Lily fidgeted with
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Lily fidgeted with
Lily fidgeted with her necklace, not meeting her father's eyes. He scooted his chair closer and began to talk.
"I know what you want Lily. I can see it in your eyes. I'm afraid that there's nothing I can do. The world has no place for us now. There's a reason they cast us out years ago," Mr. Thomas said.
"Oh, and what reason was that?" Lily asked, "We saved their helpless butts, and they ban us from existing? What kind of a stupid thank you is that?"
"It's more complicated than that complicated, Lily-"
"Sure doesn't look like it. How can you defend them? You were part of the FREAKIN' EVERFORCE!"
"Look, I'm not sure if you understand the gravity of this situation. You could get killed for this kind of behavior."
"Well it was either I walk away, or he gets mugged, and wasn't about to ignore someone who needed me!"
"You could have at least TRIED not to use your powers! You're extremely lucky I was there to stop you from murdering those men!"
"HE WAS GOING TO DIE! They have knives, those men! I SAVED THAT BOY'S LIFE!"
"I sure taught them not to mug people! They'll live. You know as well as I do the things I grow shrink back down eventually!" Lily protested.
"YOU CAN'T JUST WHIP OUT YOUR POWERS AT ANY MOMENT SOMEONE IS IN DANGER!" Mr. Thomas scolded, shaking from silent tears, "I... I can't lose you how I lost Mom..." Lily looked shocked. Her father rarely ever mentioned Mom's death. Not speaking a word, she put her hand over her father's and there they sat for a while, until Mr. Thomas wiped his eyes and got up from the kitchen table to walk to his bedroom. Lily got up too, it was well after 11:00 O'clock. On her was to the other bedroom in the small Thomas residence, she stopped by the small window in the apartment wall.
It was hard looking at California City the same after knowing that her father had once saved it from destruction. No. It wasn't her father who saved it. Mr. Pinstripe saved it. Whenever he father worked under his alias with the Everforce, he was a dfferent person. He was more alive. When her father was Mr. Pinstripe, he was truly himself. The SCB took that away from him when they threw Supers away like a rotten apple. A car flew past the window, and Lily blinked a couple times, snapping out of her funk.
When Lily entered her bedroom, she did not expect a letter to be sitting on her bed. Curious, she picked the letter up, and read the front. Her hands began to shake. This is what the front read:
To Ms. Lily Thomas, From Gordon Steep, The New Leader of the Everforce
She tore open the letter as fast as she could, and read the note. She immediately got up off of her bed, and grabbed the backpack hanging from her door. She had to get to the roof.
When she got to the roof of her apartment complex, there was a hooded figure waiting for her. The wind blew wildly at the high elevation, and the lights of California City glowed beneath her. Cars flew by, but none of the drivers seemed to think it strange that a 17-year-old girl was staning on the roof of an apartment building alone with a hooded figure.
"Come," said the figure, "You will meet the others shortly."
So if you didn't figure it out alread, this is a RP about superheroes. I know I said I would reboot one of my old threads, but I have a really good feeling about this one. Basically, in future America, California City is the second biggest gathering of buildings and people in the world. In this world, there used to be people known as Supers who had special powers. Most of these people chose to live like regualr people, but others chose to use their powers to take advantage of people. These people would sometimes level entire cities with civilians helpless to stop them. To stop these threats, other Supers rose to defeat them. These Supers were known as heroes, and were in high regard of society. There was a specific team known as the Everforce, 7 people based in California City who came from all over the world to defend the Earth from the evil supers. But then the team had a disagreement. Password: Supers. Some of the members wanted to lead normal lives, but the others knew they would be needed to keep the world a safe place. The team began to fight, and destroyed many cities and lives, fighting within themselves. Then a government branch called the SCI (Super Control Branch) decided enough was enough, and banned supers from public existence. That meant if anyone used their powers within the public eye, the government had every right to kill them. This caused the supers to go into hiding. THe ones who didn't were killed mercilessly. The original seven members were:
1. Samuel Thomas (AKA Mr. Pinstripe), a man from California City who had the power to flip the gravitational feild of any object.
2. Aisha Mayanni (AKA The Gardener), a woman from India who had the power to manipulate and communicate plant life.
3. Fredrik Steep (AKA Lightbeam), the leader of the team, and a good freind of Samuel. He had the power to momentarily turn himself into light.
4. Phineus Alanis (AKA Olympian), a man from Greece who had nearly impenatrible skin and could grow to massive sizes.
5-7: I want you guys to come up with these. Remember to make them from other countires and that your charries are their decendants.
