The city of

Chatterbox: Inkwell

The city of

The city of Wardserle has always run on magic. To a newcomer's eyes, it would appear a drab, gloomy city, always grey and rainy. A newcomer would be wrong about all of that.

Since the beginning of time, magic has been growing and changing. Magic is alive in its alleyways and streets. The cityfolk have magic running through their veins, resulting in bursts of magic here and there. They've learned to control it, channeling it to bend to their will. 

But a trickle of poison has slipped through the walls of Wardserle. It grows more each day, taking over and draining the magic. The group behind the the drop of poison is recruiting members, growing larger and larger. People have grown to stop trusting each other, and Wardserle has been thrown into a chaotic world, neighbor against neighbor. 

However, a glimmer of hope has begun to shine amidst the chaos. A ragtag band of children.


So, as you probably already have guessed this is a RP.


1. No OP charries/Mary Sues/Gary Stues

2. One charrie per person

3. Please stay within the boundaries of the RP

4. I was going to make a fourth rule, but I forgot

5. There's room for 10 charries, including mine (9 spots left) 

6. Remember, this is a modern RP  


Charrie Sheet:


Age (11-15): 


Power (Not Too Powerful):






Here's my charrie:

Name: Opal Neraon

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Power (Not Too Powerful): The ability to morph into different creatures, but she rarely uses it, for two reasons: it's really painful, and wildlife isn't that useful in the city.

Appearance: Light brown skin, short black hair. Opal has bags under her eyes due to lack of sleep. She wears jeans, a t-shirt that reads 'Wildlife Conservation Project', and a blue hoodie. Usually has a mischievous smile.

Personality: Opal is an ambivert, and the life of the party. She's usually forced into the leader category, but would actually prefer to be off to the side a bit. She's  insecure, despite outer calmness. 

Background: she grew up in a wealthy family, in the center of the city. She strove towards education and getting into good schools when she was younger, but as she grew up she realized that it wasn't exactly worth it. She grew into the class clown persona, and his her inner fears with a smile. She was 13 when she discovered her power, as she was a late bloomer, and she still needs to get accustomed to it. 

Other: None


Hopefully this post isn't too long. See you guys in Wardserle! 

submitted by Quirker, age 14
(January 7, 2018 - 12:17 am)

Sounds cool! I always have trouble coming up with non-OP powers, though. Do you have guidelines on how powerful they're allowed to be? Would creating small sparks of fire be okay?

submitted by Kitten
(January 7, 2018 - 11:43 am)

Hmm, I think sparks would be okay, maybe something more powerful, just not like 'My character is the all-powerful god of fire', or something else like that. 

submitted by @Kitten, Quirker
(January 7, 2018 - 3:54 pm)
submitted by Top!
(January 7, 2018 - 7:04 pm)
submitted by Tippity Top!!
(January 8, 2018 - 7:46 pm)