Apocolypse RP!!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Apocolypse RP!!
Apocolypse RP!!
The Corruption has happened.
The robots are on the hunt.
The earth is on the edge of collapse.
It is 2030. Four years ago, the meteorite Colossus struck the earth. With it came robots. Not the helpful kind people have been making for years now, but the alien kind. Programmed to kill. They snuck their way into the programming of the robots in Earth's factories, too, so when they finally attacked, hardly anyone was spared.
Except for a few.
Living in bunkers, scavenging for water and supplies, using whatever they can to survive as the world collapses around them, a few survivors are still clinging to life.
As one of those survivors, you will fight till the end.
Okay, so, this is kind of a reboot of the Apocolypse RP by General Waffleson. I wasn't ever really involved in it, because it was already dead by the time I saw it, but I really loved the story, though I tweaked a couple things.
Here's the rules:
1. Characters can be mutants, but they can't be too OP. Also I want at least two human charries. (Though you can have two charries, so you could have one human, one mutant charrie if you wanted.)
2. Characters can die, but only if the author is okay with it.
3. This does take place in the future, so your charrie can have some futuristic tech (like laser pistols) but nothing too OP. (No instant-kill guns, spaceships, etc.)
And the charrie sheet:
Full name:
Appearance (details pls!):
Home country (real place on Earth):
Weapon of choice:
I'll post mine as soon as I can. I'm excited (and nervous-- this is my first RP!!)
Nothing too violent or gory , please .
(May 13, 2018 - 7:21 pm)
I'm reserving! And I bookmarked so when this post is added when the admins check at the 10:30-12:00 range (correct me if I'm wrong, that's my school lunch time and things always seem to update during then) I only need to top once
(May 14, 2018 - 8:37 am)
Now to test my theory
(May 14, 2018 - 9:58 am)
(May 14, 2018 - 9:58 am)
Aaah, can’t resist... I’m reserving!
(May 14, 2018 - 3:02 pm)
Didn't I tell you NOT to reboot this? I beleive I explicitly denied you the permission to. I find it quite aggravating that you went ahead and did it anyway. This was my idea and I made argument on the original thread why I wanted you to NOT reboot this. You are perfectly allowed to make YOUR OWN idea of an apocolypse, but I created this and I'd rather not have it rebooted. Do you really want to provoke me like this? I don't want this tangent to be any longer than it is.
(May 14, 2018 - 3:33 pm)
Um... sorry? I don't know why you find the fact that I like your story insulting.
(May 14, 2018 - 5:55 pm)
GW asked for you guys not to reboot it. It's quite rude for you to ignore his request. And as someone who joined the original roleplay, I would also prefer that it stays dead.
(May 14, 2018 - 7:08 pm)
You are perfectly welcome to LIKE it. However, the actions you take because of that appreciation matter. For example: say I really like a person's drawing. Say I have asked if I can copy that person's drawing becuase I think it's really cool. Now, if this person says yes, that's fine and I would be free to replicate it. However, if this person says no, that they would rather keep their original idea as theirs and dissuede people attemting to copy it, than the right choice would be to listen to them, right?
However, you did not. I told you, "I would prefer if you did not copy this as it brings back painful memories of a time where I felt unwelcome and unrepresented in the CB. I also value originality and would prefer if people came up with original ideas instead of copying mine." But you did not listen. The Admins even told you and I quote, "Because this is General Waffleson's original idea, General Waffleson
gets the final say on whether someone else can take over or use the
idea." My final say was no, for the resons that I explained previously. You decided that you would directly disobey my wishes for the direction and usage of my idea, and that is why I am angry at you.
(May 14, 2018 - 7:41 pm)
Admins, please note that I'm trying to be as civil as I can possibly be so if I say something that sounds rude, I'm not trying to be, I'm just trying to say what I have to say.
Okay, one, I'm sorry you felt unwelcome when you made your Apocalypse Rp. But I think you're being a bit mean, you have inspired someone to want to make their own verson of it. And well. That's good. However, you want it to shut down. But it says right here it's "kind of a reboot of the Apocalypse Rp by General Waffleson" so moon wolf gave you credit for coming up with it first. By the looks or it the first successful one at that. (From my experience they don't last). And she did keep a few things yes but Every Single Apocalypse Setting I've seen has robots and mutants. And those without are kinda boring. Ok, maybe e date should have been change but I looked back and you did not answer why until after this rp was made. So of course they made it because they didn't understand why!
All you said was "Let's not bring back painful memories, shall we? Let the rested stay rested, eh?" You never said "I would prefer if you did not copy this as it brings back painful memories of a time where I felt unwelcome and unrepresented in the CB. I also value originality and would prefer if people came up with original ideas instead of copying mine."
you never said why till now!
also to ban use of a whole kind of thread is kind of messed up. To quote Marge from The Simpsons
"I don't want to be a killjoy, but I don't enjoy this, so I think no one else should."
That is what you sound like. Because you felt unwelcome
Despite your huge success of a rp lasting five months. You felt unwelcome? The heck? All I'm getting is "My thread died so now I'm leaving and no one should enjoy Apocalypse rps"
Maybe that's not what you mean but you are sending that message. There are people here that wish they could make a thread that last 5 months. I wish I could do that! Everyone thread dies. So what!? They are like forest fires, yes some trees die, but because those trees die, it makes room for more trees AND fertize them!