1. Make it as original as you can. So no super strength, or flying, or super strong shields or whatever. Make them unique.
2. They will be different from their parents' powers. For example, Mr. Pinstripe has the power to flip gravity, but his daughter Lily (my charrie) has the power to rapidly grow organic material in any way she chooses.
3. NO OP POWERS. No instant-kill or create matter or infinite regeneration or any of that junk.
1. Make them relatively young, in between 15 and 20.
2. DETAILS DETAILS DETAILS. I need as much as possible.
3. Even though powers are important, remember superheroes are people too. They still have fights with their parents,they still get scared, and they still get lonely.
Charrie sheets:
Name (Real Name):
Alias (Superhero Name):
Parent Member of the Everforce (and their power):
Personality (detailed):
Strengths (mental and physical):
Weaknesses (mental and physical):
Home Country:
NOTE: there ae six slots, and three of the charries have to be the descendants of the heroes I listed.
ANOTHER NOTE: All the charries reside in California City now.
ANOTHER OTHER NOTE: Sorry if the rules are a bit strict, but they're necessary when dealing with superheroes.
I can't wait to start!
(December 28, 2017 - 4:25 pm)
Waffleson, I am in awe. This sounds like a very well thought out RP! And I like that it wasn’t just like “Oh, let’s make superhero’s and make bad guys lalalala!!” (Which was very much like my old superhero RP lol)
So, if it’s ok may I reserve? A descendant, if that’s ok.
(December 28, 2017 - 6:12 pm)
(December 29, 2017 - 9:32 am)
This sounds like a lot of fun! Can I please reserve a decendant?
(December 29, 2017 - 9:41 am)
I reserve!!! Don't care whether it's a descendant or not. I'll post my charrie very soon, just later today, promise.
(December 29, 2017 - 11:02 am)
I'll like to reserve a super, but not a descendant.
(December 29, 2017 - 10:48 am)
My charrie:
Name (Real Name):Ian Alan Wilds (i was going to make his initials spell his first name, but i couldn't find a good last name...)
Alias (Superhero Name): Blaze
Parent Member of the Everforce (and their power): Adler Wilds, (she can control water.)
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Personality (detailed): ohhh boy...urgh, i'm so bad at this, uhhhhhhhh...He's incredibly smart for his age, no one can be more loyal to his friends than Ian is. He's a bit of an outsider, probably because he's always too busy reading, he is incredibly introverted.
Appearnace:Dark skin, 6''1', brown eyes, red (like, dyed red) hair with a streak of white through it (would naturally be black), 6''3'
Power(s): incredibly, incredibly smart (let me know if thats to chliche)
Strengths (mental and physical): Incredibly strong mentaly, weak physicly
Weaknesses (mental and physical):His weaknesses are his tendancy to try to reboot if somthing hurts him (which works about 23% of the time) and his physical strength(or lack thereof).
Home Country:England but moved from scotland three years ago (mostly because i really, really want to do the accent i mean, how can you not want to say things like "oy, mate"!)
Other: the whole "incredibly smart" thing doesn't really help him in battle, so he invents incredibly high tech stuff to help him (like, a, well, basically, a kinda-sorta iron man suit.).
(December 29, 2017 - 11:11 am)
Adler's alias was TidalWave.
(December 29, 2017 - 3:19 pm)
This sounds so cool.
Name: Elsa Alson
Alias: Shapebender
Parent member of the Everforce: Ingrid Alson. Had the power to communicate with animals and was able to summon certain ones to help her fight.
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Personality: Elsa is usually calm, but she often worries and overthinks things. She second guesses herself, and is afraid of using her powers the wrong way and hurting anyone with them. She often hides herself and her powers, and without even meaning to, she hides her true self from others. She can seem cold and reclusive to those who don't know her, when really, she has just developed a habit of concealing herself and her feelings. She can get very emotional in sudden bursts, because she usually keeps her emotions pent up inside of her. However, Elsa has a terrible temper and will flare up quite quickly when angered. However, she changes when she becomes Shapebender. She feels more free, like she can be who she is without worrying about negative consequences. When she is a Super, she is fierce. When she's shifting or fighting, something wakes up inside her that is otherwise asleep.
Appearance: Elsa has dark golden hair that goes a little past her shoulders, cool blue eyes, pale skin, a smattering of freckles, and a small nose. She has a thin face and a slender figure, and is quite agile.
