GSD Texts 2!!!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

GSD Texts 2!!!

GSD Texts 2!!!


So remember GSD, a superschool for genious kids taught by some really, really strange, unusually young, and quirky teachers? Well, the RP died, but I want to continue it through crazy text messages. If you give me permission,  I can add your character into the mix. Maybe I can do some student texts too. 

So, if you don't know what I'm talking about, this is a continuation of the original GSD text thread which tells a story through text messages sent back and forth with the teachers. It was really fun! But the real reason I'm starting this up again is because Queen Elizabeth the CBer, who is my cousin and bestie IRL has the absolute funniest reactions to them! 

superhero names: Sasha sometimes appears as 3D

Adrian sometimes appears as Electroclaw

Lizzy sometimes appears LizztheWhiz


This begins on the first day of classes. 


Group Text~


3D: My phone went off while I was teaching, and guess what the ringtone was? The Harry Potter theme. Explain. Now. 

Electroclaw: WHY ME? You have no proof! I didn't do it! 

3D: Well, Lizzy would be a suspect, except for the fact that she hates Harry Potter. The security that YOU designed, incidentally. Although I wouldn't put this past Winston, he would definetly choose something more obnoxious. That leaves only you. Meaning that you will be spending your afternoon cleaning and repearing the Elemental Sites.  

Electroclaw: So are you calling me a liar????

Winston: She's not calling you a truther!!! 


Texts between Adrian and Winston~


Electroclaw: We should be fired. 

Winston: We really should. 


Texts between Sasha and Winston~


Winston: Life is pain. Anyone who says differently is selling something. 

Sasha: Since you just said yesterday that life is a mango smoothie, should I assume you're selling something? 

Winston: *Puts on fake mustache* Hellllloooo Miss Sasha! Can I interest you in a mangooooo smooooooothie? 


Texts between Adrian and Winston~


Electroclaw: So how was you first time teaching? 

Winston: I have no idea what I'm doing. 

Winston:  But I'm doing it really well. 


Group Chat~


Winston: Simon says raise your right hand. 

Winston: Your other right.

Electroclaw: Simon says raise your wrong hand. 

Winston: Which wrong hand? 

Electroclaw: Your other wrong hand!  

Winston:  Now hum the Voltron themesong! 

Winston: ah-ah-ah, I didn't say Simon says! 

Electroclaw: I WASN'T HUMMING!

Winston: I can hear you from here! 

3D: Simon says let's play a game called "be quiet and act like mature young adults!" 

Winston: Simon says there's no such thing. 


Text between Adrian and Lizzy~


Adrian: What do you call a snobbish criminal going down the stairs?

Lizzy: I can't imagine what! 

Adrian: A condescending con descending!

Lizzy: I appreciate your humour!

Adrian: I'm going to take that as "LOL"


More texts between Winston and Adrian~


Winston: We should invest in an army of llamas. 

Electroclaw: That is a ridiculous idea and I am behind it 100%


Texts between Winston and Sasha~


Winston: Why aren't you at lunch?  

Sasha: I'm just working on some things. I ate lunch earlier. You all go ahead. 

Winston: Everything okay?

Sasha: I hope it will be.  

Winston: ...what's that supposed to mean?

Winston: Sasha?


Group Chat~


Winston: Adrian, What are you doing? 

Electroclaw: Painting the roses red like a good little landscaper.

Winston: Myra, what is he really doing? 

Myra: Reenacting Alice in Wonderland in his office. He's currently switching between the royal cardsmen and the Queen of Hearts. It's actually very entertaining to watch.   

So there you have it folks. I officially must be insane for coming up with all this. Oh well, now you know. 




















submitted by Rose bud, GSD
(January 8, 2018 - 3:13 pm)

Aaaaah I loved the old thread of GSD text messages!!! I went back through the Inkwell and read it a couple days ago. This text message thing is insanely funny!!!

submitted by Aspen, age 12.5833333, Over Sea, Under Stone
(January 8, 2018 - 4:26 pm)


submitted by Rose bud, age Wonderland
(January 8, 2018 - 5:40 pm)

These were so funny! Thanks for including Myra!

submitted by Kitten
(January 8, 2018 - 8:18 pm)

I was just texting the words "Holy Roley Poleys, Grace Face!" to Autumn Leaves when I realized I had stumbled upon a gold mine of hilarity (if, indeed, it is as funny as it sounds in my head). I bring you, audience that I'm not even sure is reading anymore, the Autumn Leaves-inspired text messages (sorry in advance for the shortness).

Texts between Winston and Adrian.

Winston: This is just a routine "making sure you haven't been captured by aliens" text. Report back to the Watchtower immediately. Sent from my iPhone, but not while flying. 

Electroclaw: I have not yet been abducted by Aliens as of yet. And I'm definitely not texting while flying. Nope. My feet are on the ground.

Winston: Agent Electroclaw, do you copy? this is Agent AWESOME. I've infiltrated the Evilville of Devilishness. Sent from my wrist-computer, but not while doing a flip. 

Electroclaw: Agent AWESOME, I copy. I’m using my Electroclaw vision to track your location right now. There are several Devislishness roley poleys coming towards your location as we speak.

Prepare your defenses 

Winston: Copy that, Agent Electroclaw. I'm loading my Pun Guns as I speak.  

AWESOME out.  

Electroclaw: If you need backup, just fire your birdzooka into the sky. I will send in the big guns *sends picture of superhero plushies.* 

Winston: Uh-oh! The Devislishness role poleys rolled right over my pun gun! *static, static, static* *sound of Birdzooka firing.* SEND IN THE PLUSHIES!!!! 

Electroclaw: We're experiancing complications! The plushies have encountered Warrior's Block! It's like writer's block, but where you don't feel dramatic enough to fight any more.

Winston: RED ALERT RED ALERT *sounds of fighting* *static* HOLY ROLEY POLEYS, ELECTROCLAW!!!!  



submitted by Rose bud
(January 19, 2018 - 8:34 pm)
submitted by top
(January 19, 2018 - 8:35 pm)

Rosy petal says: drke. Rosy, you know Tim Drake isn't my favorite Robin. 

submitted by NEW TEXTS
(January 19, 2018 - 8:35 pm)

Group Text~

3D: Why weren't any of you at breakfast this morning?

Electroclaw: You told Ms. Lacey to stop serving donuts! No fair! 

Winston: Yeah, we're on strike! 

Electroclaw: One for aaaaaaaaall and aaaaaaaaaall for oooooooone! 

3D: Lizzy! Did you put them up to this? 


Texts between Winston and Adrian~

Electroclaw: Look at me, I'm the king of GSD! 

Winston: *points wand* Silencio. 

Electroclaw: AVADA KED—

Winston: Uh-ah-ah. No killing or maiming or you lose your desert privilage. 

Electroclaw: You mean "dessert" privilage. 

Winston: No, I mean "desert" privilage. 

Electroclaw: What's privialgious about the desert? 

Winston: Sand castles!  




Photo on 2-4-18 at 12.46 PM.jpg
submitted by Rose bud
(February 5, 2018 - 11:52 am)
submitted by Top!
(February 5, 2018 - 11:53 am)