Cyberpunk RP

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Cyberpunk RP

Cyberpunk RP

Okay, this might be a bit of a strange and confusing idea but stick with me okay?


So essentially this RP takes place in the far future, where nearly everything has been digitalized. Technology has become so advanced that the virtual world has combined with the real world. In the beginning, it was amazing. People could become whatever they want, the economy flourished, and it was peaceful. Of, course there was criminal behavior(Mainly small amounts of hacking into the system), but it never resulted in a death. No one had died in a long, long time.

And it stayed like that for a while. Until something peculiar happened. The monsters that used to reside in their nonconsequential videos games escaped, becoming... consequential. The hacking became more often, and harmed the system more than it used to. People were disappearing, and people were dying. Lots of people were dying.

Multiple criminal organizations claimed it was their doing, but most people believed they jumped on the joyride and climbed their way up the ladder. Something else was causing this, and no one knew quite what.

Either way, this utter meltdown ( called The Revelation, or Armageddon, or, if you want to be Cheesy, Deathware) had caused a complete meltdown of the government. Cities became dark, not the colorful display of lights they used to be, and people shunned technology. Most people tried to get rid of their technical enhancements, and the parts of the world that were too far digitalized to bring back became just pixels and errors. But even if you did want more technology in your life, you probably wouldn't get it. Password: Cipher. At this point, only the richest and most powerful could grab their hands on it, if they chose to. The middle class was destroyed, and you were either left in the rubble or strengthened yourself in it. In conclusion, it was complete and utter chaos.

So, with that said, make your character and see if you want to help our world or ruin it.

(Oh and by the way, if you want some sort of artificial intelligence or cyborg like character go right on ahead! Just don't be op or bland. I don't want everyone to be a cyborg.)

(Also, limit of two characters for each person. At the moment I don't have a limit to how many people can join but that might change.) 


Name (Most names at this point you would consider rather strange, and some of the rebellious type go for cheesy names from video games or references to technology. Others, however, name themselves less strangely, like Robert or Jessica, to differentiate themselves from technology):

Age (Diverse Please. I don't want a bunch of characters around the age of 13. I would prefer older.):


Appearance (Include clothing and technological enhancements if any. Also you can make it slightly fantasy like if you like since the world is still fairly digitalized.):

Personality (Detailed please.):

Skills/Occupation/Technological Enhancements/Weapons/Etc. (Most people before the Apocalypse had a small implant (I'm calling in a regular implant for now on) that allowed them to better traverse the digitalized world. If you hate technology you probably won't have this, which might mean that some parts of the world become inaccessible or you're just unable to have as unreal powers as others. Oh, and the digitization that gave some people powers like telekinesis or flying is now more broken, which means it stopped being as useful or it created errors and may have mutated you.): 

Like or Dislike Technology? (You probably won't have technological enhancements if you don't like technology unless you couldn't afford the procedure to get rid of them.):

Backstory (Would prefer this be detailed.): 




Name: Ray Mortimer

Age: 39

Gender: Male

Appearance: Graying Dark brown curly hair, and longish sideburns. Gray eyes that are covered in wrinkles and shadows. Short, could be considered muscular. Furrowed brows. Wears dirty overcoats over ties 40s or 50s in nature. (His entire outfit pretty much looks like something from a Detective Show from the 40s or 50s) Might even wear a fedora or something.

Personality: Deliberate, Independent, and could be considered quiet. Realistic and focused on the job he needs to do. Honest and very loyal, and a bit of a perfectionist. Is very sympathetic and almost sweet if you get to know him, which is so hard since he barely talks out of his job. Calm, and quick thinking.

Skills/Occupation/etc.: Has the regular implant. Works as an independent detective/bodyguard for anyone who pays (He doesn't have the money to choose what sort of people he works for, which upsets him but he can't do much about it.) Has the AI Samus to help him. Good with guns (great aim), but he uses ones that are a bit behind technology wise. Good detective skills (attention to detail, etc.) and athletic. Surprisingly good cook. 

He likes technology. 


Before the apocalypse, He lived a fairly simple life working as a detective (Most AIs weren't far enough yet to replicate a detective's job), solving the few crimes that still existed in this world. He married a kind and beautiful woman by the name of Oriana, a game designer working in a video game company called Lightscape, and they had a child together named Aero. Aero was absolutely brilliant, rising up in the technological world at the age of 11. She pioneered better AI, and created the holographic robot Samus who would be one of the first robots working in detective work. However, then came the apocalypse. Aero was one of the first to die, destroyed by one of the monsters that escaped from Oriana's own game. It utterly wrecked Oriana, driving her insane. Ray would wake up one day and find her gone, never to be seen again. 