Power(s): Elsa has the power to shapeshift into animals. She does have limits. She can only keep the shape of one animal for a maximum of about forty minutes before she will shift back into her human form, and shifting takes much of her energy. It leaves her very weak and she isn't able to shift again until her full strength returns. She can also not simply think of any animal and take the shape of it. She must be able to see that animal first, and be fairly close to it. Once she has shifted into the shape of the same animal a few times, her body begins to learn and understand the shape, and remember it. Then she can later shift into that animal without having to see it or be near it because her body has learned the form. It's a kind of muscle memory. Not only does this shifting take most of Elsa's energy, but it also takes a huge amount of effort. Though Elsa has practiced and used her power much in her lifetime, it takes skill to control this power. Skill which Elsa has not fully acquired. She is not able to fully control her power, and isn't always able to make sure she shifts into the right animal or stays that way. Sometimes she can't even make herself shift, and sometimes she shifts involuntarily, upon sudden emotion. This is why she has learned to control her emotions and conceal them. It is usually when she has a sudden burst, or flare up, of emotion, that she'll shift involuntarily.
Strengths: She is a good fighter, agile, is very alert, and can usually control herself quite well.
Weaknesses: She can't always control her powers, has a bad temper, worries far more than she should, assumes the worst of people, keeps her emotions pent up inside her, is very spent after shifting.
Home Country: Sweden
(December 29, 2017 - 11:17 am)
Wow, Leeli's post came on FAST! There must've been an Admin on!
name: Sonia Kryzewski (I'll try and look up the pronunciation later, but it'll be completely unphoenetic I can promise you XD)
Parent member of the Everforce (and their power): Anastasia Kryzewski (AKA Moonshine, powers were moonlight and healing)
gender: female
age: 17
personality: Quiet, reserved, and a listener mostly. Very quick-thinking and smart, loyal, but also impossibly stubborn about some things. I guess you could say she's shy, in a way, and she is often surly and sarcastic on the outside, and defensive of her past, and will talk about it to almost no one. Although she IS sarcastic, it's more dry, and she's really rather humorless a lot of the time, but this is kind of a hard shell she's made around herself because... well... she hasn't had the best life circumstances in the world by any stretch, but she's really a softie on the inside. Tends to space out sometimes when she gets to thinking, and mostly pretty serious, and when stuff is really serious, she gets REALLY serious, and can sometimes lash out in these cases. Also kind of soft-spoken. Whoa that was long...XD
appearance: Sonia is slim, a little above medium height, with straight, glossy dark hair to her waist, fairly pale skin, and dark eyes. She pretty much always wears black clothes, usually a shirt, legging-ish pants, and a black Star Wars-y jacket, but not one that is leather, or with anything shiny on it except for the zipper, and the tips of her hair are dyed pure silver. (Oh boy now she sounds like emo or something... lol XD)
Power(s): Shadows, but she can only do about 40 minutes of blasting and enveloping big-ish things before she is exhausted and her energy is drained, also, when her shadow overlaps with someone else, she can have a thought conversation but only for so long before she begins to push darkness into their mind unintentionally, so she is very scared of herself and rarely ever uses this skill, also it is sometimes emotionally draining for her, and then, because there is a certain amount of darkness in everyone's mind, and more around secrets, she can try and read the darkness in someone's mind to determine if they are keeping secrets or not but this is the most exhausting technique for her so she can't use it much (And yeah, I know a lot of this is from Keeper of the Lost Cities but is that okay? It was just really cool and I DID add some things or tweak them)
Strengths: Very smart, good at figuring things out, a good listener, cans see in the dark well, sensitive to the people around her although she doesn't always show it, and can keep her cool unless the situation is extremely tense, serious, and critical (see below in weaknesses), has a good memory
Weaknesses: Like I said, she can be impossibly stubborn and even reckless when she thinks something is her fault, and she'll be like, "I have to fix it." This does mean she takes responsibility for her actions, so it kind of works both ways. Also, she seems very prickly, and even unpleasant on the outside. And in very tense, serious situations, she is pretty much completely humorless, and can lash out if the situation is prolonged and people are getting on her nerves.
Home Country: Poland
Other: Password: Supers.
(December 29, 2017 - 11:58 am)
Name: Yokomo, Aki (traditionally, last names comes first in Japan)
Alias: Lightning
Parent Member of the Everforce: Mr. Tako; has reality warping powers
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Personality: Aki free spirited, but kind and quiet. She’s very intelligent and loves logic, often deducing things Sherlock Holmes style. Sometimes she can be quite stubborn, but only because she’s belives that you are wrong. She doesn’t like using her powers, because she’s afraid she’ll hurt someone, and will regret it because she wasn’t in her normal state. However, when push comes to shove, she will use them. But she likes using her powers in small scale everyday things, like around the house or in her room. However, she also usually doesn’t open her emotions up to other people, because she’s afraid that they will be afraid of her. She has a super fast metabolism, so she’s always hungry.