Dead threads give room for more improved threads because others will be able to see what worked and didn't work!
You should be proud that someone wants to make a thread like yours.
By your logic, because the Galaxy Note 7 was a failure, there shouldn't be more Galaxy phones, because it failed. It was a great phone before it started exploding! But it still failed! But Here We Are, With new galaxy phones that won't explode. Why? Because they took out what didn't work and kept what did.
another example, Cave Story, now I'm guessing most of you don't know what it is. Which is understandable because it's old and people keep on saying it copied undertale despite coming out in 2004, 11 years before undertale. So you may not know that Daisuke "pixel" Amaya started working on it in 1999, working 5 years in his free time. What took so long was about a year before it's release, he showed it to a friend. It was ok but it sucked. Some things were not that enjoyable. By your logic, Daisuke should have thrown the whole thing away and give up making games. But you know what he did? He started from scratch! This man had to make and rework his own program that he made to make Cave Story! You read that right, he didn't use Game Maker (like Toby Fox) nor Unity! He did EVERYTHING from scratch, yes he kept some things, but he did everything else from the beginning. All by himself too.
so what am I saying? Don't let someone not build off of your idea. Most great things were based off others. And all you have to do is let them grow. But if you really don't want it to inspire another person, explain why it was a reason it made you unwelcome and unrepresented. Maybe then this whole thing wouldn't exist!
(May 15, 2018 - 1:10 am)
The problem is, you don’t know the full story as to why GW left his thread. So please stop using that against him, if you wouldn’t mind. :) Respect his original idea and purpose for not wanting HIS story rebooted. Be unique and create your own. And don’t throw dirt on my man’s name. XD
(May 15, 2018 - 1:11 pm)
Exactly! I don't know, and he's not telling! Which is the problem! All we have is these little bits he said but is being very vague about it. I said so myself "Maybe that's not what you mean but you are sending that message."
i said that it might not be what he meant, so I said how his statements made me feel like he's being mean. Freedom of speech is a two way street after all.
All I'm asking him is WHY he feels that way, is that to much to ask?
(May 15, 2018 - 1:35 pm)
Three reasons for you.
I value originality over almost anything else in my writing. I am not saying that nobody in the history of the entire world can ever base a single thing off of my writing. HOWEVER. This is not basing anything off of my writing. This is an exact copy/reboot, maybe with two or three different rules and sentences changed. I want more than anything for people to make their own ideas originally. I don't like being used as a crutch or an armrest or whatever. When people copy me, I feel like I am being used, and my original ideas that I created are now useless, because somebody else decided they were better as their idea. Imagine you've just grown a tree. Imagine somebody decided, "Hey, that tree looks cool. It's my tree now! Forget all your planning and watering and planting. This is MY TREE now and you can't do anything about it." How would you feel? Would you say, "Oh, it would be wrong for me to keep this tree for whatever reason, so they can just take it."? I want people to grow their own trees if they like mine. Don't make an exact copy, change it up! You can still hava an apocolypse RP, but don't make it the exact same premise and plot and wording as mine. Me being given credit is not the problem. I don't want to HAVE to be given credit. I want people to say, "Look at this cool thing I made up all my myself!" Instead of, "Look at this cool thing that somebody else made before me that isn't even original."
There is a reason I am being vague. That RP was from a time when I was dealing with my friends abandoning me, my own brother betraying me (for personal reasons), and I was struggling with depression. If I still seem vague, it is because some of the reasons I don't want it brought back up are not appropriate for the CB. Excuse me, but I would rather not elaborate further on that point, as the Admins would not appreciate it.
I think I have a right to be forceful about this. I made a product, and Moon Wolf asked if they could reboot it. Nothing wrong with that. Anybody can ask, right? But I said no. They did it anyway. That's rude, if you didn't know. The reason is important too, but must every decision I make be questioned? I realize it might have been odd for me to say no, but that doesn't mean it doesn't EVEN MATTER that I did. If they were just going to do it anyway, WHAT WAS EVEN THE POINT IN ASKING? So I could deny them and get all riled up? Because they wanted to be polite? If so, why completely disregard my answer?
Also as a sidenote:
Moon Wolf, I appreciate your apology. Thank you for saying sorry, and I understand that this may have been a misunderstanding. This comment is mostly directed at The Writer, who asked me to explain.
(May 15, 2018 - 2:45 pm)
Also, I hope you’re feeling better and your personal issues are resolved. :)
(May 15, 2018 - 4:04 pm)
Okay, what you interpreted from one isn't what I'm trying to say, but two and three, I can understand. So I'll back off.
I'm sorry, I don't do well with a vague answer, so I tend to want to figure things out. Which I guess could get annoying. I'm a man of facts so I always look for a direct answer. I shouldn't have bothered you like that.
Your reasoning has giving me some clearity of why so I'll leave you alone.
hope you feel better
(May 15, 2018 - 6:42 pm)
I'm really sorry I did a reboot of an RP that brings back bad memories for you. I didn't know what you were going through, and I probably would have been a lot more charitable if I had. I kind of understand why you wouldn't want a reboot of it now.
PS How did you figure out that I'm Agent Winter?
(May 16, 2018 - 3:39 pm)