Ray became lonely, a shell of what he once was. Becoming desperate for his family, he searched his daughter's files and workings, hoping he could come across anything that could help. Then, by some miracle, he found a file that included all the memories his daughter had. Why they were there (Perhaps for a secret project she was working on) and how she had even gotten them there, Ray would never know. But he decided he would implant the memories into Samus, hoping that it would override everything and bring back her daughter.

It almost worked. For a while, at least. Samus was the cheerful and intelligent child he remembered, and she started working to save the world almost automatically. But the new world... Broke her. She was brought into a world without a mother, without a government, and with absolute chaos. She hated it. She refused to affiliate herself with these humans, who wrecked Earth. So she didn't. She now goes by Samus, and never mentions Aero ever again.

So Ray was stuck with the shell of his former daughter, and the desperate goal of trying to find his wife.

Other: Likes card games. 


Name: Samus 9.2 (Real Name Aero Mortimer)

Age: That's... Hard to describe, for an AI.

Gender: Female

Appearance: Curly golden hair half shaven on the right. Tall, thin, and pale. Her eyes are an unnatural navy blue, almost looking pixelated and artificially textured. light brown golden glasses. She always wears a blue cocktail dress and appears in the shape of a full-sized hologram-esque form (Looks slightly transparent and doesn't have a solid form, but still looks incredibly realistic.) 

Personality: Sarcastic, witty, and rude. Very intelligent and quite blunt, always telling the facts. Not friendly in the slightest, and not good with feelings. She's stubborn, and strong-willed, and would have a good moral compass if it weren't for the fact that she hates everyone. Wants a job to be done, and will do it herself. Perfectionist.

Skills/Occupations/Technological Enhancements: She's an AI, and a hologram, which means she can go through walls and people can go through her. However, she's connected to Ray's implant, and she can't go that far from him without losing connection and shifting back.She's able to hold and record a lot of information, can analyze items to small details, and do a lot of stuff you would assume a robot could do. She can't hold objects or anything else for that matter, however. She's just light. She helps Ray with his detective work. Is able to sing, understand different languages and speak in different languages.

She is literal technology, so she's all for it.

Backstory: See Ray

Other: Can't think of anything else.


(Gee that was long. Thanks for reading all of that if you did.)



submitted by Danie
(January 13, 2018 - 5:46 pm)

Ooh, so cool!!! ^^

Name: Enyo. She just goes by Enyo. The rest of her personal information (including her name) is disclosed. 

Age: In her 20s. Again, information disclosed. (Although she’s probably around 22.)

Gender: Female

Appearance: Enyo has loosely curly chestnut brown hair with natural golden streaks that is medium length. She has a smaller nose and mouth but bigger eyes that are turquoise grey with gold flecks. She has freckles sprayed across her face. She’s slim but also athletic. She wears a very nice suit and tie often, that is usually black or charcoal grey. 

Personality: Enyo’s a psychopath. She doesn’t care for anyone at all, and she’s BRILLIANT at lying and manipulating people. Her words can draw someone to their death. She’s off the scale smart and extremely calm in demeanour. However, she’s ruthless but not in a loud and absurd way (like the typical villain). Enyo has the tendency to get bored easily and is a sadistic person with sardonic honour. Surprisingly for a psychopath, she’s not too narcissistic. However, she has a HUGE lack of empathy, if no empathy whatsoever. Although she never feels guilt or remorse, Enyo can be really charming, which is dangerous. 

Skills/Occupation/etc.: A criminal mastermind. Enyo was one of the hackers involved in the Armageddon, but since then, she has branched out and started her own criminal network. Those who work for her who get caught and are forced to exploit her only get past saying her name “Enyo,” before they are killed by someone else in the network. Very similar to Moriarty is all I can compare it to. 

Her organisation isn’t as boastful as other crime syndicates or mafias, because they are quiet, fast, and dangerous, as well as being extremely secretive. 

Enhancements/Weapons/etc.: She has the regular implant. She used to have a minor enhancement that made her more humane, surprisingly. But when it faded out after the Armageddon, it made her worse than she had ever been before. 

Like or dislike technology: She likes tech very much. 

Backstory: Shall we start from the beginning? Enyo had a broken childhood. Her siblings tried to kill her when she was 2 out of jealousy. By the time she was four, she became too much for her parents, so they dumped her off to a small orphanage. The kids there absolutely DESPISED her, making her time there miserable. By the end of every day, she would have fresh wounds on her face or arms or sides or legs because the kids constantly bullied and beat at her. The caretakers never did anything to stop it because they didn’t like her either. She eventually got sold by the orphanage to a hacker organisation (for a small fee), and she worked for them until the Armageddon, where she killed every single one of them when their work was done.

