Harry Potter RP
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Harry Potter RP
Harry Potter RP
This is a... well, harry potter RP
you know the rules, right? oh well i'll post 'em
1,No OP charries.
2,All main charries must be first year. (we'll change that as we go,)
3,one charrie PER PERSON!!!
4, there will be twelve main charries (three from each house INCLUDING slytherin. yes. not all slytherins are evil)
Role (main, secondary, or background,):
Open to shipping?:
Pureblood or Muggleborn:
Name: Ian lightningstrike
House:"ian lightningstrike" Professor Swiftflight said. Ian walked, quivering with either excitment or nervousness, probably both, up to the Sorting hat hmmm, a good mix of courage, cunning, and brains, should it be ravenclaw, slytherin, or griffindor? it thought for what seemed like years, though it was probably only a few minutes. "RAVENCLAW!!!" It finally said as ian walked towards the ravenclaw table that all the clapping was coming from.(sorry, i needed to give you the full thing, if other main charrie's owners want to do this too it would be great!)
Apearence: dark skin, short brown hair, square-ish glasses, and brown eyes.
Wand:Hazel wood, with a Dragon heartstring core, 12 ½" and Hard flexibility.
Patronus:black and white cat.
Role(main, secondary, or background,):main
Open to shipping?:yup, but not til fourth year.
Pureblood or Muggleborn:Muggleborn
(November 10, 2017 - 3:44 pm)
(February 9, 2018 - 12:31 pm)
(February 12, 2018 - 11:04 am)
(February 18, 2018 - 4:02 pm)
(February 21, 2018 - 1:39 pm)
(February 22, 2018 - 10:54 am)
(February 22, 2018 - 12:02 pm)
As Professor McGonagall calls my name, I walk towards the wooden stool where I'll sit as the hat decides my family for the next seven years. Who came up with the idea that a scrap of fabric should sort us into our houses? The hat is placed on my head, and it slides down over my eyes. I hear a voice in my ear.
Well, we've got bravery, that's for sure, but what'll you do with your courage? Intelligence, but put to what use? I see pain in your head, pain and hostility. The only place for you is...
I walk to the cheering Slytherin table and sit down, thinking about what the sorting hat had said. Pain and hostility? Am I really that bad? My mood lifted as Keyla and Alice were sorted into Slytherin as well. We were somewhat disappointed when Leia was sorted into Gryffindor, but I guess we couldn't all be in the same house. At least we can still be friends. Dumbledore(?) stands up and says a few words about welcoming new students and not going into the Forbidden Forest, then the tables fill with food. I load my plate, then talk happily with my friends until we're dismissed to go to our dormitories. It's easier to relax now that the stress of sorting is out of the way. The prefects lead the first years through the dungeons to a stratch of blank wall. They tell us the passoword, 'sanguinis pura', then I crash before having a chance to change out of my robes.
(February 25, 2018 - 3:45 pm)
Okay, just a small exceprt from Keyla's Sorting:
I sit uncomfortably on the hardwood stool, waiting as the hat is still over by eyes. All I can see is darkness, and a slightly smell of mothballs. The fabric of the hat starts to make my eyelids itchy. A quiet voice speaks in my mind, saying, Hmmm. Have you ever considered seeing a psychyatrist? What? Never mind. Afraid. Plenty of wanting to prove yourself. Deep down in that mix is the potential for bravery. Certainly one to think things though-Wait, what did you mean by that first thing? About the psychyatrist? Yes. I was just pointing out that your mind is rather messed up. Lots of paranoia. I'm not paranoid! Yes, just tell that to the hat that can read your mind like a bad pulp novel. Look, did your parents just not learn to cope with the fact-SHHH, SHHH, someone will hear you! As I said, paranoid. Please don't inturrupt me. It is not my purpose nor place to make personal comments, sorry about that. Hmmm... Pain. Anger, though supressed. Anger at nobody ever accepting you, even your own parents. If this helps, they may get better over time. Guilt at being what you are. Afraid for your new friends. Well, considering everything in all, I think the best choice for you is....... SLYTHERIN!
