Season 1, Episode
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Season 1, Episode
Season 1, Episode 1: A Solo Write
Production Title: Untitled Project (TBD)
Production Type: Pre-Produced
Production Length: Television Series (Undetermined)
Director: Mina Cartwright
Producer: Mina Cartwright
Casting Director: Mina Cartwright
Audition Location: San Francisco, California
Shooting Location: Undetermined
Contact Information: Ms. Cartwright may be reached through this casting notice. Any comments posted shall be forwarded to her immediately. The password is season 1
Key Dates: (See Below)
Auditions: February 17, 2018 - February 24, 2018
(Please note that no other applications will be accepted outside of this window.)
Call Backs: February 25, 2018 (Cast list will be posted the evening of the 25th)
Shooting Starts: February 26, 2018
Shooting Ends: Undetermined
Synopsis: Production details will be disclosed to actors when cast
Character Parts:
Lead (Male):
Lead (Female):
Supporting Actors (4):
Supporting Actresses (4):
Any other availiable roles will be determined upon review of your application. There are 14 spots open.
Full Name:
Date of Birth:
Place of Residence:
Default Expression:
Personality Details:
Personality Strengths:
Personality Weaknesses:
Greatest Motivation:
Greatest Flaw:
Greatest Fear:
Highest Level of Education:
Prior Experience:
Please keep in mind that your ethnicity, age, and gender, will not factor into your ability to fufill the roles in this production. Please also prepare an original 1,000 word (or less) monologue to perform. This should be attached with your application. Good luck. We thank you for applying to Untitled Project: Season 1, Episode 1.
(February 18, 2018 - 12:44 am)
The monologue:
(She played Gallienne Gullifrey in the American sci-fi film One Day, and this was part of her monologue that she created for the film)
You’re probably wondering how I got here. Well, I might have gambled here once or twice too many times, and I can’t always pay my gambler’s debts. Lemme tell ya kids, don’t make a deal with Death.
Surprisingly, my life isn’t flashing before my eyes. I didn’t have much of a life. Father’s a smuggler. Mother’s a drunk. Brother’s a thief. I suppose from the outside, I fell into the limbo of all three. I didn’t turn out all too bad, though, so get that thought out of your head. I turned out great, in fact. Yeah, jumping from galaxy to galaxy like casual business while the intergalactic cops are on your behind the entire time is one heck of a ride. I’m an adrenaline junkie, I’ll confess in this meeting right now. Never thought I’d end up here though.
I’d like to say I’m human and shake in the face of death, but I’m too cocky, and so I have nothing better to do than to laugh at it.
Don’t have friends. Why would I? I’m a smuggler, gambler, somewhat of a drunk, and a thief. Friends are titles used to cover up your accomplices; or for me, the people you get to do one time jobs. Manipulation is fair game in human minds.
I outta sign off now; I’ve just figured out how to get out of the stadium. Looks like I’ll have to rain check on our date, CyberDino (oh yes. A T-Rex at that).
(February 20, 2018 - 11:25 pm)
(I will get working on this, it sounds awesome!)
(February 19, 2018 - 11:06 pm)
This looks amazing. Can I reserve a spot? I don't have time to fill the sheet out now, but I will work on it later.
(February 20, 2018 - 8:56 am)
Ah, due to the age change requirements, Zalia Jones is 19, not 16. She just uhh... *coughcough* wrote down the wrong digit! Of course, this means her birth date year changes too.
I also forgot to mention, Zalia is mainly interested in main role, but she'd be willing to participate for anything.
(February 20, 2018 - 10:48 am)
I've never seen anything like this before, it looks super cool, and I love the concept!
Full Name: Jackson Carrie Lewis (very close friends call her Jackie)
Age: 19
Date of Birth: April 21 1998
Place of Residence: appartment in new york
Ethnicity: Caucasian (japanese heritage)
Gender: female
Height: 5;8
Weight: 127
Appearance: tan skin (picture the perfect crust of a pizza) eyes the color of green fire, long eyelashes, that have their own natrul curl, lips the redish color you see in fall. light golden brown hair (a couple inches below her shoulders), that she let's hang down, even though it constantly blows into her face. wears a leather jacket normally, with ebony black combat boots, and almost always has her dark purple ear buds in, she's beautiful, but like most people, would deny it if you ever told her.