Password: Cipher

Other: Her network consists of spies, hackers, and assassins that all fit into the crowd perfectly. 

submitted by Kyoto
(January 13, 2018 - 7:02 pm)

I meant “blend into a crowd perfectly,” as in they’re all masters of disguise. 

submitted by Kyoto
(January 13, 2018 - 8:14 pm)

Thank you so much for joining! I love the character, and I was hoping someone would make a baddy. Just as a note, and this is totally on me for not explaining it well enough, people never really got hurt before Armaggedon, and if kids did bully it was usually more verbal. However, a broken childhood could fit in the world! This sort of stuff probably happened in very secret places (There were many cities before Armaggedon that housed this kind of stuff but no one really knew about it since most Hackers managed to keep it in secret). 

submitted by Danie
(January 13, 2018 - 10:17 pm)

Thank you! And no, it’s totally fine, I didn’t even think about it. They were verbally abusive also, and she lived in a more remote place that was often overlooked, so I guess it would be secretive. 

submitted by Kyoto
(January 14, 2018 - 10:06 am)
submitted by TOP
(January 13, 2018 - 7:03 pm)
submitted by Top
(January 13, 2018 - 8:08 pm)
submitted by Brookeira, reserved
(January 14, 2018 - 11:54 am)

Name: Inferno 973, goes by Dante

Age: One of the oldest battleAIs in the game, and one of the most formidable. No one's exactly sure of her age.

Gender: Female

Appearance: VERY muscular, tall, looks regal. Gorgeous in a feline and predatory way. Dark skin, used to wear a long red-dyed box braid; undid her hair and cut it short, though the dye is still there. Has brown eyes at the moment; they turn red when she runs the program "nopull". Has wires exposed in the palms of her hands that create (small) flames for hand-to-hand combat.

Personality (Detailed please.): Withdrawn and quiet. Tends to observe her surroundings every few seconds. Rarely smiles; looks very nice when she does. Protective when she has people to care about (she hasn't in a long time). Loves small animals, but hesitates to touch them. She's worried she'll hurt them accidentally. Hostile to strangers and brutal to enemies. Is terrified of water.

Skills/Occupation/Technological Enhancements/Weapons/Etc.: Skilled at hand-to-hand combat. Used to have powerful fire abilities, but RedArena Online was ruined during Armageddon.

Like or Dislike Technology?: No opinion. She hates that it exists, but knows she wouldn't exist without it.

Backstory (Would prefer this be detailed.):  Is a robot/AI from the glory days of RedArena Online, a VR fighting game where players program robots to fight. Using an AI is technically illegal in RedArena, but then again, so is betting on bot fights (which many people did anyway). Inferno 973 was a favorite of many, and had a 2,347-19 win-lose record by the time she left.

Was treated poorly by her programmer, MALCOLM-KYNG, who upgraded her painfully and slowly every time she lost a fight. She quickly learned to do whatever it took not to lose.

Nowadays, she wanders around, trying to blend in. Usually wears a hood to hide her distinctive red hair. Is trying to hunt her programmer down and kill him.

Password: Cipher


submitted by Brookeira
(January 14, 2018 - 12:18 pm)

I’m so joining! I’m in Cali right now, so I can’t post until next Sunday, but I reserve a 40 year old!!

submitted by Tuxedo Kitten
(January 14, 2018 - 12:56 pm)

Hey can I reserve a spot I'll send my form in either tomorrow or later today because this sounds really Cool and Good™

submitted by Somebody, age Who Cares, Half-cleaned Secret HQ
(January 14, 2018 - 4:36 pm)

Yayyyy this looks amazing!!! @Danie FYI I'll probably be rather bad at this because I'm kinda bad at futuristic things, but the virtual world/future thing is really fascinating.

Name: Leigh Tenavrion

Age: 18

Gender: female

Appearance: Wavy, dirty-blonde hair with the lower quarter of it dyed pure silver, greenish blue eyes, relatively pale skin, a little on the short side and she knows it, slim, her ring finger on her left hand is robotic. It looks sort of like what Luke Skywalker's mechanical hand, but the technology of it is much more sophisticated. Leigh usually wears black jeans, a black shirt and open black Star Wars-y jacket, though just a dull black one, and not leather or any shiny material.

Personality: Leigh is extremely reserved, introverted, and hardly ever says more than she has to. She has huge trust issues, and seemingly never betrays emotion. Leigh seems really kind of aloof most of the time, but when she's really been pushed to her limit, she can be quite intense. She's also extremely smart, and very observant of even the smallest details, and has an amazing memory. Leigh also has a pretty quiet voice, and pretty much never chooses to raise it unless she absolutely has to.

