Emotional writing contest
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Emotional writing contest
Emotional writing contest!
Okay, so I haven't seen one of these in awhile, and I was like what the heck I need some inspiration from my fellow writers so why not make a writing contest?
Alright, so we need judges. I am unreliable so that's why people are becoming judges. We can have 1-3. You guys can figure out a way to discuss the story lines properly and such together, if you want to do more then one judge. If not, that's fine too, easier for the judge.
Any who, this ain't no ordinary contest. That's right, this is going to be a hard one. And on going. So, let me explain.
The themes will be emotions. So whoever portrays the selected emotion the best wins. Ah, but, you have to make the reader feeeel this emotion. Joy, sadness and fear are easy ones. We can start off with one of those if you like. As we go along, I'll have people pick the trickier ones. As in surprised, disgusted, angry, etc. The winner of the previous round will be the judge or one of the judges if they like, and will pick the next emotion.
Okay, of that was confusing, lemme try again. I'll pick an emotion. The one who best portrays that emotion, and makes whoever reads it feal that emotion the best, wins. You guys can pick the first judge/judges. Whoever wins picks the next emotion, and can either pick the next judges or become a judge him/herself and has the option to pick some others.
I might join in this first one, but maybe not, life Is unpredictable. Oh, the due date for this writing is a week from Wednesday.
Let me or the judges know if that's not enough time!
First theme is....
Ready set write! Whosoever makes me cry wins a gold star!
(February 26, 2018 - 11:24 pm)
Oh, phew...*wipes cold sweat off of forehead* There are no more stories.....but OH, THANK GOODNESS, WHAT A LOVELY AND TOTALLY NOT DISTURBING TOPIC LUCY CHOSE FOR HER POEM!
*Goes off and breathes into a paper bag*
(April 6, 2018 - 3:16 pm)
That is definitely a creepy thought.
(April 7, 2018 - 3:54 pm)
Scary stories are due today.
(April 7, 2018 - 11:00 am)
Pweople post pwease! PWEASE!
(April 7, 2018 - 3:28 pm)
Alright here’s mine
A family was watching a movie in the living room. The youngest child was asleep upstairs. Right when the movie ended, they heard footsteps behind them. The older siblings, twins, turned around to see her. “Honey what are you doing awake?” The Mom asked without looking behind her.
“Can you hear it breathing?” The girl asked innocently. “I can. I can hear it.”
The twins exchanged glances as their mom turned to face them. “Stop telling your sister tales.” She scolded before pushing them off the couch. “Go tuck her in.”
The twins obayed, but there was a creeping sensation climbing up their spines as they walked up the stairs. “I didn’t tell her that.” The oldest (by three minutes) whispered.
“I know.” The younger one whispered back. “She probably just wants attention.” But her voice shook a little as the younger sister finished climbing the last few stairs, not even glancing back at them.
“I don’t know…” the oldest whispered back, glancing into her sisters open room cautiously as they scaled the last stair.
“Go on, go to bed.” The younger one said, ushering the small girl, who was now just standing there and looking into her room, inside and to her bed. The other followed hurriedly.
The young girl stopped abruptly as they passed the closet and whispered, “Can't you hear it?” She focused her gaze intently on the closet behind the twins.
Slowly, they turned around. Two eyes sparkled in the dark. Their backs prickled, like something was watching them. Slowly, with growing dread, the oldest inched forwards to turn on the closet light. With a click, the darkness was chased away, and revealed the eyes to belong to the brand new doll the girl had gotten the other day. “Look.” She said, turning around to face the two younger siblings. “There’s nothing there.”
The youngest smiled as the two twins walked over to tuck her in. Glancing back at the closet, the oldest decided to turn the doll around, for safe measures.
As they left, turning off the large lamplight, the youngest said, “I told you she was just making it up for attention.”
The oldest nodded, but when she had turned the doll around, she could have sworn she herd breathing.
It was night now. The hour was of darkness, the wind howling through the holes in the house. The oldest twin couldn’t sleep. Her back shivered, but not from the cold. She had this dreadful feeling under her skin, like something was watching her. But she had heard no footsteps. And it was so dark out, looking around her would do no help. It was so dark out, that even when she was sitting up and staring right at it, she didn’t notice the stillhout in the doorway.
An hour or two ticked away with no rest. Finally, temptation set in and she got up to check on her littlest sister.
The floor creaked as she stepped on it, and her breath quickened. She glanced around knowing that she wouldn’t be able to see anything anyway. Slowly she felt her way out of her room, down the hall, and into her sisters room.
After hesitantly watching the swarming darkness of her sisters room, she reached over and turned on the lamplight. Light filled the room, and instantly the little girl stirred and sat up. “Big sis?” She whispered, yawning and rubbing her eyes. “What is it?”
She stole a quick glance to the closet, but nothing could be seen in the shadow.
“I was just..” She started, and then, “do you still hear breathing?”
