OC Cafe! Yes,

Chatterbox: Inkwell

OC Cafe! Yes,

OC Cafe! Yes, I know this is exactly what Rose bud did, but... everyone has different OCs now, and if it’s not based on NaNo it might last longer. No character sheets, like a real book. Basically your character just falls into a cafe where they interact with other people’s charries and weird stuff happens! 


Raining again.

For all I know, it’s perfect weather just a few kilometers east in the newtown, but we get rain. I run faster, holding an arm over the half birthday cake as if that could protect it completely from the weather. I push my shoulder length ratty black hair out of my eyes-it’s soaking wet.

I do like running. I push my strides faster as I near our shelter. But then I trip over something- no, someone trips me, with a scraggly beard and gray eyes- he probably wants the cake, I tell myself. Just the cake. I can’t stop my fall and hold onto the cake at the same time. I keep ahold of the cake and try to stop my fall with one hand- but that hand doesn’t scrape against rough cement and pebble ground. I’m falling, falling, falling, into a room that’s actually clean, with wood floors, bright lights, and a cosy aura.

I land with a bang. Pain shoots through my knee, but I get up, and see where I am. I’m in a cafe of some sort. The cake is ruined. And I’m not the only person in here.


submitted by Autumn Moon, age 11, Here
(January 26, 2018 - 5:29 pm)

Cool! Leeme give this thing a shot! I might not post often, bc school sucks, but I’ll try. Also, this character, he may seem like a nut job  at first, but look past his weirdness and you’ll find a person you care to know.


I’m just a normal guy in eighth grade. My parents have a bit more money than the average person, I’m smart enough to move up a grade in math, and I’m the guy you want on your basketball team. I shouldn’t have anything to worry about. Right? Wrong. Hi, I’m Jason Harding. At the moment, I’m dribbling the basketball down the outdoor court, trying to dodge other players at the same time. And when I say other players, I’m talking tall mean jerks who think they have the right to tell you you’re a loser because you’re only 4 foot 10. Alright, you can laugh. I know, I’m short. But man, when I’m an adult, I’m gonna be the one looking down on them, cuz I’ll be 7 foot 9 and the champion player of the NBA. But let’s get our heads back in the game. Sawyer Easton is in front of me, arms spread out on either side. This guy is the leader of a group that I don’t like much. He’s the tallest in the school currently, but literally and figuratively. 5 foot ten, top of the food chain, and just the right spot for all the babes to rush over to him so they can fawn over being patted by him or giggle at his every word. Girls. How can one group of them be so darn stupid chasing after Easton while others are so pretty but they refuse to admit it no matter how smart they are. Yeah, I’ve got my eye on one. Lily Chang. Her mysterious dark slanted eyes look out at me from behind her glasses, analyzing my movements. Her pretty jet black hair is in a ponytail, but wisps keep falling infront of her cute face, causing her to scowl before returning to writing in her notebook. I’ve always wondered what she writes abo-

WHOA! Head in the game Jason, head in the game. Easton’s lunging for the ball, not caring if I’m knocked to the pavement in the process. I think quickly, bouncing the ball though his legs and leaping around him just in time to keep dribbling. I’m a few feet away from the hoop, but some shadowers force me to get closer. As soon as I can, I make a jump for it, and-

BAM! The first thing I wonder as my feet touch the wooden floor of a small cafe is, did I make the shot? Did the ball go through the hoop? I shake my head once I realize there are other people around me. I notice a girl on the floor, limbs splayed out at awkward angles, a ruined cake inches from her outstretched hands. “Hi,” I say, walking over. “How long has that been sitting there?” She blinks.

”Uh, I don’t know, a few moments?”

”Great,” I say, and then look around. “Do you know where I can find a plate, cuz you know. Five second rule?”  


How did I do? Feedback would be appreciated. 

submitted by Apprentice
(January 26, 2018 - 9:59 pm)

@Apprentice; Pretty good! I like your style of writing. As for appearance, my character’s French, thin  with black hair and dark brown, almost black eyes.