Skills/Occupation/Technological advancements/Weapons/Etc: She has the regular implant. She's very quick on her feet, has a good aim with guns, and is surprisingly skilled with the virtual thingy considering she's only 18. She is also adept at stealth stuff. She works for a tech designing company in the ships/jets division.

Like or Dislike Technology?: She is kind of a neutral on this. She sees both technology's advantages and flaws.

Backstory: Later, sorry, kinda rushed

Password: Cipher

Other: n/a 

submitted by Aspen
(January 14, 2018 - 6:21 pm)

Reserving a spot! I've started creating my character and will probably submit the sheet later today.

submitted by Abigail S., age 13, Nose in a Book
(January 14, 2018 - 4:56 pm)

Wow, this looks awesome! I don't usually write sci-fi/dystopia and such, so this will be a fun challenge for me.

Name: Talia Raschke (alias: Talia Wildner)

Age: 27, but I can change this

Gender: Female

Appearance: Tall, sinuous figure, dark bronze skin. She has a sharp chin, a nose that has clearly been broken a few times, and a gap between her two front teeth. Sharp, darting, amber eyes; fidgety, constantly on high alert. Her hair is buzzed close to her scalp. Wears comfortable, easy-to-move-in clothes. Wears scuffed leather boots, dark green BDU pants, a white tank top, and a biker jacket, often topped by a black motorcycle helmet with a tinted face shield.

Personality: Jumpy, paranoid, prickly, feels like everyone is out to get her and therefore has trouble making friends. Quite lonely. Intelligent, arrogant, good self-control, keeps cool under pressure. A bit of a martyr complex; wants to be a hero, likes attention. She also wants to fix the world, but doesn't really know how. She feels helpless and hates it. If someone gave her a chance to do something, she would leap at it. 

Skills/Occupation/Technological Enhancements/Weapons/Etc: Has an illegal, upgraded version of the regular implant that previously gave her enhanced reflexes, jumping, flexibility (basically amplified athletic skill). However, after the digitized world began collapsing, it became extremely unreliable. Now and then it works, but most of the time it's just useless, and also glitches at seemingly random times. When this happens, it gives Talia splitting headaches, violent muscle convulsions, and highly realistic hallucinations. She is saving up to get a surgery that will remove it. 

Her most prized possession is her motorcycle. She's kind of a drifter, riding around, doing odd jobs in exchange for cash and information about her parents (see backstory). She tries to avoid illegal tasks if possible. She knows how to use a gun and can throw a decent punch, but her best weapon is her intellect and determination.

Like or Dislike Technology?: Despite her glitchy implant, she is okay with it... but only to an extent. She believes that technology in its previous state was too powerful, too overwhelming, and humanity's blind reliance on it was what led to the Armaggedon. Very distrustful of AIs.

Backstory: Before the Armaggedon, her parents, Wes and Kato Raschke, both worked in technological security. They helped to develop and improve many of the firewalls/mechanisms that protected the digitized world; thus, they were well-respected. Her father was fascinated by implants, cyborgs, and the like, and he meddled in inventing, which his wife disapproved of.

Wes created a more advanced version of the implant, which he installed into himself and Talia (described in the "technological enhancements" section) without Kato's knowledge. Talia grew up surrounded by technology. She learned how to code at a young age and became fairly proficient at it.

Of course, when the new wave of hacking began, attacks that targeted the digital security in just the right spots, picking apart its weaknesses with troubling ease, Wes and Kato were prime suspects. People were growing desperate. They needed a scapegoat. They were arrested, despite their pleas of innocence.

Two days later, Talia received the news that Wes and Kato Raschke had escaped detainment. The vehicle that had been used to transport them was found in a ditch by the side of the road, the door ripped off its hinges. The two law enforcement officers in charge of the car had been shot dead.

Talia uses the fake last name Wildner in order to disassociate herself from her parents, who are now wanted criminals. She is determined to find them, and she clings to their memory— knowing that they're still out there is the one thing that keeps her going. 

Password: Cipher

Other: Terribly sorry for the long post! Like I mentioned, I'm a novice to this genre, so please let me know if there's anything I should change! (Also if anyone wants to RP as Wes or Kato that'd be cool)

submitted by Abigail S., age 13, Nose in a Book
(January 14, 2018 - 5:29 pm)

I really want to do this, but I never seem to be able to keep up with RPs. So... Not now. I love the cyberpunk idea though, would you mind if I stole it for use elsewhere?

submitted by coyotedomino, age 14, the Wood, Omniverse
(January 14, 2018 - 8:27 pm)

Whoa things filled up quick, so I'm going to reserve a spot. The sheet's almost done but I'll be busy tomorrow so it may not get up until Tuesday or Wednesday. I'm making a robber baron ^^

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(January 14, 2018 - 11:13 pm)