Crowd Source Story!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Crowd Source Story!
Crowd Source Story!
Hey guys! I'm putting together a crowd-source story. Anyone can contribute characters, lines, plots, inventions, or imaginary places. If I get enough suggestions I will write the first part of the story, but don't stop there! Keep the ideas coming so I can keep the story coming. You can even contribute artwork if you would like. I can't guarantee everyone's ideas, but I'll try my best. Comment if you have any questions. Admins can contribute too!!!
submitted by Jwyn , age 12, aMbER's Hideout
(October 19, 2017 - 4:04 pm)
(October 19, 2017 - 4:04 pm)
Plot Ideas;
Kids who live in an alternate reality with no humans. They realize they are from this other reality(a one similar to real life. They get back, but humans are overrated...
Just a weird idea. If we're doing that, I'll make a character and a character sheet for it.
Animal Type:
Name: Caw
Age: 12
Animal Type: Crow
Appearance: Light skin. Darkish brown hair. Sky blue eyes. Short.
Personality: Acts younger than they are, but not petulant. Very vulnerable, hides it by acting grumpy and mean.
Backstory: Lived with a loving crow family until they were two. They tried to fly, and fell down onto the ground. They almost died. An old crow found them and took care of them. Eventually, they were strong enough to live on their own, and they did and do.
(October 19, 2017 - 6:31 pm)
(October 25, 2017 - 11:50 am)
(October 19, 2017 - 8:15 pm)
Name: Teak
Age: 10
Animal Type: Raccoon
Apperance: Dark brown skin. Brown eyes, with gold flecks. Curly black hair, somewhere between wavy and full-on Afro curly. Tall.
Personality: Mischievous, and stubborn.
Backstory: Has a gigantic raccoon family she really loves. She always knew she was different, but she always thought her raccoon parents were her real ones- is very sad and conflicted when someone point blank tells her they're not her real family.
Other: Wears fake ears and tail made out of leaves and a long thin branch. Girl. Likes people of both genders.
(October 19, 2017 - 8:25 pm)
I love writing Dystopia, so I suggest writing about the future, whatever it may be, I’m just giving a general idea. I’m working on a Dystopian novel right now. XP
(October 19, 2017 - 8:35 pm)
Ooh good ideas! I was hoping for a kind of a SciFi/futuristic type of story. Nice idea for the plot! I think I might do that. This Will Be Fun!
(October 20, 2017 - 8:30 am)
(October 23, 2017 - 1:09 pm)
So should we do dystopia, or AUs and realistic fiction? (AU=Alternate Universe and Animal Universe)
Can we vote somehow?
Or are we waiting for more ideas?
P.S. If it's dystopia, can we make it not really typical? I don't know how, but not barren deserts and guns and radioactive fallout, basically.
(October 25, 2017 - 11:49 am)
Dystopian? AUs? Sounds great! I'll contribute later but I don't have time right now. Will also post my character.
(November 10, 2017 - 3:00 pm)
Let's bring this back! I thought this was a great idea and can everyone check this out and post?
-Autumn Moon
(January 21, 2018 - 3:23 pm)