Dragon Hunters RP

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Dragon Hunters RP

Dragon Hunters RP reboot!
Leeli, I hope this is fine with you this being yours and all, but I just HAD to bring it back. It was one of my favorite RPs, and it started out really well, until people stopped posting (Me included) and then it went to the back pages. *Sigh*
So heres what Leeli's thread said.
A figure stood at the base of the mountain, his brown cloak blowing in the wind. The creases on his face showed signs of aging, but the man was still very strong. His brow sat low above his eyes, and he seemed as if he was watching something on the mountain very closely.
Then the man began to climb. It wasn't long until the man reached the peak of the mountain. He drew something out of his cloak, thrusting it into the air. Seven pieces of paper fluttered in the wind, drifting down, heading for the village below.
^ _ _ ^
Èolith trudged along the cobblestone path leading through the village. She pulled her coat tighter around her body as the snow began to fall. Suddenly, she noticed something blow by her face. Èolith snatched the piece of parchment from the chilly air.
The north is calling. We must arise once again. The strong. The fearless. The warriors. The hunters and the huntresses. The seekers. The wanderers. The ones who will make up our small party. Come, join us. Find your journey. Come to the top of Fuar Peak. Gather with us. We will be strong once again.
Arlerac, Huntsman of the North.
Èolith gasped. There was a small symbol beside the signature. The mark of the Dragon Hunters. She could only imagine what this meant.
Many years ago, the legendary Dragon Hunters had braved the snowy mountains of north Daklur. Some thought that while up there, the hunters and huntresses fought and stayed dragons, protecting the village below. Others claimed that these men and women tamed the dragons, creating an alliance. Only a true Dragon Hunter knew. These people were both admired and feared. And becoming one was only for the strong willed and not for the weak of heart. A few years ago, however, the Dragon Hunters were banned from the village, and one by one, they began to disappear, until they became just a myth. When the Dragon Hunters were gone, the dragons began to slowly close in on the village, expanding their territory farther and farther down the mountains, until it wasn't even safe to be beyond the forest at the base of Fuar Peak after sundown.
However, there was once a prophecy that a time like this would come. And it was only the rise of a bigger evil. It was said that seven would be chosen. Seven children. They would be the next generation of Dragon Hunters.
Èolith had always loved hearing legends and stories of the Dragon Hunters. She had dreamed of becoming one herself. So when she read this piece of paper, there was no question that she would go to Fuar Peak. Èolith ran all the way home, forgetting about the cold, her head filled with wonderings about what the other six would be like.
^ _ _ ^
If you've read this far, great job! As you probably guessed, this is an RP. I hope that the snippets I posted were self explanatory.
-Be kind and respectful, always (this one is kinda obvious).
-No OP charries.
-I will accept 7-10 charries, that's it. Six of these will be the next generation of Dragon Hunters and Huntresses, and I'll allow some older dragon hunters such as Arlerac. I'm going to start with a one charrie per person limit, but if not enough people join, then maybe I'll allow extras.
-Try and develop your charries. Really try. If you write a one sentence personality, I might not accept your charrie.
-Password: Dragontooth
Here's the charrie sheet:
Name: (Please make it a fantasy-sounding name like Arlerac and Èolith)
Age: (The young dragon hunters are 12-15 and the older dragon
hunters are 40s and 50s)
Gender (please keep it male or female, Thanks!):
And end of her post. So I was thinking (and this is totally open to discussion if you have other ideas) that we could have other peeps join, and the old players come back! It could start off where we left off, OR! we could make a completely new plot, if that's OK with Leeli. And old players, you can use the same characters if you want. Ill post Teleriath's
sheet after this shows up. Happy Hunting!

submitted by Tuxedo Kitten
(November 25, 2017 - 4:19 pm)

we already have six new dragon hunters.

submitted by ...
(November 26, 2017 - 11:10 pm)

Hey, it's all good. :) New people are welcome to join. 

submitted by Leeli
(November 27, 2017 - 12:16 am)

Do y’all think that we could have a few more Senior Dragon Hunters? Maybe if it’s hard for you to write for a fourty-fifty year old, you could write for a thirty year old Dragon Hunter? Like Sora, they could have joined because they either showed great quality’s or one of the senior Dragon Hunters knew him/her. 


I hope this is Ok! Because we need some more senior Dragon Hunters. If it’s not ok then that’s fine, it was just a thought. ;)

submitted by Tuxedo Kitten, @Leeli
(November 27, 2017 - 1:38 pm)

Totally fine. :) 

submitted by Leeli, @Tux
(November 27, 2017 - 3:41 pm)

Oops, forgot the password: Dragontooth! Okay,  now it's official, even though I was in the old thread. xD

submitted by Aspen, age 12.5-ish
(November 28, 2017 - 5:31 pm)
submitted by Plz Join, age Poke!, Top
(November 28, 2017 - 4:40 pm)

I'll join as a senior Dragon Hunter!

Password: Dragontooth (why is there a password?)

Name: Aurielle Griffon

Age: 37 (a little younger, but hey, I'm used to younger charries)

Gender: female

Appearance: shoulder-length glossy dark brown hair, Caucasian skin that's slightly tanned. She's about 5' 7'' and normally wears a long emerald-colored cloak, with black flexible armour underneath. She always has her twin sowrds strapped across her back, as well as a multitude of hidden weapons. (When you get to be a Dragon Hunter and you're 37, you've picked up quite a lot.)

Personality: a good teacher, compassionate, patient, and kind. She will do anything to protect her friends and charges.

Strengths: speed, strength, weapons knowledge

Weaknesses: she can be very compassionate at times and hesitate to strike a final blow.

Background: She was born in a small town near the top of a mountain. When she was about 15, she went wandering off. When she finally found her way back, her village had been blazed to the ground by a dragon. She vowed revenge and went after the dragon herself. While fighting it (and failing) more Dragon Hunters showed up and saved her. They saw her fighting skills and offered to teach her more. Having nothing to go back to, she agreed, and here she is. (Does this fit with the world you've imagined?)

Password: oops, see top

Other: she likes cloaks. Cause, I mean, they're amaaazing!


submitted by Starseeker, age 156 moons, Enterprise
(November 28, 2017 - 5:56 pm)

Yes, cloaks!

The password is in there just to make sure you read the rules. :) If you didn't, you wouldn't have read the password! I expect everyone will read the whole thing, so the password is just in case. 

submitted by Leeli
(November 29, 2017 - 9:20 am)

Hey but I'm not using Sora this time. Someone is welcome to use her if they like her character from the old thread, though. Hey and actually I think I'll have Calen be a novice Dragon Hunter like Sora was. So she can be, um, 18.

submitted by Aspen, @Tuxedo Kitten
(November 29, 2017 - 12:57 pm)

When can we start?

submitted by Aspen
(December 1, 2017 - 5:13 pm)
submitted by TOP hat
(December 1, 2017 - 8:06 pm)
submitted by Yeah, When can we start?
(December 2, 2017 - 8:48 am)

We can start today if you want! But I will most likely post in a few days.

submitted by Tuxedo Kitten
(December 2, 2017 - 11:16 am)

Okay top! No time to post right now but I will ASAP!

submitted by Aspen
(December 5, 2017 - 10:47 am)
submitted by Yay, now to the top!
(December 5, 2017 - 12:24 pm)