Default Expression: far off/thinking, it confuses a bunch of people, because she zones out easily after a long day, her eyes will train on you, but it'll be like she's looking right though you, her lips pressed into a thoughful smile, as if she's planning something.
Personality Details: she's a huge feminist (the real kind that think all gender's should be treated equally, that beleive men can be the victim just as much as women can) she's an animal lover, and has a cat herself, she's got the leader vibe, she'll take charge and get things down, she's the one that can convince people to do the right thing, when you first see her you first think she's the typical school gothic, weird, and qouting strange music no one's ever heard of, (no offence to any goths out there :)) but that's not it, many people don't really ever find out though, because she's been kicked out of a couple schools before, because she's behind every riot, every rebellion that's ever happened, one of her greatest acomplisments would be her april 20th gun control riot, she got over half the school to drop what they were doing and walk out the doors of the school, (this is actually a nation wide thing that I Annabeth C plan on doing) though for right now, she's doing pretty well, hasn't been kicked out of a school for the past two years, and has made some pretty good friends, who she'd do anything for.
Personality Strengths: her spirit, she'll stand up and protest if what's going on needs it, she's been to multiple women's marches, and has had a rumor go around that she beat up a kid that told her to 'get back in the kitchen' and other sexist things, (which is a completly true rumor).
Personality Weaknesses: her loyalty. she'd give herself up to save someone she care's about.
Greatest Motivation: spite, as soon as people say they think she can't do something, or they can do it better, she'll go to the ends of the earth to prove them wrong.
Greatest Flaw: her temper, it doesn't take much to make her mad, and when she's mad, it's extreamly hard to calm her down.
Greatest Fear: being alone, worries that everyone she loves will turn on her, (a standing side affect after her father left her two years ago)
Highest Level of Education: has finished everything up to collage, which she hopes to attend when she's able to settle down.
Credentials: her riots, when she puts her mind to it, it'll happen, one way or another, it will get done.
Prior Experience:she's a singer at the local restruant in her town, she just finished staring as the main charater in ADHD, a show in which a virus affects everyone exept the ADHD, she's the main girl, who people turn to, she's the smart and the cunning, that leads them to victory. she was also a child actor, who played in many movies as roles ranging from sugar princess girl from the beauty pagent, to a litteral demon that was summoned from the underworld, her director's have all said that it's hard for them to seprate Jackson and the character she's playing, even if the character is completely different than who she really is.
Other: she's bi, listens to music that's not on the radio, whether it just be old, or by not too well known artists. and has a brother who is older by two years.
Password: season 1
Monologue: (so this is a monolouge she had in ADHD,) You don’t understand what I’ve been through, how much, how much I’ve just wanted everything thing to go away, how much I just wanted it all to go away, You asked me what’s wrong, and now I’m telling you. I’m not this cool person who can get out of life and death situations and be all cool with it, I’m terrified Luke. I’m scared that I’m never going to find my dad, scared that all of this was pointless, I feel like I’m slowly being ripped away from everything I ever loved. I feel like my entire effing life is falling apart in front of me and there’s not a frickin’ thing I can do.... (waits for a minute bc this is a convo)....Gonna be what? Okay? No it’s not. You just don’t understand, do you? I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I can barely tell what’s real and what my twisted mind came up with this time. But I can’t tell anyone, of course not. Jackson Lewis is a nobody, probably just making all of it up, so she gets attention, or maybe she’s finally lost it! Maybe we can finally get rid of her, (eyes travel beyond the person your speaking to) At first, I thought I was wrong about you Luke, but you only proved me wrong, only proved you were like every other person I had ever met. Toxic.
Anyway, Jackson has her heart set on being the lead female role, but would settle for a secondary
(February 20, 2018 - 2:43 pm)
Full Name: Colette Madeleine Palmer
Age: 17
Date of Birth: May 19, 2001
Place of Residence: Chicago, Illinois
Ethnicity: French
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 134 lbs
Appearance: She has very wispy, thin white-blond hair that reaches slightly past her shoulders. Her eyes are bright blue and she has rosy cheeks. She wears lots of black and white clothes.