A boy’s in here, with dark skin and a sports jersey. Before I can confront him and ask him what the heck is going on, he wanders over to me. “Hi, how long has that been sitting there?”

I stare at him. That’s your first priority? I look down at the cake.  “Uh, I don’t know, a few moments?”

”Great. Do you know where I can find a plate, ‘cause you know, five second rule?”

Is this guy serious? I should figure out what to do about the cake, though... I answer with, “I don’t know, some old guy tripped me and I fell out of the sky into this place? It’s not like I live here. Besides, this cake is for Melanie’s birthday, you can’t have it,” I say. 

“Ok,” the boy says, rummaging in cupboards behind the cafe’s desk. “Ah, here’s a plate.” He scoops the cake onto the plate, then puts the plate down with an innocent look, like See, I’m not going to eat it! “Who’s Melanie?”

”Um... my little sister.” I say, deciding not to reveal too much. “Who’re you?”

”Jason Harding, at your service. What about you?”

”Nicole. What is this place?”

Jason shrugs. “I don’t know! I’m in the same situation as you, sans old guy and cake.”

I take a closer look around. I don’t recognize this place at all, and there’s no barista or whatever. Where are we? 

submitted by Autumn Moon, age 11, Here
(January 27, 2018 - 2:37 pm)

Guess I should describe Jason a bit. As said before, he’s kinda short. He’s African American, currently wearing a Steph Curry jersey and basketball shorts, his eyes are golden (bc, why not?), very skinny but surprisingly athletic and strong.

submitted by Apprentice
(January 27, 2018 - 12:01 pm)


i will most likely not be able to post as much, but i shall try!

Also, Jupiter is a bit of a new character and nearly completely opposite from me, so Imma do my best. 



One minute I was dancing around my room with 'Non Stop' pumping through my rainbow headphones, and the next I was tripping landing face-first on a wooden floor. Sliding my headphones down to hang around my neck, I look around, pulling my mass of braided brown hair to hang on my shoulder. There was a girl and a guy in the room as well, both looking at me as I stared at my surroundings.

"Uh, how the quiznak did I get here?" The boy shrugged and said, "No idea." The girl just shook her head. I slowly got to my feet and dusted off my jean overalls.

"Well, I'm Jupiter. Jupiter Rin," I say with a grin. "What's your names?" 


submitted by Nighthawk, age -14, Stress Land
(January 27, 2018 - 5:07 pm)

Here's what Jupiter looks like, by the way-

She has long, thick brown hair that she wears in a french braid, she has a pair of rainbow headphones connected to her phone which is stuck in a pocket in her overalls. her overalls are paint splattered, and cover a gray shirt with cats on it. She also has a brown tail that most people can't see, [its from my story, sorry.] she wears hightop sneakers that are white and paint splattered a snow well. she's a bit on the chunky side too lol, but not in a bad way.

Shes obsessed with musicals and tv shows by the way.

submitted by Nighthawk, age -14, Stress Land
(January 27, 2018 - 5:12 pm)

~Two of Diamonds

Six of Clubs, Jack of Hearts, Ace of Spades and I walk down the sidewalk in a line.  Jack is cracking jokes about how one of us is going to fall into a hole someday if we don't pay attention.  We all laugh at the possibility, even though it would probably happen with our luck.  We stop at Jack's house, and Ace crosses the street to get to hers.  Six and I wave at them and continue on.

A block or two later, we reach Six's house.  She walks up the steps and waves to me.  I wave back, grinning at her.  "See you later!" she says as she goes inside. 

After she shuts the door, I blush a little and walk to the house to the left.  I pull out my key and unlock the door, then open it.  I walk in, only to fall through the floor. 

I land on my back, and immediately sit back up, looking around wildly.  Where am I?  It looks like I'm in a cafe, but I don't really see a door.  There are a lot of other people around.


Two of Diamonds is kind of my favorite OC... 

submitted by Lucy B., age 13, Emmilvien
(January 28, 2018 - 6:28 am)


Wow, I hoped it would be a normal day. Just one day where I don't get sucked into an alternate dimension?! Is that too much to ask?

