One ring to rule them all, One ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them! 


Just to give a time frame for when we start RPing, Frodo just left the Shire. 

submitted by Rogue Wildling, age Guess, Somewhere precarious
(June 1, 2018 - 5:48 pm)


submitted by Rogue Wildling, age Guess, Suspension
(July 21, 2018 - 4:54 pm)


submitted by Rogue Wildling
(July 22, 2018 - 7:19 pm)

GUYS HELP ME!! If anybody ELSE wants to join they are VERY VERY WELCOME!!!

submitted by Rogue Wildling, age Guess, Suspension
(July 24, 2018 - 3:30 pm)

I sit on my hammoc a few hours after the embarrassment of Radagast's suspicion, unable to sleep, so I pull out a quill and a piece of parchment. I then proceed to write a letter to my friend Naz, telling him about how I met a really nice and cute elven girl that I met today while I was off with the ents.


You would not believe what happened today, not in the slightest. I was going about my day as usual, cleaning the burrows, training with Radagast, but when I was visiting the ents I saw a elvish girl chasing some boy out of Entmoot because he scared the ents. I went and talked to the girl a bit and she is quite observant, I think you would like her but please, don't try to steal my girlfriend like last time. Anyway I left a letter on her window and I was thinking about her when Radagast asked the unthinkable, "Who’s the lucky lady, lover boy?" Ugh sometimes he acts like he's my dad. Enough of my Rambling, how are you doing Naz? I know I haven't written in a while, you know how Radagast is, "No time for letters we need to travel the world, bla bla bla, yadda yadda yadda." Write back soon, DON'T YOU DARE SET THIS ASIDE "For later", YOU WILL NEVER GET TO IT!!!

      - Fernan Phithana

I hand my letter to Cosmos my owl, I mean he's not technically Mine but I found him in a ditch with a broken wing. I nursed him back to health but when I released him he refused to leave and he picked up one of my letters to Naz and looked at me as if to say "Who should this go to?" and from that point on he has been my Message Owl. He flew away to go find Naz and I fell asleep soon after that.


Note that Cosmos hates everyone exept for Fernan and maybe El. If you try to pet him he will attempt to bite off your fingers, He loviingly bumps his beak against Fernan's nose when he sees him. ITS SO ADORABLE IM GONNA DIE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!




*still chasing and didn't hear her*

submitted by Darkking, age Who knows?, A dimension.
(July 25, 2018 - 7:17 pm)

Thank you Darkking!


Saruman looks paler and more grim this morning, even more so than the past couple of weeks. He sits down at the head of the table, directly across from me. He stares at his food, an odd, sinister glint in his eye.

"Master Saruman?" Without moving his head, his eyes flick up to mine and his gaze bores into my skull. "The Ents are distressed. I shall go to them today, and may not come back for a while. I am going to find out what is distressing them." Saruman stands up suddenly, his eyes blazing with a weird light.

"No. You will not go." His voice has also taken on a deeper, rougher, meaner tone lately. "The Ents are fine." It was then that I made up my mind to flee Orthanc. After all, I had finished my training and was now simply refining my skills. I knew all I would learn from Saruman, and now - now he would learn some from me. He would learn that I have escaped his grasp and am just as powerful as he is.


Naz you are going to recieve a visitor soon! *Evil laugh* 

submitted by Rogue Wildling, age Guess, Suspension
(July 25, 2018 - 9:26 pm)




I make my way back to the castle, te sky is turning a deep magenta, by the time I get back. I see the VERY agressive and assertive owl, Cosmos. I reached out a hand to take the letter that the owl was brooding on, and immediatly got attacked. " HEY, Cosmos!" After a good ten minutes of struggle,Cosmos settled onto a banister overhead, cooing darkly. I opened the letter from Fernan.


You would not believe what happened today, not in the slightest. I was going about my day as usual, cleaning the burrows, training with Radagast, but when I was visiting the ents I saw a elvish girl chasing some boy out of Entmoot because he scared the ents. I went and talked to the girl a bit and she is quite observant, I think you would like her but please, don't try to steal my girlfriend like last time. Anyway I left a letter on her window and I was thinking about her when Radagast asked the unthinkable, "Who’s the lucky lady, lover boy?" Ugh sometimes he acts like he's my dad. Enough of my Rambling, how are you doing Naz? I know I haven't written in a while, you know how Radagast is, "No time for letters we need to travel the world, bla bla bla, yadda yadda yadda." Write back soon, DON'T YOU DARE SET THIS ASIDE "For later", YOU WILL NEVER GET TO IT!!!