Default Expression: A small, very mischievous grin with a twinkle in her eyes.
Personality Details: She is very mischievous and silly when you know her, but timid and reserved when you do not. She is very good at hiding her feelings, and although she is easily upset she doesn't show it. Very introverted and has barely any friends. An extreme perfectionist. Very independent.
Personality Strengths: She is very independent and can take care of herself well. Very loyal to the few friends she has.
Personality Weaknesses: She is not good at expressing her feelings to others, or making friends. Not very open and keeps her emotions hidden
Greatest Motivation: She really loves her grandfather, who is very old and on the verge of death. So, she wants to make him proud of her.
Greatest Flaw: Her moods change very quickly and she has a very turbulent personality.
Greatest Fear: She is afraid of failing. When she was younger, her mother and father would get very angry if she did something wrong, so she has learned not to
Highest Level of Education: First year of college.
Credentials: She has acted in tons of plays and musicals, including being in a Broadway ensemble once. Colette has played some minor roles in movies, but not very often.
Prior Experience: She grew up an actress, starring in school plays and musicals since she was little.
Other: Nothing, really.
Password: Season 1
Monologue(This is just a clip of it): You. It was you. You were young and handsome, and I was blind. Blind. Blind to your unkindness, your greed, your infidelity and disloyalty. I can go on. And on, and on. The moment I met you, my heart seemed to soar over oceans and mountains, forests and deserts. I see now that my heart was just flapping its clipped wings. I was a bird in your cage, along with all the other girls you've blinded with your mind games.
Thank you for helping me see the ugly truth.
(skip beat)
I was blind.
XD I just realized how many times I said 'very' in this. Oh well.
(February 20, 2018 - 6:25 pm)
You know I had to.
Full Name: Sinn Elijah Ment
Age: 18
Date of Birth: June 23
Place of Residence: Sevenoaks, UK
Ethnicity: Norweigan-British
Gender: M
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 135 lbs
Appearance: Sinn's hair is neither blond nor brown, but somewhere in between. He seems to take no care of it; it used to have layers, before it transformed into a shaggy mess, only cared for enough to keep it from dangling into his eyes. In height he's an average size, though his shoulders are quite broad, and he's muscular from many years of playing lacrosse. His skin is pale, but of a darker shade, with a few freckles speckled on his arms (but not his face). He has a couple blemishes on his face - a few faded scars from acne earlier in life.
Default Expression: A slight frown
Personality Details: Sinn has had it rough, and he reacts to that in a way that isn't the most ideal. He's snappish, mean, seclusive, and disliked by almost everyone. It takes a lot to even make him crack a smile. Cynical and antisocial, he's terrible at cooperating with anyone, and prefers to sit in a corner, delivering wisecracks every once in a while (at the expense of somebody else talking). But he knows this, and dislikes it; he talks about how everyone hates him like it's a fact of life. Sinn despises himself just as much as everyone else, but feels that it's hopeless to try to improve.
Personality Strengths: Sinn is loyal once you get close to him (which is, admittedly, a rarity). He adores poetry and classic novels and is very good at interpreting them. He's a quick learner, though he does prefer speeding ahead and doing things independently.
Personality Weaknesses: Sinn doesn't work well with others - everybody hates him and he hates everyone. He's cynical, antisocial, and his moodiness is catching. He's uncooperative and snippy and has trouble understanding when to lay off. He also takes insults to heart, and holds a grudge.
Greatest Motivation: Getting to the point where he can escape his father and support himself
Greatest Flaw: The hatred he feels towards himself and others
Greatest Fear: To turn into a monster with no self-awareness or respect for beauty
Highest Level of Education: High school degree. He wants to go to college, but wants to put his boyfriend through first.
Credentials: Graduated at the top of his English class, took honors courses.
Prior Experience: Co-starred in an autobiographical movie about him and his boyfriend entitled Sinn's Story. It's still in progress as they begin to sort out their life together.
