Epic Quest RPG!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Epic Quest RPG!
Epic Quest RPG!
To put it simply: I miss solo writes. But with Decepmyth? I couldn't keep it up. Kudos to Ruby (I almost typed RWBY lol) and his ski lodges. I don't know how he did it. So next, I tried GSD, which is working out pretty well. It's like half RP half solo write. This is going somewhere, I thought. I'm super busy and should be working on my novel, poetry, Governor's School application, or formatting for my poetry book, I thought. LET'S MAKE ANOTHER ONE AND IGNORE THE STUFF I HAVE pTO DO! I concluded.
So...to businesss...
Your character doesn't know it, but they have a quest in their future. A quest to save the world from evils they didn't know existed...and perhaps the evils buried in themselves.
I will stand as every obstical in your path. Every time things are going well, I will twist the story.
I will also stand as every kind act on your quest. When you are hopelessly lost, I am the one who opens their door to you.
I will be many characters that come and go.
When you have played out the latest story arc, I will enter in as narrarator to change things up a bit.
With that in mind, who are you? You can be anyone; from any situation and any walk of life. You don't know what's coming.
Please creat an original character to RP with. Please step out of the stereotypes and pick someone else. If your character is a kind and confident teenage girl who is ready for anything, you are probably need to add a special twist.
Personality quirks:
Things that drive your character:
Memories that have stuck with your character (can be in narrative format):
Moments, words, and/or people that have shaped your character:
Someone your character cares about in their life (can be another RPer or someone from your character or another character's backstory):
Someone your charater is jealous of (same rules apply):
As soon as we have about 3 characters, we can begin the quest. Characters can join at any time. For starters, here is a little opening...
Wet leaves stuck to the parking lot pavement in green and brown clumps. The wind was heavy and damp with passing rain, and clouds sagged towards the ground. It was not a good day to go hiking. And yet a constant wooden sign at the read, "Sweetgum berry trail. 4 miles." It was covered in leaves, blown down by the violent storm. The sign pointed towards a path where the thick curtain of trees parted. Further down the path, a young girl wearing a flowing pink shirt, tight jeans, and light-up pink tennis shoes was climbing the gentle incline of the trail purposely. But when the trail ended, the girl went on. Up, and up the gentle mountain, which got slightly steeper every few feet. The top was anticlimatic. Especially since a few warning signs and barricades warned lost hikers not to venture up so far. The girl looked over the edge at the slow decline below. She sat down, leaned against a tree, and waited. The sopping leaves rustled around her, forming foosteps. The girl didn't turn around. Someone leaned an elbow on the tree, raining bits of treebark down into the little girl's hair. She still didn't move. Not even when a low voice stated slowly.
"Azalea. You aren't dead."
And with that tantalizing and seemingly irelevant story segment, I will leave you to your character building. If you want to go big and add some crazy "MY CHARACTER IS THE BAD GUY" or "MY CHARACTER KNOWS THE SECRET" twist, go right ahead. I applaud you.
Oh yeah, and these two characters in the post above ^ will be important later.
And no, this isn't taking the place of GSD. I'll still post on that!
(October 4, 2017 - 8:08 pm)
I'll try and post as soon as I can!
(December 7, 2017 - 7:57 pm)
(December 8, 2017 - 6:06 pm)
My comment deleted. I'll try to rewrite it. Basically, Azalea tried to open a gateway to the world they are supposed to be going to from her like all-powerful black watch, but it failed and the adventurers were lost in the caverns.
(December 11, 2017 - 9:33 pm)
(January 19, 2018 - 5:33 am)
I actually liked this RP, it died after I joined. How messed up is that?
(February 28, 2018 - 2:39 am)