Protect the Key
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Protect the Key
Protect the Key
You are suronded by rock walls, and water drips slowly from the ceiling. In the distance is a pinprick of light. You can't remember anything but,
Protect the Key
Okay, so this is an RP about seven kids. Four of them are stuck in the tunnel I just described, and all four of them are wearing a part of a key around their neck. Hence, 'Protect the Key'.
They travel to the end of the tunnel, where they meet three more kids. These kids wear strange clothes, and seem to glow with power. They lead the four from the tunnel, to a magical city called Anarices. Everyone in Anarices has a special power, but the seven kids don't.
You get to deside what happens next.
No OP carries
No more than 2 carries a person
oh, and no girlfriend/boyfriend stuff eather please
Here's the carrie sheet:
From Anarices or not:
Here's mine:
Name: Karen North
Age: 12
Gender: girl
Appearince: Black hair braided around her head, gold eyes
Personality: mysterious
From Anarices or not: She is one of the four from the tunnel
Background: unknown
(February 20, 2018 - 5:40 pm)
Sounds interesting... Ah, whatever. I'm in.
Name: Zava Isandi
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Appearance: Tallish for her age, strongly built. Broad features, green eyes, warm reddish brown skin. Athletic, likes to move freely and often but can be still as a stone if she needs to.
Personality: Unsteadily balanced between thoughtful and impulsive. Introverted but not unfriendly, with a strong sense of whimsy and a methodical trial and error approach to problems. Her favorites are the ones that can be solved by punching them in the face. She likes to know what's going on and will push and shout to get that information.
From Anarices or not: Undecided. Tell me more about these powers the Anariceans have.
(February 21, 2018 - 9:39 pm)
Hmm, looks neat!
Name: Wolf (It's just Wolf. She doesn't have a last name, and doesn't know what her real one was.)
Age: 15
Gender: female
Appearance: Often tangled, raven black hair a few inches past her shoulders, diagonal, jagged edged bangs that often get into her eyes, unsettling yellowish gold eyes with a fiery glint to them
Personality: Introverted, quiet, reserved, surly in her demeanor and impossibly stubborn, very independent, and never says more than she has to. Her manner can seem pretty stand-offish, and she has major trust issues, though if she's gotten to know someone well enough to thw point of trust she is loyal to the end. Wolf is extremely smart, quick-thinking and observant, and rarely misses anything that is going on. She is a terrible liar herself, but is amazing at telling whether someone else is lying or not.
From Anarices or not: Ummm... Maybe. I'm not sure yet.
(February 22, 2018 - 3:04 pm)
(February 22, 2018 - 8:32 am)
This sounds very interesting!
Name: Katharine (Kate) Sparrow
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Appearince: Straight, choppy, brown hair tied up in a short ponytail, hazel eyes, tanned skin, rough hands, light freckles on cheeks, tall for her age, wiry and thin but healthy looking
Personality: Very down-to-earth and matter-of-fact, likes to brush her hands together like she's brushing off dirt or to put her hands on her hips. She's very candid and frank, but also quite cheerful and optimistic, but not overly so. She's a terrible liar, because she lives by the truth.
From Anarices or not: I don't know? Can you tell me more about Anarices and the powers they have?
(February 22, 2018 - 5:25 pm)
Name: Brendon Strom
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Apperance: Brown hair, cut short, a thin face with thick eyebrows, brown eyes and mostly pale skin. Not very tall and quite thin. He wears a light blue tunic and brown leggings. He has lether boots, and a jacket. On his belt, he has a short but sharp knife that he usually uses for eating. He's wearing part of the key around his neck.
Personality: Quiet and thoughtful. A planner and a thinker. Bonds quickly with people and is loyal. He is good with his hands, but he's not fast or very strong. Doesn't like to get intupted when sharing his ideas.
From Anarices or not: He's one of the four people if thats alright
Background: He lived with his family on a small farm. He had two younger sisters and an older brother. His family was average and he didn't do anything exciting in his life. He did things help his father and mother in the fields, grow food and sell it in the market and play with his friends and such. He doesn't remember this in the RolePlay, but maybe he will remember it in the future.
(February 22, 2018 - 10:26 pm)
Name: Alexia Fangly
Age: 14
Gender: female
Appearince:long honey blonde hair, with streaks of bright blue running down, peircing purple eyes, that seem to have little black gears turning inside them. pretty pale complexion, though she tans really easily. little red freckles dot across her nose and cheeks, long lashes, and a natrual autum red color would be her lips.
Personality: huge feminist. she's always ready to debate about human and animal rights, but she's a lovable character. she's extremaly loyal, and would do anything for the people she cares about. while she's kind hearted she's got the heart of lion, and will not hesitate to fight for something she beleives in. she's sarcastic, but that only hides her true feelings of worry.