Well, I guess there's no turning back. I look around the warmly lit room and see a few other people around my age. I stand up and glance around once more. There's a counter, and it appears in a sort of... Cafe? 

I've seen enough cafes, to be honest with you. How can you not, living in France? I smooth my blue dress and walk towards the counter, ignoring the other people.

"Ummm.... Hello?" I call out.

No one comes, so I snatch a croissant from a platter and go to sit by myself. After all, I hadn't eaten breakfast. Hopefully it wouldn't be considered theft. 

submitted by Quirker, age 14
(January 28, 2018 - 11:36 am)

The cafe is filling up with people before I can say “overcrowded”. A girl with a long braid is the first to appear, falling with a bang. She looks at us and says bluntly, “How the quiznak did I get here?” I shake my head apologetically, wondering why everyone thinks I know what’s going on. The girl gets to her feet and wipes off her paint-splattered overalls. “I’m Jupiter,” she says brightly. “Jupiter Rin. What’s your names?” More introductions. I’m surprised at how open everyone is. Some people must have secrets. Some people must have no last names. Jason’s answering. “I’m Harding. Jason Harding. Haha, James Bond reference? Nah, no one gets it. I don’t even think it’s that funny anymore.”

I smile and push a bit past Jason. “I’m Nicole.” Jupiter’s waiting for something, maybe for Jason to shut up. “Nicole Feral,” I add, and although it feels strange, it also feels... normal. More normal then I’ve ever felt.

A crash distracts me from my identity crisis, and me, Jason, and Jupiter run over to see what- no, who’s- fallen out of the sky this time. A blue-eyed(I think...right, Lucy?) girl is looking around, eyes scanning every small thing. Jupiter reaches down to help her up, and I start the conversation with a friendly “Who are you?”, then add quickly “I’m Nicole Feral,” to make it sound better. She stares at me, then replies, “I’m Two of Diamonds.” Okay, weird name. But also cool.

I can’t resist asking, “So, is it first name Two, last name Diamonds, middle name Of? Or is it all a first name? Or are you like from Diamondland, so Of Diamonds? And do I call you Two, or Diamond, or what?”

I kind of like this side of me, starting conversations and everything. Although Diamond is looking a bit worried. “I never really thought about it much. You can call me Two, I guess.” Then she starts talking to Jupiter. I sigh with relief. That’s over. Then we hear a shout of “Hello!” I stare at the girl in the blue dresss eating a croissant. More people?

submitted by Autumn Moon, age 11, Here
(January 28, 2018 - 8:59 pm)

Oh, Two of Diamonds is a guy.  Sorry if that's unclear. 

submitted by Lucy B., age 13, Emmilvien
(January 29, 2018 - 11:25 am)

Oh, um, sorry Lucy. I thought I remembered them from a fan art you posted on the art thread?

submitted by Autumn Moon , age 11, Here
(January 29, 2018 - 6:13 pm)


I blink twice.


Where in Earvinst am I? 

This is not the forest I was in just a moment ago with Eris, when I tripped and fell. I felt myself fly through the air, and just when I expected impact with the ground, I hit this hard floor instead, and now I have absolutely no idea where I am.

I'm laying sprawled out on the floor of what looks to be some sort of tavern or restaurant. All around me are other people, talking, introducing themselves like they don't know each other. They're all wearing strange clothing. In fact, this whole place is completely different from anywhere I've been before, and I'm thinking about that when it hits me: I'm not in Earvinst.

I stand up quickly, brushing myself off, and run a hand through my messy brown hair. A strong smell hangs in the air, slightly bitter. It reminds me a bit of pine tea. I cross the room to a girl in a blue dress eating a piece of twisted bread.

"Um, hello, I'm Finn," I say, clearing my throat. "Do you, by chance, have any idea where we are?"


So, Finn is from a world known as Earvinst. It's in a fantasy/medieval setting, so that's why he doesn't know what coffee is, or a cafè, or a croissant, or headphones. 

