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Chatterbox: Inkwell
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Please give your opinion!
So... I was thinking of doing NaNo this year, then completely forgot. Oh well! I have several novel ideas in the works, and I was wondering if you guys could help me figure out which one to go with.
1. WWII story:
This one I've actually started writing, but kind of hit a rock wall. It's the year 1941, and Eleanor Hayashida is a cheerful and rather impulsive and immature 13-year-old. Then Pearl Harbor hits. Eleanor's family is Japanese-American, and her father, a businessman who has travelled to Japan in the past, is arrested by the FBI just a couple days later without a fair trial-- this sort of thing actually happened, though most of the people who were convicted were freed much sooner than Mr. Hayashida. I skipped actually writing the scene where he gets arrested, then wrote another chapter or two but couldn't figure out how to fill the approximately five months between the arrest and the relocation.
Roughly, Eleanor and the rest of her family are sent to an internment camp (basically a prison), where they deal with difficulties and meet new people, then work on making the camp a better place (ie putting together events, decorating housing units, idk what all) Eleanor grows in maturity, comes to new opinions about racism and what it means to be American, and maybe helps to get her father back in one way or another.
2. STEM girl story:
A short and more anecdotal book about a 10 or 11 yr-old homeschooled girl who loves science, but her homeschool co-op has a really dull science program. The girl works on improving this, gets to know her engineer neighbor who she is at first a little intimidated by, and deals with being the youngest in a fairly large family and with her brother going to college.
3. Choir story:
When a main character whose name I have not decided on yet (I'm really bad at this part lol) goes to her cousin's music performance, she knows she wants to be in a choir. However, her small town has little opportunity for this. She finally joins a tiny church or community choir that is dying despite the director's best efforts. I'm not sure why she joins this choir rather than one at a school... maybe the school doesn't have a choir or she's homeschooled. Anyway, something terrible happens (I'm pretty sure I know what but I'm not spoiling) and it is up to the main character(s) to bring the choir together. A lot of it is told out of chronological order and using varied writing styles and points of view to make it more interesting.
I like them all!
(November 12, 2017 - 9:52 am)
Well, since I'm really interested in WWII, I would go with the WWII story. It has a lot of emotional potential, and I'd love to read what you have written so far. If you're having trouble writing, just write further along in the story, and perhaps that bit will eventually reveal itself to you.
(November 12, 2017 - 11:07 am)
(November 12, 2017 - 4:12 pm)
I'm intersteted in the WWII story.
(November 12, 2017 - 7:31 pm)
Oh. My. Gosh. Please do the first one.
The Japanese internment camps are almost never talked about anymore, but they are so important in history, because America should not arrest their own citizens again. I’m Japanese American, so I’m sorry if I sound very...passionate. XD But that sounds like a really good plot. A lot of Japanese Americans died in those camps because of abuse by soldiers. I think it’d be cool if you wrote from the POV of someone going through that period in American/World history.
(November 12, 2017 - 8:22 pm)
I'm a serious WWII history buff, so the first one sounds pretty interesting! The Choir one sounds pretty cool, and I like the idea of being told out of chronological order.
(November 12, 2017 - 8:50 pm)
The WWII sounds like really good idea, the Japanese internment camps are sort of ignored in a lot of books.
(November 12, 2017 - 10:37 pm)
I like the WWII one, because there aren't that many books that talk about internment camps.
(November 12, 2017 - 11:42 pm)
These are all great, but I really love the first idea! Out of these, it seems to be the most developed, and the concept is very compelling. Plus, I'm a sucker for historical fiction. I already want to read that book!
(November 13, 2017 - 10:15 am)
I generally don't find myself liking many historical fiction books, and therefore don't usually read too many of them, but your first idea is definitly a book I'd pick up! It sounds really good, and I haven't seen many books with internment camps, and there really should be more.
(November 14, 2017 - 6:29 pm)