Other: Here I'm going to ramble about background because it's important. Sinn's father, Magnus, immigrated from Norway very early in his life. Once Magnus was living alone, his parents decided that England wasn't for them and moved back to Norway. Once they left, he met Lenore Prewett, and they married a few years later. Magnus Ment is an alcoholic, and as his life got worse he struck out more and more at his family. Their first son, Matthias, ended up being a levelheaded and logical man who moved to America as a British ambassador. Sinn was not so levelheaded. Then they had a daughter, Benezuela Bonnie Ment (nicknamed Bella). She was Sinn's first love, until she died at five years old from a fatal disease. Their mother had died giving birth to her. Magnus became even harsher on his two boys, though Matt knew well enough to keep away from him, and he was really no match for a bellowing Sinn. When Sinn reached high school, he met Maximillian Saint-Pierre, whose mother immigrated from France. They began dating in tenth grade, and at one point had a large and heated fight, but then grew together closer than ever. Max is struggling with living with his family because they don't accept his sexuality, and therefore shut him out. Sinn's plan is, once they raise enough money, to move away to a different part of England (specifically Dover), where his aunt, Alice, lives. That hasn't happened yet, though.
Password: Season 1
So, ah, in this scene in my autobiographal movie, I wasn't actually visible. I was doing a voice-over of a - sappy - letter I'd written to my boyfriend. I edited it a little so it would make more sense to you, who I hope hasn't watched the movie, because we're not even done making it yet. Anyway. Here goes.
"Dear Max,
First and foremost. I don't know if you noticed, but I was in the audience of your play. It was excellent. I never expected a high school production of Shakespeare to go that well, but yours was breathtaking. You and Kathy, though I hate to admit it, have chemistry. I especially admired the balcony scene - it felt real.
But that's not why I'm writing to you and you know it. Actually, I'm writing to apologize, and I'm hoping you'll keep this letter and not throw it into the firey pits of Hell or whatever you do with correspondence from people you hate. I would have called you, but we know how that worked out.
I'm sorry if I was secretive or stingy or petty. I didn't mean to be - I have my faults, but I had no idea those would be the ones you'd break up with me for. I'll try to be more careful about this from now on, I really will.
I'm also sorry if I scared you. I would never talk to you that way, I swear. Magnus is a piece of murky pond scum, and you're a rose that smells oh so sweet. I don't talk to anybody else the way I talk to Magnus.
Now, this is actually important. I wrote to my aunt, who lives in Dover. She has space for us to move there, if you want to. I know we bounced the idea around a bit earlier, but now I'm serious. We can get away from all this, Max. Hang out for a while, get our bearings - I have a job now, and I could help get you through college. If you wanted.
I know you don't want to talk to me. But could you at least write?
(February 20, 2018 - 9:22 pm)
New and improved application!
Full Name: Grace Renn
Age: 19
Date of Birth: March 12
Place of Residence: Tennessee, attends University of Tennessee
Gender: Female
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 102 lb
Appearance: Bouncy red hair, brown eyes, fair skin, freckles, slim figure. Often has pen marks all over her hands and forearms.
Default Expression: A small, curoius smile.
Personality Details: Bubbly, curious, enthusiastic about whatever she does, loyal, likes to try new things, can be bossy at times.
Personality Strengths: Brave, optimistic, values her friends above all else.
Personality Weaknesses: Sometimes bossy, tends to overthink things.
Greatest Motivation: The people around her.
Greatest Flaw: Thinking she can do anything.
Greatest Fear: That she won't be able to. And pelicans.
Highest Level of Education: Is working towards her masters in architecture, minoring in theater.
Credentials: Has been an extra in several movies, and had a speaking role in a few.
Prior Experience: Movies mentioned above, and when she was younger, she acted in many shows at her community theater.
Other: Likes the beach and the color purple.
Password: Season 1
I truly am sorry for whacking you. It's just, there was this pelican, and it landed on the rock. It started laughing at me- no, really! It started squawking at me and flapping it's wings, then it attacked me! I'm not kidding! But there was this driftwood nearby, and I bravely fought back... but how was I supposed to know it would move out of the way? Or that you were right there? I hope you forgive me, but really, it wasn't my fault!