She looked at her oldest sister in confusion. “No.” She said after a moment. “I don’t think I ever did.”
She sighed out in relief, and then quickly made something up to cover it. “Mom just thought that we might have mice again, but there’s clearly nothing to worry about.”
“Oh.” The younger one said, accepting it as a perfectly fine answer, even though they’ve never even seen a mouse before. “Night sis.”
“Night sleep tight.” And she shut off the light.
The darkest part of the night had passed, and light had started to fill the hallway. Even so, the oldest twin hurried down the hallway and into her bed. She pulled the covers snug over her and sat still for a moment.
That’s when she heard the breathing.
Slowly, she turned to her side, dread and fear mixed inside of her.
She wasn’t alone.
She nearly jumped out of her skin as she was met by the plastic face of the doll, laying on her side, staring at her.
It blinked once.
The twin muffled a gasp. She was about to scream, when the doll started to smile.
It was a fake, red lipped, white toothed smile, it’s dotted cheeks curving up as the smile got wider and wider, soon having nowhere to go but to curl in on itself. It’s eyes nearly bulged from its head. The twin was memorized by the smile, growing and shrinking and collapsing on itself.
Fear forced her into paralysis, she couldn’t breath, she couldn’t scream, the last thing she would ever see was that smile.
The youngest twin was usually the first one up. So when she came downstairs to see her other half sitting by the table, she jumped.
“Uh, morning.” She said, walking over to the fridge.
“Morning sister!” The girl said with too much enthusiasm.
Her younger sister looked at her with her eyebrow raised. “I thought you hated mornings.”
“Well, not this morning.” She said with the fakest smile the girl had ever seen. “I got you a present.”
And slowly, as her smile grew ever wider, she pulled a doll from under the table. “I hope it makes you...smile.”
(April 7, 2018 - 3:26 pm)
Could we do a happier emotion next...?
(April 7, 2018 - 3:59 pm)
Claaws.... that was.... truly disturbing.... maybe because I often have freaky dreams about freaky smiles growing to wide.... That was.... interesting...
*Claps hesitantly* That was terrifying. Totally gonna win for sure! *Glances behind her for a moment* Also, that bit about the sister going freaky and smiling too much was also really creepy. You're great at writing this! Now I really wish I wasn't alone downstairs here.... at least I have meh cats. *Looks around for a moment* Although they appear to... not be in this room. Mine verged on creepy, but yours was truly terrifying. Also, please take that as a compliment! I like how powerfully you write! Just swear to me to never write a script for a horror movie. Never.
*Nervously glances around again* Okay... I'll just be, ah, going now.... yeeeeees Silverwaxwing can we please do a happy emotion next because all these posts are freaking me out now!!!!!! *Screams at creak* AAAAAAAAAAAAH! I mean, uh, I'll just go hide underneath my bed with my cats now. With a sword. And several boxes of TNT. Also maybe a flashlight. And several books. *Hurriedly sneaks away*
(April 7, 2018 - 6:39 pm)
Sorry guys, but I'm gonna have to drop out. That story I was working on ended up being way too long and I've been busy with Camp NaNo anyway so I haven't really had time to write anything else.
(April 7, 2018 - 5:41 pm)
Here are my results. There were only three entries so...
First: Claaws. Congratulations! This was really go and chilling. I liked how it was writen. My only critique is that the story plot is a little bit overused. Every scary story is about a ghost, haunted house, or haunted doll. It reminded me a lot of a Haunting hour episode I watched when I was younger. I really liked it though, so good job!
Second: Chinchilla. Nice job, this was reallt creepy.
Third: Lucy B. I really like this one. It isn' a fear I personally have (I'm Christian) but it is a very real one.
Nice job to everybody. I really liked all of them!
(April 8, 2018 - 2:52 pm)
Thank you! What emtion should we do next?
(April 9, 2018 - 10:01 am)
(April 9, 2018 - 6:56 pm)
Yes please!!
(April 10, 2018 - 8:37 pm)
Sorry for dying on this thread. I admit that I'm a bit of a scaredy-cat, and I like my sleep so that may or may not have been on purpose. :P So, maybe we could do... not fear next? Sorry, I don't know. Surprise?
Laylanie says kyte. Do you want tpo go fly a kite? Here, I'll come with you.
(April 9, 2018 - 7:44 pm)
Awa thanks! So how about the next one can be surprised, because tranquility is a little boring. eh? Alright, so whoever can surprise me the most wins!
Ya dolls are a little overused, but I was at a dance intensive and I had some free time so I asked what my friend was most scared of and they were like 'dolls' so there was that and dolls. Are. Creepy. Ya so that. I scared her. it was a success.
(April 10, 2018 - 6:52 pm)
I'm totally fine with doing surprise this time around, but could we do tranquility at some point? I think it could be really cool to see what people come up with. Just a suggestion. Also -- congrats on winning! :)
(April 10, 2018 - 8:40 pm)