Join Kyngdom?

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Join Kyngdom?

Join Kyngdom?

I was kind of thinking of joining Kyngdom, but I have a couple of problems.

1) I don't really understand the story.

2) I'm not sure how often I would be able to contribute.

3) I don't know how big of a thing it is anymore.

4) I feel like I would be getting into something that was already started and done and gotten very far.


submitted by Kitten
(January 8, 2018 - 8:33 pm)

If you want to join, I say join. I just joined! Anyway, you'll probably have time to get used to it, because as far as I see, Kyngdom has been at a standstill/impasse sort of problem, so, yeah.

submitted by Secret
(January 8, 2018 - 9:18 pm)
submitted by KittenOfTheTops
(January 8, 2018 - 11:13 pm)

Kyngdom is always open to newcomers. There are a few plot summary threads, and if you don't understand something you only need to ask. It's still active and ongoing, and we're maybe halfway through? You can visit just to look around if you like.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(January 10, 2018 - 2:09 pm)

I've looked at it a couple of times, and I've read at least one summary thread, but I don't really understand what's going on right now. How many people are on Kyngdom?

submitted by Kitten
(January 10, 2018 - 11:40 pm)

I have the exact same problem!

submitted by Allie
(January 11, 2018 - 10:06 am)

The story is long and confusing, and there are a few hundred characters, but not very many people are active at any given time. I've been working on trying to summarize the whole story for months (recently figuring out where the heck it started up again after Aslahari), but if you have any specific questions I'll do my best to answer them, and you can always make a charrie who doesn't know any more of what's going on than you do.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(January 13, 2018 - 12:17 pm)

Hello! I'm Storm Windwhisperer! You may have seen me mentioned in the STORY SO FAR thread. 

I understand why you don't understand the story. It has been a huge mess ever since about the Power of Fin to me. That's when there suddenly were too many story arcs, sub-plots, and different characters doing different things (ex. Multiple people may be at BIG, yet do not interact very often and post on multiple threads. Even more so for those that are scattered around the area.).

Like Secret said, Kyngdom is kinda at a standstill. The admins said the Power of Hoof would be the last thing that they would post about it, and the rest is up to the players. By then, I only knew a bit what happened during the Power of Fin arc.

It has gone very far from where it started. Probably hundreds of people have tried to join the mess during it's peak. Now there are only a few still on there I believe. 

I think what Kyngdom needs is a clarification on what the characters actually decide to do toward the goal they have yet to reach, which is getting the Power of Hoof and restoring Kyngdom. Too many characters got off track.

What you need to do if you still want to do it is to find a group of people still willing to post often(or will try the best they can to). Make your own thread, read HORNSHAW TRAVEL DIARIES, TALE:TWO KYNGDOMS, A Travel Guide, FOURTH MAP FRAGMENT, STORY SO FAR, and in the RP Boards: Alright friends, time by Claaws. 

You also may need to ask a bit about who Catastrophe is.

Good luck! 

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(January 11, 2018 - 8:54 am)

*Sigh* I just spent about-hm-an hour and a half reading a bunch of RPs. I learned a lot, but I have a bunch of questions. Who/what/where is:





-That flying city thing

-The backstory of Catastrophe

-SOCO (or whatever that was)

-The Three

-The sword, shield, and crown 

-Active right now


From what I've read, this is the main storyline right now: 

BIG and the animals have joined together in the Resistance, fighting Catastrophe and his army. They are trying to free prisoners and rescue the Powers.

Is that accurate? What am I missing?


If I want to create a charrie, how/where should they come in, what kind of backstory should they have, what species should they be, what side should they be on, and what kind of SOUL should they have?

submitted by Kitten
(January 12, 2018 - 1:27 pm)

Mer is a coastal city in Southern Kyngdom.

Heather is/was an otter, to my knowledge. She died one time, and I'm not sure if she's back. 

Jaaws is Claaws' SideAffected Power, a type of being born from a Power's flaws and/or mistakes. Jaaws looks like Claaws but with red eyes, and can possess or hypnotize other beings, including Powers.

Jökull is a walled mansion in Northern Kyngdom, in which lives Regina, a reindeer with a decoy Power of Hoof. Catastrophe took Jökull and kinda set up shop there, at least for a while.

The flying city thing is a flying city thing called SailHaven, a steampunk island in the sky. It left Kyngdom a while back and hasn't returned, but a lot of charries came from it and a lot of things happened there.

Catastrophe's backstory... I believe he was an ordinary human once, who was wronged somehow by the Powers and became an evil king bent on destroying them. He has a lot of magic powers now and might be immortal.

