My first Round
Chatterbox: Inkwell
My first Round
My first Round Robin!!!! I've participated in enough that I thought I might start one at long last. So,...
Christie sat down to a bowl of steaming hot carrot soup. Trina the cook was telling her regular lunchtime story. She listened, sipping daintily like her mistress Princess Kitty. “And in the midsummer’s eve moonlight danced the fairies, in circles. Their wings were made of silver and spiderwebs and dewdrops. And they sang and played silver flutes, and their music was haunting and sweet and pure and enchanting and wonderful. Then the girl looked and saw her lover was dancing with them. And she called his name, but he did not hear her, mesmerized as he was by the enchantment. And when the fairies left, he was gone with them. She went home to tell her parents, but they thought her mad. They were sorry, though, when they found her run away. Perhaps,” she said, “She tried to find him. But that was two hundred years ago.”
“You believe in fairies, then?” a small boy asked.
“Of course I do, child!” answered Trina. “But they don’t reveal themselves much anymore, oh my, no.” She paused, lowering her voice to a whisper. Christie leaned in to hear better. “They say, though, they say, that where you and I have black spots in our eyes, the fairies have only bright shining light.” She looked around and bustled off to refill a bowl.
Christie stirred her soup. She had never known anyone else who actually believed in fairies before. A thought came to her. “Mrs. Trina,” she called, “Where do fairies live?”
“No one knows child, but they say it is completely inaccessible to humans. The only story about its location is that it is somewhere in the Great Forest, and protected on one side by the Misty Marsh.”
(June 28, 2009 - 5:28 pm)
Niada and Alexander sat on the floor, eagerly awaiting Lillian. Lillian was their old nurse that had cared for them since the moment Niada, the eldest, was born. Niada looked at her wings. Lately, she had been captivated by their pure aquamarine sparkle. She fluttered them gently, sighing in pleasure. She fondled her soft gold ringlets that fell all the way to her slender waist. She stroked her silky blue dress, recalling how it had hung gracefully on her tall figure that morning in front of her mirror. She smiled, flashing white teeth, as she remembered the gold circlet perched upon her head, signifying that she had finally turned thirteen, the passing from child, to young woman. She looked around the room, her eyes finally stopped upon her brother. What a sharp contrast they made! Him with bright orange-gold wings, deep brown hair, and dark blue, almost purple, eyes. Her with her ocean-colored wings, soft blond curls, and green-blue eyes. It was hard to believe that they had come from the same two fairies! She stopped stroking and fondling and fluttering the moment she heard Lillian's foot-steps. The elderly fairy couldn't abide such vanity.
"I'll tell you a story today, children, about the odd creatures called "humans." started Lillian.
"You believe in humans, Lillian!" gasped Alexander, Niada's 9-year-old brother.
"Why of course I do, child!" said Lillian. "They say, that where you and I have shinning light in our eyes, they have only empty black spots!"
(June 29, 2009 - 10:13 am)
((Very nice, Emma. ;) ))
Her Highness Princess Kitaria Lilletiera bon Trichvard, known as Kitty, scampered away from the kitchen door as fast as she could. She'd heard footsteps in the hallway, those of her elder brother Burntly. If he caught her listening to the old cook telling fairy stories, it wouldn't be long before her pompous older sibling had informed everyone in the castle. Including her parents.
Kitty had been listening in on the servants' lunch hour storytelling as long as she could remember. Ever since she was three or four years old, she supposed- oddly enough, she couldn't really remember anything, even a hazy image or two, from before she was in her toddler years, as though they'd never existed or her mind had been wiped blank of them. But that was ridiculous, she reflected with a smile as she sprinted down the corridors of the palace. Ridiculous and impossible- she'd never had a very good memory, anyway.
It was probably for this reason that she couldn't find her bedchambers right now. All of the doors were numbered- thank you, Royal Door Numberer of the Kingdom Quarley! she thought- but she could never remember hers. It had a seven, she knew, and a two, and three other digits. What were they?
