Chatterbox: Inkwell
the Land of Arcavia solo write AKA my first solo write!!!
Ian clutched the controls of his Battlemech as he carefully manuvered it into the small space of MD N 3642-C( MechDock Number 3642-C). As the mechs clamps snapped into place Ian popped the hatch and was lifted by a strong current of magic to the railing, where a man greeted him "Hi Ian" the man said "the head Magi wants you" "alright Dad" replied Ian "gimme a sec" Ian walked over to the Docking Registry and waved his hand over it to register his arrival. "okay Dad," Ian said "ready." as they arrived in the head Magi's office Ian's dad said to the head Magi "i am so proud of him." Ian looked at the head Magi in confusion the head Magi said "before i tell you, i want you to practice you Fireball spell" "ookaay" said Ian as a glowing target. he pointed at the target with all five fingers and a ball of fire shot out and obliterated the target "okay, good." the head Magi then proceeded to ask Ian to show him his Icebolt (which encased the target with ice) Rocksword, and Storm then, the head Magi said "Ian, it is my highest honer to present you with the rank of RealmMaster." the head Magi gave ian an amulet engraved with the design of the RealmMasters. then, the Academy began to shake and the roof began to cave in, Ian's dad was struck on the head by a falling piece of roof then buried in stone, the head Magi yelled at him to run, Ian ran to the Mechdock, hopped into his mech, hit the rocket pedel and his mech lifted into the air as he flew away, he looked back to see the Academy engulfed by an explosion of white light and a white mech fly away, Lightning propulsers on.
This is the land of Arcavia, a dimension where technology and Magic exist together in harmony. there are five Realms: Avarda (Basically a steampunk Realm), Baxaka(Extremely advanced tech), Avardica(Magic), Deviock( Lost hundreds of years ago), Mysticum(Which was thought to have been destroyed hundreds of years ago -note the "thought to have been"- it was a realm of History and prophets) there are three Academys that train Realmmasters to protect the realm and
Now the Academys have been destroyed, there are only a few survivors from each one (sooo like three to five from each sooo..ugh i'm so bad at math...twelve to twenty survivors.), they are the main charries, the academys were destroyed by the Deviock, which have returned after hundreds of years being on the other side of the galexy (what? tech from Baxaka!) and are trying to get revenge for being driven off all those hundreds of years ago (hey, their fault, they started it!!!)
Recently the realm of Deviock was taken over by a new ruler, before that thay were perfectly content with peace, so we can have few Deviocken rebel heros.
(just for the record, you can be a villain)
Charrie sheet:
Age(anywhere from 10 to 20):
Hero or villain:
Rank (Hero ranks: RealmMaster, RealmMaster-in-training, RealmMaster Cadet, Random Person Who Wants To Fight, Spy, and Deviockan Rebel. Evil Ranks: Deviockan Ruler -only one-, Deviockan Soldier, Spy, Deviockan Dark Mage, Deviockan Dark Mage-in-training, Deviockan Dark Mage cadet, and Rebel From Some Other Realm.):
Speices(Feline/Human -specify Housecat, Jaguar, Lion, Griffin, or Wildcat-, Eagle/human, Canine/Human -specify Dog, Wolf, Coyote, or Fox-, Reptile -specify Dragon or Lizard-, or Human.):
Battlemech apearence:
List of weapons on your Battlemech( examples: Lasers, Missile launchers, Magic channeling equipment-channels magic from Pilot to the outside of the mech, where the pilot can do anything they want with it-, swords, Etc.):
Open to shipping?:
Home Realm:
wow, that took forEVER!!! sigh... now i have to wright mine.
Name: Ian Wilder Flame
Age(anywhere from 10 to 20): 14
Apearence: dark skin, short brown fur everywher but his face, squareish glasses, brown eyes, 6''1', claws.
Hero or villain: Hero
Rank (Hero ranks: RealmMaster, RealmMaster-in-training, RealmMaster Cadet, Random Person Who Wants To Fight, Spy, and Deviockan Rebel. Evil Ranks: Deviockan Ruler -only one-, Deviockan Soldier, Spy, Deviockan Dark Mage, Deviockan Dark Mage-in-training, Deviockan Dark Mage cadet, and Rebel From Some Other Realm.): RealmMaster as of the day the Academys were destroyed.
Speices(Feline/Human -specify Housecat, Jaguar, Lion, Griffin, or Wildcat-, Eagle/human, Canine/Human -specify Dog, Wolf, Coyote, or Fox-, Reptile -specify Dragon or Lizard-, or Human.): Wildcat
Battlemech apearence: i'll draw it later (you can do this to as long as you don't do it, like, five days after you join)
Battlemech height(everywhere from 12 feet to 24 feet): 15
List of weapons on your Battlemech( examples: Lasers, Missile launchers, Magic channeling equipment-channels magic from Pilot to the outside of the mech, where the pilot can do anything they want with it-, swords, Etc.): missile launchers, sword, lasers, Magic channeling equipment, and electrified claws.