SOCS is the Society of Concerned Scientists, an organization similar to the BIG, but with human testing p, zoos, an army and/or a ton of assassin girls raised and trained in the Academy.

The Three might be the Sword, Shield and Crown, which are magical relics that will give anyone who collects all three the power to rule Kyngdom, and three of the things that Catastrophe is after. 

The most recently active writers are myself, Mina, Sybill, Sprocket, Laeta, Trixie, Hazel/Micearenice, Norah, Claaws, Raven Shadows, Secret and Sylenia/Pastella. Scylla is planning to return, and a few others may also join or come back.

I don't quite recall what happened to the BIG, which is actually something I might want to know now that I think about it, but yes, the Resistance is fighting Catastrophe. No, their focus is not freeing prisoners and helping the Powers, although it was at one point. It is now keeping the Sword, Shield and Crown safe.

If you want to create a charrie, they can come in wherever you want, their backstory should be a lower-ranking position in some organization, a newcomer from another realm, or a civilian, their species depends partly on what organization you want them to be involved with and in what way, they should be on whichever side you want (and it's okay if that changes after you start), and SOUL stuff is nothing you have to worry about if you don't want to. 

There's also a new help thread on the RP Board, which is where most of the action happens. 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(January 13, 2018 - 12:13 pm)

Also, what's Brazen Goo? Does it have anything to do with the BIG?

submitted by Kitten
(January 13, 2018 - 12:59 am)

Brazen Goo is a thing developed by either the BIG or Catastrophe from a flower that Sylvia made as a failsafe, and is the only thing that can kill the Powers.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(January 13, 2018 - 12:19 pm)

-Brazen Goo is the only material that can kill/defeat/wound a Power.

-SOCS is an evil scientist organization, like BIG, but doesn't hold beliefs of human supremacy, and is far, far more warlike and militaristic.

-I'm familiar with Catastrophe (Who was created by Ronan)'s backstory, but I don't wish to try and summarize it. It's really a great piece of work, and I'd probably underexplain it. In any case, most Kyngdom characters don't know it. What you do need to know is that he was a tyrannical boy king from ages past, and he came back from death and is now...taking over Kyngdom. Which is quite terrifying in my opinion. 

-The 'flying city thing', was exactly what you said. It was a steampunk flying city. However, it crashed and is now a terrifying wasteland.

-Maybe the Three is a term for the Shield, Sword, and Crown?

-The Shield, Sword, and Crown are magical relics that Catastrophe wishes to possess. Nobody knows what happens if Catastrophe gets all three, but here's my guess: NOT GOOD.

-Mer is a powerful city on the coast of the ocean, I believe. 

-Heather was an Anthro, or an upright/human-sized animal. I believe she was either a cat or a fox Anthro.

-As for Jaaws, do you know what a side-affected Power is?

-Jokul is the mansion of Regina, one of the guardians of the Power of Hoof. It was recently taken by Catastrophe's army...but for what purpose? Why does he want her large mansion? To use as a fortress? OR BECAUSE SOMETHING LIES INSIDE!? (Dun dun duuuuunnnnn!)

-The Resistance isn't necessarily the Animals and BIG, although many of the participants are from the Animals/B.I.G. It's also several Homo Avians (humans with wings), and other assorted members.

- The battle against Catastrophe/the shield, sword, and crown are what's active right now. However, we would love it if someone brought some light on the Powers again. 

and finally, A WARNING:

Please do not try to create more Powers/another Power. This isn't anyone's fault, but a lot of people try to, and it makes the people who spent months developing the Powers as a team....well, we'll just say. Mildly upset.

I hope to see you in Kyngdom!

submitted by A CBette
(January 13, 2018 - 1:18 pm)

Thank you so much for your answers, Viola? and A CBette! I'm thinking of making a charrie who was captured by someone, not sure who, and got their memory wiped. I read in a thread somewhere on Kyngdom about cat people. Could you tell me more about those, because they sound like something I would be interested in?

submitted by Kitten
(January 13, 2018 - 7:11 pm)

You're welcome! I think Catastrophe has brainwashing methods.

Cat people sounds like the Dolor Felis, anthropomorphic or upright cats. They're about the size of a regular human, with the main differences being the ears, tail, and fur. They can speak the way humans do, and are apparently a naturally occurring and extensive species. Mina (Kyoto on the CB) is their queen, and the expert on them. They have opposable thumbs, which I didn't learn until after I had drawn three, and are really very much like humans. Here's one of the portraits I made:

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(January 14, 2018 - 10:37 am)