She flung open the door to 72354 to find her father's court holding a banquet meeting. Hoping that none of the dukes or lords had seen her, she ran down a few more hallways to 27798. No- that was the guestroom was the Saecian ambassador was staying. Hoping that she hadn't awakened the man from his nap and started any bloody wars, she dashed away until she found 00027.
She gasped.
(June 29, 2009 - 11:40 am)
((Oh, cool! I has her listening in in mine, too!))
Her room was a mess! Feathers were strewn everywhere, and her favorite pillow was torn to shreds. And amid the feathers gently falling like snow was the cat Vrinda, who licked her lips and looked up innocently. Kitty threw herself onto her bed with a sigh and rang a little bell. Tapping sounds could be heard out side the door, and soon Christina, the maid in waiting, entered. "Do clean up this mess, Christie." Kitty ordered. After a few minutes of watching Christie sweep, she got bored. She was always bored. What was one supposed to do to entertain oneself when one was a princess? On a sudden thought, she asked, "What do you know about fairies?"
(June 29, 2009 - 4:32 pm)
((Thanks Mary! Did you write a letter to the chatterbox in the latest mag? It seems that you, Emily, and I seem to write a lot together :-) ))
"I know a bit, Mistress Kitty, but not a lot. Would it please you to hear a tale about fairies?" she asked
"Yes it would." she said, trying to contain her excitment. She lay back on her feather pillows and readied herself for a story.
"Once, in a land far away, there lived hundreds of fairies. The lived in a relm of peace and magic, and did not want humans to settle in thier relm and fill it with fighting and blood. So one day, a magnificent fairy, called Alexander, came up with a spell. He and his talented sons then walkedd around the fairy relm, spreading the spell along its borders. The spell made it so that no human cuold get in...Unless, they were magical. Everything was fine for hundreds of years, until, a love-blinded couple walked through the wood where the entrance to the fairy relm was. They were so in love, it was magical. They both were beautiful people and loved each other more than a flowr loves the rain. Thier love was so magical, in fact, that the were able to walk straight into the Fairy relm! The fairies imediatly hid, and started to make plans. Then, a little fairy, by name of Niada flew, undetected out to the couple, still oblivious to thier tiny surroundings. Niada flew at the man's head and tapped it with her wand. He imediatly turned into the most ugly man alive! The maiden cried out in fear and ran, right to where the border was. She stumbled outside and then, her eyes where opened! She saw her lover surrounded by little fairies. And in the midsummer’s eve moonlight danced the fairies, in
circles. Their wings were made of silver and spiderwebs and dewdrops.
And they sang and played silver flutes, and their music was haunting
and sweet and pure and enchanting and wonderful. Then the girl looked
and saw her lover was dancing with them. And she called his name, but
he did not hear her, mesmerized as he was by the enchantment. And
when the fairies dissapeared, he was gone with them. She went home to tell her
parents, but they thought her mad. They were sorry, though, when they
found her run away. Perhaps,” Christie said, “She tried to find him. But
that was two hundred years ago.”
(June 30, 2009 - 12:05 pm)
((Let me think... I don't think I wrote a letter to Cricket... did I? Hmm, I can't remember, that's not good... why d'you ask?))
Kitty stared blankly. "That was depressing." She had nearly forgotten the story since she'd heard it but an hour ago. That was Kitty's most serious flaw, her poor memory.
"Bit, ma'am," said Christie neutrally, not wanting to disagree with the princess. Privately, she thought the story was enchanting and beautiful.
"Do you even think that fairies exist?" Kitty asked, twirling her orange braid.
The fairy Lisel was feeling lonely and morbid, as she often did. She was annoyed at the Fairmage, the ruler of Fairydom, and at her human husband, Peter. He was always whining and complaining.
