Warriors RP!!!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Warriors RP!!!

Warriors RP!!!

I've been wanting to do one of these for ever! There will be two clans Moonclan and Sunclan. We can start once every clan has a leader, deputy, med. cat, and two warriors. You can have as many charries as you want to. You can follow my sheet below for a charrie sheet.

Name: Birdstar

Gender: Female

Age: 60 moons or five years

Clan: Sunclan

Position: Leader

Apperance: small orange tabby with mint green eyes

Personality: quiet, shy, loyal, would do anything for her clan

Other: N/A


Name: Puddletail

Gender: Male

Age: 24 moons or 2 years

Clan: Sunclan

Position: Medicine Cat

Apperance: small, light brown and gray sploched with big blue eyes

Personality: quiet, sweet, fierce 

Other: N/A


Name: Ripplepaw

Gender: Female

Age: 6 moons

Clan: Sunclan

Position: Apprentice

Apperance: slender, long fured cream tabby, with light green eyes

Personality: quiet, shy, fierce and outgoing once you get to know her, she belives strongly in loyalty and following the warrior code 

Other: Her mother left for Moonclan when Ripplepaw and her siblings when they were just kits. This relulted in her belief in the warrior code.

It would be funny though, if she fell in love with a cat from Moonclan later on. ;)  




submitted by Moonfrost, age Who Cares?, Mars
(February 3, 2018 - 8:16 am)

YESSS! A warriors RP!!!!!!!! YYIIPPEE-- (Seren: Okay. We do not need to hear another joy-rant.)

Ookay, well...


Name: Stormpaw

Gender: female

Age: 9 moons

Clan: MoonClan

Position: Med. Cat apprentice

Appearance: Short, dark gray fur, deep blue eyes

Personality: Stormpaw is quiet, shy, reserved, and fiercely loyal to her Clan. She is extremely observant of other cats around her and also of even the smallest detail. Stormpaw has a very good memory and is very clever. She is thoughtful and intuitive, and can sometimes get completely lost in thought. She usually keeps her cool pretty well but if she is stretched to her limit, she can get quite emotional.

Other: Her father died during a storm when a huge tree branch fell and killed him. Then shortly after Stormpaw was apprenticed, her mother was run over by a twoleg monster. Stormpaw had one other littermate, who mysteriously disappeared when Stormpaw and her littermate were 3 moons old.

(@Moonfrost, what if Ripplepaw is her lost littermate?)


Name: Windfoot

Gender: female

Age: 12 moons

Clan: MoonClan

Position: warrior

Appearance: Short, light-ish gray fur, dark-ish gray right hind foot, amber eyes

Personality: Windfoot is pretty quiet, and generally doesn't speak more than she has to. She is brave, extremely loyal to her Clan, and very intelligent and clever. She notices a lot more that goes on around her than she lets on, and often seems to have somewhat of a surly demeanor. She's very good at making sarcastic remarks, and although most of the time she seems pretty aloof, when she's provoked to anger, she can be very sharp-tongued and feisty.

Other: I would love it if she fell in love with a cat from SunClan. It would be very funny if the cat was kinda snarky and good-natured and infuriated Windfoot at first.

submitted by Aspen
(February 3, 2018 - 12:07 pm)

Wait... Seren? Is that the same Seren from Greenglass House? I love that book!

submitted by Claude W., age 143 moons, The Story World
(February 9, 2018 - 6:47 pm)
submitted by Top!!!, age To The TOP, WarriorsTOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(February 3, 2018 - 12:08 pm)






Name: Seastar


Age: 42 moons

Clan: Moonclan

Position: Leader

Apearence: Strong black tabby with a torn ear and deep blue eyes.

Personality: kind, very fierce in battle, a very strong leader, very loyal to his Clan.

Other: Open to shipping.



Name: Quickstrike

Gender: tom

Age: 41 moons

Clan: Moonclan

Position: Med. cat

Apearence: Fluffy yellow tom with gold eyes.

Personality: wise and kind, if the need to protect his clan arises, he will fight to the death.

Other: Open to shipping, since i quite like the idea of forbidden love for this charrie



Name: Loyalheart

Gender: Female

Age: 30 moons

Clan: Sunclan

Position: Warrior

Apearence: Sleek gray she-cat with green eyes.

Personality: Fierce, loyal, and strong, she is one of the strongest warriors in the clan/

Other: Open to shipping.


submitted by Catsclaw, age 11, The Library
(February 6, 2018 - 11:17 am)

you didn't have to take leader and med cat.

submitted by ..
(February 6, 2018 - 5:12 pm)

I call Moonclan deputy! 

submitted by PinkPanther
(February 6, 2018 - 3:46 pm)

I'm not sure it's fair to other people to take a leader, a medicine cat, and a deputy.

submitted by @Catsclaw
(February 6, 2018 - 8:16 pm)

alright...@admin, can you change Loyalheart's position to Warrior? thx.




submitted by Catsclaw, age 11, The Library
(February 7, 2018 - 10:09 am)

It's fine! We're doing a first come first served sort of deal.

@Aspen, I would love that! But sadly it doesn't quite make sense with Ripplepaw's backstory.... hmmm. Ok, how about she got adopted by her mother but was never told about it. OK, that works Stormpaw can be her sister. 

Also! We need a prophecy, it isn't a Warriors RP without a doomsday prophacy. Please put your thinkg hats on and help me think up some ideas.  

submitted by Moonfrost, age Who Cares?, Mars
(February 6, 2018 - 7:10 pm)

Don’t you think maybe three clans would be better? That way it wouldn’t be just two rival clans the entire time, and there would be another clan in the mix. 

submitted by @Moonfrost
(February 6, 2018 - 7:17 pm)

IM JOINING Save sunclan dep and moonclan med cat (if they are open)

Will make charries when hw is done 0v0 

submitted by Tyberious Firestone, age Cosmos, Melenia
(February 6, 2018 - 8:44 pm)

Sorry! i didnt read the posts before Yell

submitted by Tyberious Firestone, age Cosmos duh, COSMOS
(February 6, 2018 - 10:38 pm)



Name: Deerpaw

Gender: Female

Age: 8moons

Clan: Sunclan

Position: Apprentice

Apperance: She has one blood red eye and the other ebony. She has a bright yellow coat dappled with shades orange, darker shades of yellow, whites and blacks.

Personality: She has an insufferable swagger and arrogance. She normally hates being helped and loathes having to help the elders.

Other: N/A

submitted by Tyberious Firestone, age Cosmos duh, COSMOS
(February 6, 2018 - 10:36 pm)

@Tyberious, SunClan deputy isn't actually taken. Catsclaw changed his charrie Loyalheart from SunClan deputy to just SunClan warrior.

submitted by Aspen
(February 7, 2018 - 10:56 am)

Oh..... ok.Laughing

submitted by Tyberious Firestone
(February 7, 2018 - 9:13 pm)