Into the Real

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Into the Real

Into the Real World RP

Okay, this is a bit of a stretch. Here's the idea:

Characters from (fake) stories come from the said stories into the real world. There, regular kids will try to help them either to adjust or go back into the story. There can even be a villain or two that pops up with a plan for World Domination. Anything goes!


Here's the charrie sheet:


Age (10-17):

Real World or Storybook character:

If storybook, good guy or villain:



Something strange about themselves:

Favorite food:

Favorite color:

How they feel about World Domination:


Here's mine:

Name: Amber Caskew

Age:  12

RW or SC: Storybook character

Good guy or villain: Good guy

Appearance: Bright, blonde hair, brown eyes, pale skin, about 5 feet tall

Personality: Rebellious and always getting into trouble. However, she is loyal to the few friends she has.

Something strange: She could speak fluent Italian by the age of 2.

Favorite food: Spinach omelette

Favorite color: Silver

World Domination?: Kinda hoping someone does it, but definitely not for her.


You can have as many as 4 charries. Have fun! 

submitted by Child_of_Light
(October 15, 2017 - 4:43 pm)

Question! Can the SCs be from an RP on Cricket? Like from another thread, or is it like where you make up a character? Thanks!

submitted by Question
(October 15, 2017 - 5:23 pm)

Fine by me!

submitted by Child_of_light
(October 16, 2017 - 12:55 pm)

Hmm...  Do the "Storybook" characters have to be from "Storybooks?"  Because I was gonna make a book character based on the main antagonist of a dystopia that I'm writing.  If the answer is no, ignore this...

Name: Justin, but his alias is "Red" and no one really knows his real name.

Age (10-17): 17

Real World or Storybook character: Storybook

If storybook, good guy or villain: Villain

Appearance: Dark red hair,cruel reddish-brown eyes, tall, intimidating, (basically your typical villain), also has a mark on his neck that says "RWR," Never smiles unless he's wiith someone who shares his messed-up humor (Shipping...?), wears kinda beat-up clothes, but that's just because he's from a dystopia where everyone wants to kill him...

Personality: Sadistic, merciless, controlling, will do basically whatever to get control of his home world (The setting is the Baerlands, so if you see the name, don't get confused)

Something strange about themselves: He killed 2 people but since there's no legal system in the Baerlands he can get away with it.

Favorite food: apples (My first thought was "The flip?" but I decided to do it anyway.)

Favorite color: Red (How surprising. *claps slowly*)

How they feel about World Domination: Will do anything to get it

and I should make a character to go along with him... maybe his opposite!

Name: Alana, but again, has an alias; "Blue"

Age (10-17): 17

Real World or Storybook character: Storybook

If storybook, good guy or villain: good guy

Appearance: Shoulder-length blue-black hair in two ponytails (If you call them pigtails she'll get offended), blue eyes, looks kinda short and unthreatening, wears a RWR cap that has the letters crossed out with blue tape (How does one get tape in a desert wasteland?), has a kinda happy-looking face except when she's mad.

Personality: Pacifist, kind, leader, is cool-headed most of the time but if she gets mad you're in trouble, sarcastic, doesn't like Red

Something strange about themselves: Is kinda desperate for allies

Favorite food: chocolate (hard to come by in a wasteland, but I mean, if you can get it, why not?)

Favorite color: Yellow (surprise you much?)

How they feel about World Domination: Will do anything to stop it.

Hmm... I might make a character who is reading the book Red and Blue are from to try to get them to not destroy everything.

Name: Amaya Rowans

Age (10-17): 14

Real World or Storybook character: Real World

If storybook, good guy or villain: n/a

Appearance: Brown hair that goes halfway down her back, green eyes, tall, skinny, athletic

Personality: Serious, kinda itrovert-ish, peacekeeper, bookish, kinda mentally mature for her age (that's why she's reading the dystopia), can be a little absent-minded.

Something strange about themselves: She reads the last word of every book she reads before she starts.  (lel like me)

Favorite food: cookies!

Favorite color: Green

How they feel about World Domination: "Umm... I'd rather not..."

Woah that was long 

submitted by Lucy B., age 13, Emmilvien
(October 16, 2017 - 12:15 am)

When I said fake, I meant that you can't use characters that are in published books. Sorry if I was unclear about that!

submitted by Child_of_Light
(October 16, 2017 - 4:09 pm)

I want to start this RP in a few days, so please create a charrie!

submitted by Child_of_Light
(October 16, 2017 - 4:54 pm)

Name: Carrian Modd

Age (10-17): 16

Real World or Storybook character: Real World

Appearance: Chestnut hair, blue eyes, tan skin, about 5'7

Personality: Seems like a friendly, happy guy but actually is secretly the worst person you could ever interact with.

Something strange about themselves: He likes to tell people about how he has never really loved anyone.

Favorite food: pizza

Favorite color: green

How they feel about World Domination: Did someone say world domination!?! I have a whole power point on that I can show you!