"I didn't ASK to be whisked away by a lot of little folk," he snarled. "Away from Magda. As though that's bad enough, your stupid fairy king has to take away my daughter..."
Lisel didn't explain for the thousandth time that as a Halfchild, his daughter was dangerous. She didn't add that she was now living as a princess might, in a castle, with her own loving family. She didn't list the scores of reasons for all of Peter's woes. She knew he wouldn't listen. He never did.
(June 30, 2009 - 1:22 pm)
((Wierd! It wasn't you because that person was from Germany, but her name was Mary W. and she was 11. Maybe you have a twin in Germany! :-) ))
Niada walked around the palace, headed for the stables. She tried to look casual, but how could she when she was going to see her beloved, and forbidden, Quinn! He was a poor stable-fairy and she was the daughter of Fairmage, but they still loved each other. *corny music time!* She peeked around the door of the stable. She saw his sandy hair flip and his forest-green wings shimmer. She sighed. She wanted to see him but she could hear the whining voice of the Stable-Master, droning on and on. She knew that she would soon be expected to choose a suitor, for they married early in Fairydom. She wished with all her heart that she could have Quinn, but she was expected to marry a prince.
"The inconveniences of being royal! But that shall soon change!" she muttered to herself. She let out a sigh and dropped to her knees beside the stable's brick walls. She poked her hand inside a small nitche and and dropped her note in. She got to her feet and strolled off, acting as though she had not just dropped a note suggesting that she run away with a stable-boy, into a crack in the wall.
(June 30, 2009 - 8:29 pm)
The only reason that Lisel married Peter was that, bonded by the sacred power of Fairy magic, he could not leave the fairy realm and tell everybody. Or find his daughter. For if he did, as the prophecy fortold, the fairy world would cease to exist. Stupid, stupid laws of magic. WHY DOES THERE ALWAYS HAVE TO BE A CATCH!!!. That is something that Fairies have tried to decipher for centuries.
" Lisel, can we go to the border today? Called Peter. It was a ritual of his and he did it every day, in hopes of finding Magda, for even if they could never be together, at least he'll know she's safe.
Magda cleaned the palace kitchens. This had been her always and eternity. She did not remember a before, and could not imagine the after. All she knew is that for some strange reason she had to stay in the castle, and help her best friend,Kitty's nurse Rana. She also knew never to go into the forest. There were ghosts! or so she thought as she hummed a little ditty from the royal bard and wiped the royal table, as Rana walked i with a tired look on her face. The princess was asking questions about fairies. The answers to the were those that she was aponted by the fairy council to keep a secret from Kitty.
(June 30, 2009 - 9:11 pm)
The only reason that Lisel married Peter was that, bonded by the sacred power of Fairy magic, he could not leave the fairy realm and tell everybody. Or find his daughter. For if he did, as the prophecy fortold, the fairy world would cease to exist. Stupid, stupid laws of magic. WHY DOES THERE ALWAYS HAVE TO BE A CATCH!!!. That is something that Fairies have tried to decipher for centuries.
" Lisel, can we go to the border today? Called Peter. It was a ritual of his and he did it every day, in hopes of finding Magda, for even if they could never be together, at least he'll know she's safe.
Magda cleaned the palace kitchens. This had been her always and eternity. She did not remember a before, and could not imagine the after. All she knew is that for some strange reason she had to stay in the castle, and help her best friend,Kitty's nurse Rana. She also knew never to go into the forest. There were ghosts! or so she thought as she hummed a little ditty from the royal bard and wiped the royal table, as Rana walked i with a tired look on her face. The princess was asking questions about fairies. The answers to the were those that she was aponted by the fairy council to keep a secret from Kitty.
(June 30, 2009 - 9:11 pm)
((So, my control freak self is having me do this, just incase you are wondering.... :-) ))
Human World
Kitty: Princess in the human world.
Vrinda: Kitty's cat. (LOL!)
Rana: Kitty's nurse.