(February 21, 2018 - 3:55 pm)
Ms. Cartwright would like to announce that she does indeed have an alter ego who resides in the commnuity of the Chatterbox. She invites anyone to take a guess— though if you saw her name in the original post, please refrain from revealing her identity.
(February 21, 2018 - 8:43 pm)
(February 22, 2018 - 9:13 pm)
Full Name: Oliver Cimorelli
Age: 20
Date of Birth: March 3rd, 1997
Place of Residence: Portland, Oregon
Ethnicity: Mexican-American
Gender: M
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 160 lbs
Appearance: Brown, slightly curly hair, short on the sides/back and longer on top. Dark eyes, long lashes. Olive skin. Thin, squarish face, long nose, jutting chin. Freckles across his face, neck, and shoulders. Long-limbed, a bit gangly, not overweight but not muscular. Dresses in a preppy style, always looks very put-together.
Default Expression: Thoughtful, attentive
Personality Details: Optimistic, outgoing, not much regard for rules. He's attention-seeking, friendly, and thinks highly of himself. Hopeless romantic. He is obsessed with maintaining a perfect "image; he can come across as superficial because he is so constantly playing a character. He's not at all confrontational and bottles up his hard-to- process emotions.
Personality Strengths: Excellent people skills, good at making friends. Intelligent, self-assured.
Personality Weaknesses: Talkative, gossipy, bad at keeping secrets. Has a huge ego. Flirty and fickle.
Greatest Motivation: Desire for recognition/fame
Greatest Flaw: Arrogance
Greatest Fear: Not being good enough
Highest Level of Education: High school degree
Credentials: Not sure what this means?
Prior Experience (+ some backstory): He acted in plays throughout middle and high school, but always planned to inherit his parents' restaurant. His friend dragged him along to an open casting call for a low-budget coming of age movie called Move Nearer. To his surprise, he was casted in a supporting role as the main character's pithy, alcoholic best friend. The movie got a lot of unexpected media attention and he was praised for his part. He dropped out of college to pursue an acting career, which his parents did not approve of. He's been getting bit roles since then, enough to get by, but nothing of importance.
Other: He's currently single and is open to shipping if that's going to be a thing here. He has a somewhat strained relationship with his parents.
Password: Season 1
Monologue (feat. some sneaky background info):
"When I was little, I used to do my homework in the back room of my parents' restaurant. I'd sit on the ground, hunched over... scribble arithmetic among the sing-song Spanish shouts and the heavy, spiced scent of menudo.
Mama had a gorgeous craggy face like a softened stone and smelled like cinnamon incense. She stirred soup with the passion of a dance and kissed Papa like he was coming back from war every time he wandered into the kitchen. They were brightly in love and I felt it in every blink, every whisper, every stolen smile, though I didn't realize it.
The waiters would ruffle my hair and slip me mints from the pockets in their aprons if I sang for them, or did impressions: belting out the tunes I heard through the speakers of Papa's tinny radio, making my voice go high like Mickey Mouse.
'Chico, you're gonna make it big someday,' they'd say, and I believed them. I'm still waiting, and when that someday comes I'm going to go back to the restaurant and kiss my parents and say, I'm home. I'm going to sing in Spanish, and sit in the back room like the little boy I'm not any longer, and remember."
(February 23, 2018 - 12:46 am)
(February 23, 2018 - 11:21 am)
Last day for the auditions!!! Jackson and I are super excited to find out who got the roles tomorrow, good luck to everyone!
(February 24, 2018 - 12:15 pm)
The application will be extended for two days for our last two applicants. Casting notices will be posted shortly thereafter.
*breaks fourth wall again*
Also, feel free to guess me! I am a Chatterboxer (for those of y'all who thought my name was Mina C xD)
(February 24, 2018 - 5:20 pm)
darn, I was excited for tommorw, oh well, well, @Mina C (or whater you're real name is *weird stare that all the super heros give super villans when they say that*) I feel like I know you, but I can't quiet but my finger on it...maybe a hint?
(February 24, 2018 - 6:03 pm)