From Anarices or not: not (she'll be one of the people with part of the key)
Background: her home was attacked, and she and her brother were the only survivers, the ran away together, and helped each other to survive, ever since it's only been them, they were both given a peice of the key when they turned eleven, the words their mother said, never stop buzzing around in their heads, 'bad people will do bad things to get to these, protect them with your life' both the siblings think that the reason they were attacked was because of the key.
Name: Max Fangly
Age: 14
Gender: male
Appearince: dusty blonde hair swept to the side, light sky blue eyes, and tan skin, a curiose look normally crosses his face.
Personality: unlike his sister, he's much more laid back, and tends to watch things unfold before jumping into it. he's still sarcastic, and would do anything for the ones he loves though.
From Anarices or not: nope (also one of the key people)
Background: see Alexia's
(February 23, 2018 - 12:23 am)
um, Since there's only four spots for the Key Protecters, maybe could one of your charicters be from Anarices? That way someone else could also RP as a Key Protecter.
(February 23, 2018 - 11:07 am)
Sure, Zava can be from Anarices. If everyone undecided is from there, we can start RPing.
(February 24, 2018 - 4:41 pm)
Reserving a spot, if that's okay!
Also, how about the people from Anarices have basic, elemental powers with strength based on age? Meaning:
a) they can't do anything too crazy
b) all their powers are elemental (bare minimum being earth, water, fire, air, but we can stretch it to light, darkness, ice, mind, speed, plant, the list goes on)
And c) the citizen's powers grow more reliable as they get older.
Also, each family would have a different power to be passed down and their last names would correspond to that family's power. (I.e, the earth family would be named Theran, water would be Aquois, fire would be Spark, etc.)
Fred says gfuz. G fuzz?! XD
(February 23, 2018 - 7:47 am)
@Annabeth, what do you think about shipping Wolf and Max?
(February 24, 2018 - 2:01 pm)
Unless someone drops out or I counted wrong, all spots are filled. Sorry. Let's keep talking about your ideas, though, they're really interesting!
I agree with a) and c), but I'm not sure about the others. If we were to go with your last suggestion, well, my charrie's last name means "intuition, enlightenment, dreams, incoherence, anxiety, charisma and a timid persona", none of which are particularly elemental. It would be interesting to see her powers related to those things, and also make the choice of powers far easier, but it wouldn't fit the category of elements and I don't want to change it.
So, in conclusion, yes to limits and consequences, yes to gaining control over time, maybe to last-name-related powers, and unfortunately no to elemental powers.
Questions remain, though: What are the limits, costs and consequences, is there a hierarchy of powers (based on strength or type), what happens when families intermarry, and what does everyone else think of all this?
Mexi says oofz! How true.
(February 24, 2018 - 4:58 pm)
How about when families intermarry the woman getting married decides if she wants to change her last name or not.
If she does, once she gets married she has a new last name and a new power which automatically jumps to her old skill level. For example, if a lady with advanced lightning powers married a guy from the water family, she would then have advanced water powers (which wouldn't take too long to get used too).
If she doesn't, then she keeps her old powers, and if they have kids, there's a fifty-fifty chance that one will have lightning or water. Usually this ends in a family with two types of powers in its members, which probably causes sibling rivalry. This is legal (a woman doesn't have to change her name) but it is unconventional. Everyone used to just switch powers when they married. This isn't looked down on at all, but it is more uncommon.
The names carry the powers. There's currently no other way to legally change your last name.
Thoughts once again?
(February 25, 2018 - 8:41 am)
Pretty patriarchal, but reasonable. How about the man can change his name, too? If he wants to, of course. I can see a lot of people getting married in order to change their powers...
Re-stating, I don't think the powers should have to be elemental.
Limits probably depend on the power type... Then there's weaknesses and costs. Should the powers have any kind of weaknesses that stop or counteract them, and what should they be? And what do you need to use your powers? Incantations, movements, rituals, states of being, materials, times and locations... What do they drain?
I'm starting to think there's almost definitely a hierarchy of powers, so what's at the top and what's at the bottom and why?
(February 25, 2018 - 11:33 am)
I like the ideas a) and c), but I don't think that they should be ONLY elemental. For example, there are some powers that are non-elemental, and some last names that correspond with those, also. Also, my charrie, Kate, is going to be from Anarices.
(February 27, 2018 - 10:26 pm)
Yep, sounds good! I just meant 'elemental' as a base. There wouldn't be only four families in Anarices.
I'll be watching from the outside...
(March 1, 2018 - 2:04 pm)