Christie: Maid for Princess Kitty, or, Mistress Kitty, as she prefers.
Trina: (or Mrs. Trina) Cook to the Palace Princess Kitty lives in. (I don't know about this part, but it kind of seemed like it. Correct me if I'm wrong...) Caretaker to Christie. (??)
Got to go! FInish later!
(July 1, 2009 - 10:18 am)
((Thanks, Emma. I love your control freakiness. :)
Hmm, another eleven-year-old Mary W. in Germany... I shall have to look at that when I get the next Cricket magazine. Thanks for warning me so that I don't get too creeped out when I read it. ;)
By the way, I don't think that Trina is technically Christie's caretaker, just sort of a mother figure. Like, it's not legal or anything, but she looks out for her like a parent might. Have I got that right...?))
(July 1, 2009 - 1:11 pm)
Sort of. She acts motherly to all the child servants, is what I was thinking.
(July 1, 2009 - 2:18 pm)
Cool. I like that idea. :-) Lol, Mary. :-)
(July 3, 2009 - 1:31 pm)
Later that afternoon, Kitty was wandering past door number 45600, which was a side entrance to the dining hall, when she heard talking from within. She recognised Trina's voice and stopped to listen. "Why hello, Rana," said Trina. "I was supervising the table setting, but what can I do for you?"Rana's voice came through, soft but audible. "Do you know the princess has taken an interest in fairies?" She must be very near the door, Kitty thought, and pressed herself against the wall. Eavesdropping was a wonderful sport, always suspenseful. Trina chuckled good naturedly. "Now has she? I could tell her a good story or-" "No!" interrupted Rana. "No, no, no. You must stop telling them. The servants may be repeating them who knows where, and we don't want her to hear." Trina sounded puzzled. "But whyever not?" An impatient sigh could be heard, then Rana's voice said, "Come along, then, and I'll tell you." The voices moved away, and though Kitty listened at doors numbers 45601 through 45620, she couldn't find them again.
(July 1, 2009 - 5:35 pm)
Slipping into 45601, she tried to find where the two servants might have disappeared to. It wasn't like her kindly nurse and the motherly cook to simply vanish when there was work to be done- and they had been talking about her.
There were no windows in 45601- it was the room reserved for when the Duchess of Armandchester visited, and her Ladyship didn't like drafts. To use her words, Kitty remembered bitterly, "Who needs windows with scenic overlooks when one could have lovely artistic depictions on one's walls?" The Duchess irked Kitty, so proper and superfluous when speaking. Her words stuck in Kitty's bad memory like no one else's, much to the princess' dismay.
"Where could they have gone?" Kitty mumured, looking around the room. It was richly decorated, but she couldn't see many spaces that two grown women could fit.
Tiptoeing over to the closet, she flung it open and muffled a scream. Actually, someone clapped a hand over her mouth, producing a sort of strangled, "Aaaaaargghhffff!" sound.
"I am going to take my hand off of your mouth if you promise not to shriek again," said a measured, lilting voice. Kitty looked up to see a boy about her age, with vivid orange hair not unlike her own, though far brighter. His green eyes sparkled as they looked at her.
"Who are you?" she asked, when he'd removed his hand, "and why in Torchina are you here?"
"I'm a banished fairy," he said with a grin, "and this-" he gestured at the closet- "is a Portal."
(July 2, 2009 - 11:38 am)
They exchanged scrutinizing glances, and Kitty observed with a start that he did indeed have sky blue dragonfly-like wings. "Okay, a fairy," she said, hardly beleiving it. "How'd you get here?" "Portal. There's one in that closet, just like there's one in the forest. They're scattered around these days. And who are you?" Kitty was astonished. "Why I'm the princess, of course. My full name is Kitaria Lilletiera bon Trichvard, but most people call me Kitty. But," -she glared at him suspiciously- "You must use my full title until I know who you are. What were you banished for?"
(July 2, 2009 - 4:28 pm)