      - Fernan Phithana

I chuckled at my long time friend's childish behavior, and started on a letter of my own.


Long time no speak! Gandalf left on some classified mission, you know him. "It would be too dangerous for a boy like you to face Sauron, but someday you will roam like me and have many great adventures, for, alas, I fear that even Sauron will not be the last of Middle-Earth's troubles." Yada Yada Yadah. What a coincidence... I was in Entmoot earlier... I was being chased, by I'm guessing was the same girl as the one you saw! Just to be clear, I didn't MEAN to scare the ents, I was sick of being indoors for so long, and wanted to meet  them myself! And I didn't try to steal your girlfriend, she cornered me, SHE WAS A SHE-DEAMON! Never again, ugh... Honestly, if I was in Radagast's position, I would have teased you more, but that's just me :). I've been doing fine, could be better, running isn't my thing, though! I thought about setting this aside, but... Cosmos was distroying my hand, please use a NICER owl next time, I have to banage my hand now, talk later!


The letter itself had a few speckles of blood on it, from his ruddy owl. I sealed the envelope with my wax seal and scooted it over to cosmos, who took it, giving my hand a few pecks, further bloodying the envelope, before he took off. I bandaged my hand in white linen, adding a slave to help with the healing. I strode into the stuy, greeted warmly by Yael, Gandalf's secretary, and my kind-of adopted mom. She smiled warmly, and her mother-hen instincts kicked in as soon as she saw my bandaged hand. "Gods, what happened to you?!" She screeched.

"Cosmos again, I told him about my hand and Cosmos's agressive nature, I just sent him off, he shouldnt be back in a while. " I shrugged

" We need to get you hand braces for whenever you need to handle him!" She exclamed, her silver eyes flaring. We talked a while, before a knock sounded at the front gate...


Enter EL! 

submitted by Tyberious Firestone, age Cosmos duh, Cosmos
(July 26, 2018 - 2:22 pm)


Eluvisim~ I don't look back as I run from Orthanc, its black spire glaring at me from its heights. Rain pelts down, obscuring my vision. I swerve around obstacles, nearly running into multiple boulders and trees... Or were those Ents? Who can tell in this downpour. I spot a few landmarks that I past when I was chasing that boy who had spooked the Ents. I stopped. Now that I knew where I was, I could teleport to that cliff! I would climb up it, and Saruman would never find me. He himself once said that he never minded what was beyond that cliff. I closed my eyes and concentrated. When I opened them again, the wall of stone stood before me.

"Whelp, here goes nothing..." I mumbled, shoving my staff into a holder sling on my back, holding it there. My best sword was still in its sheath. I cracked my knuckles and felt the cliff for a handhold. I found an especially deep one and a slightly shallower one a way higher than it. Determinedly, I stuck my foot in the deep hand hold and my hand in the shallower one. I slowly but surely made my way up the cliff. Sopping wet and tired, I finally hoisted myself onto the edge. A little bit away, partially obscures by trees, was a stone castle. It was inviting, and I spotted an indignant owl fly doggedly out a window. Poor thing. Flying in THIS storm? I thought, my pity going out to the bird, struggling so hard not to fall out of the sky from the wieght of the rain attacking its feathers. I knocked on the huge wooden door. I could hear two people conversing inside, but when I knocked they fell silent. The massive door opened with the groan of burdened hinges. A red haired boy peered out at me, and we both gasped. I recognised his gold-trimmed cloak. I was standing face to face with the boy I was chasing a few weeks ago. A feminine, motherly voice sounded behind him.

