Chatterbox: Inkwell


George: No, not exactly like GW’s, although his was EQUALLY AMAZING!!! AND HE’S BACK!!!!!

Fred: Are you on a sugar high m8?

George: 8ut 0f c0ur53!

Fred: Cool. So here’s the plot if we haven’t lost your attention already!:

*dramatic Blade Runner esque music soundtrack begins*

~Apocalypse Roleplay~

‘Tis the year 2045-jk, it’s 4025-, and the world government has fallen apart. (George: Meaning: there is no government. Oh, and there was a huge war in 4000, known as the year of death, where a huge number of innocents and soldiers were killed, along with government officials.) Basically, everything has descended into somewhat of an anarchy, for the bit of government that still remains is extremely swift and cruel, and if they catch you doing illegal stuff, there will most likely be NO fair trial and you’ll be exterminated immediately. Cities have become dimly lit and crowded with low lives or rich people that cheated their way through the ranks and the world. It seems to be always raining, and the sun comes out some times, but even the sun doesn’t want to be around this place, so it gets dark a lot, in a faded dark blue light. Sometimes the only lights are those coming from be huge cities. Six people have found out what that the government has a plan to wipe out the human race to make way for all AI, and they have to band together to stop them. However, the government has found out what these six people know, and they have sent out AI disguised as humans to capture them. Who are you? Well, you’re one of these 6 people:

-The adrenaline junkie that steals flying cars and such 

-The smartest and most attention-deficited hacker/tech expert (‘twill be our charrie)

-The government soldier that wants to abandon their past life 

-The robot/cyborg (your choice m8) trying to find a place in the world

-The police officer that still tries to bring order back to the world and the person that no one likes because they arrest people like charries one and two up there 

-And a homeless person that knows all the word on the street and rather prefers to be a nomad, thank you, because then they’re not bound to the rules of this war torn government 

STRICT RULES, PLEASE READ M8EEOS! (George: You’re using m8 a lot. Fred: Don’t care):

  1. DEDICATION. Fred: Don’t break George’s heart by not staying dedicated. Don’t do it.
  2. VARIETY IN GENDER. Fred: We want 3 females, 3 males. And now it’s down to 2 females and 3 males. George: We tossed a coin over gender, and female won for our charrie. I suggest you do the same. Write outside your comfort zone. TRY SOMEFIN NEW, AMIRIGHT password is RGHF2045yourname. Include password in “other” section. 
  3. SHIPPING IS ALLOWED. Fred and George: As always. 
  4. VARIETY IN AGE: Fred: *hands George the mic, adjusts spotlight* George: Thankyaverymuch Fred. Yes, we want a 22 year old (our charrie, as we both assumed our hacker was a young person), a 24 year old, a 30 year old, a 33 year old, a 40 year old, and a 42 year old. 
  5. AND FINALLY, HAVE FUN PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEEEASE. Fred and George: Don’t lose interest. Fred: If you feel as though the plot is dragging, help us out eh?


Le charrie sheet (for those copy n’ pasters, scroll down past this to get a better template without so many directions screaming at you): 

Full name: (make it futuristic. Let’s be real, Jessica and Erin are gonna be out of date):

Age (choose one from the rules): 


Personality (Fred: DETAILS, OR GEORGE WILL BE ON YOUR TAIL ABOUT IT. George: You did not just— Fred: Oh yes I did. Include strengths and weaknesses too):



Role (first come first serve. We would wait for others to post first, but we don’t know how you’ll do it, so...yeah):


Family life:


Shipping (oui or non?): 




Full name:







Family life:





Our charrie! (Yes, we are sharing a charrie. It isn’t usually done, we know, we know.)

Full name: Stellica (hates the name. Goes by Stella whenever possible, or her online hacker name which is Le Chat) Glaxtielle Holmes (weird and somewhat common last name, we know, we’re thinking about developing on that later)

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Personality: Literally pays NO attention to things that don’t interest her. She’s always focused on what she’s doing, and can block out a hurricane or a war. She’s like...oh my gosh, she’s probably the smartest charrie that we’ve both made. SO DRAMATIC!! No, but really, Stella’s a smart one. She overthinks things then overthinks the things she overthinks before she finally figures out the thing she was thinking about in a matter of seconds. She’s also over observant of everything, and has a fine eye. She’s not rude necessarily, but she does have the tendency to ignore completely what others are saying. Stella is jittery and always moving or tapping her foot, and her mind never stops running. She often has trouble getting words out as her mind runs faster than her mouth. She could probably be a good “good guy,” with her skills but has chosen to hack and infiltrate good and bad guys as there are no more good guys or bad guys in this world. She doesn’t have trust issues, but she isn’t going to like someone off the bat. Thing is, she doesn’t have to trust people, as she usually works alone, but when she does have to interact with others, she lets her observation skills kick in. 

Appearance: Stella isn’t the typical “black gloves, sharp cut dark hair, angry expression on face” hacker. She could actually be considered beautiful if people saw past who she is. Stella has this...what’s the shade...chestnut brown hair, which is 2c curly (though probably a tiny tad bit looser, look it up for the best visual rep) and has natural and more subtle golden streaks. It’s probably down to the bottom of her shoulder blades. When working, she ties it up in a loose messy bun. She wears glasses when working at the computer to see better and so her eyes don’t get worse. Her glasses are larger framed and are more in a round shape. She has big eyes that are very interesting. They’re a turquoise colour but it kinda fades between blue and green, not just solid turquoise (obviously, it’d be weird if it was), and her eyes have gold flecks that are subtle. Her nose and mouth are a bit smaller, and her ears are a bit larger (not abnormally though. Just a BIT, JUST A TINY BIT). She has a cartilage piercing. Her skin is fair but slightly tanned (very slightly, actually), and she has freckles. She’s pretty slim, because she has an extremely fast metabolism, and she’s pretty fast considering she has to run from the government and angry people and police officers sometimes. She gets cold often, though, so she likes to wear faded colour aesthetic knit sweaters from the 2020s that are a bit oversized, black leggings (always black, she doesn’t like multicolour leggings), and she’s either barefoot where she’s working, and when she’s outside, she has comfortable slip ons that tighten if she has to run. However, when she’s trying to survive and fight, she’ll wear dark clothes and a black leather jacket with a few patches, along with dark lace up boots. 