Finn's appearance: He has dark, messy, brown hair, deep blue eyes, freckles, and is usually grinning. He usually wears a blue or brown tunic over a simple shirt, with leather leggings and boots. He always has his trusty longbow with him, strapped to his back. I have a drawing of him that I might post later, if anyone is interested. 

submitted by Leeli
(January 29, 2018 - 3:58 pm)

Wow. You're all so good. I don't write much and so don't really have any OC's, but I might create one just for this. Use it as a writing prompt...

submitted by coyotedomino, age 14, the Wood, Omniverse
(January 29, 2018 - 6:01 pm)

Adelaide's appearance: She has light brown waist length hair, hazel eyes, and pale skin, with a bunch of freckles. And of course, her trademark blue dress.


As I was about to finish my croissant and try to leave, a boy can up to me with a strange contraption strapped to his back.

"Um, hello, I'm Finn." He said. " Do you, by chance, have any idea where we are?"I

"I'm Adelaide. As for where we are... I haven't the faintest idea. What's that?" I pointed to the contraption. 

"Oh, it's a longbow. It's used for hunting, and stuff like that." Finn answered.

I frown.  Mama said to never trust someone who carried around a weapon.

"I see," I said as I glanced around the cafe once more.

The cafe is getting slightly crowded. There's a girl with paint-covered overalls and a braid that looks just like Helenè's, another girl who looked like a bucket of water had been dumped on her, and she was holding a smashed cake. A boy wearing shorts and a shirt I think is called a 'jersey'. 

Hopefully more people wouldn't fall on the floor.  


submitted by Quirker, age 14
(January 29, 2018 - 5:59 pm)

Still trying to figure out how to write her!

Heather Bailey~

"And that's how the princess saved the world."

"And the dragon?" Lou stared up at me, her big blue eyes filled up with wonder.

"And the dragon." I smile, closing the weathered book.

"Tell us another story!" Gabbi smiles, her dimples showing up.

"I would, but you two," I touch her nose, causing a string of giggles, "have to go home for dinner. Your mama will be expecting you."

The girls whine, but trudge back to their house next to mine. I watch them walk in, making sure they're safe.

I sigh.

Sometimes I really miss New Orleans.

I shake my head, banishing my wistful thoughts in an attempt to be content with my new home. My stomach grumbles, and I head up the stairs to my apartment, where my mama has dinner waiting for me.

Then, I trip.


I pick myself back up off the floor, pushing back my dark curls to hold my head. That's going to be a bruise tomorrow. I stand up, and then blink.

I must have fallen harder than I thought.

The scene around me is not my stairway. Smells of fresh baked goods greet me, and tables and chairs are stacked up everywhere. A small crowd of people is present. This is a cafe. 
The people all grow quiet at my arrival, and I can feel their eyes dancing around me.

I blush. "What-What happened?"

A girl steps up to answer, "We don't know. We've all just magically shown up here, no one knows why. We don't really have that much in common," she bites her bottom lip, "except for the fact we're all here." 

Definitely a concussion.


Heather is 15! She's pretty tall for her age, has dark skin and brown eyes. She has very noticeable freckles and curly dark brown hair. She is currently wearing jeans, converse, a grey t-shirt from a summer camp she went to, and a blue flannel. I'll write more later! 

submitted by xp
(January 29, 2018 - 7:35 pm)


"I'm Adelaide," she says. "As for where we are...I haven't the faintest idea. What's that?" She points to my bow. 

"Oh, it's a longbow. It's used for hunting, and stuff like that," I reply.

"I see." She glances around. She seems suspicious. 

I shift my weight to one foot. "So, did you just...y'know, fall out of the sky, like me?" I ask. It's kind of a weird question, I realize, but apparently that sort of thing has been happening a lot here.  


Just then, someone else falls from the sky. Another girl. She looks very confused. "What-what happened?" She asks. 

"We don't know," says a different girl, stepping over to help the first one up. "We've all just magically shown up here, no one knows why. We don't really have that much in common, except for the fact we're all here."

This place keeps getting more and more crowded, but that's not what worries me. What worries me is how everyone got here, and how in Earvinst they're going to get back.  

submitted by Leeli
(January 29, 2018 - 9:17 pm)