Maybe the main villain? It's your choice!


Name: Quinn Veric

Age (10-17): 15

Real World or Storybook character:Storybook

If storybook, good guy or villain: meh, depends on who she loves 

Appearance: Black hair with golden eyes, pale skin, about 5'4, very athletic 

Personality: Not very trusting, kind of selfish, but can be self sacrificing at times

Something strange about themselves: She learned how to hold and wield a knife at age seven 

Favorite food: mac and cheese 

Favorite color: dark purple 

How they feel about World Domination: Not the best thing that could happen, but if it were, she'd better be somewhere near the top of the governmental power rankings. 


Maybe a bit shippy between these two?


submitted by Ghost Queen
(October 16, 2017 - 5:01 pm)

Sounds awesome!

Name: Kenzie Grant

Age: 13

RW or SC: Storybook character

Good guy or villain: Good guy

Appearance: dark curly hair, tan skin, intense hazel eyes, round face. Taller, about 5'3" and usually wears a sleek blue hoodie that can glow in the dark. 

Personality: talkative, social, but fine with listening to people for a long time.  Tends to get pessimistic easily. Tries to focus only on the good stuff so she doesn't depress everyone.  A smile isn't her automatic response, though she easily laughs. Very trusting, hhides her shock whenever someone lies. 

Something strange: she's naturally ambidextrous, often switches between hands 

Favorite food: blancmange

Favorite color: Persian blue

World Domination: nah. 


submitted by Cecilia S.
(October 16, 2017 - 6:10 pm)

Is she a hero or villain?

submitted by Child_of_Light
(October 16, 2017 - 6:41 pm)

Heres my other charries.

Name: Jonathan Polypepsicle

Age: 15

RW or SC: Real World

Appearance: Chocolate brown hair, bright blue eyes, tan, and about 5' 6'

Personality: Kind hearted and very caring. He's also very bright, and therefore, doesn't have many friends. (Possible crush on Amber)

Something strange: He could state the Pythagorean Thereom at the age of 4.

Favorite food: Letil soup

Favorite color: Army green


Name: Catherine Sampson

Age: 16

RW or SC: SC

Good guy or villain: Villian

Appearance: Black hair and purple eyes.  Ivory skin and 5' 2'

Personality: Cold-hearted. Tales joy in other people's misery (Crush on Jonathan)

Something strange: She is a total girly-girl but hates the color pink

Favorite food: Bran muffins

Favorite color: Sky blue

submitted by Child_of_Light
(October 16, 2017 - 6:38 pm)


World domination: Please no!


World domination: Totally 

submitted by Child_of_light
(October 16, 2017 - 6:40 pm)

Name: Charlotte (called Charlie) Worner

Age: 14

Real World or Storybook character: Real World

If storybook, good guy or villain: none

Appearance: Has long, straight dirty blond hair usually pulled back in a ponytail and blue-green eyes. Is short for her age and has a small, athletic frame. 

Personality: A tomboy. Really likes the outdoors and running around. Very talkative and extroverted. Also, very naive and childlike, and can be stupid about it. She's not very good at math. 

Something strange about themselves: When she reads, she vividly pictures the people in the book and can hear their voices, like a vision.

Favorite food: Apples

Favorite color: White, if that counts.

How they feel about World Domination: Really, strongly against it.

submitted by elementgirl18917
(October 16, 2017 - 7:32 pm)


reserving a spot. Will put charrie sheet up soon 

submitted by MJ's FRIEND, age 12, Californa
(October 16, 2017 - 9:19 pm)

Name: Ian Wilds

Age (10-17):11

Real World or Storybook character: storybook (inkwell page XD?)

If storybook, good guy(good guy?!? seriously?! HERO!!!)  or villain: hero.

Appearance:mohagony skin, gold eyes, short brown hair, square(ish) glasses.

Personality: nerdy, bookworm, kind, fierce in battle.

Something strange about themselves: can speak perfect cat.

Favorite food: SUSHI!!!

Favorite color: red.

How they feel about World Domination: GRAWR!!! MUST DEFEAT THOSE WHO THREATEN THIS WORLD!!!....

submitted by Catsclaw, age 11, the haunted library
(October 16, 2017 - 10:08 pm)

RP starts tomorrow. You can still create characters after it starts!

submitted by Child_of_Light
(October 17, 2017 - 3:34 pm)

And the RP starts now!


"Finished!" I smiled as I looked over my Pre-Calculus homework. As usual, no mistakes.

Walking over to my bed, I snagged my favorite book off of my nightstand. Lying down, I opened to the bookmarked page.

And Catherine looked at Amber with such malice that it would've stopped the heart of any normal person. But Amber wasn't normal. No, she was....

All of a sudden, the book started to glow. I jumped off the bed, the pages of the book facing open in the air. A silver mist swirled in the air, and all of a sudden, two girls appeared in my bedroom. 

submitted by Child_of_Light
(October 18, 2017 - 2:41 pm)