Role: The hacker/techy

Friends/enemies: She doesn’t get out much, so not many friends, or at least not for now. She has hacking rivals, and the government and police are her enemy, along with a few rich people that want her dead 

Family life: Stella thinks her family is dead, and that may be true, but her real family is TBD (MYSTERY! SUSPENSE!)

Background: After she thought her family died, she continued with her technology until she got figured out that she could hack into the most secure accounts on the planet. She was on fire from there, hacking left and right, with no one realising it. Stella has stolen money from banks of those she deems to be bad, and has a small apartment in a bit nicer part of the city, but not by much, as nothing is really too nice anymore. That’s really her base, as she has to go on the run sometimes. But she always seems to elude danger. She’s also exposed a lot of secrets of the government and important people, and that’s why she’s wanted. However, no one knows who she really is, as her hacker name is known as Le Chat (The Cat in French) and no other info about her is given. 

Shipping: Oui, why not. 

Other: None for now 


Please join! Thanks for reading, and feel free to guess who we may be! ^^

submitted by Fred and George
(January 21, 2018 - 10:16 pm)

Can there be more than one robot? I really want to be a robot. 

submitted by Kykkoman, age 14
(January 25, 2018 - 11:08 pm)

No, I’m sorry. The other roles that aren’t already made or reserved are very open however. 

submitted by Fred and George
(January 26, 2018 - 5:12 am)
submitted by TOPTAIL
(January 28, 2018 - 4:01 pm)
submitted by YwontthisTOPTAIL?
(January 28, 2018 - 10:17 pm)
submitted by TOPTAIL
(January 31, 2018 - 7:24 pm)
submitted by 3 SPOTS LEFT!
(January 29, 2018 - 9:51 am)

Come on, 3 spots left! Let's gooo! :)

submitted by TOPTAIL
(February 3, 2018 - 4:33 pm)

May join? Is possible? Much grammers, childrenssssssssss?!?!?!

Full name: Darrow 'Dane' Kalen

Age: 30 

Gender: Male

Personality: He gets into his fair share of mischif, he mostly likes to laze around with his tools to keep him company. He is very anti-social, and socially aquard. He has a weird habbit of talking to himself. He has LITTERALLY NO impulse control. He does what he wants, even if he nearly dies in the process.

Appearance: He has shoulder-length blond hair, which is often pulled into a frizzy ponytail, a walnut complexion with oddly silver eyes, which are ringed with copper in the middle. He has splatterings of scars across his whole body from his nonexistant impulse control. He keeps a tool belt around his waist at all times, which makes a lot of clanging and noise. His enjoyment of making little inventions that sometimes explode in his face, one of his only sucsesses is a mechanichal goldfish that swims in circles. He has soot stained goggles that make him look like he just had something blow up in his face, the lenses are tinged green, he has a tatoo which runs up his arm, to his neck. It is of gears and a snake wrapping around the gears. He normally wears jeans, marred with soot, greace, dust and stains, and a tanktop. As well as an equally stained sweater that is a plain navy color.

Role: adrenaline junkie He steal and be snaek!

Friends/enemies: He normally stays alone, 

Family life: All dead :T

Background:  He had a older brother which was 90% of his impulse control, but he was drafted into the war when he was 15 (Darrow was 10).Which started Darrow in his life of solitude. His brother always saw the best in people. He would give food to those who couldn't afford it. He rioted and tried to stop the government. 7 months later, he had recieved word that his brother (Rufus) had died. This kind of cracked him. He feels as though he will never be the same, he doesn't like to get close to people, because of fear that they would be stripped away. He immagrated from france when he was 8 his parents were taken by a plauge! So he speaks Fluent french and has a french accent. He prefers to speak french, but he cannot speak rapid-fire english, because he secluded himself for the 15 years after his brother died. So if he tries tosommunicate in english too quickly, his accent gets thicker and he replaces certin words with their french version.

Shipping: Oui, mon amis!

Other: RGHF2045TyberiousFirestone 

I speak a little french! So, naturially I incorperated it into the Charrie!

submitted by Tyberious Firestone, age Cosmos duh, Cosmos
(May 16, 2018 - 8:58 pm)

Top the top to the tippy tippy toptop.

submitted by Top, age Eons
(May 19, 2018 - 12:21 pm)


submitted by Top
(May 20, 2018 - 2:24 am)

Hey! This sounds really fun, but I don’t know if I can be that dedicated ( due to a really busy summer! Ugh!)... although, are you Kyoto or Pinkpanther? If you're ok with semi dedication then I probably reserve the homeless dude. Thanks! 

submitted by Taffy the Wonderdog, Actually Tuxedo b whatevs
(May 20, 2018 - 4:29 pm)


submitted by Rogue Wildling, age Guess, Somewhere precarious
(May 20, 2018 - 5:30 pm)

No, we are not Kyoto or PinkPanther! And we’ll be making more spots anyway, so you can be the homeless dude. 

submitted by Fred and George
(May 20, 2018 - 6:49 pm)

Why is no one else joing this?

I mean we need two more people! 

submitted by Writeislosinghismind, age Eons
(May 24, 2018 - 8:27 am)