Open to shipping?: yes.
Home Realm: Avardica
Other: dad was a famous RealmMaster.
(December 21, 2017 - 9:58 am)
(December 21, 2017 - 1:30 pm)
(December 21, 2017 - 6:29 pm)
(December 22, 2017 - 7:01 pm)
I’ll join, but I don’t think I’ll participate much or anything. Sorry, but I’m super busy with a RP!
Name; Hope Blackfeather
Age; 10
Appearance; Small, with huge wings too big for her body. Has feathers for hair. No hands or arms- wings instead. Dark blue- almost black eyes.
Hero or Villan; Hero
Rank; Devockian Rebel
Species; Well, not eagle-human, but blackbird-human? Is that allowed?
Battlemech Appearance; Rickety and old, but still beautiful. Long and silver, made to zoom fast across the sky or earth. Has one blade on the nose that can do crazy damage with the speed the mech can go at.
Battlemech Weapons; See above- blade and super-speed. Also swords, lasers, and special electronic stuff designed to try to shut down other ships. As the mech is outdated, it only works for two or three minutes- but sometimes that’s all you need.
Open to Shipping; I’d rather not do ships, sorry.
Home Realm; Devock
Other; Very poor. A few years ago, the army was recruiting random kids as it needed to get larger. Even though Hope was barely nine, the heartless generals recruited her anyway. She spent a harrowing year in the army, where she discovered what war was really like. She managed to run away, though. Maybe Ian took her in?
Shy and defensive. She’s seen horrible things, and you can tell. A pacifist.
(December 23, 2017 - 11:44 pm)
Great to both your questions.
(December 24, 2017 - 10:34 pm)
Another character, since no one’s joining.
Name; Wednesday
Age; 19
Appearance; Light skin. Long dark brown hair, with streaks of silver. Has a cybernetic arm, as well as metal “patches” like scars.
Hero or Villan; Neutral- cares only about their Realm and will defend it, but not go seeking a fight.
Rank; RealmMaster, but Neutral.
Species; Human (Cyborg).
Battlemech Appearance; Basically a sphere, but with additions that can sprout out.
Battlemech Height; With no extensions, 16 feet. With the longest one, 24 feet.
Battlemech Weapons; Pretty much every weapon except magic channeling equipment. Mostly lasers.
Open to Shipping; No
Home Realm; Baxaka
Other; A good leader. Quite fierce. Formal.
(December 28, 2017 - 3:07 pm)
(December 28, 2017 - 3:08 pm)
I'm making a character for every realm except Avardica!
Name; Silk Dreimak
Age; 16
Appearance; Curly braided black hair, dark brown skin, blue eyes. Hints of coyote-ness, with slit pupils and a tail.
Hero or Villain; Villan
Rank; I'm not sure. She's not from Devock, so Rebel from some other Realm? She's like a hired soldier. I wrote her backstory in Other, so you can decide.
Species; Distant descendant of a Coyote Human, but mostly human.
Battlemech Appearance; Instead of a typical ship, she has super strong armor that comes with weapons and a jet pack, and spikes on the shoulders.
Battlemech Weapons; Swords, spikes, pistols, ray gun.
Open to Shipping; Yes
Home Realm; Avarda
Other; Silk grew up rich and previleged. She was taught whatever she wanted, she could get. Her parents wanted her to be the perfect daughter; Obediant, beautiful, and charismatic. Silk hated it. When she was 14, her parents died mysteriously and left her millions of dollars. In two years, Silk had created a formidable army for hire. She loves doing things that would make her parents turn over in their graves. Currently, her and her army are being hired by Devock.
(December 29, 2017 - 8:46 pm)
Name; Heart Azulejo
Age; 14
Appearance; I've been thinking of him as a monk, so medium skin, shaved head, amber dragon like eyes. Red-orange marbled wings, red-orange thick tail. Skin has a scaly feel to it, but doesn't appear like scales.
Hero or Villan; Hero
Rank; Random Person Who Wants to Fight
Species; Dragon-Human
Battlemech Appearance; A huge house, like in Amulet.
Battlemech Weapons; None, he's a monk. Weapons can be added, though.
Battlemech Height; 24 feet
Open to Shipping; Sure
Home Realm; Mysticum(is that allowed?)
Other; Is quite scholarly. Knows a couple spells. Is a monk, so nonviolent.
(December 30, 2017 - 5:02 pm)
(December 30, 2017 - 7:30 pm)
oh yeah, sorry i forgot to specify:
Charries are NOT able to come from Mysticum* **
*Charries can be decended from Mysticumians(people from mysticum
** if you are an orphan, you can be from Mysticum.
Bob says ptpy. potpie? yum.
(December 31, 2017 - 10:20 am)
Alright, Heart is a Avardican and a descendant of a Mysticum.
(January 2, 2018 - 8:26 pm)
(January 19, 2018 - 10:06 pm)