The last word the hat yells out to the Great hall, making my eardrums feel like they're exploding with the force of its voice. McGonnagal whisks the hat off my head, and gentley pushes me off the stool towards the Slytherin table. The Slytherins are roaring with approval, and they're all clapping and beaming a lot. I'm feeling overwhelmed by the noise, but stumble to their table, and quickly sit down.
Okay actual time-line appropriate post:
The feast was good, but as soon as we get to the Slytherin girl dormitories, Airi has already crashed onto her bed, and is sound alseep immediately. I smile, watching her breath for a few moment, her chest rising up and down gently as she lies on the bed, curled up slightly. I realise after a second that watching my friend sleep is probably considered creepy, so I quickly busy myself with unpacking my trunk. As I unpack the various items fom my luggage, I admire how the dormitory is laid out. Spacious, with plenty of windows, one of which is centered right next to my bed, with moonlight streaming through. My hand comes close to touching the light, and I flinch, quickly drawing my hand away from the moonlight. Even if it's not full moon, I still have an aversion to moonlight, even when it's greenish tinged from traveling uner the Lake to my window. I shudder slightly, and quickly finish folding all my robes and everything. I look around, to see everyone already asleep in their beds, except for Alice, who's sitting on her bed, looking out the window into the Lake. I sigh, and quickly take my robes off, and put my pajamas on. I still don't feel that tired though, the full moon is a few days away, and the closer to the next full moon, the more rested I feel. Then I don't have an actual full night of sleep at the full moon, and then my body has to deal with the repurcusions for the rest of the month. I sigh and rub my eyes. I should still sleep. Timetables will be passed out tomorrow morning.
For a moment I stare at Airi's trunk, open and messy, since she was in the middle of unpacking when she fell alseep. I go over and pull the bedsheets over her, and then move her trunk over so that when she gets up in the morning, she won't trip over it. I get into my bed, already warm from hot water bottles that the house-elves must have put in their. I lie still for a few moment,s thinking over what the hat had said. Disturbing. Troubling. But I push out the thoughts, and settle back to go to sleep. I start to drift off to sleep, still watching the moonlight flicker and play across the green bedsheets.
Then I pull the bedcurtains around me, blocking off the light, and turn over to face the other side.
(February 25, 2018 - 7:17 pm)
Our dormitory is quite nice, even if it is underneath the school lake. Airi and Kayla had already had gone to sleep. I looked around. Even though I was content and happy, a nagging thought formed.
What if they're not really my friends?
Shaking it off, I pulled the covers up and went to sleep.
(February 25, 2018 - 9:19 pm)
Nice! Considering there was no post about Alice's experience with the hat, the hat (Boy he just looooves messing with people) might have spread doubt about who she really is in her mind. I like the ambiguety of that last bit.
(February 26, 2018 - 6:23 pm)
(March 5, 2018 - 4:30 pm)
Okay, I personally would like to continue this, if only because here I can actually write meh special scenes for my character. So yes people, I WILL TOP THIS.
(March 10, 2018 - 6:21 pm)
Name: Tessa Copley
Year: 1
House (i took it on Pottermore): Ravenclaw
Appearence: Dark Brown hair, freckles, brown eyes, hair is always in ponytail.
Wand: Sycamore wood, unicorn hair, 9 3/4 in, Flexible.
Patronus: Manx Cat
Role: Main
Gender: Female
Open to shiping?: No. Not at all
Pureblood or Muggleborn: Muggleborn
(March 18, 2018 - 9:03 am)
I have no time now, but I want to keep this alive and will post first thing tomorrow morning! TOP!
(March 29, 2018 - 7:21 pm)
Name: Zora
Year: 1
House: Hufflepuff
Apperence: skinny, sorta tall girl with beautiful wavy brown hair, beautiful
Wand: unicorn hair
Patronus: female gray tabby
Role: main
Gender: female
Open to shipping? yes, but not intull her 4rth year
p.s. Ian, can u be my best friend in the roleplay? plz?
(July 20, 2018 - 4:19 pm)