Appearance: Most of her family has straight dark hair, but she got the gene for slightly curly dark hair. She likes to keep it neat (she also has slight OCD, btw) and about shoulder length, if not a tad longer. She has fair skin that is slightly tanned, as she does go out sometimes, and a small amount of freckles sprayed across her face. She has beautiful almond shaped eyes that are slightly rounded and are a dark chocolate brown. She’s slim, but also quite athletic because of all the running she does, and has longer legs than most in her family.
Powers: Super speed. Eek, pretty basic, but the powers I was going to use, I’m already using in another RP, and I think that’d be weird. She can’t travel for hours in Super speed, and her speed is not yet fine tuned and controlled, so for now, she’ll have sudden bursts of energy that will either get her in trouble or drain her.
Strengths: Her intelligence and powers of observation, good at lying. Also, she has lightning fast reflexes, and as I mentioned before, she’s fast. Really fast.
Weaknesses: Well, she can’t control her powers, and she always has trust issues and can be quite paranoid. Also, sometimes she comes off as rude to others.
Home country: Japan
Other: Open to shipping? Also, Password is Supers.
(December 29, 2017 - 11:48 am)
Oh may I add that my reserve is for the son Frederick Steep? Is that OK?
(December 29, 2017 - 12:02 pm)
Oh whoops I completely forgot Sonia's alias! It can be NightWolf. (Explanation will come later, mwahahahaha) Azkiel says mfwr. Muff war? Oookaaaayyyy.....
(December 29, 2017 - 2:45 pm)
My Charrie!
Name: Rory Timothy Steep
Alias: Psych
Parent Member of the Everforce: Fredrik Steep
Gender: M
Age: 20
Personality: Very kind and caring, loves helping people, very brave, trusting. Can be Strong willed if nobody else is taking charge. He’s laid back. Independent, a loner. He won’t except help, from anyone, even when he really needs it. He doesn’t care what others think about him. Very perceptive. He thinks through situations, and can be sly, but unless it’s when other peeps are in danger, then he jumps in, headfirst. He’s also pretty charming. He likes the arts, traveling and visiting museums and stuff. He tries very hard to be a leader like his dad, even though he doesnt want to and knows he never can be like Lightbeam.
Appearance: Dark brown hair, soft sea blue eyes, dark tan skin, wears mostly sporty stuff. When it comes to facial expression he's most of a closed book, unless you know him well, then you get to know his mannerisms.
Power(s): He can transfer energy from one source to any other thing, but only if it’s a living thing. It’s possible to do it just by thinking, but that extreamly hard to master, so he has to use his hands, to bring the energy in him, and then, if he needs to, he can give the energy to any other living thing. He can also read minds, if he uses his energy. So sometimes he uses that power to be a “psychic”, hence the name, Psych.
Strengths: Loyalty and devotion to helping others. Also, he is a runner, so running, I guess.
Weaknesses: His loner mentality, and his desperation to be like his father.
Home country: Spain? I mean, he was born in Spain but grew up in America?
Other: He has a slight stutter.
@ General
Can The Steeps live near Lily, and her father? Like pretty close? And maybe Lily and Rory could know each other well, kind of like cousins you know? Also, please correct me on any of this.
(December 29, 2017 - 2:51 pm)
OK, I'm not sure if you guys get what's going on.
Actually? Do you know what? It would be better for all of us if I just let you guys take over. Maybe I made this too complicated, or maybe you guys didn't read it all the way, or maybe my image is too specific, but I'm not happy with how this is starting out. Man... I'm way too much of a critic. Oh well. You guys can do whatever you want with this world, because you've already changed it. ALL RULES ARE ABOLISHED. LILY NO LONGER EXISTS, AND NEITHER DOES MR. PINSTRIPE. YOU GUYS CAN TAKE OVER THE PLOT AND DO WHATEVER THE HECK YOU LIKE. MAKE ALL YOUR CHARRIES FLY AND CREATE MATTER AND MAKE THEM WITH AS LITTLE DETAIL AS YOU LIKE. I just wanted something to turn out how I wanted it to, but I guess that was too much to ask of you. I'm leaving this RP, though, so don't expect me to post on it.
Bye now.
(December 29, 2017 - 3:12 pm)
You’re leaving your own RP?
(December 29, 2017 - 3:52 pm)