"Naz! Let the pretty girl in! Show some hospitality!" A silver-eyed woman placed her fists on her hips and glared at the back of Naz's head. He just stared at me, but he stood aside and beckoned me in with a half-black hand. I walked in after a moment's hesitation.


submitted by Rogue Wildling, age Guess, Suspension
(July 26, 2018 - 5:45 pm)




After Staring at the girl, and a very angry retort from Yael, I beckon her inside, she looks at me and curiously steps inside. I quickly shut the door and say to her. " Oh, um... Sorry for scaring the ents a while back, my friend Fernan sent an owl a little, he sent the one which hates me, figures. I hope he's alriight all the same, of course! I've been wanting to ask you who you're apprenticed to! Really, only apprentices can use the teleporting charm! Sorry for rambling, it's just that you came so suddenly and you seem like an interestng person I-" I was rudly interulted my my very own overbearing mother-hen, Yael.

" Naz! You're scaring the poor girl!" She shot me a glare as I saw, indeed, the girl looked a bit lost in my rambling. " My name is Yael. What's your name, darling?"

" Eluvisim." She murmered softly.

" That a lovely name! Well, Eluvisim, I'll go make tea, Naz?" I flinched.


" Play nice." She gave me a joking smile, her silver eyes twinkling.  And with that, she wisked away to boil the kettle. 

Eluvisim and I sat in silence for a while, before she spoke. " W-where are we?" She said, teeth chattering. I handed her a blanket, and sat down back in my seat.

" You are in a small residence owned by Gandalf." 

She started, looking shocked, then seemed to take in her surroundings with panic...


I don't know how she would react, that's up to you, Rouge! 

submitted by Tyberious Firestone, age Cosmos duh, Cosmos
(July 28, 2018 - 7:30 pm)


Gandalf's home! Saruman hates Gandalf! They used to be friends, but then something happened and now he hates him! What if Gandalf comes back? What if Gandalf hates Saruman too? I was his loyal apprentice!  These panicked thoughts swirl through my mind with dizzying speed.

"Sorry, um, who are you apprenticed to?" Naz asks nevously.

"Saruman... Saruman and the Ents." Naz draws back with alarm.

"Why are you here?? Saruman decided he hates Gandalf!" He staggers back, and I hide my face in my hands.

"I know, I know! I don't know why though! Saruman seems to have taken a turn for the worse and I-"

"What, is he sick?" Naz says quickly.

"I don't know! Over the past few weeks he's turned evil or SOMETHING!" Naz's eyes are wide with fear.

"Are you evil?" I rip my hands away from my face and glare at him.

"NO!! Why would I have left him if I was??" Naz stops.

"Touche." Yeal comes in with a tray of clear green tea. She offers me a cup and I take it gratefully. Steam rises nonchalontly from the liquid. I sip the green tea. Peppermint.

"Ooh, peppermint! My favorite!" Yeal smiles at my praise.

"Is there any possibility I could get some honey to put in here?" Yeal nods eagerly.

"Naz, would you like honey too? While I'm over there in the kitchens," She says to me, "would you like a warm towel, dear?" She smiles amiably. I nod thankfully, and Naz agrees to the honey. Yeal rushes off.


submitted by Rogue Wildling, age Guess, Suspension
(July 29, 2018 - 4:46 pm)


submitted by Rogue Wildling
(July 29, 2018 - 5:50 pm)


submitted by Rogue Wildling
(July 30, 2018 - 12:37 pm)



I hesitate a little, before saying to ELvisim, " Gandalf isn't here currrently, and I have no idea when he gets back, so currenty I should be the caretaker of this household, but it seems like Yael thinks i'm too young."

Her eyes widen in supprise. "Will.. will he mind the fact that I'm here?" 

I shrug as I sip my tea, dispite being no honey, you could say out of habit.  " You will likely be gone by the time he does. If you're not, he will either shelter you and continue your training, which the possibility of that is low, or shelter you until its time for you to leave, he's cryptic like that."

Her face crumples to confusion, then Yael comes back with the honey.


Baby post of the procrastonation world 

submitted by Tyberious Firestone, age Cosmos duh, Cosmos
(August 6, 2018 - 7:40 pm)

Thank you Ty for posting. Eluvisim is going to try to get a message to Fernan as soon as possible but for right now she is just trying to figure out what to do with her life so she might not be RPed until I come up with how the heck I can put that into words...

submitted by Rogue Wildling
(August 7, 2018 - 1:53 am)


(August 8, 2018 - 12:22 pm)


submitted by Rogue Wildling
(August 8, 2018 - 8:46 pm)